Epilogue part 2

A month later,

The palace was once again in a frenzy. Once the couple had come back the crown Princess had announced that they would like to be crowned as the empresses of the immortals the next month.

Which made everyone happy and shocked at the same time because there was less time and a lot to do. Crowning ceremonies took a lot of time to be organized.

This meant they had to work twice as hard. The staff from Hunter's palace and Cassandra's mansion had to come there as well. Everyone got along and worked for the ceremony. But what everyone didn't know was that Scarlett had changed.

Yup, she was still her adorable self, but she changed genetically. Since her wife's second dominant side is a vampire, she bit down on her neck during that… kinky shit, and the bite had accidentally put venom in her system.

So now she is a fairy with vampire-like characteristics. She was immortal yet diseases would affect and she would become sick but she wouldn't die. She could do magic but needed blood for it.

While everyone was busy two souls were giggling and sneaking around. "Shh." Scarlett kept giggling and tightly held her wife's hand. They were sneaking to somewhere they shouldn't be, according to Anastasia.

A maid fastly walked passing them while carrying things for decorations and scrolls for invites. Anastasia started sprinting again while holding Scarlett's hand. They finally reached the room, and Anastasia slowly opened it. "We're finally here."

"Wow." Scarlett gasped, as she looked around in amazement. There were two thrones at the very end on a high platform, decorated with precious stones and platinum. There were enormous glass windows and moonlight was shining on the thrones, making them sparkle. There were paintings on the ceiling about the stories of Anastasia's ancestors.

"Beautiful isn't it?"


"Hmm. See this." She held her hand again and dragged her near the thrones. "Do you see anything?"

Scarlett narrowed her eyes and saw two crowns right beside each throne. They were tiaras she guessed. She needs glasses I guess. "You made one for me?"

"No. They belong to my great grandmothers."

"Oh… wait two great grandmothers'?!"

"Yeah. I guess me being a Sapphic was predicted jokingly by them when I was born."

"Oh okay then. How did your grandfather come along?"

"Magic can sometimes be used as a sperm donor. Or sometimes we can actually make one through it. If you want one I can try to do that."

Scarlett shook her head. "No, don't do that. We'll just adopt one. Or five kids from the orphanage."

"I don't mind that either."

They sneaked back to their room and tucked themselves comfortably in their bed. "I love you."

"I love you too."

xxxxxxxx the end bish xxxxxx

Sorry lemme rephrase that

xxxxxxx the end xxxxxxxx