Chapter 14: Curses and Blessings

This in not my book BUT I have asked for permission from the author but he still hasn't replied if anyone can get in touch with him let him know if he wants me to I can remove it from here

go check out the book at

PLEASE DON'T START A LYNCH MOB! Ok, I need to start with that. I know I promised you guys retrieval mission this chapter…. Wellllllllll…. I fibbed? Not really. By the time I got through the buildup and the break before we assemble the A-Team, I was at 18k words. I had three choices. End up with a chapter near or possibly over 40k words…. I have so many ideas for these upcoming fights. Two, rush the entire mission and end up with a lackluster ending. Three, split it into two parts. I chose three, I think you all will appreciate that option the best.


Without further ado, I give you chapter 14. Also, you all get to meet my newest OC this chapter! :D :D :D

DRUNK ITACHI! Letssss goooooooooooooooooooooo

Itachi POV

I glanced once more at the document before be and signed my name off. Mission request for an escort to Land of Tea. Easy C-Rank. I grabbed the next document, 'Sharingan' eyes memorizing every detail with ease. I heard a low sound, like an angry cat. I glanced around, wondering if little Tora had managed to hide away in my office. I spied no movement except Lord Third who was currently drawing up plans for a training regimen. For his retirement, he has decided to open a class for select students who he would personally train.

I vetoed the proposed bill in front of me, a raise on property tax for the Northern district? They just had one two years ago! I grabbed the next sheet and glanced over it, signing off on the monthly request to import dangerous flora. The Yamanakas would be pleased. I heard the angry cat again, this time louder. I sighed and turned to the clearly upset elderly man at the next desk over.

"Lord Third, is something bothering you? You sound as though you're training to be a Ninja-cat." I asked pleasantly. He scowled fiercely at me.

"I spent a total of 4 decades behind that desk, I still have nightmares about the mountains of paperwork. Then here comes Itachi, some little upstart with his fancy eyes who may not even be human, but instead some artificial humanoid creature that's only purpose in life is to efficiently get through paperwork!" Lord Third's eyes blazed in righteous fury. He seems to not like paperwork.

"Hiruzen, did you not come up with any means of helping you sort through and manage your paperwork?" I asked, just as pleasant. Naruto isn't the only one who could play a prank.

"I'm complaining to my 19 year old successor about it! Do you honestly think I found a shortcut?! We can't all have eyes that memorize everything they see!" Hiruzen was nearly shouting. Oh my, I am so glad my appointment with Tsunade is about to start.

I stared Hiruzen dead in the eyes, all emotion gone from my face. I cut the flow of chakra to my eyes, allowing them to return to their coal black color. With slow, exaggerated motions I stood up to my full height and I made a single hand seal I knew that Lord Third was all too familiar with. His eyes widened in a slow, dramatic fashion.

"Shadow Clone Technique" I said in a voice with no inflection. A perfect copy of myself stood next to me. I nodded at my clone who nodded back. With careful, meticulous steps, my clone walked behind the desk. He lowered himself down into the chair I had just vacated, and like a mother embracing their new born child, gently lifted the pen on my desk before signing my name on the document I had left unsigned.

The effect was instant. Lord Third clutched at his chest, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he slid to the floor in an unconscious heap. I dispelled my clone and then continued my work. Not even five minutes later, my secretary poked her head in.

"Lady Tsunade is here to see you, Lord Hokage." She cheerfully informed me.

"Thank you Susume. Send her in." I told her politely. She nodded and as she closed the door, noticed Lord Third on the ground. She sighed in exasperation.

"Lord Fifth, how many times must I reprimand you? It is not nice to tease your elders!" Susume scolded lightly. I simply smiled and waved. The roll of her eyes clearly said she was done with my shit today.

Lady Tsunade entered a moment later, took one look at Hiruzen and laughed uproariously. "Ok, Uchiha, what did you do this time?"

I smiled at the woman that history says I should despise. Instead she had quickly become a good friend of mine. Her personality was a breath of fresh air. She could talk your ear off and turn your brain to jelly with her knowledge of the medical branch of shinobi arts, human anatomy, and a few other random subjects. In the same breath she could tell a joke that was a danger if you have just taken a drink of any liquid. Beauty, Brains, and Intelligence. If she were 20 years younger or I 20 years older, I would most likely attempt to court the woman. Instead, she reminded me of my Aunt Hae. Though Aunt Hae was much calmer and less boisterous, she had the same fiery spirit and loose laughter. She was a rock for me until her untimely death. I will never forget her, nor anyone from my clan.

"Did you know that Lord Third, between his two times serving as Hokage, spent 4 decades in office?" I asked in my innocent tone. The woman's grin never left her face as she nodded. "Well, Lord Third started to complain that I was somehow cheating at 'doing the accursed paperwork' in record time. He thinks I should suffer like him. That being buried under piles of paperwork is some… rite of passage." I shivered, just thinking of being so inefficient and disorganized made my stomach churn.

Tsunade laughed once more. "Ok, brat. Tell me what you did! He's foaming at the mouth and I'm almost positive I can see smoke escaping his ears. How did you fry his brain this time?"

"I turned off my eyes, and made a shadow clone after he admitted that in 40 years he never thought of a shortcut to help with his load of work." I stated simply. Tsunade was now rolling around on the ground, clutching her sides howling with laughter. I joined in her laughter, much more subdued though. She eventually managed to stand up and wipe away the tears of laughter.

"Ok, kid. You have to tell me. Everything I thought I knew about you is wrong. From everything I had been told, you were an emotionless killing machine. Even as a kid, no one saw you smile, let alone laugh. This brat in front of me is quiet and reserved, there's no question there. But you have a wicked sense of humor, a penchant for pranking, and seem to be nothing but those small smiles and quiet laughs." Tsunade asked, smiling across the desk at me.

I sighed and met the blondes eyes. "Just a few short months ago, that was likely true. I had nothing to live for except to serve my village as a double agent until the day I died of an incurable disease. The only thing that kept me going was knowing that I had to survive long enough to die by Sasuke's hand. I needed him to be prepared for the plans Akatsuki had started to set in motion. I had it all figured out, and then hurricane Jiraiya rolled in and turned my life on its head."

"So that was it? Just hearing about the truth from Jiraiya somehow blew a sense of humor into you?" Tsunade asked in disbelief.

I shook my head. "No, that was simply the first spark. You, Tsunade, you were the real reason I started to believe again."

"Me? What are you talking about, kid?" Tsunade asked, sipping from the saucer… Where in the hell did she pull a bottle of sake and saucers from?!

"When you first met me, you didn't doubt Jiraiya for a moment. You believed in me and it was as if everything I did wasn't even an issue. That belief gave me hope that maybe one day, after working hard to earn their trust once again, the rest of the village could come to accept me. I would have been happy. Leaving that life of violence and pain to live out the rest of my days in my home village. Maybe extending my life by a few years with consistent treatments at the hospital. My dream had changed to seeing Sasuke flourish and achieve the rank of Jonin. You didn't just stop there though. You had to go and completely shatter my illusion at a peaceful life."

Tsunade smirked at me over her saucer. "As I said, kid. There's no one alive who can even claim to be in the same training ground as me. Face it, I'm amazing." She then grabbed a paperweight and tossed it randomly over her shoulder. A pained moan soon followed. "Get up, you pathetic geezer. I know you've been awake since just a few moments after I walked in. You will get absolutely zero pity from me. 'The Professor?' HA! What an absolute rubbish title. Not even smart enough to use a shadow clone as a slave. How do you think I've gotten so much done at the hospital already? I should be 'The Professor.'" She laughed loudly at her own joke, somehow managing to not spill a single drop of her liquid life.

I sent an apologetic smile to Lord Third. "Sorry, Hiruzen. You set yourself up for that one. Well, all of it. Pity is indeed the last thing you will get from me."

In a way only the elders are capable of, he 'harrumphed' and began to pout like a little kid. Muttering curses under his breath and shooting us both hate filled glares. Tsunade smirked and motioned for me to continue.

"I thought that I would die with a few years at the hands of my brother. Hated by the village and my only living relative. I'd be buried in an unmarked grave, and my name would be cemented as kinslayer and traitor. I was content. I had accepted that fate. Then you tell me you can cure me and Jiraiya was giving me my life back. The tiny ember Jiraiya had started was now a warm flame resting deep in my chest. However, the thing that finally shattered my walls and the cloud of gloom that seemed to follow me my entire life, happened right here in this room. When I held my baby brother in my arms and he hugged me back just as tight. That flame became a roaring bonfire. Things have only improved since then."

"My earliest memories are of my dad's harsh tone and even harsher punishment for anything less than perfect. Day in and out all I heard about was Shisui. How strong he was, how perfect he was. He was destined to be the next clan head, NO, the Hokage. 5 year old me hated him. I was constantly compared to Shisui. He was a once a generation genius. I was the clan head's son. I had to be perfect." In a move that surprised even myself, I snatched the saucer from Tsunade's grubby fingers and downed the burning liquid. The liquid scorched my throat and left a burn sensation. A burn that had been forming in the pit of my stomach matching it degree for degree. Tsunade raised an eyebrow and raised the bottle in a silent question. I held out the saucer and her grin turned savage.

"Fuck yes! I'm going to get to see Lord Brat hammered! This will be a first!" Tsunade crowed in triumph. I couldn't help the snort that escaped.

"Anyway" I began coughing slightly, "My entire life was grueling training, academic lessons, political training. Everything Shisui did, I had to do better, or face my father's displeasure. Shisui unlocked his sharingan at age 6. Father took me to a battlefield to see the horrors of war with my own eyes. I unlocked my sharingan at 5. Shisui graduated at age 7? I was better, I did it at age six. Chunin at 9? Chunin at 8. My entire life was always father pushing me to be better than Shisui. If he was a once a generation talent, what did that make me? The Clan Heads son who did everything even sooner? I was labeled a once in a century talent.

"Again and again father set expectations to impossible levels, and again and again I met them. Never once did he praise me for my accomplishments, only pointed out my failures. Let me ask you, is it normal for a 5 year old to have a nervous breakdown? Rhetorical question. No, it isn't. That's how Shisui found me. When I first met the boy, he was nothing what I expected. He wasn't a proper Uchiha. He was loud, outgoing, and lively. He was carefree, his accomplishments meant nothing to him. While my father continued to ignore my accomplishments and punish my failures, Shisui was always there. When I broke his record for graduation, Shisui threw me a party. When I made Chunin at the age of 8, Father reminded me that Kakashi had done it at age 6. Shisui? He took me to a buffet and let me eat myself sick."

