The Best Method of Questioning

"It doesn't bother you? Andrzej asked when they parted their lips for a moment. "That I hang out with people suspected of having crimes? That I lied for one of them in court?"

"No," he replied completely honestly. "It's even exciting."

"But ..."

"Do you trust him? Bambus?" Dominik took out Andrzej's penis and caressed him with his hand while his lips were on his neck.

"Yes. I know he's not quite clean, but he's a good guy. He will do anything for a friend."

"So you are his friend?"

"No. Not like I'm Paulina's or… yours. Dominik, you shameless, what are you doing in broad daylight?"

"Shut up and just kiss me," was the command.

There was no objection. It could not be when Andrzej felt his face on his face, and the penis extracted from his pants was rubbing against Dominik's member - both locked in his lover's moving hand.