Chapter 5: The Hogwarts Express.

It was a couple of weeks later since the Lupin's trip to Diagon Alley. To be precise it was the 1st of September, the day we were boarding Hogwarts Express and seeing our school for a future seven years. Under my lavender bed sheets, I couldn't help but toss and turn in excitement. I was really looking forward to meeting new friends, attending classes, performing magic, and of course, pranking people! In the Lupin household, I was known for my pranks but it began to get boring when everyone saw it coming thanks to the fact I had pranked everyone way to much. Thanks to Hogwarts however, I would have new people to test! Since Remus and I were five, we hadn't attended any schools, not even a muggle school which was all thanks to Fenir Greyback. He was the werewolf which turned Remus and affected both of our lives. Thankfully he is locked away in Azkaban, the wizarding prison, and hopefully he wouldn't be seen again.On my mahogany desk, Lynx's cage stood empty. Every night the cage sat in that state while above my wardrobe, the kneazle slept peacefully. It was obvious that the cage was uncomfy, even with the blankets inside. But now it's the day Remus and I head to Hogwarts, there was no time to get Lynx a new cage now.Eventually, I sat up in my bed smiling. On my bedside table was a clock which read 8:37, this meant I had time for one little prank before I left. My aqua eyes land on the empty glass which had previously been filled with water and a idea came to me.But first, I needed to grab some water.* * *The door creaked slightly as three figures shuffled into the room grinning. I was of course leading my parents into Remus's room behind me with a bucket in my arms. When I had said a small prank, I meant it, but my parents had other ideas. I told them about my plan which involved a SMALL cup of water, but no they wanted to go one better. So they handed me a bucket and instead of trying to stop my prank, they encouraged me. That's right. ENCOURAGED ME. There was no "are you sure, it isn't a wise thing to do when your going to Hogwarts today". My parents were like "good idea, here instead of using that small glass, lets use this bucket!" So here I was. Carrying a bucket of water towards my twin brother's bed.I could barely notice Remus under his blanket, all I could see was his light, brown hair poking out the top. The room was silent apart from the singing of birds outside and Remus's light snores. In the corner of the room by the wardrobe, my parents had their knuckles in their mouths to try and hide their laughter... well until the bucket is emptied anyway. I held the bucket above the bed and tilted it slightly but nothing came out yet. I tilted it more but it wasn't enough. So to speed up the process, instead of just tilting the bucket a little more, I flipped it and cold, icey water fell onto Remus.He let out a high-pitched, girlish scream, and he had bolted up in bed. Remus's once dry hair was now drenched like he'd just finished swimming but I couldn't hide my laughter and an annoyed looking Remus faced me. "SIS! I'm drenched!" he shouted but I didn't care as I rolled around on the floor in a fit of giggles with my brown hair glistening in the sunlight. Our parents revealed themselves from the shadows, tears of laughter rolling down their faces and a wide grin underneath them. "MEADOW! WE ARE GOING TO FREAKING HOGWARTS TODAY AND NOW I'M GOING TO LOOK LIKE A TOAD! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Remus was angry... Really angry. But I could tell he was trying not to laugh."At least you look better than Toady from the ministry, her smile and giggles makes me want to punch her" I smirk and I could hear my parents chuckling. We all knew that Lyall and other ministry workers didn't like that woman so whenever we made fun of her, no one cared."To be fair you were going to be late if we didn't get you up someway you would be missing the train to Hogwarts." Mother smirks towards her son and he sends glare in her direction."Ok you have a point... but you still could of woke me up some other way than tipping water over my head!" Remus glares at us all and rakes a hand through his sandy, brown hair.I laugh even more, rolling around on the wooden floor I manage to say "but what's the fun in that. We have to leave with a final prank by the pranking queen." Everyone laughs and I try my best to avoid the pillow I was getting hit with. The clock above the door chimes 9:00 releasing a flock of nine small birds flying a ring around the room before entering the small hatch that had released them. Of course they wasn't actually birds they were just charmed toys- I had one in my room too but I never used it or payed much attention to it."Right I better get breakfast and leave you to dry off. Oh and hurry up, I don't want to be late. Bye Remmy." I hop out of the room trying to get away from my brother's arms which were trying to catch me. He eventually gave up when our parents walked out and headed towards the kitchen and rolled his eyes when Hope shouts down the hall."Oh and no books at the table dear, we don't need to be late." This of course, got me to burst into laughter.