Chapter 12: Aftermath and Family

This in not my book BUT I have asked for permission from the author but he still hasn't replied if anyone can get in touch with him let him know if he wants me to I can remove it from here

go check out the book at

Poll is still open to help me pick Ami's Bae! Right now Shino is leading with 6, Gaara and Lee are tied for second with 4 each. Go out there and vote! Poll can be found in my profile!

Medium sized Chapter this time. Just under 16k words. I hope you all enjoy. This chapter and next chapter are setups for how timeskip will play out! Lot of POV swapping in this chapter, please let me know if I did it right and if anyone seemed REALLY OOC.

Hope you all enjoy! Not an action packed chapter, but it's still interesting… I think at least. This is my baby, of course I think it's perfect, just like any proud momma bear.

Jiraiya POV – Day following invasion

I stared around the room, taking in the serious and anxious expressions of the gathered council. Konoha had flawlessly repelled the invaders. The Old Man and Shikaku's plan was perfect and executed flawlessly by our troops. It made me proud to see that even with over a decade of peacetime, the rust was easily shaken off and our men and women were just as ready to defend their home as if we had been at war for years. Our victory still came at a heavy price though. Hiruzen.

I thought back to yesterday when I rushed him to the hospital after Orochimaru's sneak attack. We underestimated just how crafty the snake could be, and it cost us dearly. While the sneaky old money was able to place that cursed seal on Orochimaru, it almost cost him. The simple fact that Orochimaru refused to die and have his soul sealed was the only reason Hiruzen was still alive, if only barely.

The venom Orochi-idiot used to counteract the poison of Kusanagi did its job. The two venoms counteracted and neutralized one another, just as he planned. That didn't mean they didn't completely wreak havoc on the old man's body. According to the doctors, before the two venoms were neutralized, the damage to his heart, liver and kidneys was near life-threatening. That doesn't even cover the scarring on his chakra network. Oh, and let's not forget that Kusanagi itself partially servered his spinal cord, leaving him almost completely paralyzed from the waist down. The Old Man would survive, but his days as Hokage were over. That meant someone had to take up the mantle that he'd been trying to pass on for years. That meant it was either myself, or…

I sighed and my heart ached just even thinking about Tsunade. Most people think that my womanizing and perverted habits are just part of my personality. That's half true. What they don't know, what only two men in my entire life know, is that I have not been able to love, nor could I ever love another woman other than Tsunade. The same way Tsunade drowns her grief in gambling and booze, I drown mine in women and researching for my novels. I had plans, big plans, to write an epic fantasy adventure starring the lead from my first ever novel, "The Tales of a Gutsy Ninja." I had notes and ideas, notebook after notebook of all the ideas I had. I burned those the night Minato and Kushina were taken from this world.

Even though the first book never took off like I wanted it to, the fact that the boy I saw as my only son named his own son after my main character made it an instant success in my eyes. After Minato died, it seemed as if my greatest pride in writing became my greatest shame. I threw myself into my work after that. I started to write books that had no hidden depth or meaning. Simple trash novels with a loose plot and lots of action. They were a success, they helped fund my spy network. I could forget about the world and the responsibilities I still had. I could hide my shame behind the flimsy excuse of ensuring the village's safety took precedence over the happiness of a single child. After coming back to the village and finally working up the courage to interact with the boy, I realize just how stupid and selfish I had been.

Naruto… Was as amazing as both his parents. He was the perfect blend or Kushina's loyalty, love, and hyperactive personality, and Minato's battle prowess, instincts and genius. Yes, the boy was his mother through and through in the books department. However, if you knew how to teach the boy, he absorbed information even quicker than his father did. His sheer ability in the sealing arts at his age was nothing short of miraculous. Tie that in with how quickly he picked up everything else, and you have a budding natural disaster on the battle field. Had I been there from the start, who knows how far the kid would be now? Naruto's saving grace was one Kenta Yamanaka. I needed to do something special for that boy and his family. Without them, I can't imagine what Naruto would be like in the present. Thinking of Naruto growing up alone made the anger in my stomach boil once again.

I will love Tsunade through and through until the day I die. I have tried getting over her for the past 4 decades. I've finally resigned myself to my fate and realized I will never get over her. I can accept all her flaws, and be happy knowing she's at least alive and doing what she can to make it through each day. The only thing I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive her for is ignoring Hiruzen's message to come take care and raise her last remaining relative. Naruto is her blood, she should have been there. The boy should have never grown up alone. Well, we'll just see how she does when she's put face to face with the boy. See if she's fallen so far into her despair that she can reject the boy right to his face.

I sighed once more. Hiruzen has been asking me for years to take the hat. I've rejected every single time. I don't deserve that hat. I failed one too many people and I'd only fail more if I took the hat. Plus, Konoha would lose all her respect having a womanizing super pervert sitting in the same seat as four of the greatest men in history. I will bring Tsunade back, and she will take that hat kick and screaming if it's the last thing I do. However, in this moment, I had to step up and be the leader while the Old Man was out. I could never run the village, but I'd be platoon captain enough to know I could at least take control just temporarily.

"SILENCE!" I bellowed, the room instantly obeyed and all eyes turned to me. "Thank you. Now then, here's the plan. Until Hiruzen wakes up, Koharu and Homura will run the day to day operations. Shikaku and Bear will coordinate the Jonin and ANBU to do sweeps and espionage. Find any stragglers and silence them. Make sure we let no one in or out without verifying identities. Ibiki has full authority to question any and all prisoners, but go easy on them. They are prisoners of war, and they have certain rights. Make sure they're aware of the incentives for cooperation. The Old Man made it a point that the Suna troops were pulling out of the alliance but Orochi-idiot killed Rasa and tricked them all. They aren't completely innocent, but they're also not completely guilty."

I looked around, making sure my orders were being heard and understood. No one spoke up in objection so I continued. "Civilian council, your job will be answering all the questions the civilian population has without giving away vital information. Call for town halls, go to the press, whatever you need to do to get the story out with accurate information to keep the peace of mind. Hiashi, can I count on you to oversee the information being passed around is accurate and that no unwanted information gets printed?" The Hyuga nodded curtly, stiff as ever.

I did one more sweep of the room, everyone seemed to be much calmer now with a tentative plan in place. Good, we need leaders for the people, not squabbling children. "Ok, Clan heads, do your part to relay the required information to not only your members, but the rest of troops. Any questions or clarification, please see Koharu or Homura. If there's no other questions, I have much to do, including that the statis seal on the old monkey is function properly."

Inoichi cleared his throat. "What will you be doing, Lord Jiraiya?" He asked politely.

"Me? Well researching of course!" I put on my lecherous grin for a moment before laughing out loud. "That, and I'll be taking Naruto on a little personal mission to bring back a viable candidate for Hokage. Gods know I'm not taking that hat."

"Who are you speaking of, boy? There's no one… Wait you don't mean?" Kohura asked, attempting to hide her excitement. I knew more than anyone this woman was the last person in Konoha who wanted to see me inherit that hat.

I smiled at the grouchy old woman. "The one and only. Konoha's Slug Princess." The room erupted into excited whisperings and murmurs. Even now, after everything that she'd done, the people in this room and the village loved and respected their Leaf Princess.

"How do you plan on convincing her to come back? Hiruzen tried for years and she ignored him time and again." Homura asked, genuinely curious.

"I'm going to punch her in the face with guilt. Taking Naruto along, I'll see if her hearts grown so cold she'll refuse her only remaining living relative. If that doesn't work. I'll slap every seal Naruto and I can think of on her and drag her back. She's coming with us one way or another. Even if she won't take the hat, she's the Old Man's only chance at enjoying his retirement as normally as possible and her expertise could ensure that our hospital thrives. As well as training the next generation of medics. Yes, I'll bring her back one way or another." I growled. Everyone in the room nodded in agreement with me.

"Now, if we have no more questions. I have a lot to do before Naruto and I leave tomorrow. You all have your jobs, dismissed!" I commanded. Everyone stood and gave me short bows of respect. I shuddered, another reason I didn't want that blasted hat. People bowing and scraping at me? No thanks! I opened the doors and made my exit. First stop hospital, then the hot springs.


Kenta POV

Naruo, Ami, Sasuke, Sakura and I slowly made our way to grab dinner after an exhausting training session. Cpt Genma and Kakashi had been called away to deal with the aftermath and receive orders, so the 5 of us decided to train together. I couldn't speak for the other 4, but I knew I'd have never been able to just sit around all day. The adrenaline from yesterday seemed to still be coursing through my veins even now. My body was tense and ready to strike out at an enemy that wasn't there. Today definitely helped, but I still had a gut feeling something else was going to happen.

We made our way to Yakiniku Q and were showed our way to a booth. We had just ordered when the last person I had expected to see today slid into the booth next to Naruto. Lord Jiraiya grinned around at all of our stunned faces, Naruto was the first to recover his wits.

"What do you want, pervert? Don't even think about ruining our dinner!" Naruto growled at his unofficial master.

"Well, it might ruin the dinner for your four friends, but I came to tell you to meet me at the gate at 0800 for a mission. Pack for a few weeks." The sage informed the blonde.

