Chapter 7: Sibling Talk.

Remus nudges me as we sit at the Gryffindor table but I was too lost in my thoughts to even answer. He nudges me again but much harder snapping me out of my trance and making me face him. "We will talk later" was all he said a serious look on his face and with worry in his eyes. I felt bad for making him worry about me because of the thoughts haunting me but I couldn't help it, there was just too many questions In need of answering right now. Thanks to my brother snapping me out of my trance, I realized that food had appeared on the five long tables. I had no recollection of how it got there but I didn't care at this moment in time. I just wanted to know the truth about my power and my Hufflepuff family...The Great Hall was filled with chatter of the many students and professors on the many tables laid out in the room. My brother and his friends were all talking around me although I just ate without a care in the world. From time to time I would chime into the conversation and thankfully no one asked about why I was so quiet earlier. I already had Remus wanting me to speak with him later and I would rather not have to tell everyone especially since I had only met them today. Once we had finished eating our dinner and listened to the long start of the year speech Dumbledore gave us (including introducing the professors) we were allowed to head up to our dorms. Sirius, James, Peter, Remus and I stood up along with the rest of the school and made our way over to the Entrance Hall where our house prefects were waiting for us. Each of them had a shiny prefects badge above their house crest on their black robe and were calling first years over so they could be lead up to their common room. Our group of five made our way over to the prefects (one boy and one girl) beside the marble staircase who had a small crowd among them and began walking up the steps behind the prefects. When we had officially left the hall we came across a giant tower like room with many staircases which moved from platform to platform. The walls on the outside was covered in moving paintings filled with moving people who could do anything including speaking. It was like there was a whole another world in there. Some of the paintings began to greet us on the way up to our common room which was on the seventh floor also known as the top floor in the castle much to my dismay as I hated climbing stairs... especially ones that could randomly move. On the way up, Remus gave me look to say 'I haven't forgotten, you still have to tell me' and I nod in response beside James. He looks between Remus and I before he noticed that we were having a silent conversation between each other before stalking off ahead towards Sirius and Peter who hadn't noticed anything a where too busy looking at the paintings. Along with the rest of the new Gryffindor's, we walk straight up to the seventh floor and up to one of the many paintings which was the only one in the area. Inside was a woman in white and had curly brown hair who was outside with a building in the distance. There was a flower crown around the fat women's head, and when we approached she said one simple word: "password"."Wattlebird" the female prefect said to the portrait and in response the portrait swung open to allow us to walk through the doorway she had opened up. The two older students lead us through the portrait hole and into a large round room with red walls and a fire place on the wall to our right. There were also some red couches around the fire and a few armchairs were also dotted around the common room with wooden tables between them and there was a large bulletin board near the exit which so far had no notices on it but it was obvious that would change soon. At the far end of the room was a staircase with a balcony at the top looking over us and two separate staircases leading up from there. I couldn't see any further than that and all I could do was listen to the prefects talking about the dorms and other things we would need to know while staying at Hogwarts. When they had done they walked up the stairs to the dorms leaving us first years in the round common room. Everyone began heading upstairs except from Remus and I who walked over to the couches and sat down. The sound of many student's feet were heard climbing flights of stairs but I didn't watch, I couldn't watch... I was too busy watching the flames in the fireplace which were calling to me. Of course they weren't really calling but I felt myself leaning closer and closer. Out of the corner of my eye, I could sense Remus watching me lean closer and closer until he pulled me back snapping me out of my trance. "Meadow, is everything alright?" He asks and all I could do was nod in response looking down at the red carpet beneath my feet. He tilts my head up with his fingers until my soft blue eyes met with his green. "You sure your okay Mead', you have been quiet since the sorting." Concern and worry filled his eyes but all I do is gulp and nod, moving my chin from his fingers. "It's just... I have so many unanswered questions which I want the answers to, especially after what the hat said" I breath out looking at the Gryffindor crest above the fireplace. "What questions and what did the sorting hat say?" Remus asks slightly leaning forward in his seat. I sigh before telling him everything including my vision, my wand, the power I had, my Hufflepuff relative and also all of my questions. Not once he interrupted me and he just let me vent and also pace (which I began not long after I started talking). All he really did was nod along, processing the information as I gave him more every second. When I had finished, I stopped pacing and stood with my back to the flames, looking Remus in the eyes. "Now I understand why you were so quiet, you really had a lot on your mind" he chuckles but immediately became serious when he noticed me glaring. "Okay, okay sorry. But all I can say is we got to the library and see what we can find about your wand and it's history and ask our parents about the Hufflepuff relative. I don't know what we can do about both your vision and your power though, we could check the library but I doubt we would find anything useful in their when it comes to those. For now lets just get some sleep and go through 'till Friday with classes. Then on Saturday we will go to the library and try to uncover as much information as possible. Sounds like a plan?" Remus asks and I nod leaving him to get up and start walking across the common room."I felt drawn to the fire, do you think we should research that too?" I blurt out, watching him with my questioning blue eyes. "Nah, it's probably just where your cold. Honestly, your always cold at home even in the Summer! It's probably nothing. Night." My older brother smiles and walks off up the stairs after I said goodnight leaving me standing by the couches alone and in silence. I decide I should probably go to bed too especially with it being Tuesday tomorrow meaning classes, so I walked up the right staircase and read off names on each dorm. There were five names on each except from when I got to mine there was only four. According to the plaque on the wooden door, I would be sharing a room with: Lily Evans, Alice Fortescue and Marlene McKinnon and when I went in they were all sleeping in three of the five, four posters. Lynx lay in a ball on the bed closest to the window and my trunk sat at the end of that bed. Beside my bed was Lily Evans, who I recognised as the girl James asked on a date before the Sorting Ceremony. Pulling out one of my night dresses I change in the nearby bathroom before climbing under the covers of my four poster and drifting off almost instantly only to wake up again later and do something amazing.

Sorry it's a shorter chapter and boring but I had to do something regarding the fact that Meadow was so quiet during the Sorting and her first reaction to Gryffindor tower. Stay safe all,The5thMarauder