The Day of the Doctor (Part 1)

(Open POV)


Outside Coal Hill Secondary School...

A policeman is on his beat past the sign to I M Foreman's scrap yard at 76 Totter's Lane. Note - Chairman of the School Governors is I Chesterton.


"Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one. Marcus Aurelius." Clara said, her voice nearby.


The end of class bell rings. A young man rushes in as the other students leave.

"Have you been running?" Clara asked.

"Are you okay? There was a call for you at the office, from your doctor and your superhero." Tom said.

"Did they leave an address?" Clara asked, while Tom handed her a piece of paper.

She grabs her motorcycle gear and hopped onto Yang's Bumblebee motorcycle before she leaves. The Tardis is parked on the side of a lonely country road. Clara sounds her horn and drives straight at it. The doors open to let her in.

(Jared's POV)


The Doctor is reading a book on Advanced Quantum Mechanics, "Draught."

"Thank you for taking care of Bumblebee." Yang said, while Clara clicks her fingers and the doors close. "I missed her."

"How did she end up on Earth?" Blake asked.

"I don't know." Clara said, looking between Ruby and Weiss. "Ever After then?"

"It was...interesting." Ruby said, sadly.

"More like impossible." Weiss said, crossing her arms.

"Not impossible. Just a bit unlikely." I said, leaning against the TARDIS. "So, Doctor, got anything planned?"

"Oh. I don't know. Fancy a week in ancient Mesopotamia followed by future Mars?" The Doctor asked, looking between Clara, Team RWBY, and I.

"Will there be cocktails?" Clara asked.

"On the Moon." The Doctor said.

"The Moon'll do."

"Aww..yeah. Cocktails on the Moon." Yang said, happily.

"That isn't bad for a relaxing vacation." Blake said.

The Doctor, Clara, Team RWBY, and I laugh and embrace.

"How's the new job? Teach anything good?" The Doctor asked.

"No. Learn anything?" Clara asked.

"Not a thing." The Doctor said, while he and Clara slap palms.

"Crap..." I said, as I got a vision of a space station.

Of a scene that happened in the distant future. In the middle of the 21st century. A space station in orbit around Planet Earth. The First Low Orbit Station. One that I know so well. Or the International Space Station because, well, it's pretty much the same thing.

First Low Orbit Station...

"Infinity Processor synch rate at 96%..." Klaus said, while he is at a console inputting a code. "That should be good enough."

"Son of a..." I said, while I looked down to see that I am a hologram. "You're kidding me."

"Let's begin the experiment!" Klaus said, looking at a huge shiny Latin cross that I know far too well as the Conduit.

"Professor, no! The results have not been confirmed!" Galea said, worried.

Inside the experiment facility, a wide window shows Earth. Crew members in white lab coats are working at consoles.

"It's too dangerous!" Galea said.

I spot a woman that I recognize as Galea, who will soon become Meyneth, run up to Klaus at the main console; they are both human scientists

wearing the same white lab coats as the rest of the crew.

"I can't believe Xenoblade Chronicles is canon to this universe." I said, sadly.

Galea grabs Klaus' arm.

"Ridiculous. It's perfectly safe." Klaus said, as Galea attempts to pull him away, but he shoves her to the floor. "We are about to bear witness to the birth of a universe. Once, only a god could perform such a miracle. But today, mankind moves one step closer to the divine!"

"Are you serious? Do you even fully understand that thing?" Galea asked.

"What's the alternative? Do you want to just surrender this place to them? The Conduit is a gift from some divine entity. It is a gateway... A gateway that will take us to an entirely new world."

"You're delusional. 'Divine entity'? The Conduit is nothing more than a meta-universe manifold! At most, the Conduit is like the Gjallarhorn that allowed Symphogear to travel between parallel worlds long ago. Or the Keyblade users using Gummi Ships and the Avengers using Pym Particles to access the Quantum Realm!"

"Galea... We humans are fools. We've ravaged the planet. We are on the verge of burning even the skies above." Klaus said, and he looks outside to see the Earth in the future and it's mechs being attacked outside of the space station. "But the Conduit...could transform us into something so much more!" He returns to the console and begins inputting a code. "Galea, this is the birth of a brand-new universe!"

"Stop! Klaus!" Galea said, concerned.

But it is too late. Klaus, who would later become known as Zanza and the Architect in the future, presses the activation key.

"Oh no..." I said, knowing what is going to happen next. "Why..."