Naruto perked up. "What's the mission?! And why just us?" He asked, sobering up and looking sadly at Ami and me. Jiraiya was half right. Dinner wasn't ruined, but what I wouldn't do for a mission right now!

Jiraiya simply laughed. "Well you and I are going to find and bring back our next Hokage, brat!"

THAT made Naruto vibrate with excited energy. "Seriously! Who is it? What's he like? Is he strong? Why aren't they in the village?"

Lord Jiraiya laughed even harder at Naruto's enthusiasm. "Slow down and breathe, brat. First off, it's a SHE. And to answer your questions. Lady Tsunade Senju, granddaughter of Lord First is who we're going to look for. Yes, she's strong. And you'll find out what she's like once we track her down. That's why it's just you and I. We need to be able to move somewhat quickly. She moves around a lot."

Naruto looked down sadly now. "If we're going to find and bring back the next Hokage… Does that mean the old man…?" He couldn't finish his sentence.

Jiraiya put a reassuing hand on the boy's shoulder. "He's tough. He'll live. That's the other reason we're bring Tsunade back. She's the greatest medic to ever grace the elemental nations. She'll be able to erase most of the damage his body took. However, even she won't be able to make him 100%. He's old, Naruto. His body just isn't as tough as it used to be. But she'll make sure his retirement will be peaceful and pain free." He smiled reassuringly, causing Naruto to perk back up.

"Hey wait! If she's the first's granddaughter, then that means Aunt Mito was her grandmother, which means…" His face darkened slightly, all of us understanding what he was implying. For an orphan who grew up along, finding out that you had a blood relative alive out there was probably the equivalent of being slapped across the face by a chakra backed hand.

"I know, kid. That's what we're going to find out. Hiruzen sent her a message ordering her to come back and take care of you. We never heard anything back. Don't worry, we'll make her answer you face to face why she left you alone." Jiraiya growled, surprising me that the man could ever get so serious or defensive for Naruto.

Naruto turned to the man, eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion. "Not that I don't mind or appreciate you caring about me, but why the sudden interest? I know you've been training me the last few months, but I can't help but think you're hiding something from me."

I smirked slightly. Naruto was finally starting to think like a shinobi. Not taking everything at face value, looking at events from a perspective that's different than what he would normally take. I was proud of the goofball. He was my adorable little brother who was growing up before my eyes. It almost made a single tear of pride fall from its prison, but I withheld.

Jiraiya looked nervous for some reason. "I'm sorry, Naruto. I can't tell you. That's nothing something I-"

"Another secret. Just like everything else in my life. What else is new?" Naruto interrupted, voice laced with venom. I was slightly taken aback by his tone. Ever since the prelims there was a side to Naruto that would rear its head at the most random times. Not hatred or spite, but more like… exasperated anger? That's the best way I could describe it. Something about Naruto was shrouded in mystery. At first I thought it was simply the kyubi, but that had come to light months ago. There was something else, and I think it had to do with Naruto's lineage.

"Naruto, I… you're right. Absolutely right. It's an S-Rank secret punishable by death if I tell you this, but I will tell you when we go find Tsunade. I can't like to you anymore." Jiraiya said, tone full of conviction.

Naruto looked genuinely surprised. "You mean it? Why can't you tell me now? These 4 are my best friends, I'll simply tell them when I get back." Naruto stated matter-of-factly.

Jiraiya sighed in resignation. "I figured you would say that. You'll be well within your right to do so. There's too many secrets in this village. I only ask that you wait until Hiruzen wakes up and has a change to explain his thought process. Can you at least do that?"

Naruto looked around at all of us, each of us showing our willingness to comply with the request. "Fine! But if it's something stupid and his reason is stupid, hurt or no I'm gunna give him a piece of my mind, ya know!" Naruto declared, his usual personality coming back to the forefront.

Jiraiya laughed and with that conversation picked back up. Jiraiya ended up staying for a bit, ordering some alcohol and asking us all about our training and plans for where we want to go next. Overall, it was an enjoyable evening with some good friends and a pervert. Life was good.


We all said our goodbyes and I started making my way towards Fú's hotel. Now that the Chunin exams were over, she would be leaving any day now. I wanted to spend any time I could with her before we went back to our weekly letters. The only person I know who would be happy about that would be Tetsu, my personal summon. He kept complaining about being bored. Annoying little shit he was.

I found the place and took the stairs to the third floor. As I approached her room, the sound of raised voices became clearer. I couldn't understand what was being said, but I knew that the two having a shouting match were Fú and Shibuki. I turned the corner just as Shibuki was closing the door to Fú's room, a look of utter devastation on his face. Tears were falling freely and the man was shaking. I approached him cautiously, knowing he was a little jumpy.

"Lord Shibuki?" I called out hesitantly. As expected, he jumped a mile high. "I'm sorry, sir, but are you OK?"

He quickly wiped at his eyes and nose, attempting to regain his composure. "Lord Kenta. Ah, yes. Forgive me. I hate to do this to you, but seeing as you're here I assume you came to see Fú? I hope you can help her. I just had to deliver some bad news. Forgive me." And he hurried away, not even sparing a backwords glance.

I stood in front of Fú's door, frowning. Bad news? What happened? Did Fú want to make Chunin so bad and Shibuki told her she didn't? Only way to find out. I knocked on the door.

"GO AWAY! HAVEN'T YOU ALREADY RUINED MY LIFE ENOUGH! I-" Fú wrenched the door open and cut off seeing who was standing there. She stared at me with red-rimmed and wide eyes. As if a cord had been cut, she collapsed into my arms, sobbing so hard she was shaking uncontrollably. I was at a loss for what to do. I picked her up bridal style and took her to her bed. I awkwardly crawled onto the bed, trying not to disturb the sobbing girl in my arms. I finally managed to prop myself against the headboard, adjusting Fú to lay against my side and cry for all she was worth. I sat there with the crying girl for two hours. Just letting her get it all out. I didn't say anything, just continued to do my best to comfort her.

Finally, her crying slowed and then eventually stopped altogether. She was just sitting in my arms now, staring wide eyed at the wall. I was still at a loss for what to do, but I hoped that my next words weren't my last.

"Hey, Fú. What happened? Are you OK?" I asked in a quiet voice. She jumped hearing me talk and turned that blank gaze to me. It was like she was alive, but no one was home. Those blank eyes eerily reminded me of Naruto's the night we stopped those drunks from beating him to death. She blinked a few times, some life returning to them. Her eyes then narrowed dangerously, I began to sweat, fearing for my life. She jumped out of bed and began pacing across the small room.

"That stupid, spineless coward! And to think I. But then what do I expect? They're all useless idiots! I don't need them. I don't need any of them! I'll show those rotten good for nothing morons! Think they can treat me like I'm less than human?! If they want a monster I'll-" She cut off abruptly, her rant ending. She turned those beautiful orange eyes on me and they immediately began to fill with tears. This time not only of sadness but anger.

"Fú? What happened? You can talk to me, you know? Or I could get Ami or Sakura if you need a woman's advice." I supplied helpfully.

She stared at me in anger for a few more moments before she deflated once more. In a voice barely above a whisper she confessed. "They kicked me out. Taki's council. They overrode Shibuki and kicked me out of the village. I'm no longer welcome. My home, everything is gone." She hugged herself, the tears falling once more. I immediately had her in my arms again, squeezing with everything I had. My mind was reeling. How could they do that? I know she was hated but to kick her out? I wanted to be happy, knowing that she could move here. But seeing her this way broke my heart to bad feel anything other than sorrow and righteous anger.

I attempted to calm the girl down, succeeding much better. I had her tell me everything that Shibuki said. Apparently Taki got a tip from a trusted source that a group of S-Rank mercenaries were targeting the tailed-beasts and their Jinchuriki. Shibuki argued that they could protect the mint-haired girl, but the council overrode him. They didn't want their village being attacked by opponents that strong simply to protect one demon, so they voted to have her citizenship and headband revoked. Shibuki fought, but eventually had to give in. He was still young and newly appointed to the position. His political power wasn't solid enough to protect Fú. With his hands tied, he did what he could and worked out a deal with Lord Third for Fú to become a Konoha shinobi.

On one hand, fuck yes! I got to see Fú whenever I wanted. On the other, the girl genuinely loved her village for whatever reason. If it made her sad, then I didn't want it. But, neither of us could do anything. We were nothing but Genin, what strings could we pull? I simply did what I could. Let the girl rant and rave until she was too exhausted to keep her eyes open. I tucked Fú into bed and left her room with a note I would be back tomorrow.

The gears in my mind were spinning at a rapid pace. I didn't have enough power to overrule a shinobi village's governing council, but I did have enough allies in Konoha to make sure that Fú would be well taken care of. I smiled to myself as my plan started to unravel in my mind.

************************************Fú Bae Sadness************************************

The next day I was walking around the village, no plan in mind, simply enjoying the weather and smells of marketplace during the morning. I had parted ways with Ami who had a training session with Anko. We had both been there to see Naruto off and wish him luck. He spouted off some nonsense about bringing home his place holder until he was strong enough to take the hat. I chuckled at the memory. I glanced at the sky, taking note and estimating that it was probably around 1000. A good time to make a stop and request an audience with a clan head. I grinned and started making my way to my destination.

