Chapter 9

"Well?" Marczak urged.

"With you," the boy confessed. "Iwo was in love with you. I think he wanted to see you."

I won't find out more, Marek decided. The boy called because he needed him, because for some reason he convinced himself that he and Marczak were close. Maybe Marek himself misled him by calling him too often and arranging for him the role that the boy dreams about. There was no way to know why he had called him that fateful evening. He took the secret to the grave and the manager had to come to terms with it.

He said goodbye to Mężyński's former roommate and headed back.

Marek Marczak was already on Aleje Jerozolimskie when his phone rang. It surprised him that it was Nowicki. This guy wasn't one of the people who would like to interact with him, but Dominik was in America now, so maybe he felt lonely?