
Toma was really upset after having that argument with Yuji. He realized that maybe it still wasn't the right time to confess his feelings, so he thought, he might've fucked up. After sleeping on couch the whole night, he decided to go at Noru's place the next morning.


As Noru takes a sip on his cup of coffee, he felt really uncomfortable with Toma's gazes. "I welcomed you even when you were uninvited, you should thank me for letting you sit there." He told Toma.


"Ugh, atleast make some coffee for me too. I haven't had breakfast yet."


"Woah there, I don't work for you. You can make your own." He told Toma.


Toma just pouted like a kid and got up to make himself a cup of coffee. While he was doing so, Noru smirks when he asked Toma. "Why come to me?"


That made Toma stop for a moment, "I don't know."


"Did you got officially rejected?"




"So, are you going to give up now?"


"No." Toma didn't hesistate to answer that question.


Noru frowned by that response. And without a thought, he got behind Toma and hugged him tightly. His action surprised Toma, he didn't expect Noru to be acting this way. "You say all that, but you still come back to me."




"It's so cruel of you to come here every time you get your heart broken."


That made Toma speechless for a sec.


"…have you ever thought of what I feel about that?"


"Y-You gotta be kidding me."


"I'm not." Toma pulled away from Noru to face him. "Since when the fucking hell did you ever had feelings for me?"


"Ever since the beginning."


"But I only agreed to that kind of relationship with you because you were curios about it! And… and you said you'd help me feel good."


Both of their faces were too embarassed that they both avoided each other's gazes. All the moments Toma spent with Noru suddenly felt awkward now that he knows what he feels, while Noru feels embarassed by getting too flustered with confessing his feelings for Toma.


Although Toma reacted that way, it won't make him change his mind about Yuji. "You know that I agreed on all of that as p-practice until the day I get to be with Yuji… you know that right?" Toma asked, trying to make sure he was right.


"I know."


"I was like your fucking sex toy back then… you'd drag me to places where no one could see us, just to fuck me or stick that fucking huge dick on my mouth-"


"I know! You don't need to tell me that!" Noru got really embarassed when Toma just bluntly said that, it reminded him of how much he was so obsessed over Toma's body before, that he just wanted to be with him all the time.


"And you just used me for my body! And now you're saying you like me!?"


"Hey, I never used you! In fact, you were the one using me as someone to practice with."


"You knew that I already like Yuji back then! So, why did you even felt that way about someone who'll never like you back?!"


"Because I can't control my feelings, okay!? So I fucking fell inlove with a jerk like you!" Noru admitted.


Both fell silent after that. Noru got back on his seat and continued to finish his breakfast while Toma was left on the counter, in a daze. When he realized that he hurted Noru too much, he felt pity for him but he really can't think of returning his feelings because he alread has Yuji in his heart.


"…hey…" Toma suddenly called out to Noru.




"… I'm sorry, Daiki." That surprised Noru when Toma called him by his first name again. "I'm sorry." He repeated and hugged Noru from behind as well.


Toma's words made Noru a bit teary, so he forced a smile to cheer himself up. "It's fine, I'll move on somehow. And I hope whatever you work on Yuji works out."


"Yeah, I do too."


"Though just let me say this, just this once."


"What?" Toma whispered.


"I love you, Hiroyuki Tomakawa."