Chapter 31: The Snakes Strike.

"Well I realized how stupid I was to be ignoring you all. I just want to be friends again. Can we?"

Everyone looked between each other, a silence conversation between them all. I didn't know what they were thinking whether they were good or bad thoughts which didn't reassure me whatsoever. I hated the silence which surrounded us and I just wanted to get this all over and done with. I was ready for if they were too say know but as they delayed their answer, I began to wonder if I really was ready. I didn't know what I would do if they didn't want me, most likely hang around the girls again or the Slytherins, or both I don't know! Waiting for their answer hurt, but it was too late now to go back and avoid this situation - too bad I didn't own a time turner.

Out of nowhere, Sirius rose from his four-poster and made his way over to me, his face showing no emotion until he broke into a big grin that is. The boy wrapped me in a hug and held me close whilst I just stood there shocked and with no idea what to do. Gingerly I hug him back with no words said between us or the rest of the group. "Of course we can Mead, I couldn't bare to lose you" he whispered, still in the embrace. "Just promise me you will be careful around them" he muttered and I only hummed in response. Because Sirius was hugging me so tightly like his life depended on it, I had to step away for a moment to breath which also gave me the opportunity to see the others.

I didn't know what to say at first so I just stood there with a light smile on my face looking like an idiot. It was kind of awkward but at the same time I felt at home. One by one they all get up and rush over into a giant group hug all laughing without a warning. I gasp at the impact they gave and can only whisper six words: "a fucking warning would've been nice".

"Language sis" Remus scolded, smacking me lightly around the back of my head in a joking matter. I glare up at him and hit him in the stomach lightly earning a glare myself.

"Life is going to be a lot more fun now isn't it" James grinned.

"It is indeed" Naomi chuckled, wrapping me in yet another hug.

Sirius' POV.

It was very early in the morning as Remus, James, Peter and I were all on a walk around the Black Lake. None of us would originally be up this early in the morning but for some reason we all were and too pass the time, we decided to take a stroll across the grounds. Too bad Meadow and Naomi couldn't come along as they were too busy sleeping and Remus was being a spoil sport and not telling us how we can get into the girls dorms. It would've been funny to wake them up but Remus was too responsible sometimes which could ruin the fun sometimes. He was still one of my best friends though and nothing would change that.

Joking about like the total idiots we were we didn't notice the very big change which wasn't there yesterday. A giant tidal wave, like a huge one which was so out of place and unnatural. It flew across the lake out of nowhere and towered over us all by meters, ready to spill at any moment. By the time we all noticed it and was getting ready to move out of it's path, it came down on us quickly and drenched us with the icy water. It didn't help it was nearing December so both the water and the air was cold making everything ten times worse. Two Slytherins (one who I immediately recognized as my cousin Bellatrix and the other was Lucius) burst out laughing, not even bothering to hide that it was them.

"The little snakes" James snarled grumpily, starting to head back up to the castle with the rest of us trooping behind them with wet puddles in our shoes. Oh we would get our revenge, and we will see how they like it.

Meadow's POV.

Neither Naomi or I had seen the boys this morning and I was starting to get worried. We had checked their dorm room, asked the prefects and even wandered around parts of the castle they would actually go too but they didn't show up anywhere. They wouldn't have a detention this early in the morning right? It wouldn't be normal if they did and sure enough, we would've heard them all complaining about it over the past few days. Where could they be?

After an hour of searching, Naomi and I decided to just head to breakfast where hopefully we would find the boys but unfortunately we didn't and when we had asked around, no one had. It wasn't like them to disappear without notice, especially Remus. Playing the role of protective older brother, he would've left a note too say where everything was in case I needed to eat or defend myself in anyway. Unless he had been kidnapped that is. But who would want to kidnap him and the others. And surely Dumbledore wouldn't allow it so where the fuck were they?

After we'd eaten, Naomi and I decide that we should check some of the grounds before reporting the disappearance to McGonagall if we really couldn't find them. Knowing them, they were probably just messing with us for the fun of it because they were bored. That really wouldn't surprise me. Luckily for us though, we didn't have to walk around all day searching for the boys because we found them walking through the Entrance Hall... Dripping wet?

"What on earth happened to you guys?" I asked them, trying not to laugh. They all held grumpy looks on their face and were trailing water with every step which didn't help the matter. I could tell Naomi was trying not to laugh at the same time yet they obviously didn't find the situation very amusing.