I smiled sadly, missing my cousin now more than even in my life. "From the age of 3, until I met Shisui, I hated his guts. If he wasn't alive, I could have had a normal childhood. I could have went to the park instead of train until my hands bled. I could have had friends over instead of working on my chakra control until I passed out from exhaustion. He was the bane of my existence, and then I met him. From the first meeting, he became the most important person in my life." I suddenly laughed, causing my audience members to look at me questioningly. "He was so mad when I told him that he was now number two when Sasuke was born. He ranted and raved the entire way to my house to see the "best friend stealing demon." The moment he laid eyes on my baby brother, he just as quickly dropped me down to number two as well."

Hiruzen and Tsunade laughed lightly at that. It was one of my fondest memories. "So you see, from my earliest memories until the day Jiraiya ordered me home, my life had been completely and utterly miserable. The only saving grace I had was my bond with Shisui, and the love I had for my baby brother. If I didn't have those two things, I would have more than likely killed myself. It is the honest truth. The thought crossed my mind every day from the moment I left the village, until I was traveling with Naruto and Jiraiya."

The two older shinobi exchanged glances but didn't say anything. "So you see, you asked what happened. What changed me? I now sit in a seat that was occupied by four of the most powerful men to ever walk this planet. I sit in a position that is quite possibly the most powerful position in the world. I should be faltering and suffocating on the pressure of living up to those names and being responsible for over 100,000 people. I should be all those things. But I'm not. I've never felt freer in my entire life. The pressure to be perfect isn't there anymore. The perfect son, the perfect brother, the perfect heir. None of that weighs on my mind. I can simply be me. The people of this village do not expect me to be perfect. They just expect me to do what's best. I can handle that. I will handle it, and I will succeed. You charged me with this duty, Hiruzen. I won't let you down." I finished, downing another saucer of the clear liquid. The burn not as bad as it was previously. I hiccupped.

"Well said, brat! Better you than me! The hat looks good on you, you wear it well. Grandfather and Granduncle would be proud. Well, Grandfather would. Uncle Tobes would probably shit a brick seeing an evil Uchiha in the Hokage's seat!" Tsunade let out a bark of laughter. "Now enough of this touchy, feely, emotional crap! I have a damn meeting. I have gods damn proposals I need you to approve or deny, and I have 3 more gods damn bottles of this shitty sake to drink and doctors and nurses to torment!"

A stange giggling sound erupted from my chest, causing me to flush. How embarrassing. No more of that evil liquid for me. Well, maybe one more. "Ok, Hag. What do you have for me?" I smirked in triumph. The vein in Tsunade's head throbbed dangerously.

"What. Did. You. Call. Me?" She ground out.

"Well since you don't show me and my title the proper respect, then I will start giving as good as you give. Bring it, Lady." I made a motioning gesture, Uchiha smirk on full blast.

Tsunade ground her teeth audible. She then burst out laughing and sat down, downing another shot. She waved her finger at me. "You. I knew I liked you. You've got balls, kid. Now let's start!"

She pulled out a folder from the folds of her robe, as well as another bottle of sake. She poured a glass for each of us, not even bothering with Hiruzen. During his last checkup it was discovered he was beginning to develop liver sclerosis. He was banned from alcohol until Tsunade could reverse the effects. The herb she needed though to finish this medicine had yet to arrive. She pulled out a few sheets of paper. I activated my eyes… on the third try, and scanned the documents. My mind momentarily cleared from the alcohol induced haze, my excitement growing. Tsunade smirked knowingly.

"Good, isn't it?" She said haughtily. I nodded overenthusiastically like I was a child again.

"What is that, Tsunade?" Lord Third asked from his desk. I handed the document to Hiruzen while Tsunade gave a brief verbal overview.

"A complete revamp of the current curriculum. The academy is a 6 year program. With this new policy the first four years would encompass everything the current curriculum goes over, while adding a few new things. DON'T INTERUPT ME GEEZER! At the end of year four, the students would take a test similar to the current graduation exam. We would then score their tests and then they would be placed according to their aptitude and preference. Those who test high academically and have promising control would enroll in the genin level medical arts school. Those who seek to pursue hand to hand would go train their craft. So on and so forth. Upon graduation, you now have Genin that are specialized and better trained and equipped. Every team would have a medic in training, injuries and death projections of the next 5, 10 and 20 years are on page 17." She made a continue reading gesture.

She poured another drink, shaking her hand and head, forestalling Hiruzen once more. "Listen here, 'PROFESSOR' read the damn proposal front to back before you ask your frivolous questions that I've most likely answered in that 27 page document! I'll answer the first question though that you tried to interrupt me with. When was the last time you ACTUALLY looked at the current curriculum? It's literal dog shit. It's mostly useless facts, theory, basic shit, and lame ass techniques that barely get used outside of 'Replacement." They don't teach wall walking, they don't teach basic surivial techniques like the fucking simple E-Rank fire technique we use to light campfires! It's gutted! I'm going to properly gut it and revamp it. The syllabus for each quarter the students attend from year 1 to year 4 is all there. I only have the programs designed for medical arts and illusions. I need to work with those more qualified on things like swordplay, sealing, things like that."

"I love it, Tsunade. Get me a final, final draft ASAP. I will bring this rough draft to the new council meeting along with the rest of my orders. I will then assign members of the shinobi council to put together a team to put together all the logistics. Space, Money, Equipment. We will plan to have this program up and running in a year."

Tsunade sent me a sharp salute, not even a hint of sarcasm. "Yes Lord Brat-Kage! I'll have the final draft done by the end of the month."

There it was. I opened my mouth but Hiruzen interrupted me. "Itachi, what do you mean? You can't just go to the council and make demands and give orders. There's a process, it must be voted on it-"It was my turn to cut off my predecessor.

"Hiruzen. There is no other man on this planet that I respect more than you. Believe me when everything I'm about to say comes from a place of caring." I took a deep breath, and maybe another shot. That was only 4. Or was it 5? 6? Bah, I was fine. "Your first tenure as Hokage saw Konoha absolutely flourish. Even in the midst of fighting TWO shinobi wars, Konoha still grew leaps and bounds. You led us to victory, not once, but twice. The economy boomed. You were revered above all others who came before you. You ended your time as Hokage on the highest note. Minato was and most likely will be the absolute perfect candidate as Hokage. We were set for our true golden years. Minato had such progressive and wonderful ideas. And then shit hit the fan. He died, and you were forced to take up the mantle once more. You shouldn't have been more than a fill in." I glared at Tsunade at this point, she flipped me the bird. "But you stepped up when your village needed you most. Your second time serving as Hokage was, forgive my language, complete and utter shit."

Hiruzen's eyes widened in outrage and Tsunade's eyes were darting back and forth between us. "Admit it, Hiruzen. You were manipulated not only with my cousins stolen eye, but in the good old-fashioned ways. You were tired and worn down, you only wanted what was best for Konoha. You became a yes man and people pleaser, and it costs you dearly. Did you know that Konoha's economy is the largest of any of the great nation's, bar none? Did you also know that a proposal went into effect 10 years ago that YOU signed that stated that only 10%, TEN of our total gross income would be used for military purposes? We're a gods damn hidden village, Hiruzen! We aren't a tourist town! We aren't a family friendly neighborhood civilian town! We begin training kids at the age of SIX on how to take down and kill a grown man! We send kids not even in their teenage years to war. This. Is. A. Military. Village. We educate and train our own standing army. The first words out of my mouth at my inauguration were every decision I make will be for the benefit of the village. I intend to keep that promise. I am the Hokage. MY word is law. I intend to bring peace and happiness to all who live in these walls and I WILL not allow the greed of a few corrupt politicians to undermine my authority any longer. Do I make myself clear?" I finished boldly. At some point I had risen to my feet and my 'Sharingan' had activated without my knowledge. I quickly cut the connection.

Tsunade stood as well and began to slow clap. "That. THAT is what I like to hear. Well said, brat. I think I will come to the next council meeting. I can't wait to watch those smug, fat bastards shit themselves. Oh! You HAVE to flash those eyes at them. Cheers!" She shoved the saucer against my lips and forced me to drink. I spluttered at the unexpected move. I cleared my throat and made eye contact with Hiruzen. I meant every word I said, but god damn the alcohol is loosening my lips. I just went DAD MODE on a 70 year old legend! 'Do I make myself clear?' I'm so dead!

I barely caught myself as my knees nearly gave out. Hiruzen was smiling brightly at me from ear to ear. "I definitely made the right decision. I cannot wait for tomorrow's meeting. As Tsunade so eloquently put it, I look forward to watching those "smug, fat bastards shit themselves." You make me prouder every single day you hold your title. Continue to impress me, Lord Fifth.

I let out a sigh of relief and sat back down. "Ok, next item Tsunade." She threw a scroll at me which I caught deftly. I opened it. It was a list of names. "What is this?"

"Eh. All the people that have personally requested that they become my apprentice. It's no biggie, I'm kind of a big deal." She smugly replied, sipping her alcohol and checking her nails.

"I see. What does this have to do with me?" I asked in confusion.

"You're going to pick three names. You know what I look for, what my expectations are. If they do not meet my rigid standards, then I will punt not only them, but your scrawny ass across the village. I have no time to waste! I need personally trained minions to keep my plans on time!" She yelled, finger in my face. I blew a finger sized fireball directly at the offending appendage, causing her to jump back with a yelp. She blew a raspberry my way and downed another shot. I noticed the now full cup that had mysteriously appeared in front of me. What the hell?

"Fine." I quickly scanned the documents and found three perfect candidates. "There. Threaten me again and I'll punt YOU across the village, got it, Jugs?" I instantly flushed in embarrassment. "Ok, not more alcohol for me. I have no idea where that came from!"

Hiruzen and Tsunade though seemed highly amused by my comment. I breathed a sigh of relief. I still didn't know exactly what caused Tsunade's legendary temper to flair up unexpectedly.

She calmed down and found the names I had selected. "You're sure about these three? I'm being serious, if I plan on opening a proper medical school, I will need personally trained instructors and apprentices. The standards have fallen way too fucking far. We have a lot of work to do."