As I was walking I heard a commotion. I glanced up and noticed a streak of green making its way towards the village gate at a rapid pace. My instincts started screaming at me and I 'Body-Flickered' towards the Green Beast of Konoha.

"Good Morning Cpt Guy!" I called. He turned and noticed me and flashed me his patented smile. "Is everything OK? I saw you running and my gut told me to check." I politely informed the man.

"A fine morning to you, Young Kenta! Everything is fine and under control. A few rapscallions broke into the village and there was a scuffle. My eternal rival was taken to the hospital and I am now on my way to warn Lord Jiraiya about these two delinquents. Please forgive my rudeness, but I must make haste!" He called as he increased his speed to insane levels. I stopped in my tracks, my stomach turning to lead. I got my thoughts under control. I couldn't keep up with Cpt Guy, nor would I be of any help against men who could hospitalize Cpt Kakashi. I changed directions and made my way towards Konoha hospital.

I arrived a few moments later and ran to the reception desk. "What room was Kakashi Hatake taken to?" I asked politely.

The woman focused her attention on me and checked her clipboard. "Room 203. I don't know if you'll be able to see him though."

I called a thank you as I was already halfway to the stairs. I arrived at Kakashi's room just as Sasuke was breathlessly arguing with Cpt Asuma.

"Was it really him? Was Itachi the one who did this to Kakashi? Why is he after, Naruto? Tell me dammit!" Sasuke was all but shouting. Cpt Asuma said something offhandedly and the boy's face morphed into an expression I was all too familiar with. I quickly caught up just as Sasuke was turning to leave. I grabbed him by the sleeve, face set in a stony expression.

"Whatever you think you're about to do, don't do it. I had the same thought. Your brother was S-Rank strength six years ago, he's only gotten stronger. If you go, you'll only be in the way and a liability. Guy is on his way and Lord Jiraiya is already there. They'd be forced to protect you and Naruto at the same time. Don't do it, Sasuke." I warned the boy, hard teal eyes boring into the onyx eyes that kept flashing back and forth to crimson. We stared at each other for a full minute before Sasuke sighed and turned away, he collapsed into the nearest chair.

"I know. I know! You're right, Cpt Asuma is right, I know! But Itachi… Just the thought that he's so close has all those thoughts racing through my head. I can't think straight when it comes to him." The boy all but growled. I sat next to him.

"I know, Sasuke. Not in the same way, but if I had heard it was Danzo that was there, I'd want to rush over and rip his face off. We can't though. We're strong, but not strong enough to compete at those levels. One day. I hate to say it, but the only thing we can do now is wait to hear back." I replied, teeth grinding just thinking of the traitor.

Sasuke suddenly shot to his feet. "I can't just sit here. Come spar with me. Or anything."

I joined him. "I was on my way to ask a favor from someone. Come with me then we can go spar." I turned to Asuma. "Can someone send word once we hear back on Naruto's safety? I would greatly appreciate it."

The tall man nodded. "You got it, kid. You go take care of your errand and we'll find you. Training ground 23?"

"Yes sir." I replied before grabbing Sasuke's sleeve and getting him moving. I could also do with a distraction.


Naruto – POV

I was annoyed! No, not annoyed! Something beyond it, but I didn't have a word for it. Kenta or Sakura would, they're both book smart. The second we get to the first town, the god damn pervert skates off with two women and tells me to grab a room. I was under the assumption we needed to find this Tsunade lady, fast!

Thinking of Tsunade soured my mood even further. If this woman doesn't have the best excuse in the world for why she abandoned me, I'll kick the crap out of her! Sannin or no, I had plenty of tricks of my sleeve to catch her off guard.

My sour mood vanished, the depression I've felt since I was a kid taking its place. I really do hope she has a good excuse. Even an OK excuse would be fine. Anything is better than hearing that she just didn't want to be burdened by a kid. On the way here, Jiraiya had given me her backstory. Why she left in the first place and why she never returned. I could feel bad for her, honest! Her story was so sad. That's why I think I could forgive her if she has a reason. I shook myself out of my funk. Future Hokages can't go around feeling sorry for themselves! I had a good life now. I had friends who I loved and they loved me. I had a brother in all but blood. His parents treated me the same as their own kids. Kono thought I was the coolest guy ever. Sure my life sucked at first, but I had to count the good things I have now, not what I missed out on. Smile back in place, I started to unseal some supplies. If the old piece of crap wanted to spend his time getting drunk, I'd do the opposite and be productive!

I set up a few standard security seals and placed them around the room. I then took out my latest project I was working on. It was a combat seal. When activated, it would release a current of electricity, shocking and stunning anyone caught in the seal. I had most of the work done, the hardest part was converting my plain chakra into lightning chakra. I can seal already created lightning and release it, but I couldn't always rely on Kenta or others to help me prime my seal. I sat at the cramped desk and began to work.

An hour later, I was jarred out of my work by a loud knock on my door. Confusedly, I rolled up the parchment I was working on and made my way to the door. I opened it and immediately my eyes shot towards the ceiling. A man, even taller than the old pervert and just as wide took up the entire doorway. He was the weirdest looking man I'd ever seen. Blue skin, and teeth filed to dangerous looking points smiled down on me. My gaze was drawn to the other man who had just spoken up. I gasped when I made eye contact with the man. His eyes were way too familiar. The sharingan stared back at me from a face that wasn't Sasuke-Bastards. I gulped, knowing who at least this man was. Itachi Uchiha, S-Rank missing ninja.

"Naruto Uzumaki. You will come with us quietly or we will be forced to take you by any means necessary." Itachi's monotone voice said. I pondered his question for a minute.

"Ummmmm. No. Thank you." I said quickly and slammed the door in their faces. I attempted to activate the seal that would seal this room completely, but before I could the entire wall was blown away, knocking me back. I righted myself and crouched down, ready to do whatever I could to get away or stall them long enough for the pervert to get here.

"Looks like the little boy wants to fight. Should I just cut off his legs so he can't run, Itachi?" The blue skinned freak asked his smaller partner.

"Do whatever you need to do, but make it quick. Jiraiya of the Sannin won't be fooled much longer and I'd rather not try and take a Sannin on today." Itachi's voice replied. Never changing in the slightest. Both these guys were weird. I couldn't ponder anymore, fish freak was about to make his move.

"You got it!" Fish face said and rushed towards me, taking the giant, over-compensating for something sword off his back in a fluid, practiced motion.

"Like I'm just going to let you!" I shouted, slamming my hands to the ground and activating my emergency seals.

"Sealing Arts: Four Pointed Cardinal Barrier Formation" I called out, the familiar red barrier snapping into place a split second before the bigger than fuck all sword crashed into it. I smirked, my barrier stopping it with ease. My smugness didn't last and a sinking feeling was replacing it. That giant fuck all sword was EATING MY BARRIER!

"Samehada is a special gal. She has a taste for chakra. She can absorb anything. She's telling me your chakra is especially delicious. I'm going to let her feast for a bit before we drag your barely alive mangled body from here, kid!" Fish face boasted, bloodthirsty grin plastered on his ugly face.

I had to think quick. At this rate, my barrier would last 15 seconds at most!

'Oy! Kyubi! Can I get some of your chakra? I need to warn the shitty pervert!' I mentally called out.

'If it were anyone other than an Uchiha, I would tell you that you were on your own. Consider it your lucky day.' Kyubi's rumbling voice filled my head. I smiled internally in appreciation. In such a tight timeframe he couldn't get much through my seal, but it was enough. A single tail burst from my back, and I pulsed the chakra out, my warning to Jiraiya. Now I just had to last long enough to not get kidnapped by these two freaks!

I withdrew a tag from my scroll and slammed it to the ground, dropping the barrier and activating the tag simultaneously.

"Uzumaki Sealing Style: Gale Force Uprising!" The shredding winds burst from the tag, right underneath fish face. I jumped back and watched my handiwork. I felt my jaw drop as with a single swing of the god damn sword, the chakra powering the seal was sucked dry. My mouth went dry, I was seriously screwed. Fish face's grin grew and he charged me once again.

Feet from me, I tried thinking of something, anything I could do, but my mind was drawing a blank. I watched as death approached me, and collapsed to the ground in pure relief as Jiraiya's form appeared between us, knocking fish face back. I let out a shaky laugh, my usual bravado escaping me at the moment.

"Pervy-Sage… You made it just in time." My breathless reply came. He turned to me and grinned.

"Don't you know? The hero always arrives at the last minute!" He boasted, hand slamming to the ground. The world around us changed. It was now hot and humid, the floor, walls and ceiling all becoming a soft, fleshly color.

"Summoning Technique: Toad Mouth Bind!" Jiraiya cockily called out. This is the end for you two. There is no escape from this room. You're now trapped in the stomach of a giant toad of the toad clan. Over time, the lining will slowly contract and digest the two of you. However, today is your lucky day. I will only be leaving one of you to rot in here. Jiraiya then got serious, pinning Itachi with a glare.

"Itachi Uchiha. By order of the Third Hokage, I hereby announce… Your mission is complete. You will accompany Naruto and I on our mission and then return to Konoha. During the uncovering of all the plans of the recent traitor Danzo Shimura, details concerning the Uchiha Massacre have come to light. You will be pardoned of all crimes, and you will be reinstated as a Konoha shinobi." He finished.

