Chapter 5

A month went by, and Anastasia didn't know when she should confront her parents. Her mom was weak, her dad was tired, heck everybody was tired. The entire palace was.

The new babies were fucking cute, slept all day, ate all day, and mostly did nothing. But at exactly 2 am they'll randomly start crying. It took a toll on nearly everyone. Well, except her older siblings and her best friend.

Those three fuckers had their own mansions, duties, and established dominance in their assigned kingdoms while she had to tend to her younger siblings. She had her own mansion and duties in her assigned kingdom, but she wasn't welcome.

Why she never established dominance? Witches were homophobic, they talked shit about her even when she was in front of them. She never gave a fuck about their bad-mouthing and rumors even though she wanted to torture them so much, they'll never ask for another life.

You know what? That's why they never took her seriously. They can bitch all they want and she won't care about it. When she finds a witch bitching about her, she'll become the demoness they picture as her to be.

She wouldn't care if they spread more rumors of her, but punishing one of them will discipline everyone. She won't care, but she'll give a fuck about their bitching.


Warning: Homophobic slurs ahead (I'm not homophobic, I'm questioning my sexuality sis)

As soon as Anastasia stepped into the witch kingdom, the badmouthing started. "Hey look! It's that dyke!" everyone around her started murmuring among each other and pointed at her.

"What's this bitch doing here?"

"Does she want to show off her status?"

"That bitch probably is going to kidnap and rape one of us. As expected of a dyke."

Anastasia smirked and started laughing, silencing everyone. Tears came out of her eyes, and she felt abs would appear on her stomach, but she didn't stop laughing. Every one started murmuring among each other.

"Has she gone crazy at last?"

"Did her subconscious took over her?"

"She's crazy!"

Once she was done and opened her eyes, they were glowing in pure anger and bloodlust. As if the weather was going wild in her eyes, alarming everyone more. She chuckled at their defensive stances. "Ya know, I have been too easy on your rumors and bitching. I'm the assigned ruler of the witch kingdom, yet I never gave a fuck about it.

"And to top it off, you have the guts to bitch about me right in front of my face. I guess have to discipline everyone like animals."

At the back, Helena gritted her teeth. Her plan was backfiring. She thought that dyke would be affected by fake rumors, but that bitch had never been affected and now was going to discipline everyone like dogs.

So here's a little introduction on this lady, she was Hunter's first hook up. She was the one who had started all the rumors of Anastasia being a lesbian. She was more delighted when it turned out to be true.

Then she started more rumors of how Anastasia tried to rape her when she was already having a relationship with Hunter. And that's why Hunter left her to keep her safe from that dyke. She even made another rumor that Hunter just had other hookups for show and they met in secret.

Hunter never liked her, but since they have slept with each other five times in the past, was enough to prove she was his first love. With that, Helena gained more sympathy, and they threw more hate at Anastasia.

The reason she started these was that she hated Anastasia to the core. That dyke had ignored and arrogant with her all the time when Helena was with Hunter. She thought she'll brag how Anastasia was nice to her when she was in the palace, gaining an influential position by the witches.

Anastasia didn't even talk to her or breathe in her direction, which was okay. She thought Anastasia would at least speak about her in public, but she didn't. Which bought out all the hate for Anastasia.

If Anastasia's dominant side wasn't witch, Helena could've easily put a charm on the royal family, she would've been with Hunter and have a position in the royal family. She could've had Hunter all of herself without that low life torturing bitch interfering.

Then she could again place a charm on the royal family to kill themselves except Hunter. And that's how she'll be the empress of the immortal kingdom. The worse thing was, she didn't just love Hunter; she was obsessed with him. She wouldn't care if he had affairs. She'll kill the whores with a wave of her hand, earning respect and fear from him.

She wanted power, money, to be the empress, and Hunter.

If Margret ever found out about Helena's fantasy, she'll break her head with a baseball and drag her to the pits of hell for four reasons. One: nobody dares to overthrow the royal family except the younger generation.

Two: nobody dares to steal her man. Three: nobody dares to have such fantasies of being the empress of the empire. Four: nobody dares to kill her best friend! Nobody will touch her main bitch!

Helena made her way to the front and started generating tears from her eyes like instant noodles. "You rapist! Just because their majesties have assigned your highness as ruler and your highness is a lesbian, doesn't mean you can pick up anyone and rape them for your pleasures! Please don't let them suffer from something I have gone through! Please don't!"

Tears started slowing from her face like the shower which gained sympathy from the witches and hate was thrown at Anastasia again. Hearing the bad-mouthing, she smirked inwardly and kept crying.

"Poor Helena. She must've been terrified when that dyke tried to forcefully to bed her."

"If that dyke was a normal immortal, she would've been killed for such a sin!"

"Helena suffered so much, that dyke's parents should arrest her for such a sin! They have placed a rule that nobody should rape another immortal, if they did we would cut their heads off in public!"

"That bitch probably placed a charm on them and that's why they're so blind! As expected from a dyke!"

Zap! Lightning hit the two witches who insulted the emperor and empress. The witches didn't even have a chance to scream in pain as their souls were already floating to hell. Their bodies dropped dead.

It horrified everyone. They tilted their head towards Anastasia and were even more horrified. Her eyes were crackling with lightning and her face had a murderous smile. "Bitch all you want about me but insult my family and your fate's in my hands."

Helena gritted her teeth inwardly and started shedding tears like fur on an animal. She sniffed and yelled. "Your highness! Please stop making a scene! Even if your highness is the ruler of the witch kingdom, your reputation is already worse, and killing two witches in broad daylight is making it even more at stake! Please go away for the sake of your image!"

Hearing this fake caring speech, the surrounding witches couldn't help but feel touched. Helena was defending her rapist. She was such a kind-hearted woman.