Almost Perfect, Part 3

"You're really getting bolder, Yuji. I can't believe you'll talk that way with me." Toma chuckled.


"Well, I was just starting to get used to that way of talking with you. We're a couple now, aren't we?"


"Ah y-yeah, it's kind of embarassing though."


I can feel my face heating up. "Ugh. Don't get me embarassed too."


"You started it!"


"Whatever, let's just get done with our dinner." We got inside the restaurant we chose and ordered our food. Since his pockets were full, he was the one to treat both of us with a good dinner. "This is way better than the amusement park." I told him.


Toma's cheeks puffed. "We're still gonna go for the amusement park when you get better."


"You're so forceful."


"That's because I am." He smirks and takes a bite out of his bread aggressively.


My eyes rolled at how ridiculous he's getting. Can't believe he has the nerve provoking me to pounce at him in public. "You know what? I think I won't lend you my notes, it's bad for a student not to actually learn stuff—"


"Alright! Alright! I won't bother you to go at the amusement park anymore!" He cried out. Ahh, what a relief. This idiot doesn't really think things through at all. We're already on our mid terms and work is piling up, so it's really inconvinient for us to go carefree.


"Toma, you're an idiot." I laughed.


"Mean jerk." I heard him mutter.


"You're an idiot, but you're 'my' idiot."


"…I don't know if I'm supposed to be happy or mad to hear myself get called an idiot three times in a row."


"Hahaha!" After the fancy dinner, we go on our way back home. Today was a bit tiring but it was fun. Once we got on our bed, he wraps his arms around me and buried his face on my chest. "I wish we could stay like this forever. Please don't ever leave me."


"Hey, I'm not going anywhere." I ruffled his soft long hair.


"I know." He chuckles and looked up to me. We both exchange smiles as we fell asleep.


It's really cute how clingy Toma can be. Sometimes it's annoying but I actually really love it. That just shows that he really wants to stay with me. I also used to wish that we can stay together forever but now that he's mine, I feel like we'll never be apart.




"…JI!… YUJI!!"


"W-What?" I woke up, still feeling sleepy. But I got completely awaken when I saw Toma crying by my side. "Toma? H-Hey, why are you crying? What's the matter?!"


He didn't answer, he just hugged me tightly while he sobs quietly. "Hey? Toma!—" I stopped when I noticed that we weren't in our room anymore but at some hospital. "What the heck are we doing here?"


"I thought I'd lose you!" He cried out.


"What… did something happened?… what happened exactly?"


"Please don't ever leave me again!"


"I'm not going to leave you Toma, so could you please tell me what happened?!" The unsettling confusion and panick had gone in an instant when I opened my eyes once again. I woke up next to Toma who was sleeping soundly.


"Oh… it was just a nightmare." I muttered to myself. Still, I felt horribly uncomfortable. I accidentally woke up Toma and wrapped his arms around me, though he suddenly backs off in shock. "Woah, you're burning hot!" His voice was still sleepy.


"You think I'm hot?"


"No dummy! You have high fever!"