I nodded and pointed at the first name. "He'll be your biggest challenge, if you hadn't already guessed it. However, he put is name down so something has got him motivated. This one, well I know you've been dying to get one of them in your program. Finally, this man, will most likely be your hardest working student and most pleasant to work with. He is polite, hardworking, and has wanted to be a medic ninja for years."

She looked down at the paper once more. "Shikamaru Nara, Hinata Hyuga, and Haku Yuki. I'll take your word for it. Now, I need to also get your authorization. Shizune will be taking full control of the hospital, but she also wants to take on her own apprentice. She is ready, she's the only one who even comes close to my skill. I personally trained her. This is who she personally requested. She's talked to the girl and she seems absolutely over the moon about the idea."

I took the proffered biography and smiled. Mint green hair and Orange eyes stared up at me. I did have a rather large concern. "Her control? And isn't tailed beast chakra poisonous and corrosive to humans?"

Tsunade waved away my concerns. "Her control doesn't matter as it stands right now. Shizune is a bigger slave driver than I am. She will have the girls control to the required level or kill the girl trying. As for the beasts chakra, Fú and her partner are in perfect sync. The girl is still too young and requires more training, her body simply can't handle the amount of power and chakra just yet, but in the future, she will most likely be what is referred to as a perfect Jinchuriki, just like B of Kumo." Tsunade's smug expression only grew at seeing my look of disbelief. "What that means for now though is that Fú can completely filter her own chakra from the 7-tails. She will be a great student."

I opened my mouth to ask more questions but at that moment my door banged open. In stumbled a haggard looking Sasuke. Susume was behind him apologizing profusely. I pinned my foolish little brother with my most serious glare.

"Sasuke Uchiha. I may be your brother, but I am the Hokage. I cannot have you thinking you can just barge in here, without permission." I hissed through gritted teeth. "This had better be an emergency."

"Sorry, Brother- I mean Lord Hokage. But it is! Sakura has been attacked! I rushed her to the hospital and then came right here. It's bad, Itachi, it-"He cut off trying to fight back the tears. Hokage mode flew out the door faster than Sasuke barged in.

"Come. Let's go. Tsunade will be right there with us, she won't let anything happen to the girl." I motioned for Tsunade to follow us, Hiruzen spoke up.

"I will wait here for your next appointment. If it is something I can help with, I will. If not I will have him reschedule. Off with you all, Sakura needs you." Lord Third said, shooing us out the door.

I grabbed hold of Sasuke and in my best imitation of Jiraiya jumped out the window and 'Body-Flickered' away.


Sasuke POV

I continued to pace the lobby. Tsunade and Shizune had been in there for hours now! My pacing was clearly wearing on everyone's nerves, but I didn't care. They didn't SEE her when I found her. Her face was barely recognizable. Every inch of skin was discolored. Gashes and cuts littered her pale skin. She looked seconds away from death's door.

I jumped when the sudden bell sounded. I whipped around just as the 'in-surgery' light shut off. Tsunade and Shizune stepped out of the room, both looking none the worse for wear. I rushed to their sides but was cutoff by the intimidating blonde Sannin. Now that I think about it, she reminds me a LOT of Sakura. Personality wise at least. Loud, Obnoxious but kind and caring. Also having superhuman strength that could end a man's life if he pissed them off enough.

"Your girlfriend is going to be fine, emo brat. She's resting now. The nurses are coming to move her to a room. You can follow them when they arrive. If they ask or try to force you to leave, throw your fucking name around. It works for the obnoxious Yamanka kid, and he's only cousins of the clan head. If that doesn't work, throw my name around! I don't give a shit. Now, my buzz is gone and a nurse looked at me funny on the way up here. Booze and terrorizing call my name. Later, brats!" She waved over her shoulder. I was not impressed. Just because she used that advanced 'Transformation' technique to look like she was still in her early 20s, doesn't mean she needs to act like it! I jumped when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and was greeted by my brother's smiling face.

"Come. I'll escort you to Sakura's room. I'm sure they won't say no to little old me." Itachi giggled, GIGGLED. I recoiled in disgust.

"What in the sage's left testicle was that, Itachi? Since when do you giggle?" I eyed him like a roach on the ground. This was very un-Uchihalike.

"Shhhhh. You can't tell anyone. It's our little secret." He leaned down, his 'whispering' louder than his speaking voice. "That pig-tailed blonde demon got me drunk! She's planning something Sasuke! I think she wants my body!"

"Itachi, we've been in this waiting room for almost four hours. HOW are you drunk?" I asked incredulously.

He put his finger to his lips, as if I were the one whisper-shouting and from within his black haori, pulled out an empty sake bottle. "I found this empty bottle next to me! She's trying to frame me!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose. Mother always said that area was a pressure point to ward off tension headaches. Either mother was a liar, or I had skipped right over a tension headache into migraine territory.

"I cannot deal with this right now. You need to go home and get some sleep." I said, acting like I was the older sibling. "ANBU!" I called out firmly and smirked as one of the elites landed in front of me.

"Here, Lord Sasuke. I am ANBU agent Ferret, member of team Mu who are charged with Lord Fifth's safety, and by extension his family, while in the village borders. How may I serve you?" The professional explanation was delivered prompt and concise. I like these ANBU…

"Good to meet you, Ferret. I need you to take this… thing home." I said in distaste. Not at all impressed with Itachi's behavior. Mother was attempting to defy the Gods and force her way back to the world of the living, I was sure. Don't get me wrong, I want my brother to be happy and enjoy life. But there is a time and a place! "Put him to bed, make sure he drinks some water. I'm not dealing with a hungover brother in the morning. Are you the captain of this team?"

"No, Lord Sasuke. That would be Cpt Komodo."

"Got it. Well, once you accomplish this task and he's snoring and drooling in his bed, report to Komodo as usual."

Ferret saluted me sharply and gently helped my brother to his feet, escorting him out of the hospital.

"SASUKE I LOVE YOU!" Itachi's voice cried out as he was guided through the door to the stairwell. I sighed. This would get out, and do you know who would hear of it more? Me. I'll be demanding additional training for this mess.

I turned back to the surgery room just as the double doors opened once more. Two middle-aged nurses were wheeling out Sakura in her bed. I rushed over.

"I will be following you and staying with Sakura. I trust this won't be an issue?" I asked in the haughtiest voice I could manage. That Yamanaka had nothing on me.

"Are you family?" The closest nurse asked politely?

"Well no, I'm he-"

"Then I am afraid you cannot escort us, young man. Only family outside of normal visiting hours." She said primly.

I gnashed my teeth. "You know exactly who I am, woman. I am coming with you. Or do I need to go fetch Tsunade? She mentioned something about sake and terrorizing nurses." I hissed, the vindictive green beast purred it's appreciation in my chest.

"N-no, Lord Uchiha. That won't be necessary. B-but I am afraid, and even Lady Tsunade will agree, that you will need to wait until we exit the room. Mi-miss Haruno needs to be cleaned and put into the proper attire." She squeaked out in fear.

I smiled internally. Not as smooth as Kenta, but a much more satisfying result. "That is agreeable. I will be back in one hour. I will go and get some personal items from Sakura's house and make sure her parents were informed. Which room is she being transferred to?" I asked, polite clan heir back in place. The woman relaxed a bit, thinking she was in the clear. That wouldn't do. This wasn't just any patient, this was MY Sakura.

'Where the hell did THAT thought come from? She's not my… She's my teammate. That's what I meant.' I nodded to myself, that's exactly what I meant. I pinned the woman with a glare once more.

"R-room 201, Lord Uchiha! Your name will be on the l-list when you return!" Her pitch rising slightly in her fear. Much better.

I nodded sharply. "I will be back." I turned on my heel and marched out of the waiting room, turning as I arrived at the door Itachi had been escorted out minutes ago. "Miss Haruno is a close family-friend of the Uchiha Clan. I expect she will be treated as such?" My eyebrow arched in challenge.

"T-the very best!" She cried out, eyes trying to blink away the tears quickly forming.

"See to it that you keep to that promise. I can promise you, if anything happens to her under your care, Tsunade will be the least of your worries." I accentuated my threat with a flash of crimson. With that, I swiftly left the hospital

********************************** Sasu In Lurrrvveee*********************************

Something tickled my nose and I swiftly bat it away, the pull of slumber still clinging tightly to my muddled brain. I dug my head deeper into my pillow. The barely coherent thought floated through my mind.

'Mm. Much firmer than I remember my pillow being, but it's much more comfortable'

I smiled to myself and was about to let my brain drift off once more to dream land when the unmistakable sound of a giggle snapped me to consciousness immediately. My mind quickly taking in my surroundings, processing the information at record speeds.

'White walls, smell of disinfectant. Hospital. Sakura in surgery. Scared some Nurses. Talked to Sakura's parents and got some clothes and hygiene products. Returned to hospital, glared at nurse for good measure. Pulled chair to bed, fell asleep…'

My eyes slowly lowered to the position by head was previously resting. Not a comfortable pillow, Sakura's lap. My stomached dropped as in the same instant the heat that rushed to my face was so intense I momentarily thought I was unconsciously activating a fire technique. Another, louder giggle snapped me back to reality. I stared straight ahead. I couldn't look at her!

"Sasukkkeeee?" Sakura sing-songed. "Did you know you drool and snore ever so quietly when you sleep? It's kinda cute." That infuriatingly attractive giggle sounded once more.

"I do no such thing. I am an Uchiha, not some barbarian. You must still be suffering from a mild concussion. I heard even Tsunade is wary when dealing with brain injuries. That must be it." I said through gritted teeth, wishing I would just die on the spot.

"Sasuke!" Sakura's voice cracked like a whip, forcing me to look at her. I may just die now. "You are acting like a blushing virgin over there! Sit!" I sat. "We are teammates, we've seen each other near naked plenty of times on missions. You fell asleep on my leg. That's it! It wasn't some lewd or perverted act! You fell asleep watching over me and making sure I was OK! I am flattered and humbled. But if you do not stop acting like a complete idiot, I will bodily throw you out that window. Do I make myself clear?" Her hard gaze bore into mine. I nodded once more, forcing myself to relax. She smiled in satisfaction and softened her gaze.

"Thank you, Sasuke. You must have been exhausted. It's 9am! The nurses have already been to check on me twice. They also told me you were the one who found me and then brought Lady Tsunade here?" She was smiling softly, eyes downcast staring at the folded hands in her nap.

"I did. You scared me Sakura. You were lucky I couldn't sleep and decided to go for a run. Who knows if or when you would have been found? What happened?" My voice was laced with concern but also slightly chastising.

