The Best Day

Andrzej has never eaten a more delicious mushroom soup in his life. Its taste was like the same as all the previous ones, but a thousand times more pleasant. But he had never participated in mushroom picking either and had no idea how much fun anyone could from it. The fresh air, smelling of damp and forest, only whetted their appetites, and they did not look back when quite a large slab showed its bottom.

"Phew, well, I'm full," Dominik said, unbuttoning the fly button and stretching on the old, creaking chair. "I can not move."

"Will you stick into the pants you were supposed to be wearing during today's session, then?"

"Of course. I have a fast metabolism."

"I noticed."

Whether it was pill for an appetite or fresh air job, Dominik regained his appetite.

"I am so good that the only thing missing is a hot bath."

"Sorry, we only have a cold shower."