Chapter 40: Rumours.

"Stay safe you two and remember to send us a letter if anything weird happens" Dad calls after us as we walk down Platform nine and three quarters. It was now September once more and time for a new school year, except there was a difference this time. I could now take Care of Magical Creatures as a class and I was pretty sure my other friends were too. But then other students would be to so it wouldn't be long before the talks of the Second Scamander were going around again. Not that it really bothered me.

I also had to take another extra subject this year which I chose Study of Ancient Runes. I figured that it would at least be a bit of an interesting class although I knew that none of the boys was taking it besides Remus. Naomi had also said she might choose it but I would have to ask her. I was also somehow dragged into taking Divination too. Let's just say that James and Sirius might've spoken to McGonagall and got me into taking the class just to keep them occupied although the professor didn't know that of course. This did mean that I would have fewer free periods though which wasn't the worst thing to happen but they could have at least dragged me into a better class than Divination.

When Remus and I finally hopped onto the train after navigating our way through the hoards of chatting students, we made our way down the hallway which was also full of chatter. What news could have been big enough to get everyone talking this much? I mean people were always talking on the platform and down corridors but never this much or this loudly. I highly doubted that the corridors were this clustered only mere minutes before the train was due to leave so something must have happened to get everyone's attention. Let's just hope that James, Sirius, Peter and Naomi had answers.

It took a while to get to our usual compartment, so long that the train had already been on its way to Hogwarts when we still trying to get to the cabin. It took a while for all the students to retreat to their cabins but after a while, they left. We managed to finally find our compartment quickly after that and we were reunited with the others once more. "Remus, Meadow!" they all exclaimed happily when we had entered before helping us move our bags into the rack, letting Lynx out of her cage and then giving us both hugs. It feels weird knowing that we were all separated for just over a month yet here we were back together like nothing happened. Even Naomi was here although she stayed at Hogwarts over the summers, I figured she probably just asked to take the train back so she could see us all again sooner.

"It feels like it's been years since we last saw each other" James laughed sitting back down beside Remus and Peter. We all just laugh and then take our seats while we all just talk and catch up for a while. It really did like it was a long time since we have last seen each other and we all had so much to talk about that there was never a moment of silence in the compartment. Lynx seemed happy to see the gang and spent plenty of time going from person to person and saying hello before finally retreating into Sirius' lap for a nap. He didn't seem to mind whatsoever either and instead slowly stroked behind her ear sending her into her slumber. When Sirius caught me watching him and Lynx, we just laughed and turned back to the conversation the others were having, only occasionally glancing at each other and down to the sleeping kneazle.

"Did you guys hear the rumours?" Peter asked Remus and me, breaking me out of my thoughts. We both shook our heads and waited for him to explain but instead, Sirius explained.

"Apparently there is a transfer student starting this year. She's from Beaxbatons I think people are saying but her parents moved here for work or something along those lines so she decided to come to Hogwarts. No one has actually seen her around though so for all we know it could all just be a lie that someone made up just to get some attention".

"Or she could just be already at Hogwarts" James pointed out. "Dumbledore could have just sent her straight there so she would be away from the onslaught of students".

"She can't be at Hogwarts because no one has turned up all summer and McGonagall would have said something considering I basically live at the castle" Naomi answered.

Remus was next to speak up. "She could have been apparated to the castle a few minutes ago for all we know. We should probably just wait until we reach the castle. If it's all true then Dumbledore will probably say something during the welcome feast."

We all nod and just go back to our other conversations from earlier just letting the subject go for now. It did explain why so many people were talking down the corridors though but if no one had seen her, then maybe she was just made up as Sirius said. It wasn't likely for there to be a transfer student after all but you never know. I wouldn't have expected one from Beaxbatons however. We'll just have to see once we arrive at the castle if she is there.

If the student is there I wonder what house she will be put into. Or what year she is in. We know so few details that we can't guess at anything and it does give of the strong impression that she is just made up. Maybe I was just thinking about this too much.

"Hello? Meadow?" a voice breaks me out of my thoughts and I look up to see Sirius looking down at me. "You okay?" he asked with a frown, concern written all over. I just nod and relax in my seat glancing out of the window. It was still pretty bright outside which meant that we still had ages until Hogwarts unfortunately. I just wanted to curl up and sleep back in my four-poster but it looked like I wouldn't be able to anytime soon. "Did anything weird happen over the summer?" Sirius asked.

"No everything was weirdly fine" I respond. "Remus and I looked in a few books but there was absolutely nothing in there we wanted."

"If it makes you feel better, I might've found something about your wand" Naomi piped in. Remus and I both sit up and after a few seconds, she begins to recall the information. "I can't remember everything but I read something about the core of the wand and how you said it was a kelpie tail core. It said something like there is only one wand with it which has been lost for centuries and only one person has ever had a kelpie tail as their core. It's really unnatural to happen but we do know that the previous owner of the wand was a female and that she was really powerful in her time. Apparently, some of the children's stories are written about her but it doesn't specify which ones. That's all I got, sorry" Naomi finished sadly.

"That's okay, that's brilliant. We've got some information now and a new lead. Nice work" I gave her a huge smile which she returned.

"Does that mean we have to read through children's stories now" Sirius whined to my left.

"Yes now stop complaining you big baby or I'll take Lynx from you!" I joked.

"No not Lynx! I love her too much" Sirius responded dramatically.

"Then I recommend keeping your mouth shut."