Songs/volume 7 trailer

Zen starts going around and banging on the doors to get wake everyone up

"Everyone get up now we're going to react to songs and the trailer for volume 7" zen shouted

Everyone starts complaining about being woken up

"Come on" zen said

Everyone starts walking out there rooms fully dressed in the outfits

"Yeah yeah" yang said yawning

"So what songs are we going to react" ruby asked

"I need coffee" Weiss said

"Oh yeah if you want coffee go over to that table it had coffee and tea only with food" zen said

"Oh to answer your question ruby we will react to the songs called rising, indomitable, this life is mine and red like roses part 2 than the volume 7 trailer " zen said

"What are the songs about?" Blake asked drinking tea and a tuna sandwich

"Well rising I'm not sure with rising but my best guess is about continuing to go forward and to achieve victory indomitable is about the creator of your world and universe this life is mine is about weiss and red like roses part 2 is about ruby and how she tells about summer death" zen explained

"What for red like roses why are you saying part two" ruby asked

"Well there a part one of the song but we only going to listen to part 2" zen said

"So a song about how ruby feels about mom death a song about our creator one about Weiss and the other one sounds cool" yang said

"Yeah until you realise there all incredible sad except rising" zen thought

"Anyway let's start" zen said

"Also please wait until song is other to talk" zen said

Everyone nodded their heads and was silent

Stay close, move fast

The darkness cannot last

No hope, no path

But we've got a dream to catch

And we cannot wait

Trust the way we're made

The sparrow's born to fly

The mountains tower

The river knows to reach the sea

Rain will help the flowers be

We're the same, you and me

The lightning doesn't take advice from anyone

The willow doesn't need to learn to stand

As sun seeks day

We'll find our way

And we'll catch that dream together someday soon

We're rising like the moon

Stand firm, outlast

We won't be beaten by the past

One goal, one pact

Looking forward, never back

And we're on our way

Love's the choice we made

We're looking to the sky

The light will guide us

A rose will grow to be a sea

From every life another leads

By the way, we're meant to be

The sky is turning black

Light is fading fast

But we don't surrender

Shattering the night

Radiant and bright

Our might is splendor

Shining forever

We are paragons of virtue and glory

Death can't find our endless story

Infinite and unbound

The lightning doesn't take advice from anyone

The willow doesn't need to learn to stand

As sun seeks day

We'll find our way

And we'll catch that dream together someday soon

We're rising like the moon

Everyone looks at zen to see him dancing to the song

Zen turns to them still dancing

"What? It a good song" Zen said

"Yeah it was a good song but you dancing to it was amazing" yang said

"Yeah yeah well what did you think about it?" Zen asked

"It was awesome but I heard it before some where" ruby said thinking

"Well you did remember the intro you all saw that was the song from there" zen said

"Oh yeah that where it was from" ruby said

"Well it was good but who singing it?" Weiss asked

"Well they are from my universe the one singing is Casey Williams a amazing singer" zen said

"Thank you for telling me" Weiss said

"Yeah anyway let's get on to the next song" zen said

I met a man

He had a dream

I tried to understand

But nothing was what it seemed

Sometimes, that's how gods roll

We'd sit for hours

He'd share his plans

To build a universe

And make every part by hand

A big scheme with an infinite goal

So I would watch and listen and try to learn

As pieces and bits became whole

But there is more going on than the work at hand

What I learned had to do with the strength of the soul

There's a light that shines

And it's power is mine!

Though our body's weak and breakable

The spirit is indomitable!

So, step by step

And frame by frame

A world's created

Its map fashioned from a stain

Just dream big then work 'til it grows

I learned this lesson

We can evolve

Achieving anything

As long as our heart's resolved

Believing will make it so

Though our lives are limited by years on Earth

Our dreams won't be bound inside

The goal's not to live forever

'Cause eternity loves the creations of time

There's a light that shines

And it's power is mine!

Though our body's weak and breakable

The spirit is indomitable!

Don't be afraid!

Get up, get going

A step everyday

I'll meet you there

When we strive, we transcend

Even death cannot end our climb!

I wasn't ready

You can't prepare

For the unthinkable

For something that's so unfair

It's cruel but that's how life goes

But through the sadness

Thousands of tears

We see his message

Sparkling and crystal clear

Our work is larger than we know!

There's a light that shines

And it's power is mine!

Though our body's weak and breakable

The spirit is indomitable!

