Chapter 15: Rescues and Funerals part 2

This in not my book BUT I have asked for permission from the author but he still hasn't replied if anyone can get in touch with him let him know if he wants me to I can remove it from here

go check out the book at

I stepped in front of Naruto, cutting him off. Sasuke's eyes were flashing between onyx and crimson. His rational mind losing the fight to his emotions when Sakura's life was on the line.

"Sasuke, say you do this. When do you come home? What's the plan?" I asked, trying to calm the boy down. "You cross that border, you're in the bingo book. We can keep Sakura in stasis, working on the seal non-stop. What's your answer for that?"

It worked, a bit at least. His chakra still roiled just below the surface, but it was no longer volatile. "I don't know what the future holds, Kenta. All I know is I don't want you or anyone in danger, and I need to protect Sakura. Once she leaves that barrel, the 2nd stage is unlocked. She will be possibly dangerous and volatile. The whisperings of power and glory will be like shouts. She will need me to keep her grounded while she learns to harness and control it. As for your suggestion, say that takes 3, 5, 10 years. You want to take all those years away from her?" He shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry, guys, but this is the only logical choice."

I nodded and cut off Naruto's squawk of protest. "I see I won't persuade you. I think you are both acting rash and illogical, basing your decision on emotions of anxiety and fear. We fight then. Your ideals versus mine. Whichever one is the true decision will be decided by who walks from this fight the victor." I got into my stance, Sasuke did likewise. I turned to Naruto. "Stay out of this Naruto, this is a fight of ideals that can only be decided this way. Your weird charisma won't persuade anyone this time." Naruto reluctantly nodded and took a step back.

I tensed as Sasuke's Sharingan flashed on. My muscles coiled, chakra pooling in my legs without thought. As I was about to make my move, the wind picked up and with the gust of wind brought another road block with it.

"Who the hell are you?! Get out of here you browless freak! Kenta and Sasuke are gunna fight, ya know!" Naruto shouted angrily at the newcomer.

The teen took one glance at Naruto and dismissed him entirely. He was a pale boy, and not in a Sasuke or Itachi kind of way. The deep circles under his eyes and the way his ribs were showing confirmed that he was very sick. His eyes widened momentarily and we all followed his gaze. The barrel was smoking.

*********************************Epic Fights Soon!**************************************

Kakashi Hatake was never a man for emotional outbursts. After arriving home from a very successful S-Rank mission that involved him slaughtering an entire crime syndicate along with their Jonin strength boss, he was feeling pretty good. So why, may you ask, was he glaring daggers at the man who was now his village leader and military commander? Well, that would be because Kakashi Hatake was no longer a Jonin Captain, seeing as how one of his members was currently in a program to rehabilitate and bring back the human emotions that had been repressed. The other two were also out of the village, on their own S-Rank mission… For an indefinite amount of time… right into the lair of their village's greatest traitors. No reason AT ALL to be ready to ring the boy's throat.

"Lord Fifth, with all due respect, what in the sage's left hairy testicle possessed you to even think that this mission would be even remotely smart?" Kakashi's fake cheerful tone was further hidden behind the fake, cheerful 'eye' smile he had become famous for. Even if said eye was now twitching.

"They brought up some good points, and I trust them. Simple as that. It was a decision I made as Hokage, not elder brother or even comrade." Itachi Uchiha replied in his mild tone. Eyes dancing with amusement at the elder genius' attitude. It made Itachi happy that Sasuke and Sakura's time spent with the man wasn't in complete vain. He seemed to be coming out of the shell he wrapped around himself once Minato and Kushina died.

"I realize this, but they're both not even a year out of graduation! They aren't ready for something like this!" Kakashi's emotions finally winning the battle. His voice was laced with anger and concern.

"Is anyone ever truly ready for a mission like this this, Kakashi? Was I ready, at the same age that they are right now might I remind you, when I had a very similar mission thrust upon my shoulders? At least they didn't have to murder 300+ people before making their escape." Itachi replied evenly. That gave Kakashi pause. He had a point, when WAS anyone ready for this kind of mission. Hardened Jonin have been known to crumble under the pressure while young teenagers have flourished. It was not a matter of age or experience, but the core of one's character. His thoughts were interrupted by his military leader. "Plus, their return will be much easier to explain and even widely more celebrated once they come home. Have faith, Kakashi. You did well by them. Not just in their strength in battle, their strength in spirit is strong too."

Kakashi nodded slowly, seemingly finding nothing else he could say to get his leader to order him to blow this entire operation up. "I understand, and you are correct. I would not have been ready for such a mission at their age, I can say that much. I suppose I must stop comparing a person's capabilities to my own. Now, permission to at least pursue and make sure none on the retrieval team are vitally injured?" Kakashi saluted.

Itachi nodded. "Shizune and her team of medics will be departing in 30 minutes. Meet them at the gate, provide combat support and keep the medics alive if a confrontation breaks out. Dismissed, Jonin Hatake." Kakashi saluted once more and was gone in a gust of wind.

He arrived at home and quickly grabbed his emergency mission scroll and headed for the gate. This is the one mission he wouldn't arrive late for. If he were lucky, he may be able to catch his students and offer them a few words of advice before their fate was left to chance.

*******************************Quick Interlude, Kaka is Anger*****************************

The smoke increased in volume, steadily but at a rapid pace. With a sound like a branch snapping, the top of the barrel shot into the sky and the smoke began to fade. A figure rose from the barrel and stretched its entire body. The smoke finally cleared enough for the details to be made out. Bubblegum pink hair, emerald eyes, and slightly tanned skin. Still Sakura. A monster didn't just pop out of the barrel, breathing fire and ripping necks from shoulders.

I breathed a sigh of relief at that, not knowing what to expect. Just as the last of the smoke cleared, I thought I saw a single black rose petal disappear under Sakura's color, but it may have been my imagination. Sakura's gaze swept the area. She smiled brightly at Sasuke who, though blushing slightly, returned her smile with a small one of his own. Her gaze next found the enigmatic newcomer and she looked at him in open curiosity. Finally, her gaze landed on Naruto and me. I began to smile at Sakura, but that was quickly snuffed out by her ferocious glare aimed our way.

"Naruto Uzumaki! Kenta Yamanaka! What the hell are you two doing here! I thought our intentions were made very clear!" She chastised the two of us. Naruto looked sheepish, I stared back with my own glare now in place.

"The orders given were that you two weren't to be declared missing ninja until and if you made it across the border. Don't speak to me in that tone, Haruno, I'm still your superior officer." I remarked coldly, teal eyes boring into her. She flushed slightly from embarrassment before that quickly turned to anger.

"Shove off, Yamanaka. You're as arrogant and pompous as Ino always said you were, and that promotion going to your head just proves it. You are honestly so delusional that you don't even know the real reason I'm accepting Orochimaru's offer, do you?" Her scathing reply came. Her chakra didn't fluctuate, this wasn't a bluff for present company.