A ball of blue light shoots along the ring encircling the planet below. Earth in the future becomes covered in a great blue light, which first implodes into nothing, then expands outward, covering the universe I helped reboot with the Doctor for Big Bang Two in white light. The universe that I helped give Amelia Jessica Pond to grow up with parents rather than her without them.


The vision ended and I am back on the TARDIS inside the console room. Alert. Tardis interference detected.

"What's happening?" Clara asked.

"Whoa, whoa. We're taking off, but the engines aren't going." The Doctor said.

Because the Tardis has been grabbed by a lifting grapple from a helicopter.

"Windmill Eleven to Greyhouse leader. Blue Eagle is airborne. Ready to receive. We're on our way." A pilot said, nearby.

Outside the White Tower...

"Keep dreaming 'bout a better world. You keep wishing for some clarity. Always hoping that a lightning bolt. Is gonna save you from this gravity." Kate's Phone said.

"Hello? Kate Stewart's phone. Oh, hold on. Excuse me. Ma'am. Ma'am!" Osgood said, angrily.

"The ravens are looking a bit sluggish. Tell Malcolm they need new batteries." Kate said.

"It's him. Sorry, it's your personal phone, but, well, I recognised the ring tone. Trust Love by Jeff Williams was the ring tone. It's him, isn't it?" Osgood asked, while she gets a bit breathless as she hands the phone over.

"Inhaler." Kate said, as her assistant uses her inhaler. Notice the very long multicoloured scarf wrapped around her neck. "Jared, hello. We found the TARDIS in a field. I'm having it brought in."


I am hanging out of the door, using my Apple Watch to contact Kate Stewart.

"You're not wrong!" I said, holding my hand in front of my face.

"Where are you and the Doctor?" Kate asked, her voice coming out of my Apple Watch.

"Take a listen." I said, raising my wrist where my Apple Watch is up towards the helicopter as they fly up the Thames. "You hear that, Kate? Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang are inside the TARDIS too!"

Outside the White Tower / Tardis...

"Oh, my god! Oh, Jared, I'm so sorry. We had no idea you and the Doctor were still in there. We didn't know Team RWBY were in there either. Amelia Watson stopped by a while ago. She said you and the Doctor left the TARDIS along with Team RWBY being at Remnant. Come on." Kate said, walking away.

"Roger. New heading two zero seven. Changing course." The pilot said, his voice nearby.

The turn sends me out of the door.

"Should we help him?" Blake asked.

Clara manages to grab hold of my feet, "You don't have to. I've got him."

"Jared, can you hear me? I don't think he can hear me." Kate said.

"Kate. Would it kill you to call or text me sometime?" I asked, as I looked up at Clara.

"I'm having you, the Doctor, and Team RWBY taken directly to the scene. River Song dropped off Jaune there. Jared, hello, are you okay?" Kate asked.

"Whoa! I'm just going to put you on hold." I said, while I changed my position to hang onto the base of the Tardis with my hands.

"Jared?" Kate asked.

"Jared!" Clara said, terrified.

We fly to somewhere I know so well.

Trafalgar Square...

"Atten...shun!" A soldier said, angrily.

I drop down before the Tardis is lowered to the ground and salutes Kate, Osgood and the squad of UNIT soldiers waiting for the Doctor, Team RWBY, and I.

"Why am I saluting?" The Doctor asked.

"Doctor, Jared, Team RWBY, as Chief Scientific Officer, may I extend the official apologies of UNIT..." Kate said.

"Kate Lethbridge Stewart, a word to the wise. As I'm sure your father would have told you, I don't like being picked up." The Doctor said.

"That probably sounded better in his head." Clara said, sadly.

"I'm acting on instructions direct from the throne. Sealed orders from her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the First." Kate said.

"The Queen? The First? Sorry, Elizabeth the First?"

"Her credentials are inside." Kate said, while the Doctor is about to break the seal on the message when she points back to the National Gallery. "No. Inside."

"Nice scarf." The Doctor said, looking at Osgood's scarf.

"What's our cover story for this?"

"Er, Derren Brown." Osgood said.


"Oh, we've sent him flowers."

"So, you know this episode then." Ruby said, looking at me.

"The Day of the Doctor." I said, frowning. "I forgot this episode was going to happen."

"Is it because you were at Vale then the Ever After?" Yang asked.


The Doctor, Kate, Team RWBY, and I head up the steps to the gallery.