For the first time since Naruto had seen the man, really emotion passed across his face. It was only for a moment, but Naruto saw it. Surprise, excitement, and hope were replaced by the apathetic look once again.

"What of my brother? Has he been informed?" Itachi asked.

"Not yet. Orochimaru's invasion took precedence over all domestic matters. Once we retrieve Tsunade and have her operate on Lord Third, he was going to tell young Sasuke everything about that night. Including the evidence we have of Danzo's tampering and treasonous acts against the current sitting Hokage." Jiraiya replied, hard eyes never leaving the crimson orbs while still keeping fish face in his sights. I was so confused. What happened? We were told Itachi just snapped and murdered everyone besides his brother. Clearly there was more to the story than that. More secrets of Konoha soon to come to light.

"I see. You have much explaining to do, Lord Jiraiya. I hope I like what I hear. If not, I may become a true missing Ninja in the aftermath." Itachi said, the threat clear in the air.

"You won't like it, I can assure you. I sure as hell didn't. However, I think any questions you had about that night will be answered and everything will be made clear."

"Then let us be off." He turned to blue dude. "I am truly sorry, Kisame. You have been nothing but a loyal and honest partner and I have been nothing but a deceiver. I have been a double agent this entire time, but it seems I am to be called back due to recent changes in circumstances. I was to die a traitor, taking my sins with me to the grave as well as the truth. But if what Lord Jiraiya says is true, then my sins may not be only my own."

The now identified Kisame smiled at Itachi. "Aww. Are you breaking up with me Itachi? You're going to break my heart. You know that Leader won't let you get away with your betrayal."

Itachi nodded. "I know. I should warn you though, Kisame. I couldn't identify who the man was, but Leader is not the one calling the shots. Another pulls the strings from the shadows. A man with far more sinister goals. Do not let your guard down. If you ever decide, you can come to Konoha and start over. I will vouch for you."

Kisame's smile only grew. "Thanks, for the warning, kid. I'll keep your offer in the back of my mind. Now, if you'll excuse me, it's 2 on 1 and even I don't like those chances." And he took of down the corrider.

Jiraiya laughed. "Try all you want, kid. You aren't getting out of- WHAT THE HELL!" Jiraiya finished in a shout. Kisame had unleashed a jet of water so condensed and powerful, it cut straight through the living prison he had summoned. Kisame then shoved Samehada into the cut and pried the hole open. It's chakra draining properties not allowing the stomach to heal from the damage. He squeezed through the opening he created, and with a laugh and a wave, disappeared. Jiraiya recovered from the shock after a moment and dispelled his technique, the hotel coming back into view.

Jiraiya turned to Itachi. "Well, let's get you a change of clothes and a disguise. Use transformation then apply these two seals. They'll keep your transformation anchored and your chakra levels disguised. Once that's taken care of, you and I have a lot to talk about."


Back with Kenta

I headed towards the hotel Fú was staying at with a spring in my step. The man to my right laughing slightly at my antics. After explaining the situation and how Fú was used to living, my escort had agreed whole heartedly with helping the green haired beauty. My mind was put further at ease as just hours after he left, Cpt Guy returned with the best of news. Lord Jiraiya and a traveling Ronin were able to drive off the two dangerous men after Naruto. With that weight off my mind, I was able to completely focus on my current task. Fú.

We arrived at Fú's room and I raised my hand to knock. Before I could though the door was flung open and I was assaulted by a green blur. Fú was squeezing the life out of me, but I couldn't help the loud laughter that escaped due to her enthusiasm.

"Hey there. Miss me?" I asked with a smile.

She nodded. "Tetsu told me you had something come up and that you couldn't visit yesterday. I was mad at you, but I understood. Plus, you're here now just like you promised!" Her pout turning into a smile at the end.

My 'mom senses' tingled, noticing my obvious rude behavior. "Oh, before I forget and before my mom finds me for being rude, Fú please allow me to introduce you to Shibi Aburame. Clan head of the Aburame clan. Lord Shibi, this is Fú."

Fú quickly pried herself off of me and gave a hasty bow. "It is an honor to meet you Lord Shibi! Forgive my rudeness."

Shibi waved her concerns away. "I do not mind. Why? You were excited to see your friend. Please, Shibi is fine. May we come in? Kenta came to ask me a favor and I am here to propose the idea to you." He said all this in his monotone voice. Fú nodded enthusiastically, opening the door wide allowing us access. She gestured to the only empty chair in the room but Lord Shibi decline.

"This will not take long. Kenta explained your unique situation. I will not lie or beat around the bush. The council has been informed of the deal made between Lord Shibuki and Lord Third. This was not news to me. However, with Lord Third's injury, the process will be delayed. You will be in limbo for a bit. Kenta came to me with a request. He says you are fond of bugs, the forest and small ponds. I have a guest house that is currently vacant. You may stay there for as long as you'd like. It is secluded, but easy access to our clan compound. It sits on the edge of the forest and has a small pond. Once you are inducted into our ranks, you may then rent the guest house for as long as you'd like. If this satisfies, I will make arrangements at once." Not a single word wasted. The completely underrated values of the Aburame clan. They are people of few words, but they won't waste your time with frivolous conversation.

Fú was left speechless. Knowing her as well as I think I do, I could tell her brain would be smoking if it were possible. I nudged her, snapping her back to reality. "Well, what do you think? Lord Shibi says that while you're waiting, you won't have to pay. You can join him and his family for meals. Study all the plants and bug life. Once you're back on the mission pay roll, you can then rent it out. I'm sorry if I took liberties, I just thought-"

I was cut off by Fú's lips crashing into mine. My mind momentarily shut down but quickly rebooted. I kissed her back, just as awkward and clumsy as the tiny girl, but no less eager. This was something I'd dreamt about for months. What seemed like forever but had only been seconds later she pulled away, face a matching shade of crimson as my own.

"This is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you, for thinking about all the things I like." She whispered, head down and face red. She couldn't hide the wide smile that adorned her face though.

"Of course, Fú. You've had your world turned upside down overnight. Anything I can do to help, even just a bit, is worth any effort I have to put in." I replied sincerely.

She smiled and nodded to herself before turning to Lord Shibi. "I thank you for the very generous offer Mister Shibi. I will gladly accept. It sounds almost too good to be true. Shibuki-Idiot brought all my things, including all the money I have saved. I don't think I can afford rent right now if I'm not going to be going on missions for a bit, but I have enough saved that I can help with any food I eat. Please let me do at least that much!" She told the man enthusiastically.

Lord Shibi nodded. "That is agreeable. Now, I have a few things to do today. Pack up your things up, I will send my son over later to escort you to the compound, show you around, and get you settled in. Dinner is at 1800. I look forward to getting to know you, Miss Fú." With a final nod, the man turned on his heels and left. Fú simply gaped after the man.

"Is he…?" She started but couldn't find the words.

I laughed. "The entire clan is like that. They are men and women of few words. They're direct and to the point. They won't spare your feelings, they'll tell it like they see it. They're also loyal and polite. They're not an emotional people, but you won't find a much better clan around. You'll get used to it after spending some time with them. Especially if you engage them about insects. That'll get them out of their carapace." I laughed at my own joke, Fú joining me after a moment.

I turned to the orange eyed beauty and smiled. "I also have a lot I need to take care of today. I'm sorry, but I will come see you when I can. Here, take these." I handed her two letters from Ami and Sakura. "Those have the girls' addresses and their schedule for the next two weeks, barring no surprise mission. They both told me to tell you you're free to join them for training, or any time to talk or hang out. I'll come see you once you get settled in." I swallowed my nerves and leaned down, kissing the girl much more tamed this time and MUCH less awkward. I pulled away and she smiled brightly up at me. "OH! One of the things I have to do today is talk to my uncle and get you started on your immigration interview. You might be stuck in limbo, but there's a few things we can get out of the way now to speed the process up once Lord Third is back on his feet."

She hugged me once more. "Thanks, for everything, Kenta. You doing all this for me, it'll make the pain go away quicker. I'll see you soon. Don't keep me waiting too long!" She finished cheerfully. I waved as I left her room, I really did have a lot to do today.

**************************************Bug Bae****************************************

With Jiraiya

The brat and I arrived at the last known location of our wayward Princess; Tanzaku Quarter. Over the last two weeks, Tsunade sure has led us on a wild goose chase. While frustrating, it was the perfect opportunity to teach Naruto one of his dad's legacies. The Rasengan. Naruto once again showing off his genius that no one saw coming. Within a day he had mastered step one. Three days later, step two was a cinch. He had been stuck on the final step since then, but every day he got closer and closer to mastering the technique.

Eventually I got the lead I needed. A weekend gambling tournament was being held here today and tomorrow. The perfect bait for the legendary sucker. After asking around, I was give directions to the casino that the tournament was being held at. I turned towards my protégé.

"Alright, brat. Here's directions and money for a hotel. Go get us a room, 'Idachi' will protect you this time." I said offhandedly.

Naruto puffed up in indignation. "Why?! I have every right to meet her as you do!" He all but shouted. I turned towards him and gave him a thumping on the head.

