In Need of a Woman

"It will be a public event" Nowicki thought aloud carefully, though stealthily. watching Dominik "so there will be media there. There will be rumors about to start soon. I don't know if they will be good for Martynka ..."

"You think so? Then maybe we shouldn't have gone to the zoo ..."

"This is something else entirely," he assured him reassuringly. "We were a whole group, almost a family trip, but such a party ... Let's say it's embarrassing to show up with your sister."

Dominik smiled very pleasantly, blushing at the same time. Andrzej had no idea what he meant, but if the boy showed such an expression in public, the fans would not let him cross the street, but would attack him and tear his clothes on him. Maybe it was actually safer for him not to leave the house too often?

"It just so happens," Nowicki added, resigning from trying to guess what that smile meant "that I know some nice, free girls, and they have their friends. I can bet I'll find a good companion for you in three days."


"Of course."

Dominik looked at him for a long moment as if he were assessing the reality of a given promise.

"Then I'll leave it to you," he said. "I'm hungry, I'll make us something to eat."


In the evening, Andrzej came to the conclusion that the three days might be too short. He needed to find a pretty, sexy (but without exaggeration) girl, and with a personality that could capture Dominik. Only Andrzej had no idea what type of personality could do it.

Moving in the journalistic world, after all, Nowicki met dozens of women. Most of them were purely passing acquaintances based on business relationships. Choosing among them a candidate for a girl who was to seduce Śliwiński was not easy.

He needed someone brave and strong to support Dominik if he faced unexpected difficulties at the party, but again not too much that she would not dominate him. She had to be intelligent not to embarrass him in the star world, but here also without exaggeration, it is better not to get smart. She should be nice and warm, but not enough to start mothering him - after all, Andrzej wanted to find a woman for him, not a nanny.

No, it was a task too difficult for one evening, Andrzej thought, turning off the light and burying himself in the covers. He has become used to his room in Śliwiński's house, located on the opposite side of the corridor from his bedroom. It was even a perfect inverted copy of it and - it was the greatest extravagance noticed in Śliwiński's house - its own bathroom. The room and bed were comfortable so Andrzej usually didn't have a problem falling asleep. Even now, although his head was busy looking for a couple for an actor, his body felt pleasantly heavy and passive ...


Dominik was walking a few steps ahead of him. Andrzej did not know why he pushed his way forward. Ah yes, he remembered. After all, I was paying the iceman. It was hot, but fortunately the light breeze gave a pleasant feeling of coolness and moved Dominik's long, hazel hair.

Andrzej was walking quickly, but did not come closer to the actor. He felt angry. Dominik shouldn't go too far. What if someone comes along and wants to hurt him?

"Dominik!" He called after him. "Dominik, wait!"

The actor stopped and started to turn - in slow motion like in old movies. Extremely slowly he pulled the ice stick out of his mouth, which he had just been consuming. A thick, creamy trickle flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Look what you're doing," he called to Andrew with a soft excuse.

Nowicki looked. His vanilla ice, which he hadn't even had time to take in his mouth, was dripping down his hand toward the sleeve of his shirt. He reached over to take out a handkerchief when he felt a touch on his hand with ice.

Dominik's tongue licking the melting vanilla cream sent a shiver through his body. Aquamarine eyes burned, lighting something unusual in Andrzej's body. Dominik's lips were all covered in sweet cream and Nowicki felt an irresistible temptation to clean them. He brought his face close to his and stuck out his tongue.

It was pleasantly sweet, but not bland. His skin was inviting with its softness and his mouth with the firmness of the juicy fruit.

It was hot. Neither the wind nor the ice gave any cooling.

And yes, they were in full sun, on hot sand, Dominik's naked body stung Andrzej's skin. His breath was a living flame devouring every millimeter of his existence.

The fire engulfed them both, and no one, however wet a kiss, could extinguish it.

The passion burned in them so much that the world lost its texture turning it into a white, sticky liquid of fulfillment ...

Awakened Andrzej looked at his erection.

"Shit," he swore, scrambling out of bed.

This whole evening of thinking about finding a girl who would seduce Dominik had an impact on himself. Or maybe he dreamed something?

Maybe Andrzej didn't remember and honestly didn't care. However, it would be nice if he also managed to meet intimately with a woman. It's been a while since his last affair, and yet he too had needs.

For now he had to deal with the most pressing issue so he went to the bathroom to relieve himself. He was in the process of doing so when he heard a knock on the door and then Dominik's voice.

"Andrzej, I will put the laundry. I want to take your dirty towels!"

"I'll get them myself!" He shouted back from the bathroom.


Andrzej felt his penis twitch. He looked at him in surprise. Did he react to Dominik's voice ...?

He shuddered a second time as the name flashed into Nowicki's mind.

Impossible, after all Dominik is a guy!

Extremely pretty and sexy, with a seductive look with incredibly aquamarine eyes. It was strange, however, for his body to react to him like this.

It's not like I got excited about him, he tried to explain to himself. His member was already excited and Andrzej caressed him for several minutes. It was just a coincidence. Dominik, whom he saw while having sex, became an additional stimulus, but not the cause.

Everything can be rationally explained, he said as he shot in the toilet bowl.

The fact, however, remained a fact - Andrzej's body began to demand the woman's company.