Too Broken, Part 4

We moved into a new neighborhood when I was at the age of eight. That's when I met Yuji, the guy who became my best friend… the guy who I came to like. And the one who I fell for.


He became the person who I would run to whenever I'm at my worst. Yuji would always welcome me at his house, both his parents treating me like I was a part of their family. I really loved his company, it lets me feel all the things I lacked on my own family.


"Tomakawa, don't your parents worry if you spend the night here without telling them?" Auntie asked.


I shook my head and gave my brightest smile. "They won't. Mommy said it's okay if it's at my best friend's house." It was a lie, and I was not guilty one bit. I don't really want to go home that night.


"Hmm, alright then."


Auntie would often ask that because she's worried about me. Sometimes I wish my mom would worry like that about me, but I know she's too busy fooling around with every man she brings home.


Though it was inevitable, I had to sleep at home most of the time because I can't keep bothering my friend for a sleep over. I know they need some space from someone like me. Also, I can't let my mom fetch me from Yuji's place. She'll only embarass me infront of them, they might find out that I was a son of a whore.


"Oh, Toma! You're going to sleep here tonight?" Mom asked.


I walked pass by her, I don't want to hear anything from her. "Anyway, my boyfriend is coming over tonight. Don't ever come out of your room, I wouldn't want you inhaling some nasty stuff."


"Tch, how would I eat for dinner then?!"


"There's some biscuits and crackers in the fridge, take it before going to your room."


My life was indeed a mess with a mother so horrible like this.


Since I don't want to starve, I did take the biscuits up to my room and ate it. It was good that it was plenty enough to fill my stomach, but it was still unfortunate that I forgot to fetch some drink for myself.


So I, the thirsty little child, went out of his room to get some water. It was the worst thing I ever did, I kept regretting and telling myself that I should've been more careful that time. When I was on my way down on the stairs, I coughed from the awful scent and smoke I was inhaling. It made me feel light-headed, but it didn't stop me from getting what I needed. However, I ran into 'him'.


"Well, well, well! What do we have here?" I jumped back in surprise to see a half naked stranger. And it was disturbing how his zipper was down, he wasn't even wearing any underwear!




"Are you the little brat she talkin' about?"


"W-Who are you!?"


"Huh, who am I you ask?... shouldn't I be the one asking you that, little brat!?" I was so scared to see a stranger that was so suspicious and threatening that I was frozen staring at him. He absolutely looked like someone who wasn't in his right mind, so I never expected what was coming to me. "Say, since your mom gave half-way through, I'll finish it inside you."


"A-Ah!" He lifts me up and placed me on the carpet in the living room. And it freaked me out when I saw mom lying on the couch, baring her whole body while looking so exhausted and deep asleep.


I heard the man chuckling and started to pull down my short without a warning.


"W-Wait, what are you!?—A-AHH!"


That was the very first time I had experience, and it was never a pleasant memory to recall.