Let It Happen

"You should go back to him." Noru told Toma.


Toma planned to stay at Noru's place 'til tomorrow because he thinks that he's not capable of facing Yuji yet. He still feels down that he got rejected by Yuji the night he confessed.


"Ehh… I think I'd stay here for a few more days, even if I have to pay rent." Toma said.


"What the heck!? I don't want the jerk who rejected me to stay here with me. You're so rude and selfish."


Toma pouts as he scribbles on the surface of Noru's bed with his fingers. He's been thinking hard about something after Noru confessed his true feelings for him. Although his thoughts can only hurt Noru more, he's nothing but a selfish prick, not thinking of what Noru will feel about a proposal he just came up with.


"Hey. I think I'll let you keep me around…" Toma started.


Noru couldn't even cook properly because he's too pissed off by Toma's selfish acts. "I thought we're finally gonna end things between us." Though he still talks to Toma anyway.


"Well, I've been thinking."




"If… if I really get rejected by Yuji again. Will you let me in your life again?" Noru's eyes widen. His words felt like an opportunity for him… but then again, it hurts him to think that he's a second option for Toma.


"Jerk. I don't want to be your rebound." Noru may have said those in an angry tone, but his face completely says that he liked the offer. But he didn't dared to face Toma because he doesn't want to be made fun of with his expression.


"Ahhh so you really want to get rid of me, huh? I guess no one's gonna love me anymore." Toma said, looking heartbroken with his sad reality.


"Just get a fucking girlfriend. Don't make your life too complicated." Noru adviced.




"W-What the, the fuck are you laughing about!?"


Toma wipes the tears from laughing too hard. "Oh nothing. It's just… if it was only easy to do what you just said."


"To be honest though, girls will think a hot guy like you being gay would be a waste. Though I can't see what part they see hot in you, you fucking jerk."


"Heh, you're in no position to say that to me. Aren't you gay too?"


"No, I'm bisexual okay? I can still date girls, unlike you." Noru stated as he chopped onions.


"Isn't that being gay too?"


"You're so stupid that you can't even differentiate sexual orientations."


"Ugh, so rude!" 


"Says the guy who tries to make the guy he rejected an option."


"Okay, point taken." Toma bit his lips and stayed silent, which ends their conversation. He continued to slouch on Noru's bed like he just did the whole day.


When Noru couldn't bear with him being silent, he turned off the stove and got on top of Toma. "Oh my, are you finally gonna touch me again?" Toma teased, but Noru tried to look serious.


"Ugh, you've become such a slut."


"Hey!" Toma looked at him with a complaining face.


"You know, I can actually accept your offer…" Noru grabs Toma's hands and touched it with his cheeks. "… and you'll have to promise me that you'll be mine forever."








"But if Yuji ever changes his mind about you, make sure he won't ever let you go or else…" then he kisses the back of Toma's hand.


"O-Okay? Uhm, uhh… what's with you?" Toma felt weird by Noru's action, so he gently pushes him off.


"You do know that I like you, and I still do by now. I may feel upset that you see me as an option, but it'll be a win-win if you get rejected again and become mine." Noru said with a grin.


"How's that a win-win?"


"It's a win-win since I'll get to have you forever, and I promise to make you happy." Toma could only stare at Noru that moment and admire his sincerity. It could be the perfect moment to choose him and be really happy… they could actually be happy…


But if it weren't for Toma's ringtone for receiving a message, thing's changed. They both had their eyes on the phone that was on the corner of the bed, and as Toma read the sender's name, his heart almost jumped out of his chest.


He looks at Noru with a sorry face. "I'm sorry…"


It broke Noru again as he understood what he meant with that apology. He tried to smile for Toma. "…you should go now."




"Bye, Toma."