Pit and Jared sluggishly make their way to the door to start the adventure.
"I' sleepy…" Pit said.
"Same...that...battle...with...the...Cybermen...was…" Jared said, yawning.
Pit and Jared both fall out of the door backwards. Pit is lifted up by the Power of Flight and Jared mentally turns on the flight system on his fairy wings moments later.
"Sorry to drag the both of you out so early, but we've got an emergency. We have a BIG problem. Bigger than all of us gods." Palutena said, telepathically.
Pit and Jared looked up to see a cluster of floating islands shooting beams at the Overworld below.
"Huh?! What is THAT?!" Pit exclaimed.
"What the hell?!" Jared exclaimed to see beams pulling pieces of land out of the ground and drawing them upwards.
"It''s ransacking the earth!" Pit said, worried.
"I left for one week. And we're dealing with this!" Jared said, annoyed.
Several unknown enemies suddenly fly at Pit and Jared.
"Enemies incoming!" Palutena said, telepathically.
"They're firing on us!" Pit said.
"I'm not even sure what THEY are!" Palutena said, telepathically. "Jared, do you know?"
"I can't think straight, Lady Palutena. You woke me up at 4 o'clock AM!" Jared said, angrily.
"They're organized, but who's giving the orders?" Palutena asked, telepathically.
"Maybe they're a new unit of the Forces of Nature?" Pit asked.
"Come on now. Do they look 'natural' to you?" Viridi asked, telepathically.
"Morning, do-gooders!" Hades said, telepathically.
"Don't tell me you two are behind this!" Pit said.
"They probably are." Jared said, sadly.
"Sadly, no, though I do applaud any and all violence directed at the two of you." Hades said, telepathically.
"Plus, you should know that I'd never work with Hades. In fact, I was about to destroy him when THEY suddenly appeared." Viridi said, telepathically.
"No, they saved HER at the last minute."
"So you have no idea what they are?" Pit asked.
"I'm sure know-it-all Palutena and the ever illusive fanboy are just dying to illuminate us." Hades said, telepathically.
"Unfortunately, I don't know any more than you do. I can only tell you that they're not of this world." Palutena said, telepathically.
"Without spoiling things for you guys. All I can say is that they're alien." Jared said, sadly.
"You mean they're...invaders from space?!" Pit exclaimed.
"They're not just invading. This swarm is harvesting whole sections of the earth! They're like bees taking pollen back to whatever hive they call home." Viridi said, telepathically.
"Not to quibble over details, but I think locusts are a more apt analogy. But whatever they are, they must be stopped. Earth is MY flower to plunder, not theirs!" Hades said, telepathically.
"Do I have to do everything around here? Forces of Nature, drop the hammer!"
"I guess we Underworlders will get in the mix, too. Shoot anything that moves!"
"Still can't get along, I see." Pit said.
"We're talking about two of the biggest egos in the entire fan fiction series. Of course they wouldn't get along." Jared said, frowning.
"Just do what you can, and try to stay out of the thick of things. And we can't bother Symphogear right now. They're probably taking out some Alca-Noise. And the Magical Girls are probably taking out Witches." Palutena said, telepathically.
"True. I wouldn't want to bother them today. That would be incredibly rude. At least they'll see what is going on through the news."
Pit and Jared approach the floating islands.
"I've never seen anything like this!" Pit said, worried.
"This reminds me of the 2009 Dalek Invasion of Earth. With the whole 27 planets in the sky." Jared said.
"27 planets in the sky?" Viridi asked. "What are you talking about?"
"There were 26 other planets in the sky. The Earth was one of them."
"I don't remember that. Anyway, these things are tough."
"But what are they?" Palutena asked, telepathically.
"HAHAHAHAHA!" ??? said, telepathically.
A man engulfed in flames flies past Pit and Jared.
"Huh?!" Pit exclaimed.
"Who's that?" Jared asked.
"Villains are no match for Pyrrhon!" ??? said, telepathically.
"Pyrrhon? The sun god Pyrrhon?" Palutena asked, telepathically.
"The one and only!" Pyrrhon said, happily.
"This wacko's the sun god?" Pit asked.
"Well, that's what he calls himself anyway." Viridi said, telepathically.
"Sorry. I prefer some of my friends as goddesses. Sinon as the Sun Goddess:Solus, Leafa as the Land Goddess:Terraria, and Asuna as the Goddess of Creation:Stacia." Jared said, letting out a sigh.
"Ah! So you're all together?! Good! Pyrrhon loves a party!" Pyrrhon said.
"Listen, do you know anything about these enemies?" Palutena asked, telepathically.
"Of course! They're the Aurum, and THIS passel of floating islands is just one of their bases." Pyrrhon said.
"Just ONE of their bases?! How much more hell DO they plan to raise?" Hades asked, telepathically.