Sakura's eyes narrowed in anger. "Those fuckers jumped me! I… Wait, I need to tell Lord Fifth. I will tell you, I just don't want to repeat myself more than I have to. Can we get a message to him?"

I nodded. "Totally understandable. I will go get him personally… Unless… ANBU!" I barked out, instantly a different ANBU from last night was in front of me. I rolled my eyes. "Who are you?"

"Cpt Komodo, Lord Sasuke." He replied in a deep bass.

"Do not lie to me, Captain. Is this Standard Procedure for your duties? Or is this my dearest Older Brother being an overprotective idiot?" I asked in a bored tone.

"It is… Both. Lord Sasuke." He replied hesitantly. I flashed my eyes just in time to catch the tiniest of twitches in his hand.

"Lies. Next question, Captain. You are sworn to protect the Hokage and his family, correct?" Tone never changing. He nodded hesitantly again. "Then what would your team's job be if Lord Fifth was attacked and murdered by his younger brother for being a complete buffoon?"

"I… would tell my men to not get involved." He said in a defeated tone.

"You have redeemed yourself. Let my dearest brother know that Sakura is awake and needs to debrief him on the attack last night." I ordered. He rose gracefully and swiftly to his feet, gave a crisp salute and was gone in an instant. I rubbed my ear, an annoying ringing had started.

"Oooooh. So this is what a Chunin giving orders is like? I definitely have to pass next time. When I do, Lord Sasuke, could I bother you for some… private lessons?" Sakura's sultry voice purred directly behind me. I froze on the spot. Turning ever so slowly to face this enigmatic beast. Seeing her, my brain shut down.

She was sitting propped up in her bed, same exact spot as before. The covers not an inch moved. She had a book in her hand and was thumbing to the next page. She felt my gaze on her and she turned and gave me a small smile. "That was very good, Sasuke. You're a natural leader." She smiled brightly before turning back to her book.

"I… But you…? And my ear? What was that?!" I shouted, completely confused. She was RIGHT on top of me! I felt her breathe!

She stared at me in shock and confusion. "What are you on about, Uchiha? I told you to get ahold of yourself. You're talking crazy now. Form a coherent sentence!" She snapped in annoyance.

I simply shook my head. Had to have been my imagination. The mental strain of the last day, coupled with not the most quality sleep. Yup. That was exactly it. All in my head. Just like this annoying ringing!

"That advice I gave you all those months ago? That was all the time I needed to make my move. Look at her, she sees you as nothing more than a friend now. Sakura will never be yours, Uchiha… Sakura is mine." Hatred I hadn't felt in nearly a year came rushing back, embracing me like an old friend. Without hesitation, I reached into my weapon pouch, spinning swiftly on the spot and lashing out like a cobra right where I knew the neck of that blonde haired, teal eyed bastard would be!

I caught myself as my momentum carried me straight through empty air. I swiftly righted myself, my 'Sharingan' eyes darting around, figuring out where that back-stabbing Yamanaka was.

"Sasuke! Seriously what the hell!" Sakura had closed her book and thrown back the cover. "What is wrong with you, you're acting like a complete lunatic!"

I stared at her as if she had grown a second head. "How did you not see him? He was whispering right in my ear!"

"There was no one Sasuke! Just you!"

"No… no you're wrong. You were reading your book and that slimy fucking bastard is one of the fastest in the village now." I said, rage still fueling me.

"No, I wasn't Sasuke. I was watching you the whole time. You were standing there, and went wide eyed. I went to get up to check on you and then your face went red in rage and you lashed out at the empty air. I swear Sasuke. Are you feeling OK?" Her voice was dripping with concern. She was watching? It didn't make sense! I KNOW he was there!

"SAKURA! You're awake and better! Yes!" Naruto's voice temporarily making me forget the incident and my anger. I watched him barrel forward, knowing how enthusiastic his greetings could be. My hand twitched but Ami knew him better than I. She clotheslined the blonde as she grasped his collar and pulled back hard. He went bug eyes as his momentum was suddenly going the opposite direction.

"Naruto Uzumaki! We are in a hospital. You use your inside voice this instant! Sakura is still recovering. Lady Tsunade healed her, but she still needs rest. Normal people hugs, only!" Ami snapped at her idiotic teammate. Even I smirked a little. I pushed the mystery incident to the back of my mind, Sakura was all that mattered right now.

"I'm sorry, Ami! Please I'm just so happy to see Sakura is ok!" Naruto whined.

"So am I. But do I look like some uncouth lout, disturbing the rest of the injured and sick? This is the second time in less than 24 hours. Do we need to have another manners lessssson." Ami hissed a bit, sending a shiver down my spine as a flashback played rapidly in my head.

Naruto's face went white as a sheet and he shook his head rapidly. "No, Ami! No manners lesson! I'll remember from now on, I swear, ya know!" He pleaded in a MUCH more subdued tone.

A rustle from her sleeve and a soft faint hiss preceeded her pouting face. "Pity. Riromaku had a lot of fun at our last one." Her eyes shone with a crazed look. "Now, if you are gentle, go give Sakura a hug."

Naruto fled like the Shinigami himself. He stopped once he got to the bed, and knelt down before giving Sakura a gentle, no less loving hug. I scooted over to Ami and leaned down, whispering quietly, tuning out the gabbing duo.

"What exactly is involved in manner's lessons? I've never seen Idiot look more afraid in his life."

She flashed me a wicked grin. "Whenever Naruto acts improper, especially if it embarrasses me, he volunteers to be my test dummy for my new poisons and venoms Oh! Did you know that one of the traits he received from Kyubi is accelerated healing?! That includes being immune to all but the absolute deadliest toxins out there!" She squealed excitedly. The same squeal she used to have when she talked about a new outfit or makeup, was now used when talking about poisoning her own teammate? Who the hell was this girl? I took an extremely unnoticeable large step back.

Her maniac grin only widened. "Last manners lesson, I tested my latest toxin on him. From everything I researched in how my snake's venom would react with the poisonous plants, it should have killed him within 5 minutes. Naruto is just shy of 13 and slightly below average height for his age. A full grown male between the heights of 5'6"-6'0" and within ranges of 130-200lbs could last anywhere from 10-30 minutes. However do you know what it did instead? Do you?" The crazy glint in her eye was becoming more ominous by the minute. I shook my head, completely and confidently hesitant. "He puked up a gallon of blood, passed out for 24 hours, and then woke up as healthy as he was before! Isn't that amazing!?" She was vibrating with an absolute EUPHORIC energy.

"Holy hell, Ami! He could have died! I know he's annoying but don't yo" Ami burst out laughing.

"I'm joking Sasuke. I mean I do have that toxin, I tested it on some bandits last mission. I have my notes, which are very detailed might I add… Poison making and toxicology is a very fine art. The measurements must be exact! Anyway, I have never used a toxin that could potentially harm Naruto. He tests all my non-lethals when he acts like an uncultured swine. Of course, that's not to say that they're not totally harmless…" She let the threat hand in the air, causing me to shiver. Naruto stepped back from Sakura and Ami quickly took his place. Naruto joined me a moment later.

"Did you find out anything about the assholes who did this to her?" The blonde growled.

"Naruto, do you still have feelings for Sakura?" I blurted out, still completely unable to shake the rage and jealousy that clawed in my chest.

"What? Where did that come from? No, I don't for your information! Sakura and I are too similar. I'd end up 6ft under if we dated. Why are you asking?" He asked suspiciously.

I let out a quiet sigh of relief, the monsters in my chest, also pleased, when back to slowly simmering below the surface. One thing that you could always count on with Naruto, he physically couldn't lie. It just wasn't part of who he was. The only time his conscious would allow him to lie was on a mission. He wasn't completely hopeless as a shinobi, but he was close.

"No reason. Just a thought that popped into my head watching you two talk." I lied smoothly.

He bought it and smiled. "Oh. I mean, Sakura is still one of the prettiest girls in the village, but yeah… She's like a sister to me. I was just so happy to see she was OK. Kenta and Ami showed up at my door and told me what happened. We rushed over here immediately. So, to my original question, bastard. Find out anything?"

"Where is Kenta?" Trying to keep my tone neutral. The monsters began to growl menacingly at the mention of his name.

"Kenta? Ummmmm. Oh! He said he had to tell Ino, she and Sakura are close, ya know? Then he said he'd grab some flowers to cheer her up!" Naruto's grinning face made the monsters lash out. I barely restrained myself from smacking that smile off his face. Did Naruto know the truth? The blonde he considered a best friend and brother being nothing more than a two faced snake? I doubt it. Kenta was loyal to Naruto, to me though? Not so much. He'd always been jealous of me. It would be just in his wheelhouse to befriend me, only to stab me in the back.

My internal raving was cut off abruptly as a voice called out. A voice I knew all too well. A voice that made the monsters in my chest bellow their hatred for the owner.

"Helllloooo? Is this Sakura's room? I can't see anything! Ino, make yourself useful for once in your life." The voice of Kenta Yamanaka growled out. Ino said something in reply, but I couldn't make it out.

My heartbeat was loud in my ear. So loud it drowned out everything around me. I took a deep breath. Calm down. I took another, the beasts grew more frenzied. I took another, deeper breath. Naruto had taken the plants and Kenta's cheery smile gazed around the room. BREATHE SASUKE! His gaze met mine and he smiled smugly. The beasts broke free.

I was barely, barely able to retain even a shred of logical thought. I closed the distance between myself and the blonde in 3 large strides. I grabbed him by the arm, tight, and began to drag him out of the room.

"We'll be right back. Kenta and I need to have a few quick words." I growled out, the world coming into sharper focus. My eyes were reacting to my emotions, there wasn't a single twitch that I would miss. We made it to the hallway and I slammed the boy into the wall and forced eye contact with him.

"Sharingan Illusion: Forceful Extraction" I growled out. My eyes spun their hypnotic dance, Kenta's eyes losing focus and glazing over. My technique taking hold. I smirked. Even the 'genius' Yamanka was powerless against the all-powerful might of the- I flew back and crashed against the wall. Kenta's open palm drawing back towards his body.

"Pathetic. You think your shitty eye illusions would fool me? I'm a fucking Yamanaka and the most powerful sensor in our generation. You can keep trying if you like. Or you could just ask me whatever shitty question to my face instead of trying to get information in an underhanded way, you cocky bastard." He growled out, eyes burning with barely restrained anger.

