Chapter 49

After taking a shower in the guest room's bathroom, Cassandra came inside outside of the room. Anastasia was sitting right there and looked up from her phone. "You're here."

"I can see that."

"... okay, sit here."


"So why are you actually here?"

"Uhh I'm bored, and I decided to come here."

"I know that's not the actual reason, Cassandra. Stop lying."

She breathed out. "Fine, I'm actually bored, but I came here but the actual reason I came here is because me and my dudes found the seer's body here, in the mortal domain."


"Yeah, I came here a few days ago, since someone found her body on the capital city's outskirts. We are guessing that she passed away a few days ago.

"Her body was actually not that good in shape, fuck you can't even can't it as a body at all. She had gone through horrendous torture and sexual abuse."

"What else?"

"Uhh, we even found DNA from many species and creatures in her body. Most of them are from criminals that had been punished thousands of years ago, but someone had anonymously decided to bail them out.

"But the funniest thing is that we found their bodies scattered across the entire empire. And we had found their bodies like just a day before we found the seer's body."


"Sis, this person behind this is fricking smart and is playing games with us. They're probably two steps ahead of us."

Anastasia then remembered something and gasped. "Sis, you found the seer's body in the outskirts right?"


"Which part? The southwest part?"


"So who told you about it?"

"Our stupid fuckboy cousin did." Then Cassandra realised something. "Fuck it's probably him!"

"Yes! You fucking idiot! We have to arrest him now!"

"Okay, I'll go call my dudes and we'll arrest him now! Avery, you're coming with me!"

Avery was taking a bite of ice cream and looked up. "Why?"

"We've found our first suspect!"

"Fine, I'm coming. I'm bored anyway."


Scarlett was having a bad dream. She was dreaming that she was being chased by someone. She didn't know who it was, but someone was chasing her.

"Ha… ha… ha…" she gasped for breath while holding her skirt up. Wait, why is she wearing a skirt? Fuck it, she's hearing maniacal laughter right now!

Suddenly her hair was pulled from behind, and she was lifted above the ground. "Now I got you!"

She heard a knife being pulled out, and the person was about to stab her with it. Then she woke up with a jolt.

It was raining outside and thunder suddenly boomed along with lightning. Her room was cold, and she was tucked in with a lot of blankets.

Suddenly, she felt something wet on her forehead. It was a wet cloth on her head. What was it doing here? She wiped her face with it and was about to get up when she felt a hand beside her.

"Gaaaaaaaaah!" she screamed, and Anastasia jolted awake. "What?! Who's there!? Oh, you woke up.… why did you scream?"

"Uhh, I felt your hand without knowing it was cold and your hands are really cold. I got scared that a murder happened beside me."

"... You're weird."

Scarlett gave a tight smile. "Umm, why am I bundled up in blankets? And why is there a wet cloth on my forehead?"

"You had a fever, and I called my mom. Then she told me what she did when I was younger when I got sick.

"She would bundle me up in blankets and so that I would sweat. And it would bring down my temperature.

"Then she would put a wet cloth on my forehead to bring the temperature down again."

Scarlett nodded. "Oh, I guess it worked."



The awkward silence. Both of them didn't know what to say next. Anastasia then remembered something. "Wait here!"

She ran out of Scarlett's room and Scarlett sarcastically thought; I don't look like I'm going anywhere!

She came back with a few pills and medicine bottles. "Take these."

"Uhh, do you know what these are?"

"Yes, do you think I'm that stupid? Now take it!"

"Uhh, but do you know that I can just take one of them instead, right? You didn't have to bring that many. And you forgot to bring water too."

"Oh," Anastasia guiltily smiled. "I didn't know what flavour you'd like."

Scarlett slapped her forehead. "You're an idiot. I'll take them, anyway."

"Okay~ anyway I ordered your favourite food for us to eat."

Scarlett suddenly got interested in what she ordered. She had too many favourites for her to count on her fingers. Why can't this French fry be specific?! "Uh what is it and when is it coming though?"

Anastasia checked her phone, and her eyes widened a bit. "It's here! I'll go downstairs and bring it, okay? Now bye~!" with that she once again ran out of Scarlett's room.