"One. I'm going into a casino and you're way too young. Ninja laws according to drinking and gambling don't apply here. Two." My face softened for the boy that looked so much like my old apprentice. "I want to talk to Tsunade first, see what her reasoning was. I missed 12 years of your life and 12 years of helping you with all the pain you faced. I need to start making it up now."

Naruto's face flushed in embarrassment and he grumbled a bit but nodded. He took the money and directions and made his way towards the hotel. I nodded at 'Idachi,' the message clear. Protect him with your life. The disguised Uchiha silently affirmed and followed the preteen blonde. I chuckled to myself as Naruto's mood changed as quickly as the whirlpools he was named after. He had engaged Itachi in an animated conversation. Pointing in every which direction as quick as possible. The small smile on the young man's face a welcome sight. 6 years of torturing oneself isn't going to be replaced overnight, but Naruto sure would speed up the process.

This trip hasn't been all training and laughter. When I told Itachi of the evidence we found and how he was duped into murdering everyone… well let's just say even I was afraid in that moment. I attained the title of Sannin at the age the elder Uchiha was now. I've had decades since then to hone my craft. As I stand now, I can go toe-to-toe will almost anyone in the elemental nations. With Ma and Pa, I don't know if there's anyone I couldn't take down. Itachi's fury at Danzo's deception made me second guess that last statement.

Then there was Naruto. Dimwitted and slow on the uptake he may be, but when something catches his attention he closes that steel trap. Our conversation from lunch with his friends was one of those occasions. I ended up revealing everything to the kid. Leaving nothing out. Who his father was, why he was chosen, everything we think we know of the tragic night. All my cards were on the table. And Naruto? Only asked a single question.

"My parents… Did they… Love me?"

"Kid, you couldn't find two people bursting at the seams more with love. They had you named and your entire future planned before Kushina even found out she was pregnant. Once they did, your mom and dad loved you until they took their last breath. Don't ever doubt that kid. Question everything in this world. But the love they had for you? Never, ever question that. One day, a long time after today, you'll meet them and know I what I said today was true."

I cleared my throat and cursed the dust that had just made my eyes tear up. Just thinking of that memory got me right in the gut. His complete fearful face asking the one question he always wanted to know made me feel sick. But seeing his face light up in a real, genuine smile was worth it. The Old Man may enact his orders and put me to death when he finds out I told Naruto. It would be worth it and I'd do it all over again.

Of course his happiness didn't last long when I told him about my connection with him. Being his Godfather, I had expected he would be upset. Well, I can't blame the boy for the endless pranks he's pulled on me since I told him. He sword an entire month, I'm halfway there at least. However, being the amazing kid he is, he's slowly forgiving me. The entire 4 months we've spent together I think have helped. Befriending that juggernaut Yamanaka probably helped as well. Had he been alone the entire 12 years I think the month of pranking would be at minimum a year. Good thing my hair is already grey! I let out a bark of laughter as I pushed open the doors to the casino.

I scanned the crowd, knowing Tsunade was somewhere in the building. I'm utter shit when it comes to sensing outside sage mode. However, even my paltry skills were able to pick up the bonfire that was Tsunade. She was half Senju, half Uzumaki. Two clans known for their life force, vitality, and chakra reserves. Couple with the fact that she's a Sannin and Kage class kunoichi, it wasn't hard to feel her chakra once I was in town. I saw a familiar mop of blonde hair set in two loose pigtails and smiled. Gotcha.

I moseyed my way on over, intent on surprising her. Forgetting that I myself had kage level reserves. Oops.

"What do you want, Pervert. If you've come to waste my time, don't. I'm down $500,000 and now in a good mood." Tsunade growled out and she turned to face me. I almost gasped on seeing her face again. She was just as beautiful as the day I first saw her. I snapped myself out of my one-sided love brain and got down to business.

"Let's go grab a drink. We need to talk."

***********************************Hot Granny*****************************************

"So let me get this straight. You want me to come back with you to the village, treat the old monkey, and then take up the hat because Master Sarutobi needs to retire?" Tsunade asked skeptically.

I nodded at her, keeping my face neutral.

Her eyes searched me for any lies or deception. A derisive snort escaped her lips. "You're out of your fucking mind, Jiraiya. I'll come back and heal Master, but then I'm back on the road. I'll make sure to check your brain while I'm at it, as it's clear you hit it one too many times."

I snarled at Tsunade. This spiteful, cynical woman was not even close to the woman I fell in love with over 40 years ago. "Then I will ask you one question, Tsunade. Think carefully before you answer. If I don't like your answer, I will personally bind and disable you and drag you back to the village. You will heal Master, then I will have you thrown in jail for treason."

The shocked look that crossed her face was most satisfying. The shock didn't last long, her temper quickly taking hold. "You can certainly try, Pervert. I'll send you back to Konoha will mush for bones and barely alive. But I'll entertain you, ask your question."

I sneered at her before answering. "Why did you ignore Master Hiruzen's summon all those years ago? After the Kyubi incident. You didn't even give a reason why."

Her face colored and she slammed her fist onto the table, shattering the thick wood like it was made of paper. "How dare you! You come searching for me, demand I return, and then rub my losses in my face for good measure! I've known you to be many things, Jiraiya. Cruel was never one of them." She shouted.

Now I was genuinely confused. "I'm not being cruel, Tsunade. I'm wondering what possible excuse you could have had to leave your only living relative to be raised alone!" My voice rising to meet hers.

The high pitched, sarcastic laugh was near hysterical level. "What are YOU talking about? I had spent years grieving Dan and Nawaki. I had finally, FINALLY come to terms. I was ready to come home, I knew Kushina was either ready to burst or had already given birth. I was halfway to Konoha when to my surprise, an ANBU just plops down in my path. Hands me a letter from Hiruzen and leaves without a word. I read the letter once, and turned right back around." She finished, taking a long drink of the sake bottle, forgoing the saucer altogether.

I was shocked. She just completely ignored Old Man's request to raise Naruto? The one thing still left in her life? I was confused, but I also had a horrible sinking feeling. "Tsunade, what did you do with that letter?"

"I tore it up and burned it." The scathing reply came. "… Is what I wish I had done. No, I have it on me." She pulled out a worn looking letter. "It's my daily reminder of the very last thing that cursed village took from me. The last of my family."

I held out my hand. "May I?" She rolled her eyes but handed it to me, showing great care that she didn't damage it. I slowly opened the letter and began to read. Nausea and hatred burning in my gut with every line I read.

My Dearest Tsunade,

I wish I were writing to you under more favorable circumstances. As you may have heard, and if not I'm sure word will quickly spread, the night of young Naruto's birth has ended in tragedy. During the delivery, the seal couldn't be contained and the Kyubi escaped. He ravaged the village, hundreds are dead and even more are injured. Our hospitals are at capacity, medical stations are being set up as quickly as possible. I'm afraid to say though that despite our best efforts, more injured continue to flood our resources. It pains me to say, that many will die due to their injuries. We're saving those we could.

During the attack, Lord Fourth managed to seal the beast away for good. It pains my heart to inform you that Minato and Kushina both died in the attack. Naruto died during the sealing, his tiny body unable to handle the wrath of the beast. Minato, in his grief and with time running out, pulled the beast into his own body, and had the Shinigami seal the both of them inside his belly.

I know that this news is the last thing you want to hear, and forgive a selfish old man for this request. Konoha needs you, Tsunade. Your medical expertise would be invaluable, hundreds of lives could be saved. Do not let your last remaining families sacrifices go to waste. Help us save the lives we can.

My Best Wishes,

Hiruzen Sarutobi, Third Hokage of Konohagakure

I quickly set the piece of paper down before my destroyed it. Again?! The man was everywhere! How far did his manipulations go! I looked at Tsunade, her face screaming 'now you know why' as she sipped her alcohol.

"The last shred of loyalty I felt for the village died when I finished reading that note. That village took my family. It took my brother. It took my fiancé. It sacrificed my grandmother to keep the beast's wrath from the village. It sacrificed my little cousin when grandmother grew old and her body grew weak. And finally, it took my baby cousin within the first hour of his life. I will do Sarutobi this last favor, but I will never offer anything more to that cursed village." The hatred and malice in Tsunade's tone frightened me. I finally understood. She didn't abandon Naruto. She was made to believe he died! I almost wanted to laugh, I did laugh. At least I think I did. The sound that erupted from my chest was more like that of a wild animal being killed.

"Tsunade. I have much to tell you, and we'll have all the time in the world once you get back to the village and start learning the job from Master Sarutob" I barely dodged the fist that Tsunade had sent rocketing my way.

"WHAT PART OF YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR DAMN MIND DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?! DID I NOT MAKE MYSELF CLEAR DID I-" She cut off abruptly, eyes widening and face going pale as the moon when it's at it's fullest. She ripped the picture I held in front of her face out of my hand. A picture taken just a month ago. The picture of Naruto and I the day before he competed in the finals.

"What is this? Who is this?" Her whispered voice heavy with emotions.