"I can't believe you went back to Vale to spend more time with us." Blake said. "That was selfless of you."

"Better than staying up in the TARDIS up in the sky during Victorian London." I said, sadly. "That time was dark. I thought you four were dead."

"Atten-shun! Right, I want a secure perimeter around the gallery." A soldier said.

National Gallery...

"Did you know her, Elizabeth the First?" Clara asked.

"Unified Intelligence Task Force." The Doctor said.

"Sorry?" Clara asked.

I took out my phone to immediately call Osgood, "Osgood? Where's Jaune?"

"Jaune?" Osgood asked, looking at me. "He's with me. Do you want him?"

"No. We'll meet with you and him in a bit." I said, my phone in my hand. "As long as he's safe."

"You care about him, don't you? Jaune Arc."

"He's one of my best friends. I trust him with you, Petronella Osgood."

"Thank you. I'll see you soon." Osgood said, ending her phone call with me.

I placed my phone back inside my pocket, knowing that Jaune is with Osgood. I rejoined the Doctor, Kate, Clara, and Team RWBY with us still walking towards the painting.

"I do. This is my job. I'm doing it now." The Doctor said.

"You never have a job. I get Jared with Team RWBY and Jaune since they're Huntsmen and Huntresses." Clara said, happily.

"I do. I do." The Doctor said.

A painting is unveiled of an alien Citadel on fire and under attack.

"Elizabeth's credentials, Doctor, Jared." Kate said.

"But, but that's not possible." Ruby said, grabbing my hand.

"No more." The Doctor said.

"That's the title." Kate said.

"I know the title."

"Also known as Gallifrey Falls."

"This painting doesn't belong here, not in this time or place."

"Obviously." Yang said.

"It's the fall of Arcadia, Gallifrey's second city." The Doctor said.

"But how is it doing that? How is that possible? It's an oil painting in 3D." Weiss said, stepping forward and I know that she is correct.

"Time Lord art. Bigger on the inside. A slice of real time, frozen." The Doctor said.

"Elizabeth told us where to find it, and its significance." Kate said.

The Doctor takes Clara's hand.

"You okay?" Clara asked, looking at the Doctor.

"He was there." The Doctor said.

"Who was?"

"Me. The other me. The one I don't talk about."

"I don't understand."

"I've had many faces, many lives. I don't admit to all of them. There's one life I've tried very hard to forget. He was the Doctor who fought in the Time War, and that was the day he did it. The day I did it. The day he killed them all. The last day of the Time War. The war to end all wars between my people and the Daleks. And in that battle there was a man with more blood on his hands than any other, more blood than either Jared or Kirito, a man who would commit a crime that would silence the universe. And that man was me."

(Open POV)

Kirito and Asuna's home / National gallery...

The present Jared with the Eleventh Doctor, Clara, Team RWBY, and Kate is in the National Gallery. The Jared of the past is with the survivors of Sword Art Online, Leafa, Sinon, Yuuna, Eiji, and Yuuki in Floor 22 of New Aincrad in ALFheim Online.

The ally of justice in the past began singing when it isn't of habit for him to do so. And it's the song he knows so well. Which means the past and the present are merging, slowly but surely.

"Red like roses, fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest." Jared said, singing.

"White as cold and always yearning, burdened by a royal test." Past Jared said, singing.

"Black the beast descends from shadows."

"Yellow beauty, burns gold."

"What is he doing?" Leafa asked, looking at Past Jared.

"Um, I think, I think he's singing." Silica said, sadly.

"I couldn't take it, couldn't stand another minute; Couldn't bear another day without you in it." Jared said, singing. "All of the joy that I had known for all my life was stripped away from me

the minute that you died."

Jared in the here and now is now looking at Team RWBY with tears of guilt and regret.

"To have you in my life was all I ever wanted, but now without you I'm a soul forever haunted.

Can't help but feel that I had taken you for granted; No way in Hell that I can ever comprehend this." Past Jared said, singing.

"Is he signing Red Like Roses?" Asuna asked.

"Where's the other half?" Kirito asked.

"In his personal future." Yui said, closing her eyes to check. "The past and the present are converging."

"I wasn't dreaming when they told me you were gone, I was wide awake and feeling that they had to be wrong." Past Jared said, singing.

"How could you leave me when you swore that you would stay? Now I'm trapped inside a nightmare every single fucking day." Jared said, singing.