I straightened to my full height, which was unfortunately still a few inches shorter than the tall blonde. "I would ask if I thought I could trust you! You showed your true colors though not even an hour ago! I see you for the two-faced snake you are." I spat venomously. His eyes narrowed in warning.

"You can say many things about me and I could easily brush them off. But you're doubting my honesty and integrity. The two things I pride myself the most on. You have one minute to explain why you're reverting back to a rage driven rabid dog, or I will personally gift wrap you and drag you to T&I so you can be questioned your reasoning for attacking a fellow shinobi with the intent to cause harm. Hokage's brother or not, no one is above the law." His tone flat. He was serious. I'd be lying to myself if I said I could take him on easily. He's a craft opponent with half a dozen ways to end a fight in seconds. I reached deep into myself and forcefully crushed the beasts still calling for blood. Lying bastard or not, he was 100% right. I could be sitting in jail within the hour.

"Is it true?" I asked, sharingan slowly spinning, ready to catch the smallest tell when he lied to me.

"Is what true, Uchiha?" He snarled.

"That you purposefully deceived me so you could steal Sakura from me?" I asked neutrally. I opened my eyes wide, I would catch him and then destroy him.

He looked at me as if I had just declared myself Lord of the Elemental Nations. "No. Ew. I mean Sakura isn't gross, but EW. She's a good friend, nothing more. I already told you I'm your best man in 10 years. I meant that Sasuke. Besides, my heart belongs to Fú." He said truthfully. TRUTHFULLY?! I must have missed it, I wouldn't this time.

"So you're telling me you have zero feelings for Sakura? You've never thought about her in anyway other than as a friend?" My voice rising slightly in mild hysteria. I couldn't be wrong. I am NOT going crazy!

He adopted a thoughtful expression. Seconds later he burped and gagged, barely restraining himself from full-on puking. "I just tried thinking of her that way, it's a definite no." He said in a strained voice, taking deep breaths through his nose to keep himself from puking.

All the fight went out of me and I went numb. He wasn't lying. Not a single time. I blinked when I saw a pair of sandaled feet in front of me. When did I fall to my knees? I looked up as the face of Kenta Yamanka squatted down to make eye contact with me. No fear in his eyes that most people had when seeing an Uchiha with an activated 'Sharingan.'

'Why would he fear making eye contact with you? He snapped your most powerful illusion like he was an inmate breaking out of a prison made of paper' A condescending voice in my head scathingly asked. It wasn't wrong though.

"Sasuke, what is going on, man? I'm here, talk to me." He said, voice full of warmth and concern. This teenage boy had been nothing but kind and supportive to me. He knew when I needed to talk, or when I needed my space. He never pushed, he simply guided me to the answers I already knew. He single handedly saved me from myself all those months ago. He is the reason I stand here today, my brother back in my life, a Chunin in under a year. But, that voice was SO fucking real. I HAD to know.

"Can you… Can you use your technique to show me your memories? Just from the time you woke up until I drug you out? I believe you, I do, but I have to know without a doubt." I asked in a voice, laced with guilt that I still doubted him. The guilt spread to every pore on my body as he smiled warmly.

"Of course, dude. I don't know what's going on, but you know I'm always here to help. Now, try and clear your mind as best you can. I know you're in turmoil, but the less clear your mind is, the more I have to force." He said kindly.

I nodded. "Ok, I'm ready, I think."

"Ok, on the count of three. 1…2…3"

I gasped as a rush of memories began to forcefully play in my mind. I relaxed as best as I could and the images became smoother and less of a pressure inside my head.

Kenta waking up and zombie walking to the bathroom.

Kenta getting ready for the day.

Kenta flexing in front of a mirror completely… didn't need to see that one. I felt, more than heard his uproarious laughter ringing inside my head.

Kenta joining his family for dinner, a knock at the door.

The ANBU member sent by my brother informing Kenta of Sakura.

Kenta rushing out of his house to Ami's. Ami and Kenta rushing to Naruto. Team 11 rushing towards the hospital, worry and fear in their hearts

Kenta stopping in the middle of the road and glancing to his left. Yamanaka Flower shop.

Kenta telling Ami and Naruto to go ahead before going inside the shop.

Ino and Kenta bickering as soon as she noticed who it was. Kenta barely able to keep his cool while informing Ino about her friend.

Kenta and Ino racing around the shop, grapping flowers at random and then beautifully arranging them into elegant bouquets.

Kenta writing out a note… and signing it from me…

Kenta walking into Sakura's room, an absolutely horrid monster immediately snarling in his face.

I took a shuddering breath as the connection broke, my sobs the only thing that could be heard. I'm literally the worst person in this entire village. I once again let my hatred rule my thoughts and emotions. I not only doubted Kenta, I was ready to kill him. Kenta, my one true friend. Kenta, my one true best friend.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and a light pressure as Kenta squeezed reassuringly. He just kept his hand there, offering me his support and comfort. The guilt became crushing. He knew that this simple gesture was the only thing that helped. He never asked, never questioned it. He just KNEW. He shook me a bit to get my attention.

"Let me see." Was all he said, hand reaching out tentatively. I nodded immediately.

"Focus on the memory that's tearing you up, I'll do the rest." He said with utter confidence. I could only nod once more. His warm hand touched my forehead, the calluses that proved his devotion to growing stronger were rough on my skin. I focused and the memory played once again.

*******************************More Broments!****************************************

I opened my eyes and jumped. Kenta was laughing hysterically. I was so confused, how could he laugh at a time like this? I used my 'Sharingan' on him! I attacked him in blind rage!

"Holy shit. Yeah, I would have attacked me too! Damn, Sasuke. You went easy on me if I'm being honest. If I had thought you or someone else had said something like that about Fú-Bear? They'd be a drooling vegetable when I got done with them." He chuckled once more before smiling at me. His eyes open and honest and full of forgiveness.

Fuck him.

He got serious within moments. "Sasuke, someone cast an extremely powerful illusion on you. Whoever they were, they are really, really good. I need you to show me everything else up until that point. Please."

I nodded, before remembering everything that had actually led up to that point. I swallowed my embarrassment and motioned for him to get it over with. I swear to the gods I will rip his lung out if he laughs. You only need one to live anyway.

Once again his warm hand met my forehead and the embarrassing scenes replayed once more. I opened my eyes, REFUSING to make eye contact. I waited, but no laughter, not even a chuckle game. I tentatively turned my gaze on the blonde and breathed a sigh of relief. He was sitting cross-legged, eyes closed and brow furrowed in concentration. I didn't say anything. I'd seen him in this position a few times; he was digging deep for information.

Eyes still closed he mumbled a question that I didn't catch. He spoke a little louder. "Do you remember anything, anything weird or strange before you heard Sakura's voice and mine?"

I thought back to the moment before I heard Sakura's throaty voice tickling my ear. My ear!

"There was a strange ringing noise right before I heard both voices." I said, wondering where this was going. "I think you're forgetting that illusions don't work on me. I'm an Uchiha. My 'Sharingan'

Kenta's eyes snapped open. "Your 'Sharingan' is a powerful tool, not a crutch. I shattered your illusion easier than Lady Tsunade can shatter a man's ribs. Stop thinking you're invincible or untouchable because you have fancy eyes. It'll get you killed." He growled out. I had my scathing reply on the tip of my tongue, ready to lay into this trash from some shitty clan… Holy shit. I was making the same exact mistakes that got my clan nearly eradicated. He was right! Every other word out of my father's mouth had been how we were the elite of the elite. We were at the top and everyone else was beneath us. I took a deep breathe, pushing those disgusting feelings of 'hurt pride' and 'clan honor.' Had my clan had any true pride or honor, they'd be here today.

"You're right. But it does make it much harder for me to be placed under an illusion." I replied instead. Humble. Good one.

"True. Let me break this down for you then. One, you didn't have your 'Sharingan' on. An activated Sharingan is much harder to place an optical illusion on. This brings me to my second point. While hard, not impossible, especially for someone as talented as whoever put this illusion on you. Finally, three. Even if you had your cheat eyes on, this was an auditory illusion. You'd have still fallen for it." He finished, stunning me. All three points, correct.

Fuck him.

"How the hell did you figure all that out?" I asked incredulously.

He pinned me with a completely unimpressed stare. Not even answering me.

I grumbled under my breath, it was a valid question! I closed my eyes and focused on every- Oh. That's what the look is for. That was a valid question if Naruto had asked it. I'm wound up and letting myself get out of sorts. I needed to focus. Kenta is right, whoever cast this illusion was extremely skilled.

The only thing I knew for sure at this point was that I was getting really sick of being embarrassed over and over. This emotional rollercoaster was NOT something I was prepared for when I woke up. Scratch that, I'm never prepared to feel more than 3 emotions in a single day, at MOST. When you're feeling uncomfortable, go with what you know.



Kenta's jaw dropped open. "Did you just…?" He burst into laughter, causing me to smile. He went on for a few more seconds before calming down. "I haven't been "Hn-ed" since the academy days. That was good, Uchiha." He chuckled a few more times and finally sobered up. "Ok, so what do we know? The person was good, really good. And not just with their illusion, but with their timing. Just seconds after your ANBU guard that could have possibly detected the technique left, they hit you with it. Which means, they had you in their sights the entire time."

I shivered at that. Ok, Maybe Itachi was correct to be a worry wart.

Kenta's eyes snapped to his right. "Your brother is slowly making his way here. I estimate 10 minutes until he's at the front door."

"We should… Probably let everyone know that everything between us is OK." I mumbled awkwardly.

"Ooooh! Let's go in there and kiss and make up in front of everyone! That'll definitely let them know." The mischief in his eyes twinkled to match the smirk. I sighed. At this point, I didn't even care if he was joking or serious. He's an idiot either way.

"I'm going to have to say no. Not going there, not today, demon." I replied.

He shrugged and put on a wicked grin. Fuck. "That's fine. Your brother will be here soon, I'll ask him instead. The entire village knows about my man crush on him anyway."

I gagged. I take back every nice thing I said about him. I hate him so fucking much. I wasn't even going to give him more fuel for the fire. I turned on my heel and marched back towards Sakura's room. I made it two steps before I felt him grab my arm.

"Hey, Sasuke. Before we go in, I want to get serious. I want to say, I truly do not blame you for your actions. I'm not even mad, and not for the reason I said earlier." He sighed and a sad smile settled in place. "I know what people say about me. People that don't know me but know of me have the same thoughts you did. That I'm a two faced fake. That I'm a snake in the grass. That I toy with people's emotions because it brings me some sick pleasure." He made eye contact with and his eyes flashed. "It's all true."

