Jared's mind palace…
The briefcase shimmers and morphs into an umbrella, and a disguised Neopolitan draws her hidden blade, charging at an oblivious Ruby and Jared.
"Ruby! Jared!" Yang said, worried.
Yang's hair ignites and her eyes turn red as she uses her gauntlets' recoil to hurl herself forward, knocking Ruby and Jared out of the way, only to bear the brunt of Neopolitan's slash. With a scream, her Aura immediately dissipates, and she is thrown backward, tumbling bodily over the platform they are all standing on. Neopolitan grimaces in frustration. Weiss and Ruby can only stare in shock while Blake and Jared hurry over.
"Yang!" Jared said, worried. "No…"
Yang seems to regain consciousness, cracking open her eyelids as Blake throws her blade and Jared turns Juliet's Rose back into Ebb and Flow to launch an arrow, but the Faunus and the fanboy's weapons run out of ribbon and energy length respectively before they can reach Yang.
"Jared, can we reach her?" Blake asked, looking at the ally of justice.
The girl with the golden hair plummets past platforms and walkways into the darkness, where her image seems to shimmer and dissolve before disappearing completely.
"No…" Jared said, sadly.
Blake and Jared watch Yang, the Faunus' ears drooping and tears trickling down both of their cheeks.
"Yang!" Blake and Jared said, at the same time.
"You should have never threatened me…" Cinder said, while Neo looks up at her in anger as the Fall Maiden kicks Hush over the edge and into the abyss. "And you…" She looks over at Ruby who tries to activate her Silver Eyes. "...should have never been born…"
Cinder uses the Staff to smash Neo's hand, causing her to lose her grip and fall. Ruby starts to fall with her.
"RUBY!" Blake, Penny, and Jared yelled, at the same time.
Penny flies in carrying Blake and Jared.
"Go, Belle!" Jared said, smirking, grabbing Blake's other hand and throwing her forward. "You got this!"
Penny is knocked back by Cinder's fireball, with the redhead still carrying Jared in her hands.
Blake manages to grab Ruby.
"Yes!" Jared said, happily.
Blake uses Gambol Shroud to hook onto the platform. The two try to swing back up, but Cinder launches another fire attack then burns through Gambol Shroud's ribbon. Ruby and Blake fall and disappear into the abyss. Penny and Jared look on, distraught.
"No!" Penny said.
"I can't lose part of my family…" Jared said, letting out some tears. "Not here…"
Cinder prepares to go for the kill on Weiss, but suddenly hears Jaune scream out in anguish, causing her expression to turn shocked.
"Jared, I'm sorry." Jaune said, standing over Penny's body as his tears and her blood drip to the floor. The tip of his sword is coated in her blood too. "I'm sorry that you had to watch this!"
"No…" Winter said.
Cinder balls her hand into a fist, causing the ground beneath Jaune, Weiss, and Jared to explode. Jaune and Jared's Auras dissipate as Weiss is launched over the edge.
"WEISS!" Winter and Jared said, at the same time with both of their voices breaking.
Winter watches helplessly as she watches her little sister and for Jared respectively, it was the equivalent of someone motherly to him, that being Weiss Schnee falling into the abyss.
"Weiss…" Jared said, letting out a lot of tears. "I, I don't know how I can do the Angels take Manhattan. I, I don't know, um, how I can do it without Team RWBY…"
"Amy, come and see this." Rory said.
"What?" Amy asked.
"There's a gravestone here for someone with the same name as me."
"What?" Amy asked, when Rory vanishes. There was an Angel behind him. "Doctor! Jared!"
The Doctor, River, the Puella Magi Holy Quintet, and Jared run out of the Tardis.
"Where the hell did that come from?" Kyoko asked.
"It's a survivor. Very weak, but keep your eyes on it." Homura said, looking at the Weeping Angel.
"Where's Rory?" Amy asked.
The Doctor and Jared see Rory's gravestone - aged 82.
"I'm sorry. Amelia, I'm so, so sorry. I brought the Puella Magi Holy Quintet to try and change things. But it ended up backfiring in the end." Jared said, looking at Amy.
"No. No, we can just go and get him in the Tardis. One more paradox." Amy said.
"Would rip New York apart." The Doctor said.
"No, that's not true. I don't believe you."
"Mother, it's true." River said.
"Amy, what are you doing?" Jared asked, watching Amy walk up to the Weeping Angel.
"That gravestone, Rory's, there's room for one more name, isn't there?" Amy asked.
"What are you talking about? Back away from the Angel. Come back to the Tardis. We'll figure something out." The Doctor said.
"The Angel, would it send me back to the same time? To him?" Amy asked.
"I don't know. This is a parallel world to the show. So nobody knows." Jared said, sadly.
