Chapter 36: What Are You?

We all were gathered in the Common Room just lounging around and doing anything such as homework that needed to be done, well all of us except James and Sirius that is. They were sat either side of a small table with a game of Exploding Snap out in front of them and would laugh loudly whenever a card exploded or they would groan loudly when the other got the point. Peter sat in another chair at the table watching curiously and eating a bar of chocolate and would often laugh loudly too. The snapping was very annoying for Remus, Naomi and I as we were trying to do homework despite being on the opposite side of the room. Unfortunately for us, the Library was closed therefore we could only go in the boy's dormitory but James and Sirius would soon follow, they were like freaking toddlers.

What I had noticed whilst doing my assignment from Sprout, was that James, Sirius and Peter would occasionally glance over at us but whenever we caught them looking, they would look away like nothing happened. It was really suspicious of them but all I could think was that they were planning a prank. Why else would they be glancing at us? They had to be planning something for a laugh. Right?

* * *

"Sirius, why did you and James keep glancing at Remus last night?" I asked on the way to Charms. Not knowing why they kept looking at us was a question that had been on my mind all the day yet I couldn't keep it in any longer. Curiosity had finally gotten the better of me after hours upon hours of thinking but it did felt good to get the question off of my shoulders.

"I don't know what your talking about Mead" Sirius lied badly, hoping I would buy it.

"Yes you do" I said. "I'm not stupid, if there's something wrong just say it."

"It's nothing Meadow."

"It is something!"

"It really isn't-"

"Stop lying!" I lashed out coming to stop and turning around to face him. "Like I said, I'm not a fucking idiot. I- you know what forget it." I turned back quickly and walked fast to class but Sirius caught me up quickly. I didn't want to be angry with him but I'm one of his best friends like he's mine, he should be able to trust me. Then again I lied to him that night in the hospital wing so he doesn't have to tell me everything does he? I shouldn't of shouted at him because I couldn't get my own way. I didn't want to lose him again, he's my best friends and I shouldn't push him away.

I came to a stop all of a sudden and face him, tears threatening to break. "I'm sorry" I barely whispered but I guessed he forgave me because he immediately hugged me and ran his fingers through my hair soothingly.

"It's okay don't be sorry. I just can't say anything okay? I promise to tell you as soon as I can okay?" he said quietly, taking his chin off of the top of my head. I look up and nod, before wiping my eyes of tears. We begun our trip to Flitwicks' classroom once more in silence but not an awkward silence, a comfortable one. It was only as we walked into the room Sirius broke the silence. "So how's your mum doing? What's wrong with her anyway if you don't mind me asking?" he asked taking a seat beside James, leaving the window seat for me.

"She's has lung cancer" "She has heart disease" Remus and I exclaim at the same time, making eye contact for a split second. The boys all furrow their eyebrows but don't mention anything except for when James asked what lung cancer was. "A disease that affects your lungs and breathing" Remus explains cautiously. I think that everyone picked up on the two different illness' we said but hopefully they thought nothing of it and just presumed she had both. I'm hoping so anyway.

"Quiet down class, today's an important lesson so I need your full attention" Professor Flitwick begun quieting us all instantly. Whilst the lecture begun, Sirius begun to immediately scribble something on his parchment despite not having any notes to take but I quickly understood what he was doing when he ripped the piece of parchment, folded it up and passed it over.

Hey, I don't want to push or anything if you don't want to talk about it but I just want you to know that I'm here for you whether if you want to talk or just need some company :)

A smile crawls its way onto my face and I look up at Sirius who was already watching me. I mouth thank you and turn my attention back to the lesson with a smile upon my face.

* * *

"Can we talk to you two?" James asked Remus and I nervously that night after spending three hours in the boys dorm with Sirius and Peter and refusing to let us in. We nod confused, shutting our books and following the boy up the stairs. He seemed really nervous for some reason and it was very strange to say the least. Something was up and I was guessing we were about to find out. When we entered the room, Sirius and Peter sat on their beds staring at the floor even when we had entered and stood up against Remus' bed.

"Remus, Meadow, your both werewolves aren't you?" James asked cautiously, eyeing the pair of us. Both Remus and I paled drastically and looked to each other seeking help. To say we were taken aback by this question was an understatement, we were both completely shocked. How did they find out and what are we meant to say? Well done you worked it out, my brother is a werewolf so come claim your reward and let's be best friends and act like none of us knew. Not a chance.

"Are you forgetting what I said, Meadow can't be a werewolf! She was in the Hospital Wing on the full moon" Sirius cut in. At least someone realist what I wasn't, I couldn't say the same for my brother though.

"But she disappears every full moon too. She must also be some sort of creature" James argued.

"Just because all the facts say that Remus is a creature doesn't mean Meadow is" Sirius stated.

Remus sight quietly to my right and turned to open his trunk. He collected up a few textbooks with a sad expression on his face making my heart drop. I really didn't want him to leave but now they knew so what are we meant to do now. Who knew if any other schools would take us in (presuming that the boys would tell everyone so people would hate me too) especially Remus. He doesn't deserve to be dealing with all of this. When James and Sirius heard books fall into his trunk, they stopped arguing and looked up.

"What are you doing?" Sirius asked, confusion written all over his face. Remus only shrugged.

"You know my secret well done. I guess my time here at Hogwarts is up, it was good while it lasted" he responded sadly, placing another stack of books in the trunk.

"Don't be stupid, your still our friend despite having a bit of a furrier side every now and then. You can't help what you are mate, and we aren't going to tell anyone besides maybe Naomi and get you kicked out. Your one of us" James declared.

"Besides we need someone other than Meadow to copy homework from" Sirius joked, letting out a bark of a laugh.

At first I didn't think Remus would crack but the smile that appeared on his face said otherwise. "Thanks you guys I really don't deserve all this".

"Of course you do, like James said your one of us" Peter spoke up for the first time with a smile.

"Now we just need to tell the entire school Meadow is a werewolf" James joked.

"Actually I'm not, I just have to disappear to make the lies believable. It was going well until Sirius came into the Hospital Wing that time" I laughed, taking the books that Remus had put in his trunk back out.

"Yeah sorry about that" Sirius chuckled gingerly. "If you don't mind us asking Remus, how did you become a werewolf?"

Remus' face paled once more but he still told them. "A werewolf named Fenrir Greyback bit me when I was seven after our dad said how werewolves are horrible creatures in court at the Ministry. Let's just say after Greyback came back into the world, he came for revenge" Remus explained the story. I nodded along to parts of the story sadly but what none of us realized was the girl standing outside the ajar door listening in.

Naomi froze when she heard the story and instead of coming in, she disappeared back the way she came with a heavy burden upon her shoulders.