Miyun sighed for the hundredth time, the last place he wanted to be was here, drinking with friends. Mishin would not just keep quiet and kept going on about how he would be the one to go on the mission to the Dark mountains.

Miyun just listened to the jabber. He had his head bent doing his best to avoid the gaze of Chai Dara. He could feel her gaze through the mask, the feeling was not like always. This time around Miyun could feel the stare was more than just mutual affection, something just felt sinister about it

' Miyun, why are sitting there quiet? Did you not hear my question?' Mishin asked in a slurred voice.

' I would retire for the night' Miyun said and left.

He could still feel the heated gaze on his back. He hurriedly left the place not knowing where he was going to.

He had not seen his young master the whole day. He knew that he was definitely u[ to something which was not good, but he just could not guess what he was about. Ever since he found out he had been struck by the purple sword, his mind kept on making assumptions as to what he could be.

Was he really human or half human?

' You are blind, that I know. Are you deaf now?'...

Miyun stopped and faced the direction of the voice

' Were you thinking about me?' his young master asked

' When did you arrive?' Miyun asked

' Why?, could it be.... you missed me?' Sihui replied a hint of humor in his voice

' This week is almost over, don't you think we should spend more time training?. This isn't any simple mission.'

'Is it?, no, with me everything is simple?'

' Excuse me, but are you perhaps drunk? have your personalities switched again. Are you hearing me right now?'

Sihui laughed, ' Switched personalities?, I like that one to being called crazy.'

Miyun did not know what to say again and kept quiet.

' You do not have to be serious all the time, for all we might know this mission will just be a simpleton. And as for the training, we will keep up on the way to the Dark mountains. Do you want to hear a story?'

' It's late, you should rest.'

' So it begins this way, but first let me ask you. Do you know the dark mountains had a sub king. the Giwras you know are original families born of demons and fire. They say that is how they came about. All demons should be ugly and grotesque, but the ones we know look as human as you and I. I am sure you know why?

' Spiritual cultivation?'

' Yes and no. The demons that assume human form have to go through the pain for it. Some demons were ones humans and others were born from the pits of hell. The sub king took charge of the humans and ghosts turned demons. They loose their original appearance once they turn demon. The sub King can grant them their look back, he can grant you a new face too as in the case of the ugly looking pure demons'

' Why does he have such a power? Can't the Giwra do that?'

' He does not have the time for such trivial matters. The sub King is actually said to be older than most of Giwras. He should have more power, no?' They actually have, but it is subdued. It would not be good if it is triggered. This is where the story begins.....

' Do you not want to know how one such sub king's power was triggered?' Mishin asked, knowing clearly the other's interest in such stories.

' You not making this up, are you?'

' Don't give yourself a reason not to listen. I know you want to. My grandfather told me. I am very sure he was not lying to me' Sihui said and smiled

' I will listen to you'

' Let's walk while I tell you'

' The sub kings were all known to be secretive but dangerous. There were one of the most beautiful demons in the Dark mountains. There has never been a female sub king because you have to fight your were to the top. And females demons and ghost don't stand a chance most of the time. But there came a new sub king after the previous one left, grandfather said he was the epitome of beauty. His beauty even surpassed most of the original demon families. He was very young and frivolous He had a keen interest in the human world and most of the time would escape out here. He never neglected his duties however, grandpa said though he was young and known for his escapades, he was respected and his subordinates cowered in fear whenever he passed by.'

Sihui suddenly stopped talking and said nothing more for a while

'Why have you stopped?'

' I am trying to recall the story exactly as my grandfather told me?'

' There was a rule, however. The Giwras had special abodes and was strictly forbidden to be who were not of the original royal demon family, but the Sub King was an exception. He could go and come as he pleased. This story took place centuries ago, at that time no one would have ever imagine the power of a sub king could surpass a Giwra.

' One day, he got in by the then Giwra for a meeting. On his way he run into one of the Giwra's son, Gasun, he was known to be the most gentle person, he hardly ever spoke and always took his lessons serious. He was also very beautiful, he had purple eyes which was and is very rare till date.

He hardly came out so people ever saw him.

The Sub King took a liking to him whilst the other detested him for his frivolous ways. The sub king from then, tried to make small talks. He would go to the special abode all the time to flirt with Gasun. It made all the female royals annoyed, everyone wanted the Sub King to take note of them. But unfortunately, he had his eyes set already.

One day, Gasun decided to listen to the Sub king. To his dismay, he took a liking to him. Gasun would tell him stories of the human world and show him lewd books of the same sex in action. He even brought Gasun food and other assortments from the human world. The higher ups heard of this and were not pleased'

' Why?'

' Gasun, was a pure bred demon from the royal family, and a male at that. They did not oppose that fact but another'

' Which was?'