"As I said before you so rudely interrupted me. We have much to talk about." I pulled out the scroll of the copy of the original letter and handed it to her. "But just know, that letter you received was a fake. The ANBU who delivered it was one of Danzo's, who we've come to find out has been manipulating events behind the scenes. Naruto is ALIVE, Tsu-Princess. He's alive and well. He's a Genin, most likely will be a Chunin after his impressive performance at the exams. He's got friends who care for him. His best friend is like a brother to him. He's every bit as loud and excitable as his mother, but underneath is the genius that made his father so feared. He's a budding seal master. He's almost mastered the rasengan in just two weeks since I assigned it. He's incredible. You're going to love him, and he's going to love you."

Tsunade stared at me as if I had grown a second. She ripped open the scroll and read the letter. Then read it again. And a third time. By the end of the third read, tears were pouring down her face. Hope and heartbreak warring across her face.

"Jiraiya. Please don't tell me you're lying. Please tell me everything you said is true. I couldn't take it." She sobbed. Eyes glued to the picture.

"I swear on my love for Minato, the son I always wanted, and Kushina, the overhyped terror I didn't ask for but still loved like a daughter. Everything is true. Naruto is alive. He wants to meet you. He'll be so happy to have family. His best friend and his parents welcomed Naruto into their family with open arms, but nothing is quite like having blood relatives of your own." I said softly, slowly rubbing Tsunade's arms. Her eyes flew open.

"He's going to hate me! What can I say, Jiraiya? That was 12 years ago, almost 13! I left him alone for 13 years! I didn't even bother to check for myself! I took the letter for face value and I-"I cut her off with a hand over her mouth. The legendary medic was going to give herself a panic attack.

"I've spent the last four months with the boy almost every day. If there's one thing I know about him, he's got a forgiving heart. Even if you didn't have the best excuse in the world, he would still forgive you. He forgave me." I smiled reassuringly at her. She nodded once, reigning in her emotion. Without warning her eyes narrowed and a sense of forboding filled the air.

"Speaking of Naruto forgiving you, where were YOU for those 12 years?! Off peeping on women, not giving two shits about the son of the man you claim to have seen as a son, I'll bet!" Her voice rose with every word. The wind in her sails deflated seeing my dejected and stricken face.

"You're 100% correct, Tsu-Princess. I spent 12 years making flimsy excuses. I was a coward. I can face 100 men in battle and laugh as I cut them all down. I can face the wrath of 20 women who caught me peeping on them with a smile. But that tiny little baby who looked so much like Minato? I ran, Tsunade. I ran. I kept telling myself I was keeping him safe from a distance. That I would be a horrible parent. That the boy would be better off without me. Anything I could tell myself to ease the guilt, I did." I finally made eye contact with the beautiful woman with the best rack in the world. "I stopped running though, and I'm making amends. Naruto is giving me the chance, and I'm going to take it and run with it."

Tsunade nodded. All the anger from before forgotten. A look of determination replacing it. "Well then. Let's get drunk, go to bed, and get our asses to Konoha! I've got a cousin to get to know and spoil!" She yelled happily. Saluting herself and downing the rest of her bottle, ordering another. I laughed along with her.

"Tsunade?" I asked, still smiling at the women who I finally recognized as MY Tsunade. The loud, boisterous girl with a heart of love the size of the entire continent. "We don't have to go to Konoha to see Naruto. He's here, in the city."

She fainted.

************************************Tsu-Naru Reunion**********************************

Tsunade-Bae POV

Over the next few hours Jiraiya and I drank and caught up on everything that had happened since our last reunion. He informed me of everything that had happened in the village over the last few months. Namely, the shit storm that Bastard Danzo caused. My grandmother's ancestral homeland, The Uchiha massacre, his poking and prodding and manipulations. With every word my perverted teammate spoke, my anger only increased. I didn't want my first meeting with Naruto to be with me completely drunk. However, I needed a bit of liquid courage to face my cousin. Though Jiraiya reassured me as soon as Naruto read the letter he'd forget any resentment he had, I still was nervous.

I wanted a nice buzz. Strong enough to help my nerves, but not so strong I made a fool of myself. It was damn hard to get a buzz, let alone keep one with how royally pissed off I was. Finally I gave up the quest, and stood up. It was time to face my fears. Those fears being a 12 year old Genin.

"Where's Shizune anyway? She didn't abandon you finally?" Jiraiya teased as we left the bar. I snorted at such a ridiculous notion.

"No. I told her to go enjoy the festival. She wanted to sightsee. She should be heading back any… Speak of the devil and she shall appear." I finished with a laugh. A real laugh. A laugh I thought I lost almost 13 years ago. Hearing that Kushina really had died all those years ago reopened old wounds and guilt. I should have been there more for her, but my wallowing in self-pity left little room for anyone other than myself. Since finding out that Naruto did indeed survive though, it lifted my heart and gave me that spark of hope back.

"Lady Tsunade! Oh! Lord Jiraiya, how nice to see you again!" My apprentice bowed to the pervert. I laughed again.

"Shizune, don't bow to that pervert. He'll attempt to look down your dress." I said. Shizune blushed and gave Jiraiya a disapproving look. That only served to make the pervert laugh louder.

"Shizune! Despite whatever thoughts my lovely teammate has of me, looking at you in any way other than the little girl I've always known makes my insides crawl. I must say though, you are blossoming into a beautiful woman. One day, you're going to make a man thank his lucky stars every day when he wakes up next to you!" Ok, so he wasn't THAT bad.

Shizune blushed at Jiraiya's praise and stammered out a thank you. She then turned to me. "Were you heading back to the hotel room? I picked up some food. I have more than enough for Lord Jiraiya if he joins us."

I shook my head. "I will tell you all the details tonight. But just know, that letter I got almost 13 years ago was a forged letter. The real letter from Master Saru never arrived. Jiraiya came with a compelling argument. Tomorrow, you and I will be joining him and heading back to Konoha." I smiled as the girl had broken out into a large grin.

"Oh, that is wonderful news! How did he convince you?" She asked, eyes lighting up in excitement at the thought of finally returning home.

"Turns out, Naruto did survive the attack. He's been alone all this time. He has friends, and a friend's family who's looked out for them as best they could. But he needs family." I said sadly, yet happily at the same time. I had no idea I could feel those two conflicting emotions at once. Shizune's eyes widened.

"Naruto is alive! Oh that is wonderful news! I can't wait to get back to Konoha to meet him! We're leaving in the morning?" Shizune rattled off.

I shook my head. "He's here, Shizune. He came with Jiraiya. We're going to meet him. Let's stop and grab some extra food. Two more will be joining us."


I stood outside the door, heart beating in my chest a mile a minute. Jiraiya gave me a reassuring smile. He opened the door. Yup, that's Kushina's son alright! I heard him well before I saw him.

"Gah! Your illusions are so good! I can't detect them at all! Granted, I'm not the best at it anyway, but yours are too good!" Naruto lamented at a young man with dirty blonde hair sitting across from him. Jiraiya had informed me that under that disguise was none other than Itachi Uchiha. He had been with Naruto for hours, and Naruto seemed fine. Getting training in by the looks of it. Itachi laughed quiety.

"The best illusions are the ones that resemble reality. Make it too obvious, even someone with no talent will begin to question what they see. You'll get it, Naruto. Believe it or not, you have improved since we started a week ago." Itachi's quiet reply came. He coughed a few times, blood spotted his hand as he pulled it away.

I froze. Heart racing. Blood. I couldn't do it. I couldn't- Shizune's gentle touch snapped me out of my panic attack. She whispered encouraging words. She was right. I was going back to Konoha. I was going to whip those medics into shape. It was now or never, now was as good a time as any. It was only a few drops on his hand, much easier to manage. My shaky hands glowed green and I laid them on the boy's back. He instantly tensed, ready to lash out. Shizune was in his face now. Gripping his hands, smiling, offering her warm reassurances. The young man instantly relaxed, smiling slightly at my apprentice. I gasped.

"Why has this gone so long untreated? You have scar tissue on your scar tissue! You'd be lucky to make it to your 25th birthday at this rate!" I lightly scolded the boy. My hands slowly becoming steadier, my eyes never leaving the blood on his hands.

He glanced back at me. "I went to a few medically trained shinobi. All of them said the same thing. It was untreatable. They simply gave me medicine to hold off the progression and give me more time. I would have sought you out, but…" He let the words hang there, not knowing if I knew or not.

"Yeah, yeah. Uchiha." He tensed, glancing at Jiraiya who gave a curt nod. He relaxed again. "I get it. You went to incompetent idiots. I found the cure for this disease during the 2nd Shinobi War." I rolled my eyes, the sheer lack of ingenuity in the medicine field simply baffled me. "You contracted this at what age?"

"I was diagnosed with an unknown lung disease at age 12, shortly after I joined the ANBU." He said stiffly.

I was shocked. So that meant he contractided it while still in KONOHA?! What the fuck was happening in the hospital?! "Well, first order of business… Medic bootcamp for those god damn slackers. You have Tuberculosis. A serious, contagious, fatal respiratory illness. Rarely, it can affect other areas of the body, but you, clearly, have the lung type."

"I thought you said you cured this during the 2nd Shinobi War?" the boy asked, confusion lacing his voice. "But you just said it's fatal."