I frowned. "Your potential death isn't the real reason? The please, enlighten me, oh wise one." My sarcastic sneering voice replied. I was getting an increasingly bad feeling by the second.

"Let me ask you, Yamanaka, do you know how many active duty shinobi we have on roster?" She asked, just as vicious as before.

"1,136 Genin, 6,729 Chunin, 513 Jonin, unknown number of ANBU due to security reasons. We also have nearly double that number of each rank in reserves for times of war to be recalled." I rattled off the information as easily as breathing.

She nodded. "Did you also know that of the 7,865 active duty Genin and Chunin corps, over 80% of them are first or second generation civilian born? But when we get to the Jonin ranks only 7% fit that same criteria? If you are civilian born, your chances of making it to the top are less than 10%. Why do you think that is?" Her tone now an icy accusation.

I shrugged. "Get to the point Haruno. If you're going to moan and bitch about a conspiracy"

"I am not! Don't you date put words in my mouth, Kenta Yamanaka!" She shrieked, the seal at her neck noticeably pulsing in reaction to her anger. "It isn't a conspiracy! You clan kids have no idea the challenges and roadblocks we civilian born shinobi have! We don't have the same opportunities as you! We come to the academy already years behind you clan kids. We have to work two to three times as hard as you just to keep up, let alone catch up. And finally, when we get to the end and prove that we can do everything you all can do, they spit on the civilian kids again. In your excitement, did you forget that 60% of our graduating class was sent back to the academy? Did you think that was a lie?!"

I stared at the pink haired girl in shock. Not once was any of this every brought to my attention. Naruto's open mouth stare meant he was in the same boat as me. Even Sasuke was staring at the girl as if she were a stranger.

"Out of 18 kids that were sent back that day, 17 of them were all civilian. 15 of those were all orphans with no other plans for the future. The 1 kids who wasn't a civilian was a Nara. Maybe a 5th or 6th cousin to Shikamaru. She was offered an apprenticeship with the Cryptography department the next day. Does that not seem unfair to you? Civilans make up the vast majority of our shinobi army, yet we're undertrained and underprepared compared to you and your kind. We're the first thrown to the wolves and we're lucky if we come home alive!" Her chest was heaving, the curse seal pulsing dangerously on her neck.

Naruto spoke up. "I get what you're saying Sakura, but it's not like they couldn't try again next semester though, right? Our class just had a lot of clan kids, I heard the rumors, it was more than usual you know?!"

"I understand that Naruto, but the fact remains that civilian are nothing more than numbers and fodder to be thrown to the wolves when war breaks out. The commanders send us to our deaths, make a counter strategy depending how they reacted, then send in their perfectly trained clan shinobi to win the battle. History shows us time and again this is how our wars are fought." Her emerald eyes were blazing and her chakra was too. This, this was the real reason Sakura wanted to leave. She wasn't faking leaving the village on a mission, she actually was!

"Yeah but, the 4th Hokage was civilian! Pervy-Sage was civilian! Captain Genma! There's loads of strong civilian born shinobi!" Naruto pleaded with the pink haired girl, but she only shook her head.

"Naruto, you can't use an outlier as a means of justification for the sake of your argument. Jiriaya was taught by Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage. Minato Namikaze showed enough promise that after failing the entire genin team, Jiraiya took him on as his personal apprentice. Had Minato not shown that flash of brilliance, he would have been sent back just like his two teammates. Had that happened, he would have been another civilian in the ranks. We all might not even be having this conversation had he not shown that little spark." She smiled sadly. "That right there should have been the eye opener, Naruto. That should have shown that any civilian, even given the right training and enough hard work on their end can be just as strong as our clan counterparts. But it isn't. I won't be just another statistic. I won't let my fate be decided for me. I will take my fate into my own hands and run with it." She declared, the fire back in her eyes.

I snorted. "You, of all people, sure have a lot of god damn nerve slandering the village you grew up in. Lady Tsunade personally requested you as her apprentice and you spit in her face. You complain about civilians being sidelined? Look at Ami! First generation just like you, and she made Chunin in 8 months. She's a Chunin and you're throwing a pity party. If you're looking for sympathy, you won't get it from me." Both Sakura and Sasuke's chakra reacted to my words. My smirk widened.

"For a whiny little bitch like you who complains about his clan being shoehorned into support roles and desk jobs, you sure are full of yourself and a complete ass, Kenta Yamanaka." Sakura's retort catching my attention. "So what you're saying is civilians are destined as average shinobi at best, forced into a backline medic position, or are lucky enough to have an influential teammate recruit a personal trainer for them? No thanks, Yamanaka, I do not agree with any of that."

My emotions broke and the mask holding them in place shattered. I could take many things, but this obvious bad mouthing of my village was not one of them. "Listen here, let me give it to you straight, Sakura." Her name left my mouth dripping with disdain, surprising even me for a moment before I recovered. "I will tell you why the average civilian doesn't climb the ranks like those born into a clan. It isn't because of who they're born to, it isn't because their parents push them to be great. It's because they decided by their own free will to become strong. I know, I know, it sounds mad, doesn't it? Who would have thought the secret to being a strong shinobi would be working your ass off until you pass out from exhaustion, only to get back up and push a little more!" My teal eyes bore holes into her glaring emerald orbs.

"Yes, my parents decided to begin my training prior to my entrance into the academy. 7 whole months before my first day. I know, that's lifetime." The sarcasm lacing my voice palpable. "From the time I was 5 years old until yesterday, I train myself to bone-tired weariness. Did I have opportunities presented to me that civilians don't have? Absolutely. Did I take advantage of those opportunities, you bet your fucking ass I did. That's the difference between you and I. The 2nd cousin of one of the six noble clans actually trains his ass off to improve."

"You, on the other hand, began to train seriously a whopping 5 whole months ago. How are you not at my level yet?" I asked in mock concern. "Here's the real reason you would have never succeeded. You were waiting around for someone to offer you their assistance instead of going out and asking for yourself. That's. It. That's the difference between you and Ami. Sure, did my dad pull some strings and get Anko to train her? Yes. Was Anko her only trainer? Fuck no."

That seemed to surprise Sakura a bit. "She asked my mother, the Chunin and Jonin friends Anko introduced her to, Cpt Genma, his friends. Every single person she thought could help her she asked for help. You know how many of them agreed? All of them. Cpt Genma and Anko are only pieces of the puzzle that make Ami so strong. She is serious about her training and realized very quickly the real secret between Clan and Civilian Shinobi… Networking. What, were you expecting something else?" Sakura's look of disbelief was so priceless. I wish I had a Sharingan so I could sear it into my memory.

