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But Andrzej shouldn't be the one to told her that and he will not. He was just a stranger, but isn't their own son a stranger to her now? What does Mrs. Śliwińska really know about her adult child?

"Thank you for persuading him to come to us."

"It was actually his idea," Andrzej explained.

"Really?" she rejoiced.

"One hundred percent," he nodded, smiling warmly.

"Thank God! I thought he didn't want to see us. However, I prayed that he would come home like the Prodigal Son."

Prodigal son? What is she talking about?

"You have a beautiful house," he said.

"Thank you. It has recently been renovated. Our younger son, Olek, is a very talented builder. You'll meet him because he's in the living room. Please."