I snorted. "Let me finish. It's fatal if not treated properly. I obviously can't administer treatment in a hotel room. Shizune, hand me my medicine scroll!" I barked, my doctor voice making itself known. Shizune nodded and hurried to her bag, fishing out the scroll she handed it to me. I unsealed 5 different medications. "You take these three, the ones in the blue containers three times daily. Morning, Afternoon, Evening. Preferably with food. The two in the red, you will take only at night right before bed. Your case is severe. It will most likely take at minimum a year of medication to completely rid your body, most likely longer. When we get back to Konoha, you will come make an appointment with me and we will schedule your first surgery. You're in for a long healing process, but you will survive. Session by session I'll remove the layers of scar tissue. Between the surgeries, medication, and REST, you will be completely healthy and disease free within 2 to 3 years." I finished, proud I hadn't lost my touch.

Since I arrived, the boy actually smiled. It was small and subdued, but a smile all the same. "I…" His voice broke and he cleared it. "I thank you, Lady Tsunade. I will forever be in your debt. If there's any way I can repay you, please-"

I cut the idiot off. "Everyone says the same thing, I request the same thing and they all ignore me. If you truly intend to repay me, you do everything I say. Part of your treatment will be a year long period of rest. No training, no missions, I don't even want you to THINK of running a lap. If you can't adhere to this, don't say finish your sentence." I growled out. The years of idiots not listening to me and going to get themselves injured or sick again replaying in my mind.

The boy chuckled quietly. "Honestly, I believe a year of doing nothing is something I could only dream of. I will adhere to your treatment plan. I want to be back to 100% sooner than later. I think it will take at least a year anyway to put the people's minds at ease and get them to trust me once more."

I smiled at the kid. He was what? 18 years old? So young, yet the weight of the world had been placed on his shoulder since he was Naruto's age. "Now, right now all I am doing is easing the inflammation that's probably been persistent in your life since you came down with the disease. Everything from your trachea to your primary bronchus, all the way down to small, fine tertiary bronchus is nearly closed from swelling. I'm also repairing any recent damage before it scars and gives me more work to do. Just another minute. Ok, take a deep breath for me." I placed the stethoscope Shizune had dug out for me against the boys back, listening intently. I smiled. "Feel a bit better?"

The look of wonder that crossed the boy's face was a reminder of why I got into medicine in the first place. "Lady Tsunade… I don't… The other medics…" I snorted.

"Aren't even worthy of being mentioned in the same paragraph as me. I'm the best." I smugly said. I finally worked up the courage and glanced at Naruto, my heart absolutely stopping. Instead of a single blonde hair, blue eyed brat, I saw the ghostly image of two brats. One, long crimson hair framing violet eyes. The megawatt smile she shot to the world as her personal middle finger in place. The other, blonde hair, calculating blue eyes that thawed when he gazed on anyone he loved. Naruto was the absolute perfect blend of the two. Everything screamed Kushina. The shape of his eyes, facial structure, lips, chin, all of it. Those eyes though were the exact shade as Minato's. Blue eyes that were narrowed in my direction. I couldn't help but notice they weren't narrowed in anger. They screamed of curiosity, suspicion, and untrusting. At least it wasn't anger. I opened my mouth, attempting to speak. My voice caught, and Naruto jumped in.

"Well? Out with it. What's your excuse? I assume it's at least halfway decent since Pervy-Sage brought you here." Naruto said, voice flat and emotionless. It broke my heart and made me want to cry. The prickling in my eyes told me I wasn't far away from doing just that.

"Now hold up, brat. Before you make wild accusations, jump to conclusions, and spout of your usual nonsense. Read this. This was the letter Tsu-Princess received." Jiraiya jumped in. I shot him a grateful smile, tongue still stuck to the roof of my mouth. Naruto eyed the letter and Jiraiya in suspicion but took it and opened it up. Line by line his face morphed from uncaring indifference, into rage. The first word out of his mouth shocked me. He was quick, just like his father. His second sentence though broke the damn open. For Kushina surely was smiling down on him.

"Danzo?" Naruto growled out. Jiraiya nodded. "That god damn slimy bastard! When I get my hands on him, I'm going to make him wish he were dead 100 times over! What kind of piece of shit is he? Tells Granny Tsunade that her last remaining relatives are dead, then tries to manipulate her emotions into coming back to the village?! I wouldn't have come back either! I'd have replied back with a sealed up fart right in his face!" Naruto's righteous anger saturated the air, but just as Jiraiya promised, his anger wasn't at me. I laughed. Naruto's anger glare turned my way before a wide grin split his face and he joined me. We laughed a few moments before I sobered up. The tears were threatening to escape.

"Naruto… I am so, so sorry. Had I known. Had I heard even a rumor. But this was signed by Sarutobi. I had no reason to even question it. That's not an excuse, and I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I-"I was cut off by a sobbing blonde cannonball that had just crashed into my chest. I could no longer hold back my own tears, and there we sat. For 10 minutes straight just hugging one another. Each of us taking comfort in holding a blood relative. I was the first to get my shit together. I sent the boy a watery smile, wiping away his tears. "Will you give me the chance to make it up to you?" I asked.

Naruto shook his head, my early fears back in full force. "No, I won't. Because you have nothing to make up to me. You were fooled and manipulated by the old piece of shit. It would be stupid to hold a grudge over something like that. Let's just start off with introductions" My cousin jumped to his feet and extended his hand. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I'm 12, but I'll be 13 in 5 weeks. I enjoy training, seals, my friends, the Yamanaka family who have looked at me like their son since I was 6, Old Man Hokage, and RAMEN. I dislike traitors, bullies, and arrogant rookies of the year. My hobbies include gardening and researching and creating new seals. My dream is to be Hokage one day, so if you take that hat from Old Man Third, don't get too comfortable!" He finished boldly. I laughed loudly at that.

"It's nice to meet you, Naruto. My name is Tsunade Senju. I'm 25 years old." A snort from Jiraiya. I flicked a kunai at him, smiling brightly at the yelp that informed me my aim wasn't too rusty. "I enjoy sake, gambling, and I'm quickly rediscovering my love of helping and curing people. I too dislike traitors and cheap liquor. I also, due to a past traumatic experience, absolutely fear the sight of blood. I have begun to work through that fear. I need to get over it if I'm going to turn our medical corps around. My dream is see your dream come true. I will support you in every way I can." I finished, smiling at Naruto. The eerily similar smile to his mother's plastered on his face. "Now, enough of all this sappy crap. We have food and alcohol. Let's talk and drink the night away!


Back with Kenta – 3 weeks since Naruto left.

I collapsed to the ground, panting heavily. My opponent stood across from me, not a hair out of place. I told Cpt Genma to fight me seriously, I had a long mountain to scale to get to S-Rank. Beating Cpt Genma was the largest hurdle in my way at the moment.

"You're getting better. Those back to back 'Body-Flickers' will one day be your bread and butter. Have you figured out how Shisui made those after images?" Cpt Genma smiled down at me. I shook my head wearily.

"For the longest time I thought it was illusions, but the skill needed to create a clone while simultaneously moving is unreal. Now I don't think it is. If it was via illusions, it had to have been made using his cheater eyes. I think I need to increase the speed between jumps to such levels, that my image blurs and leaves an imprint momentarily. I've got a long way to go before I get to that level. Even if I'm wrong and it is illusionary clones of some kind, by the time I realize it I'll be able to make jumps so quick it won't even matter." I huffed out, attempting to catch my breath.

Cpt Genma nodded, smile still on his face. "Alright, take 15 and then we- Ami, what're you doing here?" I turned to follow his gaze. Ami had just appeared in the clearing. Panting slightly, but a large smile in place.

"Naruto is back! They did it, Lady Tsunade was with them! I ran into Ino and she told me they were heading towards the hospital. She wants to see to Lord Third and Cpt Kakashi before anything else!" Her excited reply came. I jumped to my feet, matching her excitement. I turned to Cpt Genma, eyes asking my question for me.

"Welp I doubt you'll be able to concentrate now. Let's all go and see what our third member can tell us." Cpt Genma sighed in fake resignation. I grinned and used the 'Body-Flicker' to arrive at the hospital in record time. A few moments later, Cpt Genma appeared with a haggard looking Ami.

"Ugh. I still can't get that down for super long distances!" She grouched. I laughed and grabbed her hand, dragging her inside. The nurse looked up at me and sighed.

"Lady Tsunade is here, yes. No you can't see her. She's looking after high value patients. I'm sure she'll be taking appointments once she gets settled in." The rehearsed speed came out in a bored drawl. I marched up to her, back straight and eyes blazing. The only time I threw my status around was when someone was discriminating against Naruto, however, I have no shame in this situation.

"You clearly think you're talking to a nobody. I am Kenta Yamanaka. Nephew to the Yamanaka Clan Head, Inoichi Yamanaka. Lady Tsunade is treating Kakashi Hatake, our teams co-captain. I demand you tell me where she is treating him, this instant." I said in my most imperious voice. Imitating all the nobles I'd grown up listening to. It worked, much to my surprise. I did an internal victory dance.

"Yes, Lord Yamanaka. I apologize for the disrespect. We've had dozens come in asking to see the Lady, I hope you understand." She stammered out. Ok, bad cop did his job, now put on the charm and take it home, Kenta!