"That's it Sakura. So go on with your delusion that Konoha simply recruits civilians as cannon fodder. If that will help you sleep at night. However, it doesn't matter if you come back with us or continue down the path the traitor set for you… If you don't learn how to network properly, you won't be much better off. In the Shinobi world our time is limited. No one is going to waste their time on a worthless cause. That's the real reason 18 got sent back to the academy. Jonin have too many duties to attend to that training a bunch of kids with no real desire to learn is a waste of everyone's time. Had you shown the initiative, you'd be just as strong if not stronger than Ami by now. Ami is a stellar kunoichi and will one day be among the elite, but I won't let my brotherly feelings cloud the truth that your potential is even greater." I finished with a sneer in her direction. I was done trying to convince her.

"Whatever, Kenta. I'm sure that's the little lie you were fed growing up so us civilians actually had some semblance of hope. We're done here." Sakura turned her back on me and began to walk away, Sasuke quickly shaking himself out of his stupor and following. I took a step forward, and the sickly boy blocked my path.

"Move it" I growled, not in the mood. "I have some sense to beat into that ungrateful bitch."

He shook his head. "I am sorry. Master Orochimaru is awaiting their arrival. Delaying them further will surely invoke his wrath. I will eliminate you both so you do not cause My Master any further troubles in the future." He got into a stance. It was loose and flowing, but there wasn't a single opening to exploit. I knew that this kid would be the toughest challenge I've faced to this day. Even tougher than Gaara.

I bolted forward, trying to use my speed to slip by the teen. Had my dodge been a hair's width slower, my neck would now be open from ear to ear. The speed I had to move at to dodge the short, white sword he had drawn from seemingly nowhere mere centimeters from ending my short life.

"I told you, you will not get past me. My life is ending, for my last act, I will ensure that Master Orochimaru's next vessel will arrive unharmed and on time." He drawled emotionlessly.

"Naruto, go after them, I'll take this guy on." I stated, voice more confident than what I actually felt.

Naruto's wide eyed gazed narrowed on me. "No way, Kenta. This guy is out of even your league. I can even tell that. We'll work together, take him down then go get those two and drag them back."

I shook my head. "This is going to be a long, drawn out fight. By then Sasuke and Sakura will be halfway across Rice Paddy. Go now, I won't die. Promise." I sent him a small, tight smile.

Naruto attempted to argue further, but I just gave him 'the look' that I had been giving him the entire time I've known him. It was my look that said "I know what I'm doing. Trust me and do as I say." He nodded hesitantly and took off for Sasuke and Sakura. The pale boy moved to intercept him but I quickly fired off a laser right in his path. The small beam of light sheared off the top half of his sword and forced him to disengage with Naruto. Naruto continued on unhampered. The sickly teen watched him quickly disappear into the distance before turning his full attention back on me.

"It does not matter. Those two are more than enough to engage and defeat that boy if he catches them before they cross the border. Since it is just us, may I know your name? I heard the Lady Sakura say it multiple times, but I feel that a proper introduction is in order. I will be taking your life, so it is the most honorable course of action. My name is Kimimaro. Kimimaro Kaguya."

I snorted. "Had you not told me your last name I'd think you were a samurai with your talk of honor. Though we hadn't introduced ourselves, you knew of my last name, which means that you offering your full name puts you at a disadvantage."

"As does me knowing your name. I know what to expect from a Yamanaka. Your clan techniques require careful planning and coordination to pull off. Though I have no idea what that attack you used to interrupt me stopping that other boy was, it does not matter. A member of your clan does not pose any threat to me. I say this not in arrogance, but as fact, for my clan was bred and raised for battle, while yours was raised for support." His tone and chakra never once changed. Every word spoken was the truth, at least in his eyes.

"Very well, my name is Kenta Yamanaka, and I will make sure that you warn all your little ghost friends in the afterlife that the Yamanaka are a clan to be feared." I said, my confidence in myself finally matching the confidence in my voice.

*********************************Storm V Bone*****************************************

"Neji Hyuga!" A voice called out. Neji turned and quickly snapped a salute. Kakashi Hatake and Shizune Kato were rapidly approaching; a few older teens close on their heels. Kakashi called a halt and the 3 teens rapidly sunk to the ground and began taking in large lungful's of air. Shizune frowned and glared at the three, before her attention returned to the boy in front of her.

"Neji, are you alright? Are you injured?" Shizune asked, eyes glancing the boy up and down for noticeable external injuries.

Neji shook his head. "Nothing but bumps and bruising. At least nothing else feels more severe than that." He replied primly and respectfully.

She nodded but her gaze still snapped to the teens still gasping on the ground. "Susime, diagnostics technique and basic first aid, now!" Shizune snapped. The brown haired girl glared at her balefully before doing as commanded.

Neji let sat on the ground at the medic's request and turned his attention to Kakashi and Shizune. "How is Lady Fú? She is not with you, did you perhaps miss her?" The boy asked, voice laced with concern. Shizune shook her head but Kakashi answered.

"Fú will be well. She suffered a severe but non-life threatening injury. Using her own unique healing abilities, she's still wrapped in a cocoon of her own making, recovering inside. A guard and medic were left with her to ensure she is 100% well once she hatches like a beautiful butterfly." Kakashi's joking tone was both reassuring as well as soothing. Neji hadn't realized how tense he had been since being separated from his comrades.

"A fractured rib in the upper chest cavity, rib number 3 I believe. Minor and moderate contusions on abdomen and lower back. No other serious injuries though. I do not believe my diagnostic technique was deep enough to accurately assess, but his right kidney may also have some blunt force tramatic injury." The one called Susime replied. Shizune nodded and did her own scan and smiled at the girls's diagnosis. Shizune quickly healed the fractured rib and left Susime to deal with the rest of the injuries.

"Neji, Susime, you will wait right here until we come to collect you, understood?" Kakashi asked back in his serious voice. Neji gave a sharp salute and Susime nodded, eyes never leaving the task she had begun. "Good, we'll be back as soon as we are able."

With that, Kakashi, Shizune, and two incredibly exhausted beginner medic's leapt back into the canopy of branches, two Genin found alive and well, four more to go.

*********************************Storm V Bone*****************************************

I dodged the thrusting jab once more, the sword of bone narrowly passing by my cheek as I gracefully slid out of harm's way once more. Kimimaro frowned at me, confusion evident in his face.

"Why do you not fight back? Am I not a worthy enough opponent? Or are you buying time for reinforcements, knowing your power isn't enough to defeat me?" He asked, genuinely curious. Oh boy, this was going to be way easier than I thought.

I shrugged. "To be quite honest, I'm kind of disappointed." His frowned deepened but he didn't say anything else. "You claimed to be the strongest of the sound 5, personally trained to be Orochimaru's next vessel. Up until 10 months ago you were strong and healthy and then you suddenly fell ill? That's a strange coincidence. That's almost exactly when Sasuke Uchiha had graduated from the academy and passed his secret testing. Hmmm…"

"What are you getting at?" The boy asked, a slight hint of irritation in his voice, the first emotion since we met.