"It's like a movie, but there's not a happy ending; Every scene fades black, and there's no pretending."

"This little fairy tale doesn't seem to end well, there's no knight in shining armor who will wake me from the spell."

"I know you didn't plan this; You tried to do what's right. But in the middle of this madness, I'm the one, you left to win this fight." Past Jared said, singing.

"Who's that for?" Yuuna asked.

"I think it's for Team RWBY." Eiji said, frowning.

"Red like roses fills my head with dreams and finds me. Always closer, to the emptiness and sadness that has come to take the place of you." Jared said, singing.

"Didn't he find them?" Asuna asked, walking towards Past Jared.

"He did. But him with us and him in the future with the Doctor, Clara, and Team RWBY." Kirito said, looking at Past Jared. "They're feeling the same exact thing. The Jared that's with us. Team RWBY were forcibly split up after the Fall of Beacon. And he's currently traveling with Team RNJR."

"And the one that's with the Doctor, Clara, and Team RWBY. He's the one. Jared thought they were dead for months. Until River hinted that they were still alive. And he had to go searching for them. That's awful."

"We know you're broken down by anger and by sadness; You feel we left you in a world that's full of madness. Wish we could talk to you, if only for a minute; Make you understand the

reasons why we did it." Ruby said, singing.

Ruby is now approaching Jared who has tears flowing down his face.

"We wanna tell you that you're all that ever mattered; Want you to know that, for eternity, we're shattered. We tried so hard just to protect you, but we failed to. And in a prison of

abandonment, we've jailed you." Weiss said, singing.

Weiss walked up to Jared, feeling that the fanboy has felt a lot of guilt after everything he has been through so far. And the Underworld Army showing up did tear Jared's world apart after he thought that she and the rest of Team RWBY died when they fell into the abyss.

"We never planned that we would leave you there alone, we were sure that we would see you when we made it back home. And all the times we swore that it would be okay; Now we're nothing but liars, and you're thrown into the fray." Ruby said, singing.

"This bedtime story ends with misery ever after, The pages are torn, and there's no final chapter. We didn't have a choice, we did what we had to do; We made a sacrifice, but forced a bigger sacrifice on you." Blake said, singing.

"We know you've lived a nightmare; We caused you so much pain. But, baby, please don't do what we did; We don't want..." Yang said, singing.

" to..."

"...waste your life in vain."

"Red like roses fills my head with dreams and finds me. Always closer to the emptiness and sadness that has come to take the place of you." Jared said, singing.

"You're not the only one who needed us; We thought you understood." Blake said, singing.

"You were the ones I needed, and you four left me as I always feared you would."

"Would I change it if I could?" Yang asked, singing.

"It doesn't matter how, the petals scatter now." Jared said, singing. "Every nightmare just discloses."

"It's your blood that's red like roses." Weiss said, singing.

"And no matter what I do, nothing ever takes the place of you."

"I guess Team RWBY took the lines of Summer Rose." Lisbeth said, scoffing.

"Red like roses fills my head with dreams and finds me. Always closer, to the emptiness and sadness, that has come to take the place of you." Jared said, singing. "I was never right for the hero type of role...I admit it. With my heart shivering in fear. I can see today's reflected in each past tear. Even so, it has been calling the heavens to me. But I cannot hide all the emptiness inside my fleeting heart. Once in my dreams I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down. I will stand up, restored. All of my love has yet to wake. I know your strength is what I lack. You've got my back and know that I've got yours. I have you to thank for lighting up the dark. Because you're here with me. Our dreams will soar free forever."

"I wanna always be with you...I give you everything I have." Clara said, singing.

"I could never find light to guide me through the night. And with one touch, I'd recall every memory. All too precious to not hold them all close to me." Jared said, singing. "It's tempting to close your eyes and turn from the world. But it's bittersweet, like you've somehow missed a beat with no restart. When every wish has overlapped. You'll realize if you carry on with every dawn, your hesitation fades. All of your scars will disappear. I will become your sword and shield. This Crossing Field's the path that we select."

"The promise we made will last for all our days. If it's our bonds we'll live by, I will put my faith in you."

"I only need one miracle. Can you not hear me call at all? Until that day, I'll keep screaming your name. Once in my dreams I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down I will stand up, restored." Jared said, singing. "All of my love has yet to wake. I know your strength is what I lack. You've got my back and know that I've got yours. I have you to thank for lighting up the dark. Because you're here with me. Our dreams will soar free forever."