My heart began to race and I felt the slumbering beasts begin to stir once more. He continued on.

"I began my training to be a shinobi at 5 years old. My first year of training was just basic stuff, nothing crazy. The only real training I had before I turned 8 years old started on my 6th birthday. My father began to tutor and teach me the anatomy of the brain, which lobe and section is responsible for which function of the human body. He also started me on psychology. From the day I turned 6 years old, I began training in the subtle art of psychological warfare. Turns out, I was a natural at it. I won't bore you, your brother announced to the entire rookie class my talent at it."

"On my 6th birthday, my father bought me my first book on human psychology. I told you I was a weird kid, I spent all my time with books and learning. As I reached for my shiny new book, the father reached out his hands and pinned my tiny little hands to that book. He ordered me to look at him and he made me promise him something that day." He reached into pouch and in a puff of smoke a worn down book appeared. He held it out to me and I gingerly took the book.

"I carry that book with me everywhere I go. It's my physical representation of that promise I made. My dad's hands covered mine on that very book."

I looked at the grubby looking thing and smiled. That is so like the sentimental sap.

"The most serious he's ever been in my life, even today he told me this. 'Kenta, listen to me. The art of psychological warfare is one of the most dangerous and obscure branches of study you can pursue. It's one of the slipperiest slopes for a person to tread. Breaking down someone's will, making them second guess and question their every life decision, watching as despair takes over when they realize they're nothing. It's… Invigorating. It's a rush. It's addicting. The kindest and most pure hearted person can so easily fall victim to the lure of mentally destroying an opponent. The most evil and cruel people in this world are masters of psychological warfare. You have to be so careful, my son, that you do not fall down such a tainted and twisted path. Lucky for you, our ancestors found a method. As long as you stick to this simple rule, you will always find your way back to the light."

He pulled out a worn scrap of paper. I couldn't read it from where I sat, but I saw the writing was clearly done by a child's hand. He smiled, staring down into his lap at the little scrap of paper.

"I wrote this down the second my dad left me to start my studying, before even opening my shiny new book. I read this every single night before bed. Of course I have it memorized. Reading it though off this paper in the writing of a child makes it more impactful." He cleared his throat.

"Remember this, always, my son. No matter how you proceed in your shinobi career. To combat the darkness that will threaten to consume you. The darkness that builds from becoming a monster to your enemies, remember this. Never, ever lie or be anyone other than your 100% genuine you. When you're with the people you care for most, you must never lie, you must always tell the truth, even if it hurts both you and them. You must always drop your walls when around your precious people. When you're surrounded by those who truly matter to you, be YOU and always be honest. By doing this very simple act, you will always remain grounded and you will always remember who the real Kenta is. You will wear many, many masks during your career. Each opponent requires a new mask. For every opponent you face is much different than the last, and your masks' persona must match the personality of your new opponent. You cannot use the same methods to break the will of your opponents over and over. You will need to find what makes them tick as an individual. When you find that chip in the armor, you will then put on a new mask and become who you must to destroy your enemy. Over and over, you will become what you need to be to get inside the mind and crush the soul. You will lose yourself. You won't remember who Kenta truly is. Unless you always shed all your masks and always be honest with your loved ones. They will always remind you who the real Kenta is. They will save you from your own darkness."

He finished in a sad tone. I was honestly shocked. I thought that Kenta was just some gifted trash talker. Annoying, obnoxious, downright infuriating. No, that was simply one of his many 'masks' his dad talked about. This, THIS was the real Kenta. Subdued, quiet, introspective. Logical and calculating. Always analyzing everything around him and adapting with every single stimulus he encountered. I thought that my brother was exaggerating; that Kenta was over-hyping this notion of 'The Art of Psychological Warfare.' No, he wasn't over exaggerating. He was completely understating just how complex this battle of willpowers could be!

I thought back to Kenta's last battle where he played Kiba like a violin. I thought back and really analyzed it with this new perspective.

I opened my eyes wide, because HOLY SHIT. Every facial expression, every word, every action, everything. It was all perfectly planned and executed. My brother was so right yet completely glossed over the fine details. A senbon and one sentence was just the start of the emotional manipulation. I stared at the boy who was still staring at that little scrap of paper. I finally got it. Kenta, if he chose, could absolutely destroy me and there would be nothing I could do to stop him. My emotional control, while better, would be easier to manipulate than a master puppeteer manipulating a simple wooden doll.

He spoke up suddenly, voice heavy with emotion. I finally understand, he's letting all his walls down. He never wears masks around friends, but only those he truly considers close get past those walls. That realization shocked me. I don't know how, but I wasn't even jumping to conclusions. I knew in my heart that I was right.

"From the day that I came to you to ask you about Shisui and to spar, you've been one of my people. At the time we were nothing more than classmates with a grudging mutual respect for each other. But I understood you, and I knew one day we would become friends. Since that day, Sasuke, every single word I've spoken has been me. Kenta Yamanaka. No one else. This is the real me. I'm loud, opinionated, headstrong and at times cocky. I'm sarcastic and witty. I enjoy joking and will do anything to get under your skin. I'm not afraid to show my emotions, and I won't hesitate to tell people I care for them. I say and do anything to get a rise out of people, or to pull them out of their shell. I love life. I love my family. I love my friends. I love my clan and my village. Most of all though, I love me for who I am. I won't change for anyone. I say all this, because I need you to understand me and know that I have never lied to you or misled you Sasuke. Never. Not once. Naruto is the brother I never had. You, Sasuke… You are my rival and best friend. No matter what comes out of my mouth, always know that I mean every word I say." He stared at me, eyes conveying the seriousness of his words. I wasn't even surprised, because I had already known all this. And it only made me realize… Kenta really was my best friend. I believed him, and the only way to show him that I did was to also be myself completely.

"Hn" I added the patented Uchiha smirk to go along with it. "Every word? So, you were the one who enjoyed kissing me. Fú will be heartbroken, as will you. For I do not find you attractive at all."

His eyes opened wide before he burst into laughter. "Well, lucky for me my true love is only moments from arriving. Lord Fifth is the better looking brother, by a mile." He sent his own shit eating grin my way. "Let me amend myself. Every word that I speak in seriousness." He paused "Outside of life threatening battles with Sannin excluded."

I shot him a genuine smile this time. My emotional battery was running on fumes at this point. I knew I was done, so I did the one thing I knew would cement the knowledge in his mind that I believe him. I held out my fist.

He stared at it in real disbelief before smiling brightly. He tapped his own fist to mine. Then, normal Kenta was back. Quicker than I could follow, he flicked me right between the eyes and retreated swiftly to the safety of Sakura's room, laughing his head off the entire way.

I huffed and shoved my hands into my pockets. That blonde headed bastard would be the death of me. I'd more than likely die of a heart attack caused by his infuriating personality. I smiled slightly though, because I knew I'd never regret the day he forced himself into my life. He's the most irritating person I know, but he saved me from myself. I'd let it slide… now and again.

*********************************Kenta Sasuke BFFFLs!*********************************


I barely heard the chatter between the three in the room with me. My mind was on the two boys out in the hallway. What happened? I couldn't think of anything that would cause that look of pure hatred from Sasuke to be directed at Kenta. It had to be serious though because I knew how close though two had grown.

I tried to focus back on the conversation, whatever was going on was none of my business. If they wanted any of us to know, they would tell us when they worked out whatever issue was between them. Boys could be so damn stupid sometimes. They talk about girls and OUR hormones? Please. Boys were more hormonal than any woman I knew. They get mad at the stupidest things, jumping to conclusions only to be embarrassed when they were proven incredibly wrong. But then of course boys can't be wrong so they then deny it until the stress takes them to an early grave. Pah. Whatever. I still couldn't focus so I let my mind wander.

Sasuke Uchiha. Not that long ago just thinking his name would send me into squealing like an idiot and blushing like a virgin on her wedding night. I'll never forget the humiliation I felt for months after having my eyes forcibly yanked open to the truth. I do not like Sasuke. I never liked Sasuke. I literally was the epitome of fan girl. I only liked him because everyone else did. I wasted 6 years of my life pining after a boy that had zero interest in me. Cpt Anko still reminds me of how pathetic I am when she thinks I'm slacking. I will never, ever go back to that girl. For the first time in my life, I finally feel like the person I was always meant to be. No matter how rough our start was, I owe everything I am to him.

Kenta Yamanaka. I smiled thinking of our first interaction after being announced a teammates. I insulted Naruto, he threatened to poison me. Well, at least nothing much has changed there, aside from the fact that Naruto and I are incredibly close. I chuckled causing Ino to look my way. I instantly cursed my wandering, reminiscent mind.

"Ooooh? Thinking about your crush, Kenta again, Ami?" Ino teasingly called out.

"Kenta?! Really? Ok, is it just me, or did Kenta get incredibly hot out of nowhere?" Sasuke chimed in.

"Sakura, stop. I will puke. Kenta will never be hot." Ino gagged dramatically.

Sakura stuck her tongue out. "You don't count. Speaking of Kenta, did you ever go talk to him and find out why he dislikes you so much?"

I perked up. I knew everything, and I had to say… Kenta's reasons were valid, I won't lie. But I personally think he's being too hard on Ino. Maybe being a civilian from no clan, I was missing something.

Ino shook her head. "I've tried, so many times. The two times I worked up the courage, he was out training or with one of you guys."

"Kenta wants you to talk to him, ya'know?" Naruto spoke up suddenly. Ino scoffed but that didn't deter Naruto. "I mean it. He cares about you, Ino. Like… He wants to make things right between you, but he's too damn stubborn for his own good. Aunt Tori is right, he could give a mule lessons when he really digs his heels in." Naruto started laughing, me right along with him. Kenta was a stubborn ass when he wanted to be.

"He cares for me? Oh please, Naruto. You heard him at the preliminaries. He despises me. He had no worries embarrassing me in front of Lord Third and my own Father. Yeah, pretty sure people who care for someone don't publicly humiliate them." She scathingly replied.

I opened my mouth but Naruto beat me to it. "Psh. You honestly deserved it. The way you looked down on Sakura, then tried to target Ami. You're honestly lucky Ami liked you, she could have absolutely embarrassed you even more than Kenta. You need to cut the attitude, Ino, before you bite off more than you can chew." Naruto retorted scathingly. After Lord Third's speech, I finally figured out where these random bouts of clinical undressing's come from. Lord Fourth was said to be able to cause panic attacks with a single glare if he was pushed enough.