"Oh? Oh! Nothing, just musing out loud. Oh, you know who else Orochimaru told had an incurable disease? Yeah, Itchai, Sasuke's brother. Itachi asked him for help since he couldn't really go to anyone else and Orochimaru told him no dice. Which is really, really, funny because Lady Tsunade informed Lord Fifth that his treatment is ahead of schedule. The virus that was eating away at him as been completely halted. With the process of replication halted, the medicine can now begin to eradicate the rest of the virus. He'll be completely cured in less than a year."

Kimimaro's irritation in his voice and chakra vanished. "It does not matter. Even if this Tsunade woman was able to cure me, I would not accept. My entire being belongs to Master Orochimaru. Mind, Body, and Soul."

I grimaced. "Dude, you're like a few years older than me. I knew Orochimaru was a freak, but I didn't think pedophilia was on the list of shitty qualities about the snake."

His chakra spiked, I smiled in victory, internally of course. Can't show my hand yet. "Though I wasn't offering a cure. No, I was just pointing out the fact that Orochimaru never even bothered to look for treatment for you from his Ex-teammate. She's only been in Konoha for about 6 weeks, had he actually seen value in you like you think he does, he would have at least tried." I shrugged and flashed him a smile. "Nope, I think he gave you up the minute he knew Sasuke would be taking missions and potentially being vulnerable."

Kimimaro's cheek twitch, his chakra was roiling in barely surpressed anger. I few more pokes here, a few more there. Oh man, this dude was the easiest nut to crack yet. A man of honor AND a zealous devotion to Orochi-Pedo? He was handing me the keys to his house and leaving the money on the table.

"You are wrong. It is mere coincidence. My Master became interested in obtaining Sasuke's body many years ago." His eyes narrowed at me and his muscles were tense. He was ready to strike. I stood in perfect imitation of a certain lazy classmate of mine.

I shrugged. "Oh, was that before or after he proved his utter lack of power he claims to have? Yeah, you see I heard Sasuke was second choice. Itachi was his first, oh yeah he wanted him bad. Tried to take him and Itachi sent him scurrying back to his little hole with his slimy tail between his legs." I body-flickered across the field, Kimimaro's patience was done. Too bad for him neither was I.

"Oh? Did I strike a nerve? Don't like hearing how your Master's only claim to fame is the abomination on your neck? The rest of his accomplishments were from riding the coattails of greater men and women and his own teammates." I flickered away again, laughing. "Even his sad excuse for a dream is pathetic. Learn all the techniques in known existence? What? Too unoriginal and powerless to make his own techniques? All that he has he owes to the Snake Clan." I dodged a flurry of rapid thrusts aimed at critical areas. Kimimaro's chakra was so volatile, I could do it with my eyes closed. His chakra laced every single attack, making them stand out like a beacon in my mind's eye.

"His pathetic failed attempt on invading Konoha hinged on a technique he stole from one of the greatest masterminds and developers to ever live. Once that failed, he was barely able to escape the fury of his 70 year old teacher. He heard about the success a man half his age has had with a single implanted Sharingan, so being as "genius" and "forward-thinking" as he is, he wants Sasuke and his eyes to copy the copy ninja. Orochimaru is pathetic. He hides in the ground like the snake he is, never coming out into the light of day for longer than necessary. He knows that if he does, his old teammate, Lord Jiraiya, The Dead Last of his class, would absolutely destroy him. Hell, even Tsunade would turn him into a snake skin wallet, and she hasn't seen combat in two decades!" I roared with laughter while silently praying that not a single word of this ever got back to Orochimaru. I would be a dead man, then revived and murdered over and over for as long as the snake lived.

"ENOUGH! YOU WILL NOT SAY ANOTHER WORD ABOUT MASTER OROCHIMARU!" His curse seal resonated with unhinged anger. Black markings spread out over his body. Lateral and horizontal lines began to cross and connect all over the boy's body. I tensed in anticipation. He was in my pocket, mentally, now I just had to keep him on his toes and this battle would be mind.

My eyes widened in shock, the body-flicker that saved me from getting skewed in a dozen places coming only as a reaction without thought. He was 30ft away and then in my face. He had to be as fast a Lee was without his weights. I underestimated him and it almost cost me, that wouldn't happen again.

Kimimaro turned towards me, while his face was back to a smooth mask of indifference, his chakra was just as wild and bloodthirsty as it was before his transformation. "Another word, and I don't hold back anymore." Was all he said before vanishing again. I was ready this time. Our deadly, high speed dance began, I managed to stay a step and a half ahead of the boy, always moving just before he lashed out to end my life. His irritation was once again marring his face, unable to so much as catch a thread of my clothes.

"Why do you not fight?! I knew your clan was considered backline support, but surely they have some more fight than this!" He growled out. His anger and irritation tasted delicious to my metaphorical chakra tongue. It was time to twist the knife.

"I know you, Kimimaro Kaguya. The possible last remaining member of the feared Kaguya clan. A clan that was so interbred and mentally deranged that the only thing they knew was fighting and bloodlust. A clan that single handedly reignited the bloodline purges. A clan that even beyond that grave has an astronomical body count. Is the blood of your mother/sister finally calling you to battle? Was your father your brother or your uncle? You try so hard to suppress that animalistic urge to give into your blood rage. However, everyone that's bred any type of animal knows that once the inbreeding goes too far, the entire tree needs to be wiped out and begun anew." I smirked viciously at the boy. His already sick and pale pallor became nearly translucent. In a bellow of anger he charged blindly. My eyes flashed in victory. He lunged, faster than before, but just as telegraphed as the previous hundreds of attempts.

I pushed a tiny amount of charka into the 6th and last seal on my right glove. As Kimimaro's arm passed by me, and his momentum carried him forward. His eyes widened as he watching me step into his guard this time. As fast as I could, I jammed the poison coated needle upward, directly into the extremely vulnerable and often overlooked soft tissue of the underarm. The needle sank in several inches before the boy's bloodline could react to such an unusual spot. I body-flickered away as soon as my needle felt the resistance of the bone quickly forming to halt its progress.

It didn't matter, this fight was over.

He yanked the needle out and tossed it to the ground. "A clever trick. Had you used an actual weapon you may have caused fatal damage had you struck an artery or vein. That is the first time an opponent has attack such an area in such an unorthodox way. Clearly you are more skilled that I gave you credit for. It matters not, though, I will not allow you to pierce my flesh ever ag-"His eyes widened in shock, pain, and slight fear. He glanced down at the perfectly spherical hole that was still slightly smoking in his left bicep. His eyes met mine.

"You aren't the only one with a bloodline here. Though unlike yours, mine is a trump card and versatile. Yours is a one trick pony. I now only have to sit and wait. Depending on your natural constitution as well as whatever tricks that disgusting seal on your body offers you, as well as the location you were compromised, your heart will stop in 5 to 15 minutes. That needle wasn't just to give you a pinch. It was laced with my most potent toxin: Morrigan's Vengeance.

The boy laughed. "My master has made me immune to nearly every single toxin known to man."