"But it's my best shot, yeah?" Amy asked.
"No!" The Doctor said, angrily.
"It isn't! For fuck's sake! It isn't!" Jared said, grabbing Sayaka's hand.
"Doctor, Jared, shut up. Yes. Yes, it is." Kyoko said.
"Amy." Jared said, looking at Amy.
"Well, then. I just have to blink, right?" Amy asked.
"No!" The Doctor said.
"Don't!" Jared said, fixated on Amy.
"It'll be fine. I know it will. I'll be with him, like I should be. Me and Rory together. Melody?" Amy asked.
"Stop it. Just, just stop it!" The Doctor said.
River takes Amy's hand and kisses it.
"You look after the Doctor. You be a good girl, and you look after him. And the Puella Magi Holy Quintet, you lot and the rest of Jared's friends, look after him. You are part of Jared's family, so look after him." Amy said.
"You are creating fixed time. I will never be able to see you again." The Doctor said.
"Amy, I can't have adventures with you ever again. I can only video chat with you if you're in the past. That's it. Nothing else!" Jared said, letting out a lot of tears.
"I'll be fine. I'll be with him." Amy said.
"Amy, please, just come back into the Tardis. Come along, Pond, please." The Doctor said.
"Amy, I don't want to lose you. Please. Come back to us!" Jared said, squeezing Sayaka's hand.
"Doctor, my Raggedy man, Jared, my ally of justice, goodbye!" Amy said, turning her back on the Angel, and vanishes.
Rory's gravestone gains more words - And His Loving Wife Amelia Williams aged 87.
"Jared, everything's gonna be okay…" Mami said, walking up to Jared to comfort him.
"No! No, it won't!" Jared said, as he moved his body to cry into Sayaka's chest.
Jared opened his eyes to remember that he's in a playground in the 1990s. He looked around and realized that he's somewhere in England. The Puella Magi Holy Quintet are in the TARDIS, safe and sound waiting for him.
"Hello." The girl said.
"Hello." The Doctor said.
"Hi." Jared said, smiling.
"Why are the two of you sitting on swings?" The girl asked.
"Why shouldn't we?" The Doctor asked.
"Because the both of you are old." The girl said.
"Yes, that's true. That is very true." The Doctor said.
"Incredibly true." Jared said, kicking his foot back and forth on the swing.
"My mum says I shouldn't talk to strange men." The girl said, happily.
"Ah, you mum's right." The Doctor said.
"Are you strange?" The girl asked, looking between the Doctor and Jared.
"Oh, dear. I'm way past strange. I think I'm probably incredible." The Doctor said.
"Not as incredible as Team RWBY." Jared said, smirking.
"Oi! Just because you hung out with Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Belle from Beauty and the Beast, and Goldilocks from Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Doesn't mean that I'm not incredible."
"That is true, Spaceman."
"Are you two lonely?" The girl asked.
"Why would we be lonely?" The Doctor asked.
"Because you're sad. Have one of you lost something?" The girl asked.
"No." The Doctor said. "I haven't."
"And neither have I." Jared said, sadly.
"When I lose something, I go to a quiet place and I close my eyes, and then I can remember where I put it." The girl said.
"That's a good plan."
"I'm always losing things. I lost my best pencil, my schoolbag, and my gran, and my mojo."
"Your mojo?" Jared asked.
"I got it back, though." The girl said.
"Well, that's good."
"What did the two of you lose?"
"Our friend. We met her twice before and we lost her both times, and now we don't think we'll ever find her again." The Doctor said.
"Have the two of you been looking?" The girl asked.
"Yeah, we looked everywhere. I just want to be with her, y'know." Jared said, looking at the girl.
"That's sad."
"It is a bit. Hey, is that your mum?" The Doctor asked.
"Yeah, I'd better go and see if she's all right." The girl said.
"Yeah, I think you better had."
"How are the two of you going to find her?"
"Well, the first two times we met her, we just sort of bumped into her, and Jared bumped into her several times within the last year."
"I had an idea. What if we wandered around for a bit? Around Earth." Jared said, happily. "We could bump into her again. Like destiny. I think."
"That's rubbish." The girl said.
"Yeah, I think it probably is. Hey, maybe we could find a quiet room and have a good think about it instead." The Doctor said.
"That would be better. Goodbye." The girl said, walking away from the Doctor and Jared.
"Goodbye." The Doctor said.
"See ya! Thanks for the talk!" Jared said, excitedly.
"Misters, I hope the two of you find her again." the girl said.
"So do we." The Doctor said.
"Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang. Please be alive…" Jared said, kicking his foot back and forth on the ground. "I need you."
"Who was that?" The mother asked.
"I was talking to some sad men." The girl said.
"Look, Clara Oswald, what have I told you about talking to strange men?"