"I wanna always be with you. I wanna hold you tight right now. I swear that I'll be who you choose. I'll give you everything I have." Clara said, singing.

"Listen to my song..." Jared said, singing.

"Are you hearing my voice? Please tell me...devoid of answers, I aim for the fictional sky and fly far away." Past Jared said, singing.

"Because words aren't enough, accept everything about me. I can't control myself...and I don't want to. It's the first time I've felt this way. I sing to you about the beginning of eternity."

"So, smile..." Clara said, singing.

"I'll embrace you with more strength and more passion than anyone else. It's fine if your trembling heart is shaken; something has begun to move. Surely, we were searching all along for our meeting since the day we were born. On nights when the wind cries, remember. The heavens we dance in are the path we performed together." Jared said, singing.

"Are my feelings reaching you? True or false. Every time we touch, my frustration worsens; crying, more crying." Past Jared said, singing.

"It seems I've lost sight of the tomorrow I was always running from. So I won't hurt others, nor be hurt by them. My lies just keep multiplying."

"Still, smile..." Clara said, singing.

"The more you suffer, the more it hurts me...yeah, it's because I love you. I was scared of the me who wants to feel out of control. I've finally realized the instinctive rhythm circulating my body. Never again will I let you go. It's the many yesterdays that illuminate our tomorrow, right?" Past Jared asked, singing.

"There are things I want to convey, even if my body turns to dust. Resonate, my song of life, and fly into the world beyond here." Jared said, singing.

"So, smile..." Clara said, singing.

"I want to embrace you with more strength and more passion than anyone else. It's fine if your trembling heart is shaken; something has begun to move. Surely, we were searching all along for our meeting since the day we were born. On nights when the wind cries, remember. The heavens we sculpt are the miracle we wove together."

"They have returned again. Ready to save the land." Past Jared said, singing.

"Battling darkness once more. It's time for you to soar." Jared said, singing.

"Take to the skies. Over the land."

"Saving lives. Once again."

"The last one to live And you rise to the top."

"It's time for your uprising."

"And now let them hear us sing." Past Jared said, singing.

"Sing to our joyful reprise." Jared said, singing.

"As we take the skies. Light coats the land. And darkness falls again."

"For years we've waited to return. Coming back stronger than ever before. Gods and goddesses fight. We must bring back the eternal light!"

"It is time for Uprising. We will fight on!"

"Uprising takes the skies. It's time for our uprising!" Jared said, singing.

"And I think that's enough singing for one day." The Doctor said, rolling his eyes. "Let me guess. Time War flashback?"

(Jared's POV)

National Gallery...

"But the Time War's over. Why have you brought us here to look at a painting?" Clara asked.

"The painting only serves as Elizabeth's credentials, proof that the letter is from her. It's not why you're here." Kate said.

The Doctor breaks the wax seal and unfolds the paper.

"My dearest love, I hope the painting known as Gallifrey Falls will serve as proof that it is your Elizabeth who writes to you now. You will recall that you pledged yourself to the safety of my kingdom. In this capacity I have appointed you as curator of the Under Gallery, where deadly danger to England is locked away. Should any disturbance occur within its walls, it is my wish that you be summoned. God speed, gently husband." Elizabeth said, with the Doctor reading her letter aloud.

"What happened?" The Doctor asked.

"Easier to show you." Kate said.

The Doctor, Clara, Team RWBY, and I leave with Kate. The man with Osgood and Jaune answers his phone.

"McGillop. But that's not possible. I was just. Understood, sir. But why would I take it there?" McGillop asked.

Meanwhile, a metal shutter comes down behind the Doctor, Clara, Team RWBY and I as we stand in front of a painting on wood of Gloriana herself.

"Elizabeth the First. You knew her, then?" Clara asked.

And next to Gloriana in the painting, in period costume, is David Tennant.

"A long time ago." The Doctor said.

England, 1562...

The Tardis is parked in a meadow in the bend of a river. The door is opened, and the previous Doctor gallops out on a white horse, with a red-headed lady on the pillion. Kirito then walked out in his clothing from Sword Art Online with Elucidator and Dark Repulser on him.

"Allons-y! Jared is with the rest of Kirito's friends as said Black Swordsman will watch over us. There you go, your Majesty, what did I tell you? Bigger on the inside." The 10th Doctor said.

"The door isn't. You nearly took my head off. It's normally me who does that. And bringing people from the early 21st century to this time period. I don't understand you." Elizabeth said.