I laughed harder. "I'm a Yamanaka. A hobby of mine in crossbreeding flora, especially those with poisonous properties. That poison is made from 4 plants found only in my own personal greenhouse. Trust me, you're already dead. Your body just needs time to realize it." I smirked, going for the jugular. "I'll make sure to leave a note on your corpse for dear old master. I will say, are you ready for this?" I laughed and pantomimed writing out a letter.

"Dear Orochi-Pedo,

I regret to inform you that you will no longer be able to the fair skin of this underage boy every again. Well, at least not while it is warm. You shall be happy to know that your prediction was correct. He was, indeed, a blunt and useless tool. You were smart to throw him away. For all his power and boasting and bragging, he not only spectacularly failed his mission, but managed to not lay a single finger on his opponent, Me. Should you ever decide your absolute shit plan of reanimating departed shinobi to do your fighting for you, I highly suggest you skip this one. Unless you want to be reminded of your ultimate failure.

Yours Truly,

Kenta Yamanaka."

I finished my open letter with a bright grin. Kimimaro's chakra now was not only brimming with uncontrolled rage, but the real emotion I wanted, bone-deep sadness.

"Aww, what's the matter bone boy? Finally realizing you were a complete failure to your Lord and Master since day one? Don't worry, you aren't the first, nor will you be the last." My spirit drank up the boy's despair. It was absolutely intoxicating. I needed more, I wanted more. He mumbled something. "What was that, Skeletor? Did you want me to include anything else in my letter? Maybe how you were sorry you were not only a failure as a tool, but as a lover?" I smirked.

"I said. That all may be true. But I promise you." His skin began to darken and my senses began to fire on all cylinders. My body shook in anticipation. I wanted to watch him struggle with every ounce of strength left in his dying body, only for the realization that everything I said was correct. I wanted to watch his rapid descent into despair before the light left his eyes. "I will take you with me before this poison claims my body." He coughed and blood painted the ground. I grinned savagely.

"Tick tock, bones. Your time is running short. I can feel it, the vitality from the second stage is giving you a false sense of wellness. However, your heart beat is increasing, your blood pressure is rising. The adrenalin is kicking in. All of this is only bringing you quicker to death's door." I was like a kid with free reign in a toy store. His eyes opened wide in panic, the realization that my words spoke true.

"DIE!" He yelled suddenly, his demonic form rushing me even faster than before. I gave him a wink and a wave before flickering across the field. My momentary surprise that he was there to meet me was only that, momentary. I channeled my first real hero worship/mancrush and rapidly flickered back to my original position. Kimimaro's eyes narrowed and he bellowed his displeasure. The beast inside in full control.

Our dance began again, but this time, I gave into my childish glee. For all his increased speed and strength granted him, I was now 2 steps or more ahead of him. I stopped thinking, stopped worrying, and stopped counting. I let my body move, the months of agonizing training taking over without thought. It finally happened. Wherever I vanished from, a momentary after-image took my place. Within moments, there were 10 ghostly images of me. Whenever Kimimaro cut one down, another took its place opposite of the field. For every one the naturally faded, another was there to take its place. I had done it, I had mastered it. Shisui of the Body Flicker once again walked this earth. His spirit lived on inside me.

Within two minutes I stopped my deadly dance of speed. I stood opposite Kimimaro, smiling serenely at the older teen. "A dull tool can be sharpened and used again as new. However, no amount of sharpening will make a poorly crafted blade sharp enough to fulfil its master's desires. That is you, Kimimaro Kaguya. I poorly crafted blade that's outlived its usefulness. Disappear from this world, knowing that you were the ultimate failure. That you will never fulfill your master's wishes again.

And there it was. The curse mark receded and his eyes grew wide with horror. I smiled manically, watching the despair take hold. He clutched his head, muttering to himself. He began to scream for forgiveness from his master. Begging him to give him one more chance. He screamed his devotion and his zeal crazed eyes met mine.

"YOU! I WILL KILL YOU! I GIVE MY LIFE FOR OROCHIMARU!" He screamed his defiance, his curse mark activated once again by sheer willpower alone. I felt the massive amount of chakra saturate the ground all around me. I knew what was coming. The stereotypical suicide technique. The last gambit for a desperate fool. I wasn't going to allow that.

"Eat dirt and die trash." My bored drawl came, the high I had felt just moments ago was quickly coming down. The desperation wasn't craved, it was pathetic.

"Storm Release: Blitzing Serpent" my voice drawled out. From my fingers, a flowing serpent charged with the storm raced towards my opponent. A small amount of remaining vindictive pleasure surged its way to my gut as the serpent tore through his chest. His face frozen with the look of utter devotion and blind zeal would remain there until he decayed. The curse mark faded once more, and Kimimaro collapsed. His flame of chakra vanished from the world of the living. I had done it, Kimimaro was dead.

I stared down at my hands, realization crashed down on me. Father was right. The rush, the euphoria… It was addicting. I had to have more, I wanted more. This, this was how father single handedly took down 3 S-Rank opponents. Kimimaro should have left me a bloody smear in the dirt. I should be the one whose life made the journey to the pure lands. Instead, I stood in the middle of the field. The victor. Not a hair out of place, barely a drop of sweat. A single attack was all it took, a second to ensure my victory, a third to seal his fate and cute off any hope he had. A single senbon and two C-Rank bloodline techniques.

I chuckled to myself. My chuckle became a laugh. My laughter became hysterical. The laughter turned to tears. Kimimaro may have taken on the appearance of a monster when he activated his curse seal, but I was the true monster. My soul was evil, tainted. I had broken my opponent, drove him to actual madness, and I enjoyed it more than anything in my life. From my knees I stared up at the sky. It was still a few hours before dark. I sat down, and pulled out my book and the scrap of paper I always carried with me. I began to read my mantra, the weight of the words finally settling heavily on my shoulders. I sat there for the next two hours, reading the mantra over and over, making sure I never forgot it. For the line between darkness and light was indeed a fine one to walk.

*************************Storm V Bones… Storm Wins*************************************

"Sakura! Sasuke! Stop!" Naruto called out to his two friends, their retreating forms less than a mile from the border. Sakura sighed and stopped, Sasuke quickly followed.

"Naruto. Stop, you're embarrassing yourself. We aren't coming back so just give up!" Sakura snapped at the impatient blonde.

"No! I can't let you two go any further. I dream of being Hokage one day. How can I even sleep at night knowing I couldn't save two of my friends?" Naruto called out, his voice breaking with emotion just thinking of losing these two.

Sakura's will faltered right then and there. Naruto was too kind and pure to be hurt in this way, but it had to be done. She steeled herself and glared at the blonde. "Naruto. You're nothing but a bumbling idiot. You will never be Hokage. No one will ever want some demon sitting in the same position as so many great many. It would be absolutely appalling."

Naruto's loud laughter boomed even over the din of the waterfall that thundered nearby. "Ok, now I know something is going on. Even I realized how poor that attempt was to hurt me on purpose. C'mon Sakure, gimme some credit. I've seen a budding master at work more than once."