Just as Ino was about to reply, Kenta came back into the room. Humming and skipping. Well, we'll see if Sasuke comes back or not to figure out Kenta's good mood. He's either happy because he murdered Sasuke, or they made up. Both situations would make my strange teammate happy.

"Kenta! Dead or Made up?" Naruto called across the room. See? Predictable.

Kenta just smiled and winked at Naruto and plopped into the chair next to Sakura. They began chatting rapidly, whispering back and forth like gossiping school girls. I rolled my eyes, Kenta was up to something. He was now giggling just as Sasuke walked in. As soon as Kenta saw him, his smile grew wider and the rapid waspish whispering renewed. Sasuke, for his part, flipped Kenta the bird and strolled to the corner where he leaned against the wall, eyes closed and ignoring everyone.

I made eye contact with Naruto. He gave me that 'Do you have any idea what he's planning this time?' Look. I shook my head and Naruto just shrugged. Kenta suddenly appeared right in front of me without warning, glaring down at me.

"So. I hear that YOU don't think I'm handsome. I. Am. Distraut." He lamented dramatically.

"Sorry, Kenta dear. But I'm not attracted to females. I've heard rumors though that the cute Akimichi girl at Yakiniku Q might swing both ways." I flashed teeth, not in a smile.

His eyes narrowed dangerously before he flipped his unbound, shoulder length hair directly in my face, did a god damn pirouette, and walked on tips toes over to Naruto who was just laughing and patting his back as he pouted.

I swear to the gods, I never know what dramatic scene will play out when I'm around that boy. I felt the tiniest of pricks and I looked down. A senbon stuck out of my thigh. Silver catching the light in a mocking way. I slowly raised my gaze until I locked eyes with that fucking obnoxious shit head!

My mouth quirked upwards, at first the look could be mistaken for a smile. In a way it was, I was excited to hunt my prey. "I'm going to murder you Yamanaka. I'm going to gut you, strip the flesh from your bones, and then turn your skeleton into my own personal puppet." The small snake I had keeping watch in the corner made its move. Kenta's challenging smirk turned to a look of confusion as he looked down. His girlish screams gave me goosebumps, I reveled in his pain. I'll take a senbon coated in a poison I was immune to over a snakebite to my privates any day.

Just as Kenta's screams of pain reached their crescendo, he went ramrod straight, as did everyone in front of me, I slowly turned around, meeting the crimson orbs of Lord Fifth.

**********************************Ami Plays Dirty!*************************************

Tsunade POV


I could taste the blood filling my mouth. I have no idea what I just missed, but the girlish screams and descriptive language gave me a really good educated guess. The brat wanted to surprise the smaller brats, so I was doing all I could do not laugh loudly. Gods, he owed me for this.

We marched into the room, the kid activating his eyes as he met the gazes of all the little people in the room. I smirked at their shocked faces. The Yamanaka boy's legs were bowed inward as he tried to remain upright. This is golden. I'm so glad I came to inter- ask the girl politely about her lack of name on my list.

The teeny tiny brains of those in the room finally kicked back on and they all started bowing to Itachi. About time. He quickly waved them off though, deactivating his eyes. I had to admit, I did admire his flair for the dramatics and intimidation tactics. Beautifully done.

"Sakura, I am relieved to see you seeing up and laughing. Are you feeling well? Well enough to brief me at least?

"Yes, Lord Fifth. Thanks to Lady Tsunade and Lady Shizune, I feel even better than I did before the attack."

I jumped in before this boring ass briefing started. I had shit to do. "Yes, yes. I know, I'm amazing. Your wounds, though they looked bad, were mostly superficial. Mostly swelling and bruising. The only real concerning injury you suffered was a hard blow to the head which led to some minor swelling of your brain. That is where we spent most of our time. Even with my unrivaled skill, brain injuries are not to be taken lightly."

The girl nodded enthusiastically. "It's because due to the nature of healing chakra, if you do not have perfect control it can damage the tissue even further, right? Basically speed the regrowth rate of the cells to levels too high resulting in tumors and cancer."

I'm impressed. Not that she'll ever know that. I narrowed my eyes at the girl, letting a bit of my anger into the room for good measure. "Thank you for the easy transition into the second reason I came. Who the hell do you think you are, little girl?"

Her face paled. "Wh-what do you mean, L-lady Tsunade?" She stammered out.

"When I arrived in Leaf, I took meticulous care to drop very subtle hints that I would be taking- What are you snorting at, oh Great Lord Fifth." I snarled.

He pinned me with a glare. Shit. He doesn't mind my mouth when it's just us and Hiruzen… These were his troops, the youngest. I fucked up. I bowed deeply.

"Forgive me, Lord Fifth. I was out of line." I said respectfully.

"I accept you apology. Now, to answer your question. I was merely laughing at your… word choice. I did not think hanging fliers around town with a picture of you in full scrubs, pointing to a blood surgery table that had a message painted in that very same blood. I believe it read. "Do you want to study under the world's most leading expert in Medical Ninja Arts? Stop by the hospital and drop your name off to be selected as one of three of my new apprentices." His monotone voice hiding the dancing of laughter in his eyes. I wrinkled my nose.

"Ok, I have gotten a little excited and carried away when YOU gave me all these liberties and freedom to revamp the medical program." I turned back to the pink haired brat. "It makes it even more suspicious that she wouldn't sign up. All her Captain spoke about was her remarkable control, incredible intelligence, and the desire to learn medicine."

This uppity little brat bowed her head to me. "Lady Tsunade, I mean no disrespect, but I didn't sign up because I didn't want to. That's the simple truth."

Ok, that wasn't the answer I was expecting. "Ok, and why not? You do realize most people would literally sell their own mother's to be personally trained by me. Someone from a civilian family gets an opportunity once every decade, if that. This isn't me being cocky, or bragging, but if you pass this opportunity up, you WILL regret it, I promise you."

She shook her head. "I understand that, but I can't train under you because I don't agree with your philosophies about medics not being able to participate in combat. Your rules aren't law if I never learn from you. I'm sorry, but I will become a medic that one day surpasses you, I know I will. But, I don't want to stand in the back, watching my team and comrades get hurt and killed. Medical techniques aren't perfect, they can't heal every injury. The best way to heal a comrade is to kill your enemy before they get hurt. I want to be a kunoichi first, medic second. I am sorry if I offend you or if you disagree, but my path is set." She locked her determined gaze on mine, eyes blazing.

I sneered at her. "You've got some nerve, you little bitch. I've been practicing medicine since before your parents were even born. How are you going to sit here and try and tell me my way of doing things is wrong? My methods are tested and true and get results."

She bowed her head once more, this polite act was starting to piss me off. "As I said, Lady Tsunade. Your methods are perfectly suitable for those who want to strictly pursue the path of medic. I will be a combat medic. I will go stand shoulder to shouler with my teammates through any mission or god forbid another war. I will not stand behind them, waiting to be saved, only to wait until the dust clears to know if they're even alive for me to patch up. I cannot do it, my heart won't let me. I am truly sorry. The fact that you think so highly of me, it's a memory I will cherish until I no longer walk this earth." The little bitch smiled up at me. Ok, she's not a bitch, I am. She's made up her mind. She gave a compelling argument and I wish her the best. The fact that she has this mindset and didn't come talk to me shows she did her research already.

I sighed heavily. "Fine, fine. You won't be swayed. I wish you luck then, kid. We'll see if your resolve and determination are enough to make you even half as competent as my apprentices I have now."

She bowed in thanks and I turned to Itachi. "That's all I had, did you need me to stick around, Lord Fifth?"

He shook his head and made my way out of the room. I had paperwork to get through, the final proposal for the academy revamp was due in less than two weeks. Shizune was still getting some backlash from some doctors and nurses. That was just the tip of the iceberg.

I sighed and cursed under my breath. "Damn it, I really wanted that girl."

*******************************Foreboding Transition***********************************

Itachi POV

I studied the girl in front of me, she wouldn't meet my gaze entirely and she seemed to be overly tense. What happened to her?

"Naruto?" I called out.

"Uh, Yes, Lord Itachi.. Uhhh Hokage?" He stumbled over the formal address. I didn't reprimand him. His purple haired teammate was glaring daggers and him as he began to sweat bullets.

"Do you have any privacy seals on you?" I politely asked, trying to get the boy to relax around me. He was Hiruzen's favorite, I wanted to see what Hiruzen saw.

"Uh? Oh, yeah I do!" He pulled off the large scroll on his back and unsealed a smaller one. From within he withdrew a dozen tags and handed them to me.

I smiled at the boy, receiving a bright grin in return. Better. "Thank you, Naruto. Now, I need the room, alone, with Miss Haruno. You may all return once our conversation is finished. ANBU included."

Everyone quickly bowed and made their way out without protest. Kenta told her they'd go grab some food, which seemed to cheer the girl up. Everyone was gone, all except one. I bit back the sigh of annoyance at my disrespectful little brother.

"Sasuke, that includes you. Do not make me pull my rank on you."

He stared at me in defiance. "No. I won't leave. I deserve to know what happened, I found her beaten to death. She's going to tell me, all of us, the second you leave anyway."

"She won't if I give her a direct order not to. You forget, my word is law. Even with you and your friends, little brother. You are not owed any information I do not think you need to know, now leave." My words harsh, my tone final.

Sasuke sneered, SNEERED AT ME! "Lord Third spent 3 hours at your inauguration laying all the secrets he'd been keeping for his time as Hokage. I see you've decided to follow in his footsteps."

Ouch. Low blow, Sasuke. Kenta is rubbing off on him too much. "Fine. If I agree to let you stay, you are hereby banned from discussing anything that is spoken of in this room from the time these seals activate, until they are deactivated. This is a preemptive S-Rank Secret, disclosing such information to anyone without my approval is execution on the spot, without trial. Do you agree to these terms?"

He nodded curtly, then leaned back against the wall. I don't know why he thought he needed to be here, but I'll indulge him only this one time. It is his teammate after all.

"Now, Miss Haruno, would you like to tell me the real reason you declined Lady Tsunade's incredibly generous offer? She wasn't lying. An opportunity like that for someone of your background? I can only assume it's a more solid reason than the lies that left your lips but moments ago?" I smiled at her widened eyes and look of surprise. "Close your mouth, Miss Haruno, you'll catch flies."