* * *Two trunks of luggage sat beside the mahogany door at the very front of the cottage. On each trunk in golden letters, the letters R.L. or M.L. were embedded and they both contained robes, books, cauldrons, and many other things which would be needed to attend Hogwarts. Atop one of the cases, Lynx was watching everything in his cage, his Amber eyes glistened in the sunlight which had burst through the windows and it created a glow which surrounded him. The clock above the fireplace read 10:40 giving Remus and I exactly twenty minutes to get too Kings Cross, get onto the right platform, get our trunks onto the train and find a compartment. The two Lupin twins were both triple checking their rooms for anything which may of been left behind."Remus! Meadow! It's time to go!" Our mother shouted up the stairs. I get up off the floor after checking under my bed for any books or other requirements needed at Hogwarts and although I found nothing, I was relieved when Hope called us down for our trip to Kings Cross station.When I reach the front door Remus, Lyall and Hope were already waiting with our trunks in hand and Lynx was sleeping her cage happily. They all smile at me before our father apparates us to London.* * *"Have fun at Hogwarts you two, stay safe and remember to write" Hope hugs both Remus and I tears forming in her eyes. "See you at christmas, and Meadow try not to get too many detentions" Lyall smirks pulling both Remus and I into a hug."I'll try... but you know me! I can't help it sometimes though" I chuckle and everyone chuckles with me."Well you two better get going just remember what I told you earlier: run straight at the wall to get on the platform." I sigh and nod turning my cart towards the wall between platforms nine and ten. Remus runs first vanishing through the red brick wall. I look back to my loving parents who give me encouraging smiles which I return gratefully. I turn back to the wall and run at it, but instead of feeling bricks hit my trolley, Lynx and me we pass through onto a busy platform.Witches and wizards swarmed the platform, some were waving goodbye to their son or daughter and some parents were crying. Many older children were holding broomsticks while wearing either: red and gold, yellow and black, blue and bronze or green and silver jumpers and some were holding well cared for broomsticks. Other students were laughing and staring awestruck at the express like both me and Remus who was beside me. Owls flew around the platform out of reach from the people below.Lynx lets out a happy meow in her cage as she watches the owls fly around the station making both Remus and I laugh before walking over to the train. A young wizard helps us put our trunks onboard along with Lynx and begins to help others leaving us to find a compartment. Not far a clock chimes eleven and we find the train beginning to move."I guess we better go find somewhere to sit" Remus turns to me and I nod. We walk down the train in single file for a while until we reach a compartment with three boys in. " Can we sit here please?" Remus asks in front of me. I can hear a chorus of yes and Remus leads us in and places our trunks on the racks above. I take a seat closest to the window with Remus on my left and I look out of the window in silence. In the window's reflection I can see everyone including the three boys.The first boy had messy, raven black hair, hazel eyes and round glasses. The second boy was short, had small eyes and resembled a mouse with dirty blond hair. The third had the same raven black hair as the first but his was long and curly and silvery grey eyes. We sit in silence until the first breaks it."Okay I hate silence so I am going to start a conversation by introducing myself, I'm James Potter a pureblood although known as a blood traitor. Oh and I also hope to get into Gryffindor. Now who's next?" He smiles at us all before the short, mousy boy speaks."I'm Peter Pettigrew, halfblood and I want to be in Gryffindor". He watches us until the third boy takes over."I'm Sirius Black, I am a pureblood part of the sacred 28 although I don't want to be in Slytherin like everyone else and I am hoping to break tradition and be put into Gryffindor." Sirius smirks before everyone turn to me and Remus."I am Remus Lupin and this is my sister Meadow. We are both half bloods and neither of us care about what house we are in although our father is a Gryffindor" Remus sends a small smile towards me and I nod my thanks. After all, I didn't feel like talking and chose to remain silent, which he understood. From above me I can hear a small meow, so I get up and pull Lynx out of her cage. Once I sit back down, Sirius, Peter and James were watching me with their mouths wide open, I mean it wasn't everyday someone goes to Hogwarts with a kneazle."Wait... your the girl with the kneazle, the one who quoted Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them with the bowfruttles or whatever they are called in Flourish and Blotts, your the... your the Second Scamander!" James exclaims and I can't help but nod