Chapter 42

Hunter woke up to a smell of dirty clothes, mud, and squawking. The sunlight pierced through his hazel eyes. He registered where he was; at a small apartment on a bed.

He didn't want to sit up, he didn't remember the last time he had slept on one. Hunter had slept on the grass, rocks, trees, and a few rooftops. Yes, all uncomfortable places. Whoever owned those places, chased him out.

He remembered those old officials if they were in his situation. Gods, he didn't want to know what kind of things they might do. Those boomers! (you're a mega boomer yourself bruh).

The door opened the smell of herbs spread through the room but he didn't notice. He was daydreaming of something. An old, friendly face came into his view, bringing him out of his daydream. "Hello dear~ you okay now?"

That's when it dawned on him, he was at a witch's house, in the mortal domain. Shock showed all over his face. Seeing that, Daphne reassured him. "Oh no, hon! Don't panic! I'm not going to sacrifice you! You fainted at my door, that's why you are inside."

He sat up and scratched his hair "how long was I out?" The old witch pulled the curtains to the side "a week and a half hon." That long? "I'm so sorry ma'am. You must have had a lot of trouble because of me."

"Don't be. Who knew that vampires can pass out for a week and a half but apologize for being a problem." She squished his cheeks, he liked that. "You're a cute one." She walked out of the room and yelled "If you like blood tofu, it's on the table! Also, take a bath, I kept clothes there! I'll be back!"


"Can't believe that the male mosquito woke up! Next time, I should crack the male and female mosquito's necks, so they both pass out!" Anastasia mumbled under her breath and Margret hit her on her friend's arm. She hit back and the cycle continues.

Daphne coughed and the 8-year-olds stopped fighting. Daphne opened the door "Ah! Dear! I guess you're feeling full now? And fresh?" Hunter gave a heart-shaped smile "yes ma'am. The blood tofu was nice." Daphne clapped her hands "good! Since you feel okay now, I bought two lovely ladies here. You know them very well."

Anastasia narrowed her eyes "Hello there, male mosquito."

He narrowed his eyes at her "hello witch." He spat 'witch' as if he was saying bitch. Daphne thought 'wow so much for sibling love. At least they didn't do something unforgivable.' She shook her head, removing all the negative thoughts. "Well, you might know Margret here!"

They didn't even glance at each other. Hunter thought the coffee table looked nice and Margret thought her feet looked pretty all of a sudden. Anna nudged her stepmother and whispered something in her ear. "Oh sorry! Well, you three know each other well. Margret would like to say something."

Margret widened her eyes "why me?" she pointed at herself. Anna glared at her "spit it out. My stepmother knows what happened. Why you left in the first place?" Margret bit her lip. Hunter waited for her answer. There was something more to her disappearance then!

She sighed "the reason I left was because of… your parents."