She did so. Without warning she threw the covers off and pulled down the side of her night gown, exposing the sealed curse mark on her neck.

I raised an inquiring eyebrow. "You… don't think you can do medical techniques with that thing?" I guessed.

She returned her nightgown back over her exposed shoulder. "The attack last night, it was because of this. Four of Orochimaru's men snuck into the village. They said they were sent here to test me and my skill with my seal. They attacked me four at once, I attempted to retaliate, but I was overmatched. They have strange abilities from the few they showed. As they left me there, they commented on how weak I was, taunting me basically. However, they did tell me that in 1 week, they would leave, never to return again. If I wanted to go with them, I have to meet them at midnight in 6 days."

"Why would they think you would ever want to go with them to that insane sadist?" Sasuke growled from the corner. A solid question.

"There's a second stage to this cursed seal. If I continue how I am now, the one on my neck will eventually began to erode my chakra network and kill me. They told me they can force the evolution, and that Orochimaru would teach me how to properly control it so it does not consume me and burn me from the inside out." She finished, tone hiding her emotions admirably.

"Like hell you're going to that snake bastard! They're obviously lying. He wants something from you!" Sasuke marched forward until he was standing in front of his teammate, glaring down at her.

"I'm not stupid Sasuke, I know very well they could be lying. They could also be 100% telling the truth. It could be a combination of lies and truths, I do not know. Is it worth gambling my life for it though? I do not think it is." She said sadly.

I studied her more thouroughly, attempting to figure out what she was planning. "So you would abandon your village, become a missing ninja and join the traitor?" I asked, fishing for the information I wanted. There it was. She shot to her feet, eyes blazing in indignant fury.

"Lord Fifth, I think it is within my right to be slightly upset with you. Do not put words into my mouth, and don't you dare question my loyalty." She said in a voice barely restraining her fury.

"I have never questioned your loyalty, Miss Haruno. I was stating a fact. If you leave now, that is how you will be labeled. Though your reaction pleases me, knowing how deep your loyalty lies. So, that is your only option. Become a traitor, or potentially die. What will you do, Miss Haruno?" I could hear Sasuke grinding his teeth. His furious glare trying to melt my skull. Foolish little brother.

"I… I had a thought, actually. It may seem crazy, but please don't just shoot it down before even debating." Her voice shook with her nerves.

"I would do no such thing. I have only been your Hokage for a few weeks now, and our interactions have been limited. But you should know, I take into account multiple options to decide the best outcome. I wonder if your idea is somewhere along the lines of what I was thinking…" I gazed at her curiously, she swallowed before continuing.

"Lord Fifth, I, Sakura Haruno, do hereby request a mission to infiltrate the ranks of Orochimaru." She stated boldly. No preamble, no build up, straight to the point.

"Sakura, you can't be serious?!" Sasuke cried out. "You would be dead within a day you can't"

"Done." I said, both teenagers turning my direction. Emerald green eyes stared at me in shocked disbelief and hope, Onyx eyes stared at me like I was gum stuck to his shoe.

"Itachi! What are you thinking? She isn't ready for this type of mission, she can't handle it." I smirked as Sasuke turned slowly. Emerald Eyes bore into my little brother's, the girls chakra was roiling. Lashing out at the boy who had just offended her to the highest degree.

"I'm not ready? I can't handle it? Says who? You? News flash, Lord Sasuke, YOU have no right to command anything I do unless appointed over me during a mission. YOU are a pompous jackass that needs a reality check. I AM going to do this, and I'm going to fucking destroy this mission. And when I do, I'm going to take my mission scroll with the big fat check mark in the success box, and shove it so far up your ass, you'll be puking D-Rank missions for a month!" Her chest heaved as she unleashed a savage verbal beat down to my brother. I was very impressed. There was much more to this unassuming pink haired girl.

"Sa-Sakura… I didn't mean… I know you've gotten stronger… But… And then… Orochimaru is dangerous! He's using you to get to me! He wants me and my eyes, we both know this! He'll stop at nothing and kill anyone to get to me!" Sasuke cried out, mind going in 10 different directed.

"Oh, of course, it's always, ALWAYS about Lord Sasuke. Everything is me, me, me when it comes to you. Did you completely miss the part where there's a good chance that if I don't do this I will DIE?!" Sakura shrieked, hair beginning to lift slightly from her shoulders from the pure unrestrained chakra she was releasing.

I would be calling in a favor with Inoichi later… Tsunade is going to love this. I laughed quietly to myself.

Sasuke wheeled around, locking eyes with me. "Lord Fifth, Big Brother, Please, if she has to do this, let me go with her! He wants me, you know he does. He will continue to hurt my friends. I can go, I can protect her. I can help her!" He then knelt down and saluted me. My eyebrows rose slightly. He was serious about this. I mulled things over.

"Fine. I know you too well. If I said no, you would actually go missing ninja to follow them anyway. This at least gives me a good excuse to clear your names when you return."

That took the angry wind out of Sakura's sails. "What do you mean, clear our names?"

"Sakura, if you're going to do this, we have to play it right or you will be killed. If Orochimaru gets even a whiff of deception, he will kill you where you stand. This will be a long-term, undercover mission. You will both leave and meet those 4 in 6 days at midnight. Sasuke, you will go right through the gate, using your 'Sharingan' illusion to get you and Sakura out of the village. I will 'discover' Sakura's note on why she's leaving. I will then see you note telling me you left to protect her. A recovery team will be sent out in pursuit first thing. It will most likely be your friends and classmates. The danger to them will be real. We have to play this off to keep Orochimaru at ease. If he gets suspicious, he will start digging. I will declare you both missing Ninja of Konoha, and upon completion of your mission, the real plan will be unveiled. Knowing all of this information, including people you care for could end up injured or dead, do you STILL want to do this."

No hesitation. "Absolutely, Lord Fifth. Hearing your story and devotion to our village, this is similar but about 1/100th of the pain you felt. I have complete confidence in nearly every single person in our generation. They will all make it back alive. I know it." Sakura stated with absolute confidence. She truly believed in her comrades. I turned to my brother, no speak, just a sharp nod, eyes full of confidence.

I stood tall and proud, eyes gazing down on two of my best and brightest shinobi. As Hokage, I was proud of them beyond words. As a brother and friend, the worry in my stomach was eating away at my entire gastrointestinal tract. Noticing my change, they both snapped to attention, eyes trained on mine.

"Sakura Haruno. Sasuke Uchiha. I, Itachi Uchiha, Fifth Hokage of Konohagakure do hereby assign you the following mission. You will meet with Orochimaru's agents and follow them back to their base. Once there your main objectives are the following. One, you will at any moment that you deem is safe gather information. It does not matter how complex or mundane. If you can extract the information without suspicion, you will do so. You will observe and learn as much as you can about our greatest enemy, Orochimaru. His patterns, his thought process, anything you think you can use against him. You will learn and train anything and everything you can, even if it's from the Snake himself. Your comrades waiting for you back home won't be idle, they will all be stronger. My final parameter and most important order; you will come home safe, you will not die."

"This mission is S-Rank. You have 6 days to prepare yourselves. You cannot let anyone know your intentions or anything about mission specifics. I will take care of the details when you leave. Your mission will last at minimum 3 years, up to an unknown time frame. Do not forget who you are, what you stand for, what you believe in. You will see things in the coming years that will horrify you. It can change you. Do NOT let yourself fall into darkness. Look out for one another, keep each other on the path of the 'Will of Fire.' Do either of you have any questions?"

Two crisp salutes. "No, Lord Hokage!"

"Then I take my leave. Use your remaining days wisely. Spend time with your friends and family. Create more fond memories you can call up when you reach a day that tests your resolve. I have complete faith in the both of you. You make me proud as your Hokage, and fellow Shinobi. Good luck, and I will eagerly await your homecoming as heros."

With that, I turned on my heels and left the room. I had to find a bathroom. I saw the sign and picked up my pace. As soon as I was within spitting distance, my stomach emptied itself for all it was worth. What seemed like an eternity later, I sat back against the cool wall tiles. I finally understood what Lord Hiruzen had been saying for so long. As Hokage, you're constantly put between a rock and a hard place. Knowing I had potentially sent my own baby brother off to his death? But I had to. I can't coddle him. I couldn't deny him, his eyes told me of his resolve. If I didn't let him test himself, he would never grow. I knew something was coming, something big. He had to be ready, we all had to be ready.

I sighed heavily pushing myself up. I washed my face and left the bathroom. I would believe, I had to believe and trust my shinobi. They were well trained. They were smart. They were good. With that, I left the hospital ground in a gust of wind, a few leaves falling to the ground in my wake. In one week, two 13 year old kids would be in the snakes den. In one week, I will send a team of 13 year old kids to fight an enemy whose strength is unknown. In one week, everything would change, forever.

I know, I know I'm soooo sorry! As soon as this chapter is uploaded I'm starting the ACTUAL Retrieval mission! I promissseeee. I will do my best to have it out by Friday! What do you guys think of how I spun it? I'm patting myself on the back, I thought I was quite clever.

Also, for anyone worried or thinking I made Sasuke TOO OOC, this shows he still has his demons. He's much more calm in my story. He thinks things through, still have an ego but is realizing each day he's not as special as he was led to believe. However, emotional trauma of the magnitude left DEEP emotional scarring that was never properly taken care of. 6 months of Kenta annoyance/friendship therapy isn't enough to erase all that. He's got a long way to go and still loses control when he's really upset. I. Love. My. Sasuke. Jealous isn't his best look though :D

Guest Review for Ch 3 – I hated that chapter because I rushed it, because I wanted to get into the story. I don't know, the flow of the chapter was OK, it just felt kind of… empty? Like more of an outline you make before you write a story? None of the details and descriptions. Also, I guess I can kinda see how you'd think it was sudden about Ami accepting Naruto.. But that was over the course of 3 months, and at this point they're still not Besties.

Two Chapters remaining in part 1! With two chapters left, I'm at 14 Chapters currently, with 173k words. I'm quite proud of this actually

Let me know your thoughts on this chapter! Drunk Itachi is my favorite character to write, by far.

I'm going to be opening a new poll on next chapter release and closing Ami's Bae Poll! Vote, vote, vote!

Next Poll will be – "Kenta's Man Crush List" Itachi, Shisui are legacy members.