Chapter 45

It was nine at night. Anastasia was mopping the floors, Magret was wiping the counter. Hunter was back-hugging his girlfriend and Scarlett? She was posing like the statue of liberty. She extra.

Scarlett screamed at the top of her lungs for no exact reason. Everyone else in the cafe turned their heads at her and shrugged. 'Same shit, different day.' they thought.

She went up to Anastasia and jumped on her back. Scarlett yawned "You're like a tree." Anastasia hummed in response and went on with mopping. Hunter looked at them. How was she able to not fall with 100 pounds on her back LMAO?

It kind of reminded him of his parents, his mom called dad 'a tree of husband' and jump on his back. His dad went on with his business, not minding the 145 pounds on his back. Would have him and Margret been like that if they got married?

"all of you are so tall! It makes me feel like I'm in a bamboo groove!" His girlfriend snorted "ya! We feel like normal sky-scrapers while you're the small, odd building between us."

"don't listen to her, being short also has it's benefits." Scarlett put her chin on Anastasia's shoulder. She raised an eyebrow "like what?" Anastasia frowned and kept mopping "uhh~ you can get good lighting for a selfie?" Scarlett kicked Anastasia on the back of her leg.

The café was filled with giggles as Scarlett puffed her face. "cute." Anastasia muttered.


Margret was dancing in her room while cleaning. The music was blasting in her headphones and she was singing along. She was so immersed in singing and cleaning, she didn't notice her boyfriend was leaning against the doorframe. Listening to her belting out the lyrics badly.

A dirty yet catchy song came up. Margret wiggled her butt while singing.


"You might think I'm crazy

"The way I've been cravin'

"If I put it quite plainly

"Just gimme them, babies."

Hunter blushed like crazy. What the actual goddamn fuck is she singing? His girlfriend didn't notice him and kept singing the dirty, dirty, dirty lyrics.

"can you stay up all night?

"fuck me 'til the daylight


He smirked thinking of something and surprised her by back hugging. She removed her headphones and smiled "Hi hon." He gave a lazy smile which made her insides turn. He whispered into her ears "so you want me to fuck you 'til daylight?" He raised an eyebrow.

Margret blushed and averted her eyes. "uhh~ about that." He didn't let her answer and started kissing her neck. Neck kisses always melted her, she wouldn't think straight. Margret slipped into gibberish, he smiled against her neck and continued.

From the living room, Anastasia was disgusted. They forgot there was another person in the vicinity. "ugh! It's time to pick Scarlett from school then!" With that, she left the apartment, disgusted.

Her best friend wanted to curse her for leaving but her mind said two words. Oh, fuck!


Scarlett tilted her head towards Anastasia "why did you come here early?" She gave her a lazy side glance "something dirty is happening at home." Scarlett gasped widening her eyes. She wasn't that innocent, thank you fanfics for ruining her innocence.

"so you want to go home now?" Scarlett blushed "no!" she bit her nails thinking about something. "I know there's a carnival going on here. Can we go there?" Anastasia shrugged "okay~ anywhere away from the horny animals." Scarlett hit her on the arm. "lead the way then."