Chapter 8

"Da- dad?"

"Oh my god! Look at you! You're all grown up now!" the woman smiled through her tears.

"We never did expect us to live that long enough to see Swann all grown up, didn't we, Rue?" the man joked and the woman slightly chuckled.

"Actually, my name's not Swann, it's Scarlett."

"Oh silly us, we forgot. Who gave it to you?" Rue asked.

"Umm, the orphanage I lived in before?"

"Did they treat you well?"

"Oh my god, Caspian! Obviously, they did! Stop getting protective of her now. She's probably in her twenties now, right?"

Scarlett nodded. "Hmm, they did. Umm, can you tell me why and how are we chained up here? Did we do something wrong?"

Her parents looked down, remembering all the painful memories. Scarlett realized something was not right, and she quickly apologized. "I'm sorry! You don't have to tell me about it though!"

"It's okay, honey. You were going to find about it soon though."

"Umm, how?"

"Through your girlfriend."

"How do you know- wait a minute what do you mean by 'through your girlfriend'?"

Her parents looked at each other and sighed. "Honey, how do we say this? She's not… she's not human." her father said.

"Heck, yeah she isn't! I sometimes think if she's some kind of supernatural being! Like have you looked at her?"

"Honey, she really isn't human." her mom added.

"What?" Scarlett laughed. "You're kidding, right? She can't be some kind of… supernatural," she whispered the last part, seeing the serious looks on her parents' faces.

"Look baby, we're not joking. She's a witch! Well, her witch side is more dominating but she can be called the strongest witch here. You can call her that word you just said. What was it, supernatural, right? That's the word you said?" her mother asked.

"What?! She can't be supernatural! She's like a normal being! How can she be a witch when she lives so normally? And what do you mean that she's the strongest witch and what do you mean her witch side is more dominating?"

Her father sighed. "Look, Scarlett, supernaturals live like normal beings and they don't have a unique lifestyle. What humans call supernaturals are real and we call them immortals. And immortals live for a really long time. But they do have limits as well and die too.

"There are two domains and they are called the immortal domain and the mortal domain. But right now we're in the immortal domain. Also, no mortal can stay alive in the immortal domain for a second."

"But I'm human, right?"

"No baby. Believe it or not, you're a supernatural as well. Not exactly one but can be called one."


"You're a fairy Scarlett. But not a normal one. We belong to a group of rare fairies that can be considered mortals because we die at an age humans call old age. But since we have magic, we can be called immortals. But we mostly refer to us as mortals."

"Okay, so what did you mean by Anastasia being the strongest witch?"

Her father, this time, said. "Your girlfriend is from the royal family, and in the royal family, they have the types of the blood of all supernaturals. But only one type of blood is more dominating than the rest, and it depends on which royal member they are. It's not hereditary.

"Your girlfriend is the crowned princess of the immortals and would become the empress of the immortals in the near future. Also, she's not as old as you think she is, she's a millennium old and you can be called a baby compared to her age."

Scarlett's eyes widened, and she frowned. "What?! But how did she even meet me then?"

Her father shrugged. "We don't know. But we did once hear the seer saying that you were the one for her."


"Yes, honey."

"But how? Shouldn't she be having someone who's like her age?"

"I don't know. Do you want to know how you ended up in the mortal domain?"

"Umm yes."

"Okay so, fifteen or seventeen years ago we didn't have enough money for us to even drink water. We were drowning in debts and they were pressuring us to give them their money back.

"So we went to the ruler of the fae kingdom since we lived in the fae kingdom. And he said to us that we should give you away to him and he'll pay all of ours debts then give us a place to live.

"At first we refused, but then he said that you'll be on his children's companions. So we agreed because we didn't want you to suffer.

"Being one of his children's companions would keep you happy, we thought, but it didn't turn out to be like that. A few months later, you went missing and everyone thought you ran away.

"Turned out that one of his concubines had done her best to send you to the mortal world successfully because she couldn't bear to see you there because you were missing us and she had a motherly feeling towards you.

"Then through some insider information, we found out she had wiped out all of your memories and sent you to an orphanage. She died because of the ruler arresting her for doing such a thing. Then he arrested us as well because he was mad about it.

"Rumor has it that she wiped out your memories because something traumatic had happened to you there. We're sorry Scarlett, for sending you there."

She looked down and licked her lips. "It's okay. I get it, you just wanted me to be happy. Also, I'm not being sarcastic."

"I know."

Scarlett then realized something. She joined all the dots, and all of it made sense. The nightmares she got when she was six. They made sense now. They were the wiped out or buried memories of those traumatic experiences.

"Can I say something?"


"When I was six or seven, I used to get nightmares of people beating me up. In those dreams, I heard them accusing me of stealing something or seducing their husband, I guess. Then I would see myself getting beat up by a wooden cane or a metal rod.

"Those nightmares didn't stop, so then we had to get a doctor for me. They gave me some pills that would give me a good sleep.

"When I took them, I suddenly had good dreams. I was playing with some kids my age and a woman took care of me like she was my mother. And I felt like something like that happened to me.

"The nightmares stopped after a few weeks, but I remember people in my nightmares calling me a filthy slave and a whore. Now those words affect me a lot. I guess they are my wiped-out memories."

Her parents gasped and broke down once again. They never knew their child had gone through such traumatic things at a young age. They were forever grateful for the concubine who wiped out their daughter's memories and sent her to the mortal domain.

"I'm so sorry, honey. I didn't know this would happen!"

"It's okay. They were the ones who did it, not you."

"Well, well, well! Look here! We got a sweet family reunion! Boys, come here! Look!"