"You have got to be kidding me." Kirito said, looking between the 10th Doctor and Queen Elizabeth the First.

Reclining on cushions near a tent flying the royal pennant.

"Tell me, Doctor, why I'm wasting my time on you. I have wars to plan." Elizabeth said.

"You have a picnic to eat." The 10th Doctor said.

"You could help me."

"Well, I'm helping you eat the picnic."

"But you have a stomach for war. This face has seen conflict, it's as clear as day. " Elizabeth said, looking at the 10th Doctor.

"Oh, I've seen conflict like you wouldn't believe. But it wasn't this face. But never mind that, your Majesty. Up on your feet. Up, up." The 10th Doctor said.

"Can I go now?" Kirito asked, taking out his Augma to communicate with me.

"While I am playing games on the Nintendo Switch with Asuna and the others?" I asked, my voice coming out of Kirito's Augma. "I don't think so."

"Just take my place."

"Nah. I can't, I would be crossing over within my own time stream."

"And how do you know you will?"

"Yui told me." I said, before ending the call with Kirito.

The 10th Doctor holds out a clockwork gizmo, "Ding."

"What's that?" Elizabeth asked.

"It's a machine that goes ding. Made it myself. Lights up in the presence of shape-shifter DNA. Ooo. Also it can microwave frozen dinners from up to twenty feet and download comics from the future. I never know when to stop." The 10th Doctor said.

"My love, I do not understand."

"I'm not your love, and yes you do. You're a Zygon."

"A Zygon?"

"Oh, stop it. It's over. A Zygon, yes. Big red rubbery thing covered in suckers. Surprisingly good kisser. Think the real Queen of England would just decide to share her throne with any old handsome bloke in a tight suit, just cos he's got amazing hair and a nice horse?" The 10th Doctor asked.

"Doctor. The Zygon was the horse. Not Queen Elizabeth." Kirito said, seeing that the white horse has transformed into the Zygon.

"Oh." The 10th Doctor said, while there is no more white horse but instead that there's the Zygon. "It was the horse. I'm going to be King. Now I know how you feel, Kirito Run!"

"What's happening?" Elizabeth asked.

"We're being attacked by a shape-shifting alien from outer space, formerly disguised as my horse." The 10th Doctor said.

They run into a ruined building.

"What does that mean?" Elizabeth asked.

"It means we're going to need a new horse." The 10th Doctor said.

"Where's it going?"

"Kirito and I will hold it off. You run. Your people need you." The 10th Doctor said.

"And I need you alive for our wedding day." Elizabeth said, kissing the 10th Doctor before running away.

"Nice work, Doctor. The Virgin Queen? So much for history." I said, with Kirito answering my call through his Augma again.

"Is this why she hates us later on?" Kirito asked, his Augma on his head.

"Yeah. You'll find out more details later."

Elizabeth runs through the trees while the Doctor and Kirito try to lure the Zygon. She screams and the Doctor comes running with Kirito. The 10th Doctor's gizmo is dinging a lot.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh, very clever." The 10th Doctor said, while he  talks to a lop-eared rabbit. "Whatever you've got planned, forget it. I'm the Doctor. I'm nine hundred and four years old. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. I am the Oncoming Storm, the Bringer of Darkness...."

"Doctor, you're talking to a rabbit." Kirito said, sadly. "That isn't the Zygon."

"You're right, Kirito. That is basically just a rabbit, isn't it? Okay, carry on. Just a general warning."

"Doctor!" Elizabeth said, her voice nearby.

"Elizabeth!" The 10th Doctor said.

"Are you okay?" Kirito asked, finding Elizabeth lying on the ground.

"That thing. Explain what it is. What does it want of us?" Elizabeth asked.

"That's what we're trying to find out. Probably just your planet." The 10th Doctor said.

A second Elizabeth walks up.

"Doctor. Kirito. Step away from her, Doctor and Kirito. That's not me. That's the creature." Elizabeth 2 said.

"How is that possible? She's me. Doctor, Kirito, she's me!" Elizabeth said, shocked.

"Which one is the real one?" Kirito asked, when the Doctor tries to use his gizmo.

"I am indeed me. A compliment that cannot be extended to yourself." Elizabeth 2 said.

"Extraordinary. The creature has captured my exact likeness. This is exceptional." Elizabeth said.

"Exceptional? A Queen would call it impertinent."

