it Was An Unexpected Event

It wasn't so long when I began to realize what my life would be without my bestfriend Toma. He was always the sociable guy while I was just someone who tagged along. I wasn't so friendly with the other guys he always used to hang out with other than me.

So whenever lunch time arrives, I always find myself sitting alone at the cafeteria. Then I often see Toma with his other friends with him, as well as his girlfriend Cami.

"Never knew it would be like this." I muttered to myself, sometimes wishing I never suggested to avoid one another.


I looked at the person by my side and saw Xia. "Oh it's you."

"Yeah, got a room to spare here?" She asked with a cheeky smile.

"There's plenty of room as you can see, so be my guest." I told her, with a bit of sarcastic tone.

"Hahaha, sure." She sat right next to me. Ugh, of all places, this girl is really annoying.

"I saw that you're alone here," She began to talk as she peels of the wrapper on her sandwich. "So I thought I had to join you for lunch."

"Tch, I don't need you pitying me. I'm used to this."

"Right, and I used to see you with Toma before. Like, most of the time until you pushed him away."

Her words hit hard, but it was none of her business so it pissed me off. "You've got nothing to do with my life, so stop prying okay?"

Then she looked at me with a face I can never understand. It was actually the first time I ever received that kind of look. "…I know that." She looks away and continued, "I knew you would say that."

"Then if you do, stop pestering me about Toma, okay? If you like him so much, you should go and talk to him. Not me." I told her.

Her silence lasted for a minute until she talked again.

"But I don't like Toma," she faced me again with a face slowly turning red. "because it's you that I like!"


"Y-You… Yuji, you dummy!" She ran away with her food and left me.

I was dumbfounded by the sudden moment. To think Xia would confess to me… "What!?"

Xia liked me!? I couldn't believe it. My mind wasn't able to process what happened, and I couldn't even finish my lunch because I lost my appetite from thinking about it over and over.

That was actually the first time a girl ever confessed to me. As I got to the boy's restroom, I looked at myself on the mirror and observed my looks.

My heigh is pretty below average for a guy, and I don't even look manly like Toma nor those other hot guys… so how the hell Xia would like someone like me!?

Is it because of my personality?--nah, I know myself that I was always rude to her.

Is it because of my intelligence?--I'm not that smart though, so maybe that's not it.

Or… is it…

sfx: bump.

While I was looking at myself on the mirror, a guy bumped on to me. "Oh, excuse me." He said.

"It's alright." I said, still a bit dazed.

But instead of proceeding with his business, this guy still continued talking to me. "Hey, aren't you Yuji?"

"Y-Yes, and who you might be?"

He smiled, but it didn't felt so nice. "I'm Noru, a friend of Toma."