Sakura's face flushed, realizing that her bluff had been called so easily. It was a stupid mistake, Kenta was much better at this than her. She glared at the blonde once more. "It doesn't matter. I'm not going back with you. So either get lost of prepare to fight. The only way I'm going back with you is unconscious and tied up." Sakura growled.

Naruto's face hardened and he sunk down into his stance. "Then I'll do just that. I'll drag you both home, kicking and screaming if I have to!"

Sasuke wasted no time, he knew how stubborn Naruto was. He flashed into Naruto's blind spot, behind and to his right, swining his chokuto down with as much force as he was able to manage. Naruto anticipated the move, it was Sasuke's favorite opener.

"Secret Technique: Hair Guardian!" Naruto's hair wrapped around his upper body in a protective shelling. Sasuke's chokuto bounced off the now steel hair hair and grimaced. He barely got out of the way as Naruto lashed out, open palm glowing ominously. Sasuke appeared next to Sakura again. Sword out and at the ready. Naruto turned a smirked. "My turn" he sang.

"Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique" Naruto threw half a dozen shuriken which multiplied into 300. His proficiency with the technique getting better by the day.

Sakura stepped in front of Sasuke, hands flashing quickly. Slamming both palms to the ground she cried out "Earth Release: Earthen Wall" A wall rose quickly. It was only 4 ft high and half as thick, but Saukra and Sasuke were able to duck down behind it. It was just enough to halt Naruto's technique.

"Impressive." Sasuke muttered lowly. "When did you learn this?"

"Cpt Kakashi gave me a few scrolls to study and master when he took you away for the month. This was one of them." Sakura replied back with a shrug. She had done it better in practice. She needed more battle experience. "We're going to have to go all out. It's only a matter of time before either the rest of the team catches up, or your brother was forced to send out someone much more dangerous. He has to keep the façade up."

Sasuke nodded. "You're right. Naruto's a freak, we need to hit him hard and fast. Let's do formation Gamma."

Sakura nodded and collapsed her wall. Sasuke's eyes flashed crimson, and for the first time, Sakura unleashed her first stage curse seal willingly. The rush was almost too much for the young girl, the power threatened to overwhelm her. She got her chakra back firmly under her control. The whispers of power an annoying buzz in the back of her mind. She began her hand seals as Sasuke charged Naruto.

Sasuke and Naruto began a dance of death. Sasuke had the reach and reaction, but Naruto's quick reflexes and unorthodox fighting style were keeping him just beyond striking distance. Naruto faltered momentarily and Sasuke took advantage. His sword driving deep into Naruto's shoulder. The boy cried out in pain, leaping back and assessing the damage.

Naruto was very confused. He could remember making the shadow clone and having it hide for a quick substitution, so why didn't it work? No time to ponder Sasuke was right back in his face. The dance continued on, and within a minute, Sasuke's chokuto was piercing clean through Naruto's thigh. Ok Naruto was getting angry now, what the heck was going on?! He was positive he made the clone, multiple this time, so what the heck was going on. A rumbling in his head from a very grumpy fox answered his internal monologue. Naruto cursed himself. If this was anyone else, he'd be dead. He really needed to work on detecting illusions quicker, especially subtle ones like Sakura's. He released a burst of Chakra and the slight sense of vertigo he hadn't even noticed left his body.

Sakura stood there, black rose petals covered her normally pale skin. Sasuke's eyes spun lazily, capturing even the smallest of twitches. Sasuke charged once more, this time Sakura moved as well. Naruto was fighting tooth and nail, Sasuke had taken the speed up a notch. It would be more than manageable; Naruto was no slouch. In terms of pure speed, he even had Kenta beat until he started flitting around the battlefield with his consecutive body flickers. What turned the tide in Sasuke's favor was Sakura's deadly chakra enhanced punches she kept trying to sneak in. As soon as Naruto tried to counterattack an opening, Sakura was there to interrupt him. When he tried to back off and create space, Sakura was corralling him back into the fight. He couldn't even get a simple technique off or unseal a tag! He was losing, and bad. He needed to do something and fast. He pushed chakra into the hidden seals around his body. Praying that his calculations and testing were correct. If he was wrong by even a single brush stroke, this was going to end painfully for him.

Sasuke thrust his sword forward and Naruto slid around it. Using his momentum, he brought his right leg whipping around dangerously, aiming at Sasuke's vulnerable side. Sakura burst from his blind spot; fist cocked back once again. The grunt of pain and solid connection added onto Sakura's surprised gasp of pain were music to Naruto's ears. His seal had worked. His automatic defense was a success. While nowhere near as complete nor fluid as Gaara's had been, it was enough. Once activated, if anyone approached an area outside of Naruto's peripheral vision, a barrier of biting wind would spring up without thought, cutting into the opponent who tried to get the jump on him. Naruto panted and gasped, trying to catch his breath. The terrible twos onslaught was seemingly unending.

Sakura stood up as did Sasuke. She frowned. "This is taking too long. It's now or never."

Naruto and Sasuke both watched in morbid fascination as Sakura's seal began to writhe. It covered her whole body, changing her very appearance. Gone was the creamy white skin. Sakura's skin now took on a shade so dark, it was nearly as black as a new moon night. Her bubblegum pink hair seemed to lengthen and darken. The pink now borderline red. Her emerald orbs now very reminiscent of rusted copper. Her eyes seemed to have an unnatural glow in the waning light of the day.

She smiled dangerously at her prey. Naruto swallowed nervously, the feeling of wrongness saturating the air. Sakura's smiled wilted and she frowned in concentration.

"What IS that?" She muttered out loud to herself. "It's like acrid pond scum." She continued to mutter for a few minutes. Naruto tensed, ready to get the jump before Sakura could finish her plotting. She eyes shot open and she looked at Sasuke.

Sakura's brow was knit in concentration, a thin sheen of sweat quickly forming on her face. Naruto couldn't contain the gasp of shock as he watched Sakura change for a third time. Her skin lightened, it was now reminiscent of warm brown colors of many of the trees found around Konoha. Her hair lightened, settling right in the middle of her natural color, and the dark color it had been just moments ago. Her eyes, no longer the glowing rusted copper of an apex predator. Instead, the glowed a bright gold color. A color that was beautiful, a color that spoke of power.

The shaky laugh escaped her lips, but her brow remained furrowed in absolute concentration. "I don't know how long I can hold this, Sasuke. Whatever happens, be ready to knock him out." Sakura called out through gritted teeth. Sasuke nodded and tensed, ready to move. Naruto tensed, ready for whatever Sakura had planned.

Naruto prepared himself for anything. He blinked, when did Sakura get right in his face? His mind on autopilot reacted quicker than his brain could. His arms came up in a sloppy cross guard just as Sakura's fist collided with the leading arm. A sound like a crack of thunder and Naruto's agonizing scream of pain were the only two sounds that could be heard. Sakura and Sasuke stared in wide-eyed horror as Naruto was hurled back near 100ft. He rolled for another 20ft before coming to a stop. Sakura dropped to her knees, her seal completely receding back to its original shape. Tears rushed down her face, but the strain of using the 2nd stage had taken its toll on her body. Her body trembled as she tried to stand. Sasuke's mind rebooted and he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"I'll go check on him. Stay here, we're leaving when I come back." Sasuke said gently. Sakura could only nod, no words able to escape past the dry sobs wracking her body.