"Shut up Meadow" Sirius responded grumpily although I could tell he didn't really mean it (well mostly). Whatever happened, they wasn't happy about but then again I don't blame them. I would not want to be covered in water, especially at half nine in the morning unless it was a nice warm shower. But that didn't look like it was warm or a shower. It was a funny sight to see but I wondered what they had done to get in that state.

Silently laughing, Naomi and I trailed after the boys all the way up to Gryffindor Tower whilst whispering to each other theories for what they could've done to deserve the water they got. We came up with many different ideas which mainly involved the Slytherins (not my friends specifically but they were a possibility) and to be completely honest, it wouldn't surprise me if they had something to do with it. When we arrived in Gryffindor Tower, we headed straight up to the boys dorm and entered too see Sirius banging on the bathroom dorm, Remus reading but at the same time trying to keep his book dry and Peter who was just sprawled out across his bed without a care in the world. It was a very amusing sight to say the least and definitely what you would expect if you were to imagine the room - just add the dirty clothes all over the place which obviously aren't there because they are nice enough to not do that for mine and Naomi's sakes.

"James Potter if you don't bloody hurry up I'll kick you out myself!" Sirius shouted through the bathroom door to James who seemed to be taking a while doing whatever he was doing. Remus sighed to himself just ignoring the situation completely and only looking up when Naomi went over and sat on the edge of his bed. I flopped down on Sirius' bed instead and lent up against the headboard as I watched them all just live out their lives. "James hurry up! I'm being serious and don't you dare make that joke!" Sirius shouted once more, banging on the door again.

"But your always Sirius" James called back just to ignore the older boy. It was funny to say the least, except for if you were Sirius that is. The shouting match between the two boys begun yet I learned to tune them both out along with Remus and Naomi. Peter kind of just watched in amusement and didn't mind the arguing as normal.

"Okay when you have both finished acting like toddlers, will you actually tell us what the heck happened?" I raise my voice over the arguing, trying to get their attention. Thankfully they both heard me and they shut up quickly to tell the story.

"Slytherins thought they would be funny and prank us with water. No biggie" Sirius played off like it was nothing but he was obviously really angry about it. I honestly didn't blame them, I would hate to be covered in water.

I only sigh to myself knowing that as soon as everyone had warmed up, we would be plotting revenge. I had no clue what we could actually do but we would soon come up with something that would rival their points in the house war. Last time I'd checked the scores, Hufflepuff was in last closely followed by Ravenclaw. Then we were in second whilst Slytherin (somehow) was in first. Their plan must of been to get ahead so many points so that they could just focus on avoiding other pranks for a while and it was a pretty smart plan to be honest. I'm surprised Ravenclaw didn't come up with it, unless they did and the Slytherins overheard it. They definitely couldn't come up with something that smart (no offense to my actual Slytherin friends) unless it was Naomi obviously. Her grades were very high up even though the boys - mainly James and Sirius - are always being distracting. The only time I could study well was in the library or in my dorm room. The only bad thing about studying in the girls dorm was one: Remus knew how to get in and who knows how long it would take for the others to know and two: there are other girls in there. Of course Lily, Alice and Marlene were fine but they always end up talking about something completely off topic which could be distracting.

That's why I liked the library. Madam Pince always told people to be quiet so you can only hear the turning of pages or the scribbles of quills which you couldn't get in many other places around the castle. It also was a zone where James and Sirius refused to go. Last year they made it their job to be the last person to enter the library over their years at Hogwarts. They agreed that they would add ten galleons to the amount each year so when it came to seventh year, the winner would get seventy galleons. It was a stupid game but it kept them happy although I had no clue who would win. I had a small hunch that Sirius would after James would end up going to stalk Lily in the one place she visits a lot but at the same time Sirius needs his friends more than anything so he would follow us wherever we go. We'd just have to wait until one goes in and loses all the money.

"Do we have any ideas on what we are going to do as payback?" Naomi asked, flicking through one of Remus' books an hour later. All the boys had dried off by now and we were all just lounging about as we came up with a plan to get us some points and hopefully overtake the Slytherins.

"No clue but we have Quidditch practice tomorrow so we would have to do it tonight or after practice" James perked up.

A smirk crawled onto my face as an idea formed in my head. "Why not at practice tomorrow? Cause I think I have an idea..."