Chapter 21

Saturday came in and Scarlett wanted to die. She had already sent Ailey a message that she'll be coming with someone.

Ailey said it was okay since the more the merrier. Can she stop being fake enthusiastic, for god's sake? Ugh.

Why did she even agree to it again? She hates everyone there, and she hates people but never showed it. Ugh. well, at least Anastasia, Michael, and Manchu are going to be there.

Ailey had sent all the details to her. The get-together was at a famous restaurant ten minutes away from the penthouse.

Some guy from her class had rented out the party hall for them from 5 pm to 12 am.

When they entered the designated place, the entire room went silent. Sure, Scarlett could've bought the chubby girl or person always seen in pictures with her.

But the most famous woman in the district had appeared along with her? What the heck? Is this a plot twist?

As the rumors told, she was tall and fricking gorgeous. Girls and guys felt so insecure. Even as a woman, she looked pretty as heck. Imagine if she were a guy? All the ladies would be crushing on her like crazy.

People told Asians were short, but Scarlett's classmates weren't disappointed or surprised at all; she was like an Asian and a European combined! Her appearance was something unexpected and out of the world!

A face of a doll, eyes in the color of ice, straight platinum blonde hair, and a perfect figure. She could've been a model instead and beat top supermodels just by appearance, but okay.

Scarlett noticed how everyone stared at Anastasia with shock, heart eyes, and a bit of envy. Scarlett made a face and mocked them in her mind.

Dang, ya'll never seen a person like her or something? Damn, stop staring at her like predators!

Everyone stared at Anastasia with wide eyes, and their jaw hung open, making her uncomfortable. Ailey was the first one to break out of her shock. "Oh Scarlett, you're here! Along with miss…"

"Just call me Anastasia, I don't mind." her voice caused everyone's hearts to skip a beat. Her voice was low for a woman and so soothing to hear. They kept staring at her.

"Can you all stop staring at me like creeps and go on with your business?" Anastasia mumbled clear enough for everyone to hear.

Everyone blushed in embarrassment and went on with talking to each other but stole a few glances at her. Anastasia whispered something to Scarlett before she got dragged by Ailey away.

Ailey dragged Scarlett so harshly that she assumed her arm would dislocate. They reached a corner and Ailey whispered. "Why didn't you tell me that she was going to come along with you?!"

"You said that I could bring whoever I want, so I brought her!"

"Are you stupid or something?! She's a CEO, and she probably got no time for stupid reunions!"

Noth of them glanced back at Anastasia. She was sitting on a nearby chair and scrolling through her phone. She looked like an angel with the light gently caressing her skin. She was wearing a white shirt with jeans and Timberlands. Girls couldn't help but be attracted to her.

Scarlett scoffed. "She's got nothing to do, so I brought her here. Avery was in no mood for coming here, and they wanted to go out with the puppies they bought. The weird couple were going on a date today an-"

"Wait wait wait, who's the weird couple you talking about?"

"Oh wait, I ain't at the building. The weird couple is Margret and Hunter. They are crazy. As I was saying, both of them had a date and Anastasia had nothing to do at all. So I brought her here."

Ailey blinked in shock. "You just brought her here just like that? And you call miss Anastasia's brother and sister-in-law a weird couple?! They don't kill you at all?"

"Eh? Why would they kill me just like that? Oh, wait, you don't live here." Scarlett realized that and Ailey surprisingly squealed.

"Oh my god! I have a friend who's close to the Annesley-Lyttelton siblings! This is such a dream come true!"

The girl uneasily answered. "Yeah, okay. Hehe." inside she questioned Ailey's sanity. Is she like a fangirl of them, or is she a spy for the rival companies?

Yesterday she heard Anastasia, Margret, and Hunter cursing other companies. Even if they had weird companies, sometimes your money can be gone. That was one of her theories.

Anastasia was getting even more anxious with everyone staring at her. When was Scarlett coming back? Her classmates were talking to each other, but once in a while, they stole glances at her.

It provoked a fear inside her. People judge you like a piece of art. If you ain't up to their taste, they talk shit about you and spread fake rumors about you. She didn't want that incident once again. It was too crushing for her.

This was one of the times she regretted coming to the public's eye. Mortals may be nice, but they can be two-faced as well.

She heard the door open, and she sighed in relief. At last, everyone's attention would be on the new person for a few seconds.

She heard everybody gasped, and her head jerked towards the door. Eh? It was just a couple, what's the huge deal?

Everyone, including Scarlett and Ailey, was shaken to the core. At the door, Skylar Bates' hand was around Jasper's arm with a smirk on her face. As if she won the Olympics.

What shook everybody except Anastasia the most was Jasper's aura was cold and aloof instead of his cute, bubbly personality.

The entire class thought the same thing; How did they get together just like that?! Didn't Jasper hate Skylar to the core?!