sheepishly while looking down to a sleeping Lynx in my arms. From the corner of my eye, I see Remus trying to hide a small smirk and the other three boys looking at each other in wonder. While leaving the kneazle to sleep, I watch the countryside rolling past the window letting the boys talk about Hogwarts among other things.I had now been staring out of the window for two hours straight. When the trolley which had come, Remus had brought me a chocolate frog but I wasn't hungry so I just left it on my lap beside Lynx. Every now and then I could feel pairs of eyes on the back of my head which I ignored although I could tell they were talking about me and why hadn't spoken at all. In the end, James and Sirius were all playing a game of whoever could get me to talk first wins a galleon from the other one with Remus and Peter watched.Sirius began by asking me if I could speak to which I nodded to slowly before James asked me why I hadn't spoken yet which I shrugged my shoulders too. Then they began questioning me about looking forward to Hogwarts and what happened the day in Diagon Alley which I answered to with shrugs of shoulders, nods and shakes of my head. They continued answering questions but of course only with actions much to their dismay, Remus was smirking beside me without even bothering to hide it from anyone whereas Peter just watched, clearly bored. In my arms Lynx yawns and stretched before looking up at me with her big, hazel eyes."Do you like magical creatures?" James asks to which I nod too. Sirius and Remus rolls their eyes."Well duh... they don't call her the Second Scamander for nothing. Anyway can you describe a... a threstral to me?" Sirius winks at me which I roll my eyes to before letting Lynx crawl into my brother's lap, rummaging through my trunk until I come across a book about threstrals which I toss to him. He stares down at it before tossing it back which I catch and put back in my trunk. "I would rather not read so can you give me a summary?"I quickly nod but then shake my head and tap my wrist indicating I would later. His face shows his disappointment which I have to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing. "Hey sis, are you looking forward to Hogwarts?" Remus asks beside me, stroking Lynx's head which she purrs to in return."Of course I am Remus why wouldn't I be. After all you and I both know that we've been wanting to go to Hogwarts since we were young" I can't help but smirk at Remus to which he replies with an identical one. The other three watch in awe before Remus holds his hand out."Well I believe you two owe me a galleon each." He indicates to James and Sirius who began protesting."What nooo... you weren't even playing!""But your her brother that's not fair!"In the end they both hand over the money to which Remus hands me one I take and stuff in my jacket pocket. James looks grumpily at the floor but Sirius remains watching me, his silver eyes full of wonder and curiosity. "Does that mean you will talk to us now?" He asks slightly sitting up at the thought. James looks up fast but only to see me shake my head and return to my normal quiet self. They groan inwardly before settling back in their seats talking. Since I first spoke, know one really payed attention to me except Remus who occasionally glanced over to check if I was alright whereas Sirius stared at me making uncomfortable. I continue looking out of the window at the darkening sky and the empty fields of grass, ignoring the pair of eyes in the back of my head and the muttering of the others.For hours and hours, I didn't move from the spot beside the window and my eyes hadn't look elsewhere. I was really bored waiting around on the train with no one to talk too. I know it was me who chose to not speak with the others but I was always quiet around new people, I never trusted anyone I first met. At this moment I couldn't help but want to disappear.My fingers fiddle with my Grandmother's shell bracelet and rubs the shell in the middle of the beads. What I don't notice that the edge begins to glow a bright blue. A voice whispers my name somewhere nearby but when I turn to look at the boys none of them seemed to of asked and none of them seemed to of heard it. "Meadow..." it whispers again but this time it sounded further away. The voice sounded masculine and from a much older person. "Meadow." I jump out of my seat and rush over to the compartment door sliding it open and looking down each side of the hall. The corridor was empty of everyone and everything so who was it calling my name? A hand perches itself on my shoulder and I look up to see Remus standing there, a mix of worry and curiosity consuming him."You okay sis?" he asks looking down at me. I look back up and down the corridor before looking back up at him and nodding."Yeah I'm fine... just thought I heard something." Remus gave me the 'we will talk later' look and sits back down in his seat. I look back up each side of the corridor before shutting the compartment door and retreating back to my seat beside the window. From the corner of my eye, I can see everyone watching me with confused expressions I ignore before waiting to arrive at Hogwarts.