"So that song was bout our creator that was incredible sad" ruby said

"Yeah but the lyrics I heard them we ruby used her sliver eyes powers" Blake said

"Yea you did there where lyrics from this song at that moment" zen said

"What happened to the creator of our universe" ruby asked

"Well he is dead and his name was monty oum" zen said sadly

"Oh okay" ruby said

"One of the lyrics really confused me" weiss said

"Yeah which one" zen asked already knowing what she going to ask

"Well it was "it's map fashioned from a stain" what does that mean?"Weiss asked

"Well it funny actually remnant was actually created like that because of a ketchup stain" zen said smirking

"What!" Weiss said

Everyone else was shocked to hear that how remnant was created

Zen just started laughing at them

"It's not funny" Weiss said

"No it hilarious especially your reacts" zen said

"Okay" Weiss said annoyed at zen still laughing

"O-okay let's start the next song which is about Weiss" zen said calming down


Can you hear me?

Do I reach you?

Are you even listening?

Can I get through?

There's a part of me that's desperate for changes

Tired of being treated like a pawn

But there's a part of me that stares back

From inside the mirror

Part of me that's scared I might be wrong

That I can't be strong

I've been afraid

Never standing on my own

I let you be the keeper of my pride

Believed you when you told me

I was nothing on my own

Listen when I say

I swear it here today

I will not surrender

This life is mine!

Amazing how you conquered me

Chained me in servility

And made me see

The world the way you told me to

But I was young, and didn't have a

Way to know the truth

Born to live your legacy

Existing just to fill your needs

A casualty of this so-called "family"

That you have turned into a travesty

But I don't intend to suffer any longer

Here's where your dominion falls apart

I'm shattering the mirror

That kept me split in pieces

That stood between my mind and my heart

This is where I'll start

I'm not your pet

Not another thing you own

I was not born guilty of your crimes

Your riches and your influence

Can't hold me anymore

I won't be possessed

Burdened by your royal test

I will not surrender

This life is mine!

Shame that it took so long

To rescue me

From the guilt you used

To tie me to your family tree

I guess your training failed

You're not in charge, I'm free

Your patriarchal prison won't hold me

Now this conversation's finally over

Mirror Mirror, now we're done

I've pulled myself together now

My mind and heart are one

Finally one!

I'm not your pet

Not another thing you own

I was not born guilty of your crimes

Your riches and your influence

Can't hold me anymore

I won't be possessed

Burdened by your royal test

I will not surrender

This life is mine!

"Okay that music started so sad but pick up like that" yang said

"Weiss are you okay?" Ruby asked worried about Weiss along with everyone else

"Yes I'm fine ruby and that what I thought when I was at my house" Weiss said

"Weiss  don't worry we make sure you can live your life like you want" ruby said hugging Weiss

"Yeah and if he try's to control you again kick him in the balls" yang said

"Yang!" Weiss shouted  still being hugged by ruby

"What?" Yang said

"Yang you read my mind" zen said going over to yang and high-fiving her

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you Weiss" winter thought

"Okay let's go to the next song but be prepared for a amazing but incredible sad song" zen said

I couldn't take it, couldn't stand another minute

Couldn't bear another day without you in it

All of the joy that I had known for all my life

Was stripped away from me the minute that you died

To have you in my life was all I ever wanted

But now without you, I'm a soul forever haunted

Can't help but feel that I had taken you for granted

No way in hell that I can ever comprehend this

I wasn't dreaming when they told me you were gone

I was wide awake and feeling that they had to be wrong

How could you leave me when you swore that you would stay?

Now I'm trapped inside a nightmare every single f'ing day

It's like a movie, but there's not a happy ending

Every scene fades black, and there's no pretending

This little fairy tale doesn't seem to end well

There's no knight in shining armor who will wake me from the spell

I know you didn't plan this

You tried to do what's right

But in the middle of this madness

I'm the one (I'm the one, I'm the one)

You left to win this fight

Red like roses

Fills my head with dreams and finds me

Always closer

To the emptiness and sadness

That has come to take the place of you

I know you're broken down by anger and by sadness

You feel I left you in a world that's full of madness

Wish I could talk to you, if only for a minute

Make you understand the reasons why I did it

I wanna tell you that you're all that ever mattered

Want you to know that, for eternity, I'm shattered

I tried so hard just to protect you, but I failed to

And in a prison of abandonment I've jailed you

I never planned that I would leave you there alone

I was sure that I would see you when I made it back home

And all the times I swore that it would be okay

Now I'm nothing but a liar, and you're thrown into the fray

This bedtime story ends with misery ever after

The pages are torn, and there's no final chapter

I didn't have a choice, I did what I had to do

I made a sacrifice, but forced a bigger sacrifice on you

I know you've lived a nightmare

I caused you so much pain

But, baby, please don't do what I did

I don't want (I don't want, I don't want)

You to waste your life in vain

Red like roses

Fills my head with dreams and finds me

Always closer

To the emptiness and sadness

That has come to take the place of you

You're not the only one who needed me; I thought you understood

You were the one I needed, and you left me as I always feared you would

Would I change it if I could?

