An Encounter, Part 1

I managed to attend school despite having slight fever. Toma actually insisted that I don't attend for today, but I can't afford to skip classes for too long. So in the end, Toma had no choice but to assist me.

Listening and taking down notes for each class were pretty easy, so I wasn't really that affected. Though I think my fever have already gone away. By the time that we were having our lunch break, Toma looking worried had to check my temperature. "…your fever is rising up!" He said.

"There's only three subjects more! And I have to attend those because I wasn't able to do so last time."

"But your fever is getting high, you'll be more sick."

"I don't feel sick, so it's no big deal."

"Don't be so stubborn now. You should go back to the dorm and take a rest-" when he tried to reach for my hand, I quickly stepped away and warned him.

"Don't act like that, we're at school." I whispered.

I feel quite uncomfortable acting like this in public with Toma, him being too concerned for me and acting it out infront of such crowd… I'm afraid people might notice and insult the hell out of us.

"I'm only worried." He said looking hurt by my sudden action. I felt guilty for doing that, but we can't risk it... our relationship isn't normal after all. "I-I know, I'm sorry."

"Yuji, just… just don't push yourself too hard." Toma said. Then as I finished my lunch, I excused myself from him to go to the comfort room.

I looked at myself in the mirror, I can tell that I really look pale and sick. Maybe I should've listened to Toma… but I just can't neglect my studies just like that, I might lose my scholarship and will have to transfer schools that can be affordable.

My family isn't as rich as Toma's family, that's why I'm really studying hard to be able to attend this university with Toma. I don't want to disappoint my dad either, he'll definitely be mad at me if I lose my scholarship.

"Tsk, you have to endure this." I told myself and washed my face to feel refreshed.

When I got out of the comfort room, I didn't expect to encounter a person whom I avoided for a very long time. Seeing this person's face used to make me feel so betrayed and sad, but now that I look at this person, I don't feel anything anymore.

Is it because I'm with Toma now? That's probably it… maybe. "Oh, Y-Yuji… it's been a long time." She smiled, she looked brighter now than she was with me.

"H-Hey, it's really been a while... Xia."

She tucked her hair behind her ear, and had an uncomfortable expression on her face. For her, maybe it wasn't so nice to see a person she used to date. I was going to say that I have to go because I'm needed somewhere, but unexpectedly, she did not let go of me easily.

And so, she asks me something that made me feel worse than I already did. "Yuji, can we talk for a moment?"