* * *The rest of the trip to Hogwarts went in silence except from the occasional murmur between the four boys. I was starting to feel bad that my silence was affecting their moods and I was deciding whether I should talk to brighten their moods or if I should stay my quiet usual self. The first option one over the second leaving me to try and spark a conversation."Does anyone know how long it's going to take until we reach Hogwarts?" I ask to the other's surprise."No idea but it shouldn't be long, it's been about eight and a half hours already. Anyway whats got you talking all of a sudden?" James asks running a hand through his already messy hair."Yeah sis, you've been quiet most of this journey so what's got you talking now?" Remus added and I could see Sirius perking up at the sign of conversation.I shrugged my shoulders. "My mood seemed to be affecting yours and I felt bad. Now would you like me to go silent again or are we going we going to have a conversation?" Out of the corner of my eye, I see Remus smiling brightly and the others all grinning widely at eachother."Okay then is it okay if we talk about what happened that day in Diagon Alley in Flourish and Blotts?" Sirius asked."You were there?" They all nodded and I could feel myself slightly turning red. "Well... Fabian and Gideon asked me about the bowtruckles and I just told them about it. That's about it...""Really sis, not everyone can walk into the book store and quote Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them" Remus smirked, his green eyes first locking with my blue before looking out of the window. His jaw drops and when I look there was a giant stone castle in the distance. Sirius, James and Peter were also watching the castle with open mouths letting the subject of my performance in Flourish and Blotts go. For the rest of the journey, the compartment was filled with laughter and I even chimed into the conversation a few times.Not long later the four boys and myself were changed into are school robes and the Hogwarts Express was coming to a stop. A screeching of the breaks was heard throughout the train and Hogsmeade Station signaling the end of the long journey to Hogwarts."About time! Honestly if it takes us that long to get to school every year, I'm going to put in a complaint to the headmaster" Sirius exclaims, pushing himself up from the seat."Well better get used to it because we are doing that for another six years" James smirks leading everyone out of the compartment. From the back I can hear Sirius groaning while Remus snickers in front of me. We exit the train and are greeted with Hogsmeade station and a crowd of students. There were three different paths leading off of the platform.The one to the far right lead to Hogsmeade according to a nearby sign post. In the distance was bundles of snow and an icy pathway. None of the Hogwarts student were taking that path and were taking both the other paths.The one in the middle of the three had horse-less carriages some of the older students were boarding. Out of the three this looked like the path I would need to use to find my way up to the castle but something was stopping me.On the path to the left was a giant man with a big brown beard shouting for the first years to head over there. I could make out a small path leading away from the station and a few trees in the area a small crowd of students about the same age as me. Remus smiles beside me and leads our little group to the left where we watch the older students setting off in the carriages.Once all the carriages had gone, the man called us over to follow him down the path. We do so until we reach a gathering of little boats."Well 'op on in. No more than four in a boat." He said hopping in his own."I guess I'll catch you guys later" I smile sadly at the four boys but of course Remus had to object."You sure sis? I can come and sit with you if you like". I shake my head and wander off through the crowd. In the boat farthest to the right, a duo of red-headed boys were laughing hard but what they didn't realize is me walking over and splashing them with the water in the Black Lake."Seriously why did you have to do that" Fabian whined looking at me with his big, brown eyes."Oh it's only a little bit of water Fab, anyway it looks like the Second Scamander would like to sit with us" Gideon smiles helping me into the boat."Your right there Gideon, the Second Scamander did want to sit with you two monkeys but she could leave if you like" I teased and they both shouted no. The boats began to move like magic across the waters and everyone in the boats was silent. All you could hear was some crickets chirping and the small ripples until I saw it.The great stone castle named Hogwarts was sat on the hill with many lights on in each window. Lit candles floated above our heads leading towards the castle. When I thought about it I realized how lucky I was.How lucky I was to have this as my home for the next seven years of my life...

Sorry it's been a while I started school last week and had no time to update.The5thMarauder