Why So Flustered?

When I got back to the dorm, I saw Toma fixing himself up like he's going somewhere. It made me laugh how he looks at himself at the mirror so self-conscious. "Are you going on a date with Cami tonight?" I asked.

He got surprised by my presence. He must've been too focused on himself not noticing that I already got back.

"A-Ah yeah, geez, you scared the hell out of me." He looked embarassed as he said that.

I could only laugh seeing how awkward he is. "Dude, you look so uptight."

"Who wouldn't be? The person I like seeing me like this…" he mumbled.

"Don't worry. I think Cami will like you just the way you are."

He sighs and looked defeated. "You think so?"

"Yeah. She's your girlfriend after all, so you should think that."

"Uuuugh." Then his face looked like he's about to cry.

"What the heck is wrong? Shouldn't my words cheer you up?"

"Hnnng, your words aren't effective."

My eyes rolled at him. "Then what did you want me to say?-that you look cool and awesome, or something like you're too fucking hot and sexy?" I asked, with sarcasm of course.

He chuckled and agreed. "Duh. It makes me sad that you can't see how hot and sexy I am."

"If I do see you that way, that'll make me gay." Toma's eyes suddenly stares at me suspiciously.

A moment of awkward silence... then I added something to my statement to clear any misunderstanding that might happen. "Which of course I am not one."

Toma only had a corner of his lips twisted up. "Right. Don't fall for me, okay?"


"Bastard!" I threw a punch on his arm. He was the only one who laughed at his joke. But I didn't expected that he'll grab my wrist and lean close to my face and say, "Seriously, don't fall for me." But his grin tells me that he expects me to do so.

The moment made me feel weird, with my face getting hot and my heart racing fast so suddenly. I pushed him away like a reflex and jumped back. "Fuck off, gross man!"

It seemed that he was well entertained by my jumpy reaction and made him laugh even more. "That was just a joke, nothing to take seriously here. So stop being so flustered." He said.

"I'm not flustered! I'm weirded out by you, you asshole!"

"You want my asshole?" He jokingly asked, holding back laughter. Even though it was a joke, it was doing me no good. Toma is really making me embarassed by his 'somehow kind of dirty' joke.

"Tsk, that's not funny man. Just get the hell out of here."

"Ehh. You get so pissed off so easily nowadays." He was still grinning ear to ear, looking so pleased with my reaction.

"Who wouldn't be pissed off by you?" And pissing off someone is probably one of his great and useless talents.

"Heh, that's probably just you though."

"What do you mean?"

"…this side of me is exclusively just for you." That left me thinking hard by what he meant, but before I could ask again he already left for his date with Cami.