"Let me drop a little knowledge on you!" Pyrrhon said, smiling.
"Oh, goody." Viridi said, telepathically.
"This ought to be good." Jared said, sarcastically.
"It's all in the Book of Divine Prophecy, chapter 84, section 3. 'Beckoned by destruction and corruption, the Aurum are born from and return to nothing. They travel across the galaxy to swallow up the heavens, land, and seas.'" Pyrrhon said.
"I don't remember that passage." Viridi said, telepathically.
"I'll break it down for you, godlings. The Aurum are gonna eat the entire earth! But stow your fear. Pyrrhon has a delivery, and the return address is 'justice.'"
"We can trust this guy, right?" Pit asked.
"Um…" Palutena said, telepathically.
"He's not Sinon. Who I actually trust." Jared said, looking down at his Palutena's Bow.
"You know things are dire if THAT'S the guy we're listening to!" Viridi said, telepathically.
"Fear the wrath of my pyroblasters, space weirdos! HAHAHAHAHA! Kablooey! Kablammy!" Pyrrhon said, taking out some Aurum troops.
"Yes...let's let Pyrrhon take care of this." Palutena said, telepathically.
Palutena flies Pit and Jared through an opening in the island below them.
"We'll take the other side of the islands!" Palutena said, telepathically.
"Good plan!" Pit said, happily.
"Pyrrhon has more ego than Shirou Emiya!" Jared said, angrily.
Pit and Jared arrive beneath the islands, where they see large chunks of the earth being drawn upwards.
"This is out of control!" Pit said.
"The Aurum are blowing up the earth and then taking the pieces for themselves!" Viridi said, telepathically.
"If they're like bees, what are they doing with it all? Making honey?"
"Viridi, it was you and Hades who lured the Aurum to our world." Palutena said, telepathically.
"What?! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" Viridi said, telepathically.
"Well, Pyrrhon said they're 'beckoned by destruction and corruption.' They were likely drawn here by the war between the Underworld and nature."
"Convenient how you've forgotten YOUR little tiff with the Underworld."
"Convenient how YOU'VE forgotten a massive Reset Bomb visible from space." Pit said.
"You! Zip it! The Aurum are the aggressors here! We're the victims!" Viridi said, telepathically.
"You're absolutely right. Like it or not, we're on the same side now." Palutena said, telepathically.
"Working with the Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Nature, and the Lord of the Underworld today. It's a blessing and a curse for me." Jared said, letting out a sigh.
Pit and Jared reach an island with a large tower in the center.
"We're heading to the center of the Aurum islands. That tower is the key to stopping all this devastation. Prepare for land battle." Palutena said, telepathically.
"OK!" Pit said.
"This will be a piece of cake." Jared said, smiling.
Pit and Jared fly down toward his landing destination.
Aurum Island…
Pit and Jared skid to a halt on the Aurum Island.
"Is this...the future?" Pit asked.
"The Aurum must have stolen materials from all over to build this place." Viridi said, telepathically.
"I wonder how many other planets were harvested to make it." Palutena said, telepathically.
"For being patched together, everything seems pretty structured." Pit said.
"More structured than the aliens I've encountered with the Doctor." Jared said, squeezing his bow.
"If the Aurum are like bees, that's no surprise. Bees are orderly colonies. Likewise, the Aurum seem to act as one. And I doubt these drones have any sense of free will." Palutena said, telepathically.
"There's all this activity here, but no actual life. It's pretty creepy! At this point, I'd expect a boss or something. And he'd be like, 'Muah ha ha! I've been waiting for you, Pit and Jared!'" Pit said.
"Aww, poor Pit. Are you and Jared feeling lonely? Because I can call in one of my commanders to keep the both of you company!" Viridi said, telepathically.
"Heh heh...I was just kidding. I'm fine! I've got Jared." Pit said, hitting the glowing center of a wall obstructing his and Jared's path, lowering it and allowing him and Jared to progress.
"Yeah. We make such a great team, Pit." Jared said, looking over at Pit.
"Taking out targets like that is the key to moving past certain obstacles." Palutena said, telepathically.
"...Or I could just go 'woo hoo' and fly over them entirely with Jared." Pit said.
"You know I can't enable the power of flight right after you've used it."
"I know...but it sure would be nice…"
"It really would. We would be flying side by side taking out baddies!" Jared said, excitedly.
"Sheesh, talk about passive aggressive!" Viridi said, telepathically.
Pit and Jared approach two Zaurums.
"Huh. Are those enemies...waving at us?" Pit asked.
"They're not saying hello, if that's what you're asking." Viridi said, telepathically.
"Those Aurum enemies are known as Zaurums. Their attacks can confuse you, so don't stop to say hi." Palutena said, telepathically.
