
The flaming soul that was tossed into a portal seemed to be swept by an imaginary current through what he can see an endless of different Earths parallel to each other yet different from one another.

As he was observing the numerous different Earths that seemed to be passing so fast that they seemed to blur and merge together he was quickly realising he was heading one of these countless worlds at a speed he will never forget. As he was about to collide with this world he rapidly decelerated to a stop hovering above a continent.

This continent was the land of the rising sun, Japan. Although the soul didn't know much he felt knowledge of this particular Earth trickling into his soul. The knowledge he obtained composed of its general history, an evolution to humans that allowed supernatural abilities, this created a society filled with being who used such powers known as quirks for their own gains and those who protect the law of the new society.

As he was speculating how humans were able to possess these powers he felt his soul being sucked towards a mountain at a baby that was seemed to be alone in a basket within. The baby once cold without warmth started to regain its body temperature. As the soul finally settled into his new body, he could feel an extreme pain suddenly rushing to his legs and head.

His once human toes were rapidly changing into hooves and his calf changing to a brown hue, at the base of his spine he felt something extend from it even spilt open at the tip, and from his head, little studs started to form on either side of his forehead. As he was recovering from his sudden change to his small body a letter in bright purple fluttered next to him. The letter read...

Dear pure soul,

I forgot to mention your powers might give you good shock as it manifest, you won't be able to control or use them besides Jörmungandr since he'll accompany you as a sentient quirk. I toned him down a bit from his whole big snake, poison every being to a water hose that can create any poison and grow to be able to grow tremendously. He might be a bit vicious but what can you do he a snek. Your other powers will appear around when your body reaches 4 years of age, then Jörmungandr will teach you your other powers.

From yours truly Dr. Wondertainment Ps: Get yourself a name!

Now the clueless baby felt a bit better, knowing nothing out of the norms was occurring to him. He started to feel about his new changes throughout his body. Namely his legs as they now resemble a deer's legs, he found crawling difficult with his elongated legs. Finding that crawling was difficult the baby tried to prop himself on his new legs, he first succeeded to lift his body upwards was soon finding his body tipping back as quickly as it got up.

"Watch it!"

As he heard a cold voice scolding him his body starts to stabilise if he was a tripod. Looking down he saw another thing supporting his body weight.

" What's this?"

As the boy was confused about his newfound limb and tried to reach for it but he felt a push from the base of his spine that caused him to topple forwards.

"Well, aren't you rude trying to grab me after helping you," as the boy was further confused by the sudden push and the cold voice that seemed to appear close behind continued "you'd look like a decent snack if I weren't connected," then the boy instantly knew who this voice belonged to.


The limb or what he thought of was a limb slowly crept forwards in front of him, a jet black snake entered his view.

"That's right, and what should I call you?" hissed the snake in front, the baby that was surprised to see a snake respond to him froze.

"Well, gonna introduce yourself?" as the snake pressed forwards fir his name the boy responds "I... I don't have a name."

"Didn't the mad scientist give you one? Doesn't matter, just make one. It's inconvenient for you to not have one, can't always call you, 'you' or 'boy' can I."

"Can you give me one?"

The snake a bit surprise fell into a trance and agreed "Sure... how about Jera?"

With a slight pause, he responds "I like it, Jera. I'll be Jera from now onwards." The boy seemingly liking his new name was chanting his new name over and over again, alone in the desolate mountain.