It doesn't matter how

The petals scatter now

Every nightmare just discloses

It's your blood that's red like roses

And no matter what I do

Nothing ever takes the place of you

Red like roses

Fills my head with dreams and finds me

Always closer

To the emptiness and sadness

That has come to take the place of you

Everyone was shocked at the song because how sad

"Ruby are you okay" yang asked ruby

Ruby was staring down at the ground thinking "did mum not what me to become a huntress"

"Ruby I'm sorry" summer said going to ruby and hugging her

"Mom don't you want me to become at huntress" ruby said

"No I didn't want you involved with Salem and the war that going on and I'm proud of you wanting to become a huntress I'm sorry for abandoning you and yang" summer said

"It's okay Mom we don't hate you for it" yang said hugging both ruby and summer

"I'm really selfish for only thinking about myself not the others affected about your death" ruby said

"Ruby yes you are selfish for this but who wouldn't be selfish you lose some you loved anyone would be the same take yang for example she was selfish because she want to side anything about raven that she went looking for her and put you in danger because of it everyone is selfish we it comes to love ones don't start hating yourself for that but move forward and carry on with your life and try to help the ones affected by her death and you are also incredible selfless as well you worry about your teammates but keep your emotions and feelings hidden so they don't worry about you" zen said

"Okay" ruby said

"Okay so how about we see the trailer for volume 7 and look at your new outfits and upgrade weapons" zen said

"Yeah okay but mainly the weapons that I'm excited about" ruby said

The events of the Leviathan's attack on Argus as Ironwood begins to speak.

Ironwood: Many have described these as uncertain times.

Now Ruby is shown using her powers on the Leviathan as she speaks up.

Ruby Rose: I'm trying to do what I think is best. But, I really can't tell if what's best is what's right

Ruby's Group now continues to approach Atlas.

Weiss Schnee: This isn't right.

Blake Belladonna: This whole city, it just seems awful.

"Is that ironwood voice and ruby voices" yang said

"James you sound terrible in the future" Qrow said

"Yes let's hope it isn't to bad" ironwood said

"What does ruby mean by that?" Yang asked

"Well you'll see in the future" zen said

Mantle is shown to be patrolled by Atlesian Knight's and a man throws a trashcan against a monitor.

Lie Ren: So, what do we do?

Ruby Rose: Well we didn't come this far to fail now!

Suddenly several Centinels emerge from the ground in a cavern and the group readies themselves to fight Sabyrs as Ironwood speaks.

Ironwood: Until now, I believed it was impossible to truly turn the tide against Salem.

"Oh god it horrible there" Weiss said

"What the hell happened James" Qrow said

"I don't exactly know but I know I was going to do this but I didn't know it would get this bad" ironwood said

"What does that mean you have a plan?" Qrow asked

"You'll find out in the future so ironwood no telling them your plan" zen said

The group starts to make short work of the incoming Sabyrs.

Ironwood: We find ourselves in the position of needing a new approach.

The group continues to fight Grimm at several different locations in a mine until they come face to face with a Geist.

Ironwood: She will keep returning stronger and stronger unless we destroy her.

"Yeah we need to stop her but destroying her out of the question thanks to her being immortal" yang said

"Yeah let's see what his plan is" ruby said

Now, it cuts to Ironwood, who has grown a beard, and Ruby having a conversation.

Ruby Rose: Tell us how we can help.

More exciting music plays as Team RWBY jumps down from a Manta.


"Wow James you grow a beard but it does suit you" Qrow said

"I think that the first time you compliment me Qrow" ironwood said

"Yeah don't get used to it" Qrow said

"Is that our new outfits they look incredible but Blake I'm so happy I'm not the only one with short hair on our team now" ruby said excited

"Yeah why did you cut it short not that I'm saying it looks bad but why?" Yang said

"I don't know but probably has to do with about forgetting my pas" Blake said

"What?" Yang asked

"Yang when some girls cut there hair short they trying to forget the past and I doing so will cut there hair" zen said

"Okay" yang said

Qrow Branwen: I was honestly expecting things to go a lot rougher.

The whole group is suddenly ensnared as an unknown individual takes the Relic of Knowledge from Ruby.

"Me and my big mouth I just had to say that didn't I" Qrow said

"No who has the relic" ruby said nervously

"Calm down the people who have the relic work for ironwood so it completely safe for now" zen said and the end part quietly

"So that the end of  all that so let's watch rwby volume 7" zen said