Pit and Jared take the elevator with a Treasure Box on it.
"Huh?!" Pit exclaimed.
"What the?!" Jared exclaimed.
"An elevator into a torture chamber. Convenient!" Viridi said, telepathically.
"Hades, did you put that treasure box there?" Palutena asked, telepathically.
"ME? I would NEVER!" Hades said, telepathically.
"Are you kidding me?!" Jared exclaimed.
Pit and Jared approaches the Treasure Box, revealing it to be a Mimicutie.
"Ugh, it's a Mimicutie!" Pit said, angrily.
"That's strange…" Viridi said, telepathically.
"Could the Aurum have brought it here?" Palutena asked, telepathically.
Pit and Jared approaches the Hot Spring.
"Ooh hoo hoo! A hot spring!" Pit said.
"After a whole day of taking out Cybermen yesterday. I do need a nice hot spring." Jared said, happily.
Pit and Jared proceed toward the Hot Spring. The platform containing the Hot Spring rises out of Pit and Jared's reach.
"Where's it going?! Get back here, hot spring!" Pit said.
"Don't worry. There are stairs to your right that will take you two to it." Palutena said, telepathically.
"I love you, hot spring!" Pit said.
Pit and Jared enter the Hot Spring.
"Ahhh. I'm feelin' the healin'." Pit said.
"Your HP is getting restored, Pit. I'm using healing magic on myself and relaxing in the hot spring." Jared said, looking at Pit.
"I hope for both of your sakes that's a hot spring and not some other kind of...puddle." Viridi said, telepathically.
Pit and Jared goes through a door and spots Exo Tanks.
"Hey, look! Exo Tanks!" Pit said, getting on an Exo Tank.
"I haven't been on one in a while." Jared said, getting on the other Exo Tank.
"Hey, look! Who cares?" Hades asked, telepathically.
"It doesn't make sense." Viridi said, telepathically.
"I certainly didn't put them there." Palutena said, telepathically.
"Well, since they're here, we might as well use them!" Pit said.
"There's a jump up ahead."
"You're gon-na fa-all! You're gon-na fa-all!" Viridi said, telepathically.
"Really?" Jared asked.
Jared speeds up ahead of Pit and makes the jump successfully. He looked back to see Pit making the jump successfully, but kept going and missed the Treasure Box.
"Nooo!" Pit said, terrified.
"Nice one, Pitty! At least Flash Gordon made that jump!" Hades said, telepathically.
Pit and Jared approach another Mimicutie.
"There's another treasure box." Viridi said, telepathically.
"All hail the goddess of obvious." Viridi said, telepathically.
Pit and Jared activate the Mimicutie.
"No no no no no no noo!" Pit said, worried.
"Two Mimicuties in one day?!" Jared exclaimed, looking at Pit.
"What elegance! What grace! What disturbing brutality!" Hades said, telepathically.
"No no no no no no no no!" Pit said.
Pit and Jared take an elevator to a higher level.
"I placed a grind rail up ahead for you two." Palutena said, telepathically.
"Thank you very much!" Pit said.
"Thanks! We really appreciate it!" Jared said.
"Don't thank me yet. It didn't turn out exactly as I'd hoped. It got a little...weird." Palutena said, telepathically.
"Not a problem! We eat 'weird' for breakfast!" Pit said.
"It's not straight and linear." Jared said.
Pit and Jared hops onto the Grind Rail, which appears more jagged than usual.
"But it IS kind of crooked." Pit said.
"Something seems to have distorted it." Palutena said, telepathically.
"The nerve of those Aurum! How dare they mess with your godly powers?" Viridi asked, telepathically.
"Sorry about that, Pit, Jared."
"It's fine." Jared said, when Pit attacks the Baglo. "We forgive you."
"Pit, your attacks are making that Baglo counterattack." Palutena said, telepathically.
"Couldn't you have mentioned that earlier?!" Pit exclaimed.
"This is the last of the grind rails."
"Watch ME stick the landing!"
On the last Grind Rail, a random conversation or weapon conversation may trigger.
"What happened while you were at Hedgewick's World of Wonders?" Palutena asked, telepathically.
"I told you, it was invaded by Cybermen." Jared said, crossing his arms.
"Cybermen? How many?"
"3 Million."
"3 Million Cybermen at an amusement park?! How did you escape?" Pit asked.
"Oh, an Emperor saved us."
"Emperor! Who?"
"Me and Clara, we called him Porridge. Mostly because he served them to us and soldiers. Yesterday was supposed to be a nice day out with the kids Clara was babysitting." Jared said, sadly.
Pit and Jared take an elevator to a lower level.
"There's a path down through that tower." Palutena said, telepathically.
"So we should just keep going down this way?" Pit asked.
