Chapter 23

Warning: triggering contents ahead. If this has happened to you, I'm so sorry please don't read it for your sake.

Scarlett was drying her hands. She started sneezing a lot suddenly and had to excuse herself to go to the restroom. She had stopped sneezing at last, and her nose felt weird. If she's going to sneeze again, she'll cut off her nose.

She came outside and bumped into someone. She looked up, and it was Jasper. "Excuse me." She walked past him. She was about to open the door when she heard. "Wait!"


"Can we talk?"

"You can give me your number later, then we can talk. For now, excuse me." She opened the door, but it slammed shut because of Jasper's hand. "Can we talk? Like right now? It's important."

She rolled her eyes and folded her arms. "Alright speak."

"How about somewhere else? Like away from the door?"

"Ugh, okay." Both of them stood facing each other near the stairs.

"Speak. I don't have enough time."

He audibly gulped and hung his head low. "I really, really like you."

Scarlett blinked. "What?"

"Look I really like you, no I love you. I've been in love with you since the day we met. My relationship with Skylar is only one-sided. She still makes me uncomfortable, and she forced me to be in a relationship with her because of something. I can break up with her right now and we can have a relationship!"

The look on her face reminded him of when he makes his mom mad in public and she can't kill him yet. Scarlett chuckled. "So you've been using Skylar for sex? Then you impregnate her with your child?!"

Her voice went higher. "And go on with your fantasy like I have the same feelings towards you?!"

"If it makes you happy, I can make her abort it!"

Scarlett didn't believe her ears. Jasper had gone to an unloyal bastard! The audacity of this fucker!

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. "Look Jasper, I may hate Skylar like hell, she's a psycho who's obsessive about you but I'm a woman. She has feelings for you since high school.

"She's pregnant with your child and you have the audacity to decide to break up with her and abort your kid, then get along with me as if I have agreed! As a woman, I'm disgusted by you. So no! I reject you!"

She turned away from him and he gritted his teeth. He caged her between the stair railings. Scarlett frowned and tried to push him away. "Jasper, let me go!"

He spat out all of his anger. "I've been hitting on you like a gentleman since highschool and yet you still reject me?! I've been a nice guy to you, don't girls like you like nice guys?! I'm a nice guy. Why aren't you accepting me?!

"I've asked you out, but you rejected me and I agreed to that, then kept being friends with you even after you rejected me! I'm offering to be loyal to you and break up with that psycho! Why aren't you accepting that!?"

"Jasper, let me go. This is the last time I'm saying this or you'll regret it!"

"No, I don't think so I will."

He held her jaw with a harsh grip and kissed her. He bit her lip, but she didn't open her mouth even if it was bleeding. Scarlett tried to push him away, but he was too strong. She hated being weak. She tried to kick him in the soft spot but he had locked her legs with his.

He pulled away and mumbled. "Why isn't that drug still not working?"

Drug?! What drug?! Scarlett's mind panicked, and she wanted to cry out for help. But there was no one around.

Anastasia worriedly glanced at the empty seat beside her. That idiot was sneezing like crazy before and had to go to the restroom. When she was gone, even that guy who was in a relationship with the bully also stood and went outside.

Her gut said something was happening because of him. Fuck.

Wordlessly, she stood up and strode towards the door. She opened it and checked both sides of the corridor. She wandered into the bathroom, but there was no one there.

She heard something falling and crying. Anastasia tried to follow the sound of crying and what she found was shocking.

Scarlett was crouching against a wall with her legs tied up with a belt. The guy was hovering over her with just boxers on. "Now, shut up. If you stop crying, it'll be finished soon."

Anastasia saw red. This happened already and now, a wildfire spread through her body. She pulled him away by the neck and threw him on the ground. "What the fu-"

She didn't let him talk as she started kicking his stomach hard. He kept begging her to stop, but she didn't until he started coughing out blood. Her Timberland boots did a good job.

She lifted him in a chokehold. He tried to remove her fingers from his, but she kept applying pressure on his windpipe. If she goes on, he'll die soon. That thought made her smirk.

Due to all the noise outside, everyone stood up to investigate, and the scene was shocking.

Scarlett was crying near the stairs while Anastasia was about to end Jasper's life if she snapped his neck. There was blood coming out of his mouth and trickling down his throat, and there was blood on Anastasia's shoes and the floor as well. His clothes were discarded somewhere in a far corner.

Some people rushed to Anastasia to calm her down while some, including Ailey, Manchu, and Michael consoled Scarlett. Anastasia dropped Jasper just like that, but the scary smirk on her face didn't go away.

Skylar pushed everyone and made her way upfront. "Babe!" She rushed towards Jasper, but Anastasia held her back and forcefully made her face her.

"Who do you thi-" Slap! A crisp sound of a slap rang through the air, shocking everyone. Anastasia had slapped Skylar so hard that she nearly fell down.

"Did you know what he did to her? He was cheating on you right now. I found both of them over there." She couldn't believe what she heard, and so did the rest. Anastasia wasn't taking Scarlett's side?! What the fuck?!

"What? Scarlett, you, at last, stole my man?! Are you happy!? I knew this would happen! As expected of a white lotus bi-"

Anastasia slapped Skylar once again. She wiped her hands and mumbled. "That felt good. I wanted to slap this bitch from the starting."

She looked her dead in the eye and said. "You know, he wasn't cheating on you. Scarlett didn't look like she had agreed to it, and she's the type who isn't a home-wrecker.

"I saw her crying near the stairs, and your oh-so-loyal boyfriend was already naked in front of her. I heard him say something. Hmm, what was it? Skylar's oh so loyal boyfriend, can you do the honors to say what it was?"

Jasper shook his head. "I didn't say anything, Scarlett had made me do so. Babe, tell her, you know I'm loyal to you!" And Anastasia gave out a laugh. She glared at him and he saw her eyes going wild, like a thunderstorm in Canada. "Honey, please say it or it won't be good."

"I-I-I didn't say anything! She's lying! I seriously didn't do anything! Scarlett and this girl are trying to dupe me! Babe, I'm telling the truth!" Anastasia gave him a sweet smile. She strode over to him and he stood there frozen. He wanted to move, cry out for help, but he couldn't. It was as if his muscles had suddenly stopped working.

She placed a finger on his forehead, sending a slight shock to his head. Out of fear and pain, he blurted out the truth. "Now, shut up. If you stop crying, it'll be finished soon."

It confused everyone; she placed her finger on his forehead but he told what she heard before? He must've been so scared of her, that he spat it out.

That's what everyone thought, Anastasia had sent minor shocks to their heads as well so that nobody can doubt and question her actions.

"So," she faced Skylar and her face didn't look that good. She was scared, shaken to the core, and panicking at the same time. "Dear Skylar, would you like to start a scene now?"