Sasuke quickly flickered over to Naruto. He stared down at the younger boy and nearly lost his lunch. Sakura's normally super charged punch, able to crack stone and fracture bone with a clean hit had been multiplied near Tsunade levels. Both Naruto's arms were a mangled, bloody mess. Fragments of bone stuck out in multiple places along both arms. Pained tremors wracked the boy's body, but still his stubborn determination kept him conscious. He stared at Sasuke, wide-eyed. Sasuke had to lean down to hear what he was saying, his voice was so weak.

"I won't… stop trying." He gasped through gritted teeth. "I'll… get stronger. I will… bring you both… home."

Sasuke didn't have it in him to argue with the boy. There was only one thing he could do. In this state, Naruto was a sitting duck. Sasuke crouched down, crimson eyes meeting blue.

"Sharingan Illusion: Forced Sleep" he whispered. Naruto's eyes immediately fell closed and Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief. He was half expecting the idiot to try to fight him. Sasuke flickered back to Sakura, her panic filled eyes beggin for answers. Sasuke sighed and bent down, gesturing the girl to climb onto his back. She complied, her head immediately seeking comfort in the boy's back.

"How… How is he?" She managed to choke out.

Sasuke thought about telling a white lie but quickly shut that idea down. Sakura needed to hear this. "Bad Sakura. Let's be grateful that Tsunade is back in Konoha. If it were anyone else, you might have ended Naruto's career." Sakura's gasp and choked sobs weren't deterrent enough. She needed to realize that power she now possessed. "His arms are mangled. Completely shattered in dozen of spots. Bone fragments littered his arms. Had he not gotten his arms up in time and that punch had made contact with his chest, Naruto would have died on impact. I can tell you that much." Sasuke finished. He leapt the gap over the chasm in "The Valley of the End."

Sakura swallowed her sobs and asked her last question. "Will he… will he be alright though?"

Sasuke shrugged. "I honestly can't say for certain. He has freakish recovery rates and Tsunade brought my brother back from death's door, but there's a chance it won't be enough. I would lie to you, but I know you need the truth."

Sakura nodded and then turned her thoughts introspective. Sasuke sighed and continued his run into the setting sun. He never once glanced back, never even had a thought for those they left behind. For if his mind strayed and he began to worry, his will would break, and he would turn them both right around. So Sasuke continued his steady run into the sunset, mind focused solely on the future.

****************************DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNN********************************

Kakashi stared down at the mangled body of his late teacher's son. A deep, bone weary sorrow had settled deep into his chest. Kakashi knew their good fortune wouldn't last. The only saving grace was his student's mercy in putting their comrade in a forced sleep. At least Naruto wasn't conscious to endure the agony that he would surely be in had he been awake.

The absolute worst part was the looks of horror and disbelief that adorned the faces of Naruto's teammates and comrades. While everyone looked on in shock and Shizune did what she could to stabilize the boy's arms to prevent further injury, Kenta and Ami had shut down. Ami's eyes were red, her tears long dried up. Pure, unfiltered rage poured off the girl in waves. Her blank eyes stared down helplessly at her broken teammate. She absentmindedly stroked the unconscious boy's hair, providing what comfort she could.

Kenta was another story. His eyes stared at his best friend without emotion. The cold mask had fallen into place the second we stumbled across Naruto's body. His panic at seeing his best friend lying so broken had quickly been replaced by the emotionless visage once he verified he was still breathing. Since then, he hadn't moved. He had barely breathed, and his eyes seemed frozen open, refusing to blink. For if he blinked, he would miss something, and his mind couldn't process missing a single detail at this moment.

Kakashi sighed and placed a hand on the teen commander's shoulder. "Kenta. You are still in charge of this mission. What are you orders?"

Kenta didn't flinch, didn't even look at Kakashi. His unblinking owlish eyes never left Naruto's face. "Once Naruto is stable enough to move, my team and I will make our way back to Konoha. You and Shizune will escort your team, taking care not to jostle Naruto more than necessary. I will give my report to Lord Fifth. I will tell him we failed. I will report team 7's treachery, and then I will go train." He finally tore his gaze from Naruto's and locked eyes with Kakashi. Kakashi felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead. The look Kenta gave him did not belong on the face of a 13 year old teen. "I tell you this now only out of respect for you, Kakashi. Do your duty to bring your team back in chains, because if I find them, I will bring them back in a body scroll."

With that he rose to his feet and signaled his team. They jumped to their feet, Ami giving Naruto a quick kiss on the forehead before she joined the rest of her team. As one they dashed off at top speed, their desire to be home palpable.

Kakashi sighed and stared towards the darkening sky. He sent a prayer for his fallen teammates and asked his teacher for the guidance he would need in the coming future. Whatever had happened between Sakura, Sasuke and Kenta was known only to those three. Kakashi knew that Kenta was informed of the true nature of this mission. Something changed between the three, something that had painted a target on his two student's backs, and only a part of it had to do with his teacher's son. They were marked for death by possibly the most dangerous teenager in the elemental nations. For Kakashi was no fool, he had seen the body of the Kaguya boy. Kakashi had faced a few Kaguya during his time and knew firsthand the power the Yamanaka boy possessed. For even Kakashi didn't walk away from those fights without even the smallest scratch. Kakashi sent one last prayer skywards. That his two teammates would grow strong enough to weather the storm that was Kenta Yamanaka.

******************************Angst, Angst, Angst!***************************************

"That ends my report, Lord Fifth." I finished, my voice still holding no emotion. "My teammates can either deliver oral reports regarding their battles or turn in a mission report. Whichever you prefer."

Lord Fifth studied me for a few moments before breaking eye contact. "Written reports are fine. We do not need to know excess details. I wish to view your memories sometime in the coming week. I know you won't be able to relax until you see Naruto up and about. I will send for you at that time. Dismissed, Chunin Yamanaka. You are on mandatory leave for the next 5 days. I will send a message once Naruto arrives at the hospital." I bowed stiffly to my leader and exited the room quickly. His face, so similar to the traitors was threatening to send my emotions into overload again. I flickered in a random direction and collapsed to the group in a familiar location. Training ground 23. Our team's training ground. I heard the sounding of flesh smacking wood and relized I wasn't alone. I quickly stumbled upon Ami. Her knuckles bloodied, sweat rolling off her in torrents. I took my place next to her. She noticed my presence and gave a quick nod before returning to her task. Soon, my own knuckles were broken and bloody. I spent the next 6 hours hitting that training dummy over and over.