"I'm picking up high energy readings from the base of the tower. You can head there...I think."
"Aww, sounds like someone's losing her nerve! I guess I'd better step in! Get in here, boys! It's time for some Underworld Army action!" Hades said, telepathically.
Underworld troops swoop in, only to be destroyed soon after.
"Well, that didn't go very well." Hades said, telepathically.
"I think we should just leave this to Pit and Jared." Viridi said, telepathically.
"Oh, sure. Do you want us to pick up your dry cleaning too?" Pit asked.
"Oh, how about I mow your lawn and do your dishes?" Jared asked.
"Now, now, Pit, Jared. Viridi has faith in the both of you, and so do I. I know you two can handle it!" Palutena said, telepathically.
"I'll do my best! But only for you, Lady Palutena." Pit said.
"Pit certainly is devoted to you, Palutena. And Jared cares about his friends and wants to protect them." Viridi said, telepathically.
"Only because Palutena squeezes Pit's head wreath when he doesn't follow orders." Hades said, telepathically.
"You mean like...THIS?!" Palutena exclaimed, telepathically.
"No no no no no! You'll squeeze my brains out! ...Why do I always fall for that?" Pit asked.
"Because you always do Pit." Jared said, sadly.
"Ha ha ha ha! Nicely done." Viridi said, telepathically.
"Thank you." Palutena said, telepathically.
"Who knew pretty Palutena possessed a sense of humor?" Hades asked, telepathically.
"Hmph. Very funny." Pit said, sarcastically.
"That was extremely funny." Jared said, smiling.
Pit and Jared heads down toward the tower.
"The center of that platform is an elevator down." Palutena said, telepathically.
Pit and Jared take an elevator into a room, where they encounter the Aurum Core.
"So that's what we need to destroy?" Pit asked.
"I don't know. Maybe the core? I'm only guessing here." Jared said, looking down at his Palutena's Bow.
"Only one way to find out?" Hades asked.
Pit and Jared strikes a pose and the battle initiates.
"Augh. That shield is so annoying!" Pit said.
"It really is!" Jared said, looking over at Pit.
"There are gaps in it that expose the core. Keep circling around the shield, and shoot the openings. You might want to take care of those outer guns too." Palutena said, telepathically.
"Your boys Pit and Jared get As for effort." Hades said, telepathically.
"I don't know what I'd do without them."
"Aw, that's really nice of you, Lady Palutena! You're the reason I go on fighting every day." Pit said.
"And you became the reason I go on fighting every day, Lady Palutena. It used to be Team RWBY. But they're gone now. I'm only doing it to protect the peace that's on Earth." Jared said, smiling.
"It seems we have a little mutual-admiration society here." Viridi said, telepathically.
"Isn't that sweet. And by 'sweet,' I mean DISGUSTING!" Hades said, telepathically.
"I wouldn't expect you two to know anything about loyalty or devotion." Palutena said, telepathically.
"I know sappiness when I see it." Viridi said, telepathically.
"Hear hear!" Hades said, telepathically.
"That's enough from the cheap seats." Palutena said, telepathically.
" anyway...where were we?" Pit asked.
"I don't want to lose the future. The one that has Kirito and the others in it." Jared said, looking at Pit. "That's the future I want to live in. When I do reach that decade."
"We still have to take out the Aurum Core."
"We do. I love the real world and the virtual world. I learned a lot by being around the SAO survivors. And I don't want to lose them. Not one bit. Because I love all of them. Like how I loved my friends from Remnant."
"You also love Magical Girls, mages, and Symphogear." Pit said, happily. "You have more friends than me."
Pit and Jared take too long to defeat the Aurum Core while actively attacking it.
"Man, this is NOT easy!" Pit said, angrily.
"That rotating shield is your main problem. Anticipate when the gaps in the shield will appear. When the shield is right in front of you, do a forward-dash charged shot." Palutena said, telepathically.
Pit and Jared defeat the Aurum Core.
"Pulverized!" Pit said.
"And smashed to pieces!" Jared said.
"Let's see what happens!" Hades said, telepathically.
The Aurum Core explodes, causing the Aurum Islands to begin falling out of the sky. Pyrrhon then flies out, carrying Pit and Jared under both of his arms.
"You all right there, citizens?" Pyrrhon asked.
"A-OK!" Pit said.
"I'm fine." Jared said, looking up at Pyrrhon.
"Thanks for your help, Pyrrhon." Palutena said, telepathically.
A light shines down over Pit and Jared.
"Pit, Jared, let's regroup." Palutena said, telepathically.
Palutena whisks Pit and Jared away.
"Whoop!" Pyrrhon said, turning around. "Pyrrhon senses danger." He spots a hoard of Aurum Battleships. "And now...Pyrrhon sees it."
Pyrrhon teleports away.