I waved her nervous rambling down. "I completely understand, Miss. I apologize for my tone as well, we're just very anxious to see our Cpt so you can understand why I didn't want to beat around the bush." My eyes widening in mock innocence. She smiled warmly. Perfectly done, Kenta. You beast.

"Of course, Lord Kenta. I understand. Kakashi Hatake was moved to room 306. Lady Tsunade wanted to look at him first, as she stated his condition would take less time than treating his Honorable Lord Third. You may still catch her, if not I believe Lord Jiraiya and his apprentice will be waiting outside surgery room 2 for her. Can I help with anything else today?" She asked, sweet as pie.

"No ma'am. You've been a great help. I'll mention to Lady Tsunade how helpful you were to not only myself and my friends here, but to her… You know, keeping those unruly fans at bay." I finished with a smile and a wink. The woman blushed at my praise and I excused myself. Ami sidled up next to me, attempting to contain the laughter I saw in her pinched face.

"Laying it on reallllll thick there, weren't ya, Yamanka?" She said, hand over mouth to help contain the laughter. I gave her my haughtiest look.

"Whatever do you mean, Ami darling? I was simply skipping the hoops we would have had to jump through and went straight for the jugular." I said in my snobbiest voice. It was too much, Ami burst out laughing, and I joined her not a second later. Cpt Genma's hand on my head caused me to look up, my laughter renewed at the look of utter exasperation on his face. We all laughed and joked the entire way to Kakashi's room. A lightness had settled over me from the moment I heard Lady Tsunade was back. The fact that she was the world's greatest medic to ever live was reassuring. Cpt Kakashi would be fine, she would operate and get Lord Third as close to normal as possible, Naruto and Lord Jiraiya were home safe. The feeling of anxiety that had settled in my stomach the last three weeks vanished. We arrived outside room 306. Cpt Genma knocked. To my surprise, a voice answered. We entered.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I knew Lady Tsunade was good. But THIS good? Kakashi was proper up in bed. Familiar Orange book pressed close to his face. He wave at us as we entered.

"Yo. How is everyone?" He said nonchalantly.

I snorted. "We're fine, Cpt Kakashi. How are you? You look like… well 100% already!"

He turned a page and nodded. "Yup" popping his 'P' obnoxiously. "Lady Tsunade came in, did her medic thing. We talked. Naruto and Jiraiya stayed for a bit before leaving. Here I sit, not even sore. And I will continue to sit here, like a good little boy." The dripping sarcasm wasn't lost on anyone.

Ami spoke up. "What did Lady Tsunade say? If you feel fine, is she releasing you soon?"

Kakashi turned the page again. "Nope" that obnoxious 'P' ringing in my ear. "I'm to stay here, overnight, under observation, like a child."

Cpt Genma roared with laughter. "Alright, Hatake. What did she say to keep you glued to that bed? Or did she actually glue you? A seal? Come on, this I have to see."

Kakashi immediately broke down into obviously fake crocodile tears. "She told me if I move from this bed anywhere other than the bathroom, she'd snap both my legs and would make me heal the long way." He wailed like a child.

I scoffed. "Oh grow up, Cpt Kakashi. It's a single night. You won't die. Here, I'll even help." I rolled up my sleeve, revealing the miniature summoning array that was seared into my skin all those months ago. I nicked my finger, pushing the drop of blood and a bit of chakra into the seal.

With a puff of smoke. My personal summon Tetsu appeared. He had grown a bit since we had made the initial contract. Whereas before he was the size of a large orange, he was now the size of a meduium sized watermelon. He ruffled his snow white and grey feathers, eyes zoning in on me.

"KEENNTTAAAA! I missed you! I've been so BORED! Do you have a message for me? Do I get to fly across the globe? Well, well? Do ya, do ya?" The hyperactive Owl crooned excitedly. Ami squealed and immediately rushed my summons. She began doting on him, stroking his feathers and beak. Tetsu drank it all up like a stranded shinobi in the deserts surrounding Suna would chug water.

"Tetsu! When you're done being an attention whore, I do have a mission for you." I barked, completely over his antics by this point.

He bobbed excitedly. "Oh a mission! I'm ready, Kenta! Just tell me what I need to do!"

"I need you to go find Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno. Tell them that their captain is awake, and already bored out of his mind. He's stuck in the hospital overnight and he can't leave on threat of severe injury by the deadliest kunoichi in existence. Once you do that, you're free to explore. I gave you enough chakra to last about 24 hours." I told the summons in my mission voice.

The little snowy owl hopped to the windowsill and gave me a winged salue. "You got it boss! I'll complete my mission, even if it kills me!"

I gave my summons an unimpressed look. "If you die delivering a message in Konoha, you deserve it, idiot."

Tetsu took off into the night, tears streaming behind him as he howled about abusive summoners. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Cpt Kakashi. "There ya go. You'll have some entertainment soon enough." I grinned at the man who returned my grin with a flat stare.

"I hate you, Yamanaka. I will be released tomorrow. I will find you. I will end you. Say your goodbyes tonight." He threatened good naturedly. I hoped it was good natured…

We chatted for a few more minutes before leaving the cyclops to his reading. We made our way up to the fifth floor where all the surgery rooms were located. We found room 2 and sure enough Naruto and Lord Jiraiya were in the waiting room. A sandy blonde haired teen accompanied them. He sat off to the side, occasionally chiming into their conversation but mostly sitting back and observing.

"You leave with a single blonde idiot and come back with two blondes. The new guy at least looks his brains are all there. What are you doing, Lord Jiraiya?!" I called out teasingly. Naruto perked up and smiled seeing the three of us. He jumped up from his chair and crashed into us, pulling all three of us into a bear hug.

He stepped back and we all started catching up. They introduced us to the newcomer. His name was Idachi, and apparently he was a traveling Ronin. He decided to come with Naruto and Lord Jiraiya to settle down and offer his services as a body guard to the many merchants of Konoha. Within minutes, we were once again teasing and laughing with each other. Three weeks might as well have been three hours. No matter the time, we always seemed to fall right back into step where we left off.


Tsunade POV

I stared down and my old mentor. The years had not been kind to him. Scratch that, two selfish students not acting like adults and stepping up to take the mantle a decade ago had aged him. I smiled down sadly, determined to push my skills to their limit to ensure that the man who helped raise me could enjoy the rest of his years as normal as possible.

The least damaging injury was the one that worried the staff here the most. If Hiruzen was in his prime, I would agree. The damage to his chakra network would end his career. However, Hiruzen was going to retire. Spending his days advising his successor, playing shoji, and spoiling his grandson. At least, that's what I imagined he'd do. Who knows, the old man couldn't sit still to save his life.

The rest of the damage was severe. His cardiac muscles were damaged and weak. 2 maybe 3 years tops before the damage was too much to continue pumping the lifeblood through his veins. Dead.

The spinal injury. Best case scenario he can use a walker and hobble around, most likely bound to a wheelchair until his heart gave out. Dead.

The liver and kidney damage. Within a year he would need dialysis. Monthly treatments until the monkey was laid to rest. Dead.

Every single injury here was debilitating and virtually impossible to treat. However, I wasn't just anyone. I was Tsunade Fucking Senju. The greatest medical mind to ever live. The stasis seal that Jiraiya placed before leaving made my job even more cake. No scar tissue to contend with. Fresh wounds, ripe for the healing. I pulled my hair back into a tight bun, no distractions.

"Shizune!" I called out. "Work on the endocrine system, I'll work on his heart. I need a pig heart, stat!"

With that, my work began.

***********************************Bad Ass Medic Nin***********************************

Six hours later, I removed my mask, wiping the sweat from my brow. I did a last diagnostic technique and smiled in satisfaction. The pig heart grafts were settling in nicely, no rejection. Shizune didn't disappoint, the kidney and liver damage was virtually eliminated. The spinal injury, repaired to new. He would require so Physical Therapy, but he'd be walking around town within 6 months. The only issue was the chakra pathways. The damage was severe, and even my skills wouldn't repair all the microscopic tears and ruptures. He'd have to settle with only being able to use his chakra like he was a fresh faced Jonin once again. Still a win in my book.

I took off the stasis seal, and woke my mentor up. He blinked a few times. Bleary eyes looking around in confusion. His eyes finally met mine and I smiled warmly.

"Welcome back to the world of living, Master Hiruzen. You had a lot of your people worried." I said gently.

The tears of joy preceded a weak, but still loving hug from the Old Monkey. I hugged him back. Orochimaru did his best to cripple our wise mentor. Too bad for that piece of shit, I was better than he'll ever be.

That's Chapter 12! Not the most exciting, I know. But every chapter can't be action packed fights and training. Thoughts on recalling Itachi back? Next chapter, we're starting to wrap up pre-timeskip arc. We have 1 more chapter (I think at least) before a very new twist on the Sasuke retrieval arc. I'll send you cookies if you can guess what I have planned! I'm thinking 3 more chapters total for this arc, then moving into the fun timeskip badass S-Rank battle against Akatsuki members!

Keep the votes coming! Ami will reveal her BAE after the time skip! You have 3 chapters to vote! And we all know I can crank out chapters in a day or two :D

Review/PM with thoughts/feelings/ideas/suggestions/anything.