Dominik's Position On The Market is Not So Beautiful

Harsh, maybe to harsh. Nowicki shuddered at these words. The editor-in-chief had told him almost the same thing earlier.

"I understand your work and the desires of my fans," continued Dominik Śliwiński "so I can say a few words about myself. My favorite color is blue, I love old Polish comedies and I dream about playing in this type of production. Although you can't see it, I like to eat a lot and eat well. Polish is my favorite cuisine. I value privacy very much, and yes, I like housework that distracts my mind from preparing for the role. I love animals, but I don't have any, although if I had to choose I would go for a cat, a gray Persian with yellow eyes. In my childhood I always dreamed about it, but never told anyone about it."

Andrzej listened to the actor's words with interest. Some of these things he already knew, others were completely new to him. All information revealed the real Dominik bit by bit. They were quite intimate, but without exaggeration, and they will certainly satisfy the appetites of some female fans, giving them food for some time to discuss in their own group. Nowicki had no choice but to smile. Śliwiński played it very nicely.

"As for the lady of your heart. What is the woman of your dreams?"

"As cliché as it sounds, I have no preferences in terms of appearance, and I don't mind if the person I love is taller than me. I don't mind being short. The most important thing is that I feel comfortable with such a person and know that I can trust her with everything, including my heart."

A person, thought Nowicki. 'How neatly he got out of that question.'

"Since you're not going to be playing for Baptiste, have you picked another movie yet?"

"Not yet. As I said, I want to take some time off, but I'm open to suggestions."

"Is there a role you would especially like to play?"

"Nothing specific, but I would like to try at an original comedy. As a nation, we have a captivating sense of humor, but lately I think we've been forgetting what it's like to laugh. Everyone is so chasing success, including commercial success, that jokes are simplified to the most primitive. I would like to be able to say in front of the camera tailored words: 'Court as a court, but justice must be on our side.'[1]"

"So we wish you such roles and we keep our fingers crossed."

"Thank you and I hope that my next role will not be a disappointment for you."

"Thank you for the conversation."

"Thank you."

The voice recorder was turned off and put in a pocket.

"I'm really grateful to you for this interview," said Duda. "You have given us a lot of material that will surely interest our readers. But it is a real pity that you are giving up this chance."

Dominik shook his head.

"Professionally, maybe I would really gain a lot" he admitted "but I was honestly saying that I lose too much from my own life. I have the impression that I am missing out on too many experiences of my youth. If it goes on like this, I look back one day only to see, that I am a lonely old man."

"May I ask, besides the recording, why our newspaper?"

"I don't know if you heard when I met Andrzej?"

"I have heard some rumors, but I always prefer to listen to the source."

"As you know, Andrzej was supposed to watch me for several days. One day I stumbled thoughtfully and fell on the table. It collapsed under my weight and I was stunned for a moment. Suddenly I saw a stranger above me asking if I was okay. The fall was not serious, but it could have been otherwise. We started talking and I thought to myself that even the media, when you get to know them, are not so scary. If the employees of your magazine think more about someone's safety than about obtaining material, I can trust such people that they will also be honest in their articles."

His story of how they met was a lie. It contained a lot of truth - yes, Dominik fell on the table, yes, Andrzej came running to help him, but there was someone else pressing the actor to the ground, tearing his clothes off and trying to force himself on him. Only this part of the story was impossible to speak out loud. Dominik avoided r**e, but his attempt was a huge shock for him.

As for the part relating to trust in the media, Andrzej had no idea if the actor was speaking according to his beliefs. The whole interview was so masterful that he should have won an award for it. Undoubtedly, however, referring to the honesty of journalists, he will make Duda think at least twice before writing anything harmful.

The meeting was actually over. Nowicki escorted the journalist to the door. Right outside the door, Duda turned to him and said softly:

"I know he didn't tell me the whole truth why he is giving up trying to star in this movie. He played well, but I'm not the worst journalist. I will not pursue the topic, but ... I feel sorry for him."

"Sorry? Why?"

"You don't know this from me, but he might have trouble getting a good role right now."

"How's that?"

"Śliwiński is gifted, too gifted. It is increasingly difficult to choose partners for him. Actors refuse to play in the same movies because they know they will be eclipsed by him. The role with Baptiste would take him a bit from the Polish market. Marczak has to sweat more and more to invite Śliwiński to the casting."

Andrzej was so surprised that he and Duda went outside and closed the door behind him.

"Is it that bad?"

"The audience loves him, but the competition hates him."

What Duda said was highly disturbing, unfortunately likely. The journalist toured the film world often enough to know his mood. Admittedly, it was strange for Andrzej that the environment would reject someone for being good at what he did, but jealousy was in human nature. If Dominik was better at something, and he was, he could actually face symptoms of envy.

"I don't think it can be that bad," Nowicki smiled crookedly. "I won't believe that all the actors are against him."

"A few larger names are enough for the smaller ones to follow. Śliwiński is not a loner, he is completely associative. I don't know anyone who would consider himself his friend, so he is left without support. According to them, he is a little prince who does not even bother to be friends with them."

It's not true! Dominik is not like that! He is gentle, sensitive and sweet. He doesn't look up, just afraid of people. It was Marczak who taught him this fear. Andrzej felt an ardent hatred for this man again, no, for this animal. When will his misdeeds finally stop affecting Śliwiński's private and professional life?

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"Because I wasn't lying when I said I was a fan of his talent. His playing is…" Andrzej had the impression that Duda was blushing "very emotional. I don't want him to disappear from the screen."

"Any ideas on how to avoid this?"

The journalist looked like he didn't know if he could tell.

"Listen, Piotr, you started this topic ..."

"Fine. I think that he should find allies, create a group of people to support him."

"You mean the actors?"

"Them to," he admitted. "Also it wouldn't hurt if he showed up at some party and paid tribute to a few people. If he continues to isolate himself, there will be no one to support him. Marczak alone is not enough, even though his back is so wide."

"How wide is his back?

"Do you remember the scandal from three years ago? The one in which a few politicians were involved? Two ministers handed over the positions. It is said that the party was organized by Marczak and the heads that flew back then belonged to the hurdles. Of course, nothing was proven to him ..."

[1] A famous quote from the old Polish comedy "Sami swoi". The comedy is about two neighbors fighting each other.