Chapter 4

Reese looked at the pictures of Anastasia and Scarlett being happy with each other and threw his phone at his bed in frustration. Yes, he was Scarlett's ex who said she'll regret leaving him, but it looked like he was regretting it.

Scarlett was happy with her new girlfriend while he is being scolded by his entire family. They kept scolding him for messing up his fifteenth relationship and were discussing putting him in an arranged marriage already.

Reese never wanted to be married, fuck he never did want to be in a relationship. He was in his 20s and still wanted to enjoy life already.

He got into relationships because he wanted to satisfy his parents. He thought that Scarlett and he would click and then he would, at last, satisfy his parents. But he ended up saying things that hurt her out of anger and he wanted to apologize about it to her.

He went to her house, but her roommate reported him as some crazy, obsessed stalker ex to everyone. He just wanted to apologize to Scarlett and they can continue being friends or strangers.

That roommate of hers was refusing to let him even talk to Scarlett, but then he found out she had gotten into an accident after a few weeks.

He didn't know what hospital she was in, but then her roommate was no longer there and some weird biker dude came there with some puppies and cats.

"Thinking about something?" He flinched at the voice and turned around to see a dude from one of those historical dramas Scarlett used to watch. To be honest, he looked really good.

"Who are you and how did you get into my house?!"

Wang Hongmei put his hands up and said. "Whoa, dude! Don't worry, Reese. I won't hurt you. I just wanted to talk with you."

Reese frowned. "How did you know my name?!"

Wang Hongmei ignored his words and sat on the nearest chair. "Anyway, can I have a glass of water?"

"Look, I don't know how you are and how you got in here, but please leave before I call the police." Reese was about to leave the room and pick up the landline to call the police when he heard.

"Don't you want to satisfy your parents? I can help you with that." Reese stopped in his steps and turned around. "What did you say?"

Wang Hongmei shrugged and walked up to one of the paintings Reese had done. "I said,'' Do you want help to satisfy your parents? They do want you to get a wife as soon as possible though."

"How do you know about my life?" Reese whispered in shock.

"Look, I got my eyes everywhere and I know that you want something that I want as well."

Reese felt this dude was really weird, but he went along. "What is it?"

Wang Hongmei took out his phone and showed Anastasia's and Scarlett's picture. "Do you know that blonde Asian chick?"

"Anastasia Annesley, yeah I do."

"Well, she was my fiance but my parents and her parents canceled our engagement after she confessed that she didn't like me at all."

"Umm, that's sad to hear. I'm sorry about that."

"Yeah. And you know that dark chick, right? She's your ex and you do want her back."

Reese slightly shook his head. "Actually, I don't. I just regret it. I'm sorry, but you gotta move on."

Wang Hongmei glared. "And guess what? I didn't and so did you. You are just thinking that jealousy as regret. We both are regretting it and are jealous right now. So I'll make this clear; you get the dark chick first and I'll get my ex-fiance back."

"Uhh, I really don't know you, so can you please leave now? I do regret it and I'm sure that's not jealousy. So I'm not going to help you with your jealousy and break them up." Reese shook his head and backed away.

"Well then," Wang Hongmei crazily smiled and Reese felt something bad was going to happen. "Since you don't want to help me, then I'll show you why you should help me."

Then both of them had suddenly disappeared into thin air.

While that was happening, two girlfriends were cuddling with each other in bed while watching Disney movies. Scarlett was having bad period cramps, so they decided to not go outside for their date.



"Why do you, Cassandra and Hunter, are siblings yet look so different? Like you look Asian with blonde hair and blue eyes yet they look like me."

"Oh. I took my mom's genes and both of them took on my dad's genes."

"So your mom's got blonde hair and blue eyes?"

"No! Well, I got my grandfather's genes. He had blond hair and blue eyes." She said. It was a lie, but it wasn't the entire truth either. Just a truth lie.

"And your grandparents were like me?"



"I don't know. My family's filled with crazy people so it's normal for us to look bizarre."

"Oh… can I ask you something?"


"Can you be my girlfriend?" Scarlett shyly asked, and Anastasia looked at her like bruh. She literally kissed you like a million times.

"What kind of question is that?"


"Of course, yes! Then why would I even kiss you like a million times today?"

"Oh… can you get me more hot chocolate?"

"Okay honey bear."

"Stop calling me that!" Scarlett hid her face in the blankets.

"Why? You don't like it?"

"I do. But… I'm still not used to being called cute names."

"Well, get used to it, my love."

"Yaa! Stop making me blush!"

Anastasia slightly chuckled. "Cute."