Even a Broken Heart Can Be Healed

Andrzej was awakened by pain in his numb limbs. He wanted to move when he felt on his body not very big and warm, but still a weight. Bright daylight brought him back to consciousness and he realized that he was sitting on the couch with Dominik's head and shoulders resting in his lap. He remembered that the actor had fallen asleep while watching TV. Apparently, in deep sleep, he slipped to a horizontal position and used Andrzej as a pillow.

To the photographer's surprise, Śliwiński's violation of his personal zone was not an unpleasant feeling. He had never been so close to a man before, and he could not even imagine that he would allow anyone such intimacy, but Dominik was special. Yes, he was a guy, not an intruder or an aggressor, but a friend. His physical presence was a touch of warmth, as if Andrzej had a small furry animal on his lap.

Nowicki touched his light brown, almost hazel hair falling on Andrzej's legs. They were a bit long for the current fashion, which just added charm to Śliwiński in front of the camera and in life. Soft and silky to the touch, almost like a woman's hair, it provided a really pleasant experience.

Śliwiński shuddered and apparently woke up. After only a few seconds, he got up from Andrzej and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"Sorry," he said softly, "I had to fall asleep."

"How are you? Are you all right?"

"Not really. My head hurts."

"You had a slight fever yesterday" Andrzej put his hand to Dominik's forehead to check the temperature. The men's eyes met up close, and the photographer felt that he might have exited himself.

His throat felt dry, and his heart beat faster. Did he catch the same virus as Śliwiński? It would be bad.

"I don't think your fever go up overnight, but you should still be in bed tonight and take your medication."

"All right," the actor moved away from him. His face turned red, and Andrzej thought that maybe he had misjudged his temperature after all.

"I will make breakfast. Would you like something special?"

"Not really," Dominik got up and headed for the stairs. His movements were slow and numb, and his head was down. With his emotionless voice it felt painfully.

'What could I expect?' Nowicki sighed softly.

"Should I ask Paulina to buy something special?"

"There's no need to."

"But…" He stifled a second sigh. It hurt him to see Dominik as he was right now.

The landline phone rang, and Nowicki jumped at the sound.

"Ignore it" Śliwiński ordered without turning around. He was already halfway up the stairs. "Or completely unplug it."

Andrzej felt the need to sigh for the third time and pulled the plug from the socket.

What to do, he thought desperately, Dominik hadn't smiled once today. If this goes on ...

The mere thought of the consequences shivered. Śliwiński was on the verge of a nervous breakdown or depression - not being a psychologist, Andrzej relied on knowledge taken from films - and this could seriously harm Dominik. Just screw Śliwiński's career and media! His physical and mental health will suffer the most. The boy may contract a serious illness or even try to commit suicide ...

No, no, no, it absolutely cannot be allowed to happen. Even a broken heart can be healed, and Andrzej had no plans to quit before that happened. He had absolutely no intention of stepping back and watching a pretty decent guy go to waste. No, no, and once again, no. As recently as yesterday, he had assured him of his friendship, so he would have been a worthless bastard if he had withdrawn after encountering minor difficulties.

To begin with, it will be necessary to strengthen his weakened body, and for this it is necessary to eat. Yesterday's yoghurt was not enough for anyone, even someone as thin as Śliwiński, to regain strength, but it was the first step. While going to the kitchen, Andrzej wrote to Paulina informing her that Dominik slept through the night, that the fever was not progressing, and that she should buy some fruit yoghurts along the way. He promptly received an affirmative reply with a happy smiley face, and began prepare breakfast.

He did not expect that Śliwiński would have fresh bread, but what he found had long since lost its right to be called stale and started to resemble amateur penicillin farming. The sausage has lost its appetizing color and the white cheese has taken almost all the colors of the rainbow.

How long has the actor not looked into the refrigerator that its contents have changed to this condition? How long has Andrzej not seen him?

Five days. Two days after the argument, he sent him an apologetic text, but it was only after another three that he came here, and then it was too late.

He shuddered. It couldn't be too late.

It couldn't.

Waffles, it dawned on him. Dominik liked his waffles, which were quite light and tasty, so they should smoothly pass through the throat tightened with suffering. He set to work with energy.

There was a carton of unopened milk in the refrigerator, which allowed him to make white coffee. Exactly such a breakfast was prepared for Śliwiński after that event, which Andrzej could not call by name as an attempted r*pe. It was just too… blunt. First that physical attack, now the betrayal of trust. So much brutality and cruelty towards someone so innocent and sweet.


What the hell is he thinking about? Sweet! The guy's not a cake, damn it!

But being with Dominik was as pleasant as the childhood memories of going to the pastry shop for your favorite wuzetka[1].

Where did such associations begin to come to him? He becomes childish in old age or what? He shouldn't, after all, he will not turn thirty until December next year. It's probably the influence of the surroundings. He was too often in the company of Paulina, who, after all, ran the restaurant. It was true, however, that he could not think of Dominik except with warmth and sympathy.

'When did this happen? When did I like him so much? How did I stay at his house more often and feel better than at home?'

'Why do I want to help and protect him so much? After all, there are many people in the world who need care more. Why him?'

A pretty face with a piercing gaze of purest blue and a warm, uncertain smile. Ecstasy was immortalized in a photo that was impossible to forget. The terror and pain of the innocent betrayed ...

[1] The name of the Polish chocolate cake with cream cream.