"A Queen would feel compelled to admire the skill of the execution, before arranging one."

"It's not working." The 10th Doctor said, annoyed.

"One might surmise that the creature would learn quickly to protect itself from any simple means of detection." Elizabeth said.

"Clearly you understand the creature better than I. But then, you have the advantage." Elizabeth 2 said.

"What is that?" Kirito asked, looking at the vortex that appeared in the air.

"Okay kids, this is where it gets complicated." I said, my voice coming out of Kirito's Augma. "I don't like this one bit."

"Back, all of you, now! That's a time fissure. A tear in the fabric of reality. Anything could happen." The 10th Doctor said, as a red fez drops out of it. "For instance, a fez."

National Gallery...

The portrait of the 10th Doctor and Elizabeth is concealing a door.

"This way." Kate said.

Under Gallery...

"Welcome to the Under Gallery. This is where Elizabeth the First kept all art deemed too dangerous for public consumption." Kate said.

The Doctor scoops up a handful of the sand on the floor in between two rows of statues covered with dust sheets, "Stone dust."

"Is it important?"

"In twelve hundred years I've never stepped in anything that wasn't."

Osgood makes a noise. Jaune then approached me and I gave him a hug.

"Hey. Petronella Osgood." I said, happily. "Did you take good care of the Rusted Knight?"

"Yeah." Osgood said, smiling.

"This place is interesting." Jaune said.

"It is. Doctor, this is Osgood. She's amazing, if I say so myself. And she is a big fan of you." I said, looking over at Osgood.

"Good. Nice to meet you, Osgood. Now, I want this stone dust analysed. And I want a report in triplicate, with lots of graphs and diagrams and complicated sums on my desk, tomorrow morning, ASAP, pronto, L O L. See? Job. Do I have a desk?" The Doctor asked.

"No." Kate said.

"And I want a desk."

"Get a team. Analyse the stone dust. Inhaler!" Kate said.

Further into the under gallery, the Doctor spots the red fez in a display case. He takes it out and puts it on.

"Someday, you could just walk past a fez." Clara said.

"You really could walk past a fez." Weiss said, her hand on her hip.

"Never gonna happen." The Doctor said.

"So, what is this adventure like?" Ruby asked.

"Basically, things are going to be complicated." I said, sadly. "I loved this episode back home. Nowadays, not so much."

And we walked into another room with broken glass on the floor and alien 'paintings' along the wall.

"As you instructed, nothing has been touched." A scientist said.

"This is why we called the both of you in." Kate said.

"The paintings are 3D again." Ruby said, frowning.

"Interesting." The Doctor said.

"Is it the broken glass?" Yang asked.

"Nope. It's where the paintings are broken from." I said, grabbing Ruby's hand.

"You're right. Just look at the shatter pattern. The glass on all these paintings has been broken from the inside." Weiss said, picking up a glass shard.

"As you can see, all the paintings are landscapes. No figures of any kind." Kate said.

"So?" The Doctor asked.

"There used to be." Kate said, handing the Doctor a pad with the original image on it.

"Something got out of the paintings." Jaune said.

"A lot of things. Pretty dangerous too." I said, rolling my eyes.

"This whole place has been searched. There's nothing here that shouldn't be, and nothing's got out." Kate said.

Enter the time fissure.

"Oh no, not now." The Doctor said, annoyed.

"Doctor, what is it?" Clara asked.

"No, not now. I'm busy."

"Is it to do with the paintings?" Kate asked.

"No, no. This is different. I remember this. Almost remember. Oh, of course. This is where I come in with Jared and Team RWBY." The Doctor said, throwing the fez into the fissure.

"Great..." I said, frowning.

"Do we have to go after him?" Ruby asked.

"Yup..." Yang said.

"Apparently so." Weiss said.

"Unfortunately." Blake said, frowning.

"Geronimo!" The Doctor said, leaping into the fissure himself with Ruby using her semblance to scoop up Weiss, Blake, Yang, and I as we also entered the fissure.

"Doctor! Jared! Team RWBY!" Clara said, worried.

"Wait!" Kate said, concerned.

Woods, 1562...

And the Doctor lands heavily while Team RWBY and I land safely.

"Oof!" The Doctor said.

Doctor 10 puts on the fez.

"Who is this man?" Elizabeth asked.

"That's just what I was wondering. I know that they are Jared and Team RWBY." The 10th Doctor said, looking at Team RWBY and I.

