Chapter 20

Few hours later Scarlett was fully done. After choosing a dress and necklace that were simple yet elegant, more maids came in and helped her take a bath (even though she was shy and told them to leave they didn't budge), helped her dress up and did her hair.

"Wow miss! Your skin is really beautiful!"

"Thank you!"

"And you're really chubby!" one of the maids enthusiastically said.

"Shut up Edith."

"Okay." Edith mumbled and pouted.

The doors opened, and the maids quickly looked up. They bowed and left. That person slowly approached Scarlett, who was busy getting the dirt in the nails.

"You look beautiful." Scarlett flinched and turned around. She brightly smiled and hugged the person. "Thank you Anastasia."

She hugged her back and kissed her forehead. Scarlett scanned her up and down. "You look great! You look like those random dudes in my history book."

Anastasia chuckled. "Thanks." Then she remembered something. "Turn around."


"Close your eyes too."

"Okay." Scarlett closed her eyes and turned around. She felt something being put in her hair and she raised her hand to touch. Her girlfriend slapped her hand away. "Now open."

Looking at the mirror, she gasped. There was a beautiful butterfly pin near her bun. "Wow, it's so pretty!"

"Yeah. It's my mothers. She told me to give it to you yesterday, but I forgot. I guess now it's perfect."

She smiled brightly. "Thank you for this."

"Hmm anyway, I gotta go."

Scarlett frowned and whined. "Why~?"

"It's because… since I'm going to introduce to everyone you're my lover, you gotta come after us. If you come with me, everyone would think you're my sugar baby or something like that. Ya know, like a mistress."

Scarlett nodded. "Okay then. Bye~"

"Okay, bye." she quickly kissed Scarlett's cheeks and left. Scarlett looked outside and pressed her lips.

She has to make a good impression on these people.


The hall was filled with nobles talking with each other. They were either gossiping or making allies with each other on money or something like that. After all, they couldn't trust anyone at all. Everyone was a two faced bitch.

The doors opened and someone announced the royal family was here. They came inside walking with a powerful aura, showing dominance. The nobles bowed to them to show respect.

The twins came inside waving and smiling at everyone, easing the tense atmosphere around them. Everyone thought they were cute.

They sat on their thrones and Hwei-ru ordered. "Rise."

The rest stood up straight and waited for their empress to announce something. "Let the celebration begin." I have no time for these things, I just want to see my grandchildren.

Servers went around left and right, people talked to each other, some went outside on the balcony. Some were gossiping nasty things while mingling with other people. "I heard that the crown princess has finally got a girlfriend."

"Well, that's great."

The person frowned. "You're not interested in it."

"I'm not you George."

"My names not George!"

"Whatever. Even though I'm happy she has someone beside her, I'm not interested in their business. Tell me why are you so interested in them then?"

The dude took in a deep breath and whispered. "Because I want her."

The other guy made a face. "Are you crazy!? The crowned princess would cut your head off finding these thoughts on her! Ew!"

"I don't want that bitch! I want her girlfriend!"

"You're disgusting either way. What did I expect from a dude named George? I hate you George. Get the fuck away from me."

The noble walked from that person in disgust and George rolled his eyes (I don't know his name bruh, so let's call him George instead). The doors once again opened and everyone looked at the door in disgust, thinking about which idiot decided to come so later.

A girl in the most beautiful and expensive dress stepped inside gracefully. She kept her head high and shoulders straight. Everyone's jaws and thought she looked like an angel.

Anastasia slightly smiled and got down from her throne, then approached Scarlett. She tightly hugged her and kissed the top of her head. "Hi ana."

"Hello my love. I'm so glad you came."

Everyone looked at the couple in awe and felt they were really cute together. "What are you people looking at? Shouldn't they be going to their gossiping?" Cassandra mumbled, and everyone heard it. They looked away from the couple in embarrassment.

"You look beautiful." Anastasia kissed the back of Scarlett's hand. "You already said that."

"Meh, I just wanted to let you know."

"Hmm. Can I talk to other people here? I just want to know a few people."

Anastasia was going to disagree with that, but then she thought it would be good. "Okay, but be careful. Everyone here is two faced, okay?" she whispered.

"Okay, I would be careful."

Anastasia left her alone and instantly a few girls came up to scarlet. "Excuse me?"

Scarlett turned around to the group. "Um yeah?"

"You're a fairy, right?"

"How'd you know?"

"Just guessed it. If you were human, you'd be dead in no time. I'm Eve and these are my sisters."

"Hi, I'm Scarlett." she waved at them and Eve's sisters shyly waved back. "You know you're really lucky Scarlett."

"What do you mean?"

"Her highness was my first crush, and now I'm married to a guy. I'm bisexual, that means I'm attracted to all women and one specific type of male. Weirdly that type is my husband."

"Oh. I also had a crush on her. I just thought I was adoring her and looking up to her? I don't know."

"Oh. same with me."

While Scarlett and Eve were having a conversation. The rest of the group was awkwardly standing there while listening. They were awkward and shy, and Eve was the only extrovert in their group.

"Ladies!" a voice said from behind, and they turned around to find George.

George: my names not George!

Me: stop behaving like one then!

"Hello sir, may we know who you are?" Eve scrutinized him up and down.

"You know me, right? Everyone does."

"Oh, you're George. What business do you have with us?" Eve asked and Scarlett thought she was being rude.

In reality, Eve knew he was going to hit on one of them, more specifically Scarlett. Like wouldn't he? She's gorgeous, but he was giving creepy pervert vibes to her.

"Umm, I was wondering if I could have some time with your new friend here." he stared at Scarlett in a way which made a siren go off in their heads. They knew he meant something else.

"In what way, George?" a low voice asked from behind, and their eyes widened. They all bowed and looked down, except for Scarlett. "Your highness."

George gulped and kept looking down. "Your highness."

"Why are you looking down? Look up." he did, and it scared him to his wits. The way Anastasia was glaring at him, it made a shiver travel down his spine.

"Please tell me why do you want to talk with her? I'm interested in why you're going to talk to someone who just came into the empire."

"St-st stuff."

"That's it?" he nodded, and she whispered in his ear. "Get out before I lose it."

George ran out of the hall, and Eve sighed. "Thank you for coming here, your highness. If he stayed here longer, something would have happened."

"Hmm. you can leave, I have something to talk about with my girlfriend."

"Ana, what do you mean?"

"It's something important, okay? I have to tell you about this and you have to know about it."

She dragged her towards one of the empty balconies. "Oh… k."