A Good Husband, Part 2

I decided to spend the weekend indoors. Going outside feels tiring at the moment and my boyfriend, Toma, completely agrees with me. "…so, do you want to do it all day or something?" He suddenly asked.

"PERVERT!" My hands threw the first thing I could grab at him. I bet that's what made him want to stay indoors with me today.

"Hahaha, I was kidding! Geez! I was actually going to do a bit of my unfinished homework yesterday, so I'll be at a corner studying." He told me.

It kind of left me confused for a moment... shrugging off those thoughts, I'll just use my day off to relax since I'm done with all the work.

Throwing myself on the bed, I closed my eyes so I could go back to sleep. But the littlest sounds prevents me from doing so.

sfx: scratch, scratch*

I looked at Toma who was scribbling notes at the corner of the room. He looked really serious at finishing his work, and he also looked like his having difficulties. I sighed at the sight of him, it makes me feel like I have to help him but if I do that, then wouldn't that be spoiling him?

I even had the idea of avoiding him months ago just to make him not dependent on me, and yet here I am, thinking of helping him. Sometimes I find myself as an idiot as well, probably Toma's idiocy is contagious.

Though I couldn't bear the sight of him right now, his struggling face really makes me want to help him. "Hey."

He looked surprised that I approached him. "Ah hey, what are you up to?"

"Do you need my help?" I asked, pointing at his workload.

Toma smiled as if he witnessed a miracle. "I do." His words felt like from the weddings.

"Okay, where do you need help at?"

"Eh? Can't you just show me your works?"

"No way. You'll never learn if you just copy other people's works."

"But Yujiiii-"

"No. Now tell me where you need help?" He pouts as I ask that. Toma had no choice but to learn everything with my help, I know this lazy jerk wants to copy my works so he could finish faster, but it would never do him good if he always do that.

"…I think we're done here." I told him. It took us almost three hours to finish everything.

I yawned feeling sleepy from all the work I did with Toma.

"N-No, I still need help with something." He said, looking quite embarassed.

"What? I think that's all there is." I told him.

He grins as he takes my hand and places it on his crotch, my hand could feel how hard he is right now. I was too startled to talk back, the next thing he did was to pin me down on the floor with eyes focused staring at me. "T-Toma!?…"

"Hahaha you look so cute right now."

"You're such a pervert." I muttered.

"What else can I do? We're here and it's just the two of us, and I'm wanting more of you ever since our first night together." I bit my lip, stopping myself from telling him that I want him badly as well, but I'm not as shameless to say such things.

I just surprised him by turning the situation the other way around. Now I'm the one pinning him down. The way how surprised his face was priceless, the way his hair scattered was perfect, and the way he suddenly wrapped his legs around my waist was so… "Look at you, you're so ready hahaha!" He teased.

"Whatever. I'll do it so hard, you'll regret pestering me about it." I grinned.

Ahh… I feel so embarassed for being so shameless. Toma's shamelessness is absolutely contagious as well.