******************************More Angst! More!*************************************

I unlocked the door to my house and stepped in quietly. The sun had set long ago, and the family was most likely in bed. I was mildly surprised to see the light on in the kitchen. I cautiously walked into the kitchen to find both my parents sitting at the table. They noticed me at the same time but didn't say anything. We simply stared at each other for what seemed like many minutes. Finally, Mom pulled out the chair next to her and motioned for me to sit. I did.

"Kenta, sweetie, you know you can talk to your father and I. We heard about what happened. I'm sure you're feeling a lot of emotions right now, especially with this being your first mission as leader. If you feel up to it, vent to us, dear. We will listen, we won't judge, we will give advice if you ask." Mom's small but genuine smile seemed to open a gash deeper than any wound I could ever receive. I sank into the chair and unloaded everything I had been feeling over the last two days.

My anxiety as team leader for such an important mission. My fears as I left my teammates one by one to face enemies of unknown strength. My anger and disappointment in myself for not being able to do more. I then got to fight with Kimimaro. I began to explain to my parents in a small, hesitant voice how the fight started. As I rattled off word after word, every doubt and self-loathing thought I had came rushing to the surface. I cried as my mother held me, but I pushed on. I told them how I broke that boy down piece by piece. How every single crack I made in his metal defenses sent a rush of adrenaline and euphoric pleasure. How completely satisfied I felt once I finally cracked him like an egg. How my soul seemed to cry out for more as I watched despair claim the teen. I finished my story as mom held me.

I don't know how long I cried, but eventually my tears ran dry. The soul-crushing fear was replacing my anguish and turmoil. I didn't want to meet their eyes. I couldn't physically stand to see their looks of horror and disgust that I know were waiting for me. I took a deep breath; I was no coward. I met my mom's eyes and I felt the all too familiar lump in my throat form. Dad's eyes though broke the dam once again and my tears renewed in earnest. Tears of joy and relief.

In my mom's eyes, nothing but unconditional love and acceptance. In my father's the same, except pride shone in his eyes like a lighthouse at sea. I managed to croak out a single word. "Why?"

Dad took up the mantle this time. "Because, my beautiful son. Your tears that you shed show that you remembered my lessons. You dove headfirst into the dangerous games we play, and you did not succumb to the darkness." I opened my mouth, but father forestalled me. "I already told you, that you would feel the rush and excitement. I warned you of the addiction and intoxicating feelings many years ago. You cry and weep for those feelings you had in the heat of the moment, for you still hold onto you humanity. A true monster would feel no guilt. He would not see the wrong in his actions. Remember what I told you all those years ago, and no matter how many men and women you break and send plummeting to the depths of despair, you will always find your way back to the light."

I smiled warmly at my parents. The crushing weight that had been burdening me for two days straight suddenly seemed to melt away to nothingness. My mind finally relaxed, and blackness claimed me, the stress of the last two days finally catching up to me and my body shut down.

***********************Life Lessons with the Yamanaka Fam********************************

A week had passed since my first failed mission. The records would show a failure, but my record would one day be expunged once pardons were granted to the two deserters. Naruto was still in the hospital, much to his displeasure. Both arms were wrapped tightly in shoulder to finger casts. The damage was severe, and had it been anyone else besides Naruto, their career would be over. However, between Tsunade's medical prowess and Naruto's ungodly natural healing ability, further enhanced by his tenant, he would be back to training in less than a month. Lucky bastard.

Over the last week I had been called into numerous council meetings and briefings with some of the most politically and physically powerful men and women in the leaf. I was forced to answer the same questions over and over, my memories projected numerous times as if my mind was the latest matinee showing at the theatre. I didn't mind. I would do my duty to my village, whatever they asked of me.

I was knocked out of my internal musings by a purple comet. Ami crashed into me, causing me to bend down slightly. She seized the opportunity and slung an arm over my hunched shoulders.

"Where you off to, ole' buddy of mine." She asked, the glint in her eye told me she was bored. Hell. No.

"Grabbing ramen for Naruto. Going to visit with him for a bit, then head to the training field to practice a few techniques. Join me, oh bored one?" I drawled in a bored tone. She nodded enthusiastically before sobering up.

"So, what do we do about the Uchiha and Haruno? We can't let this go unpunished." The steely glint in her eyes made me shiver slightly.

"We train. We get stronger. They won't be resting the entire time they are away. If they survive and are ordered back to the village, we beat them down to get the truth from them. If we're ordered to bring them back, we break every bone in their bodies and drag them back along the bumpiest road." I growled out. Ami nodded severely.

"I agree. Anko is stepping my training up. She thinks I'm ready for her strongest techniques. I will learn and master them. That pink-haired bitch nearly killed my little brother, I need to return the favor." Ami's anger matching my own.

For the entire walk to Ichiraku we continued to bad mouth and list off all the creative ways to bring the two home alive yet in as much pain as possible. By the time we left with our order's plus Naruto's, I felt much better than I had before.

Despite the glaring blemish on my record that will be there for who knows how long, everyone under my command came back home, alive. That was more than what I could have expected now looking back. No one knows exactly what tomorrow will bring, even those that can read the webs. The only thing I did know, I would make damn well sure I would be more than prepared.

And scene! I'm really happy with the way this chapter turned out. We finished at 21.5k words. Combining that with last weeks 18k words, this chapter without being rushed would have been 39.5k words. Soooo I'm really happy I made the decision to split these chapters.

Re-reading the chapter to find those minor spelling/grammar mistakes (I still miss a lot, I'm sorry!), I'm totally feeling Noel Silva vibes from Fú's fight. Anyone else? I'm OK with that, Noel is BC Wifey #2, barely edged out by the one and only Miss OP Vanessa. However, if you didn't get the theme, in my head I imagined a bigger than life, fuck you sized horn from a Japanese Rhino Beetle (or other) charging you down :D

The biggest question I have for you all, how are we feeling about Sakura? This is an idea I've had since I wrote the wave chapter. The only thing Sakura was praised for over and over pre-timeskip was her high level of intelligence, and the insane amount of control she had. This was the idea I came up with to highlight both her greatest attributes. It may seem impossible, and for all I know it should be, but it's now on the internet and there's no taking it back! What are your thoughts on where I'll be heading with this highly aggressive direction we're going?

I took a different approach to everyone who wasn't Kenta this chapter. A few folks had recommended less 1st person POVs and more 3rd person if not a main character/main story line. Did it work, or should I continue on with the POV swaps?

The final chapter of part 1 is in the works as you finish reading these notes. I want to have it out by NLT Friday, though I expect it will be out before then.

I will mark this story as complete once one I have chapter 17/chapter 1 of part two posted. Part 2 will be its own story so there is no confusion on pre/post time skip.

This is the last chance to post your vote for Ami's Bae! Once 16 posts, the polls will close and the winner will be announced.

Feel free to review/PM me directly with comments/questions/concerns/tips/tricks/criticisms/anything. I love hearing from you guys and gals, especially when you bring in a viewpoint I never even considered!

Seeya all in chapter 16!