Chapter 6

(few hours ago)

Warning: mentioning of racial stereotypes and other disturbing stuff. Please don't read this if you find these triggering.

Scarlett was walking back home at eight something after thirty from her friend's house. That annoying class president had moved here and had thrown a housewarming party. She didn't want to go there, but she went there to be polite. And for the food.

Scarlett went there at five and found the entire place full. She found that annoying class president and congratulated her, then went to where the food was. When it comes to food, she'll go anywhere. And she ate too much over there and felt queasy.

She reached a really dark part of the neighbourhood and was turning on the torch app on her phone. She didn't know what happened but felt someone throwing a sac over her head and then lifted her above the ground. She screamed, but the person slapped her so hard that she felt her ears ringing.

"Shut up before I cut your tongue!" that person yelled.

She suddenly felt as she was being thrown into something and hit a seat. She heard the door of the vehicle closing and heard someone yelled. "Come on! Fast! Otherwise boss would cut off our dicks if we arrive late!"

She tried to lift her hands up, but she looked down and saw her hands tied up with a rope. She tried to move her legs, but they were also tied up. How is her entire body tied up!? How?! What the fuck is going on!?

The entire ride was bumpy, and she felt queasy even more. She shouldn't have been greedy and at nearly everything there. The vehicle suddenly stopped, and the door opened. She felt hands on her legs and the next second she was dragged out of the vehicle.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Her head hit a lot of rocks, and she smelt a metallic smell around her. Either her head was bleeding or she was being dragged on some mineral rich soil.

She was finally left alone and heard foldable chairs being assembled. "Should we do something to her?" one guy said.

"Are you crazy?! Do you want to die in Young master's hands!? He clearly said not a finger should be laid on her otherwise we would be dead! And he clearly said that he'll be the one to deal with her!"

"But I still want to have some fun!"

"Go fuck some other person! Young master would cut off your jewels if you try to lay a finger on her."

"Meh! But to be honest, her girlfriend is more fuckable. You know how those bitches are, submissive and tight holes."

"I know right."

(a/n: they are talking about witches. Not Asian girls, okay? I just put this as a racial stereotype for witches and I do know it's also one for Asian girls. But in any way, I'm sorry if any of you had gone through that.)

Scarlett couldn't her anger. They were talking such dirty things about her girlfriend?! She personally wanted to bite their faces off and then roast them over lava while they were buttnaked! Die bitches!

Also, who was this young master they were talking about? What is this, the seventeenth century? Did they get the wrong person? I'm sorry people, y'all might have time traveled from the seventeenth century to the twenty-first century!

Unfortunately, she was slowly feeling sleepy and dozed off. The food she had eaten before was really heavy, and heavy food made Scarlett sleepy. That and the insects making sounds surrounding them.

This time, she had a good dream. All of her dreams before were some kind of nightmare. Someone trying to kill her, someone chasing her, someone watching her. It was all of her fears repeating. Also, the person was the same one in her dreams.

She never got a good glimpse of them, but she heard the same voice. They kept reappearing in her dreams, but she didn't say anything to her girlfriend or to any of her friends about it.

This time, she dreamt of her younger self. She was chasing some kind of weird butterfly in a field while two people were under a tea talking with each other.

"Swann! Come here honey!" her younger self ran up to the couple and Scarlett frowned. Wait, that wasn't her actual name. Why is she going to them?

"Yes, mommy?"

"We have to go home now."


"Because we have work to do at home."


The woman was about to glare at her, but her husband then crouched down to her younger self's height. "Swann, mommy is going to make cookies for you! You do want cookies right?"

Her younger self suddenly lit up and clapped her chubby hands in joy. "Yay! Cookies!"

"So can we go home now?"

Her younger self nodded and cutely raised her hands. "Daddy! Pick me up!"

"Of course, baby."

The scene suddenly changed from a happy one to a scary and depressing scene. She saw her younger self peacefully sleeping on a bed, and she heard her parents arguing outside. She looked at her younger self once again and walked through the door.

She saw her mother crying, and her father was hugging her. "Honey, you know he'll kill us both later. If we give our daughter to him, at least Swann would be okay."

"But I don't want to give my daughter to that bastard! Who knows what kind of things he'll do to her!" her mother shouted through her tears and Scarlett saw a slight resemblance in her with Scarlett. She had a heart-shaped face and huge eyes.

"Honey, he told us she'll just be one of his children's companions. His children wouldn't do anything to her."


Her mother's words were cut off by the door being kicked open. A man wearing a hanfu walked over and said. "So did you decide that you'll give your daughter as my children's companion?"

"Yes. We'll give her to you." to her surprise, her mother spoke. She didn't know that hot tears were spilling out of her eyes. She felt betrayed by her own mother. How can she do this to her?

"Good then. Where is she?" Scarlett finally had a good look on that person's face and her eyes widened. It was the same man who dragged her hair in her nightmare.

And that voice, it reminded her of the man from her nightmares.

Due to the sudden shock, she jolted awake. She looked around and found herself in a not so familiar environment. This place, it was in one of her nightmares as well.

It was really dark, and she smelt blood and something rotten as well. She nearly fell down when she saw two figures in front of her. She narrowed her eyes and saw that they were two people in front of her and in the same condition as hers.

"Umm hello?" she said and then heard those two people crying. One of them looked up and sadly smiled. "Swann, you're here."

"Da- dad?"