"Oh, that is skinny. That is proper skinny. I've never seen it from the outside. It's like a special effect. Oi!" The Doctor said, knocking the fez to the ground. "Ha! Matchstick man."

"You're not." The 10th Doctor said, while they both get out their sonic screwdrivers. 11's is bigger and better. "Compensating."

"For what?"

"Regeneration. It's a lottery."

"Oh, he's cool. Isn't he cool? I'm the Doctor and I'm all cool. Oops, I'm wearing sandshoes."

"What are you doing here? I'm busy with Kirito."

"Oh, busy. I see. Is that what we're calling it, eh? Eh?" The Doctor asked, putting on his fez and turning to the two Elizabeths. "Hello, ladies."

"Don't start with flirting." Kirito said, looking between the two Doctors.

"So, what is our situation here?" Blake asked.

"We're dealing with a Zygon." Kirito said.

"And what is a Zygon?" Weiss asked.

The time fissure reappears. The two Doctors both put on their glasses, then notice each other.

"Oh, lovely." The 10th Doctor and 11th Doctor said, at the same time.

"Your Majesties, both of you should run." I said, grabbing Ruby's hand.

"But what about the creature?" The two Elizabeths asked, at the same time.

"Elizabeth, whichever one of you is the real one, turn and run in the opposite direction to the other one." The 10th Doctor said.

"Of course, my love."

"Stay alive, my love. I am not done with you yet." Elizabeth said, kissing the 10th Doctor and leaves.

"Thanks. Lovely."

"I understand. Live for me, my darling. We shall be together again." Elizabeth 2 said.

Another kiss and run.

"Well, won't that be nice?" The 10th Doctor asked.

"So, how further along are you?" Kirito asked.

"I reunited with Team RWBY and Jaune." I said, smiling. "We went through the Ever After."

"The Ever After." Jaune said, his voice coming from the time fissure. "Not the best place."

"It did have Ruby go through therapy."

"I needed it." Ruby said, sadly.

"You did, Little Red. Sorry about this adventure happening. I forgot it would."

"How did you forget this adventure?" Blake asked.

"Doctor, Jared, is that you?" Clara asked, her voice coming out of the wormhole.

"Clara. Hey. Can you hear me?" I asked, squeezing Ruby's hand.

Under Gallery / Woods...

"Yeah, it's me. We can hear you. Where are you?" Clara asked.

"Where are we?" Ruby asked.

"We're in England, 1562. This was Jared's idea." Kirito said.

"Who are you talking to?" Clara asked.

"The Doctor is talking with himself. While I'm here with Team RWBY and Kirito." I said, happily. "I mean, this isn't bad."

"Can you all come back through?" Kate asked.

"Physical passage may not be possible in both directions. Its. Ah! Hang on. Fez incoming!" The Doctor said, tossing the fez through the time fissure.

"Nothing appeared here." Jaune said.

"So where did it go?" Kirito asked.


"Who are they talking to?" Clara asked, her voice coming out of the wormhole.

"Jared said the Doctor is talking with himself while he is with Kirito and Team RWBY." Kate said, her voice coming out of the wormhole.

Under Gallery...

"Keep them talking." Kate said, using her mobile as she leaves. "Malcolm? Malcolm, I need you to send me one of my father's incident files. Codenamed Cromer. 70s or 80s depending on the dating protocol."

Something growls as it watches her go.

Woods, 1562...

"So, what happens here?" Kirito asked.

"Basically it has the two Doctors being idiots." I said, smiling.

"More idiotic than us?"


The two Doctors both aim their sonic screwdrivers at the fissure.

"It's not working." The Doctor said.

"We're both reversing the polarity." The 10th Doctor said.

"Yes, I know that."

"There's two of us. I'm reversing it, you're reversing it back again. We're confusing the polarity."

The War Doctor drops through the time fissure, "Anyone lose a fez?"

"You. How can you be here? More to the point, why are you here?" The 10th Doctor asked.

"Good afternoon. I'm looking for the Doctor." The War Doctor said.

"Well, you've certainly come to the right place."

"Good. Right. Well, who are you boys and girls? Oh, of course. Are you his companions?"

"His companions?" The Doctor asked.

"They get younger all the time. Well, if you could point me in the general direction of the Doctor?" The War Doctor asked, while the two Doctors both demonstrated their sonic screwdrivers. "Really?"


"Really." The 10th Doctor said.

"You're me? Both of you?" The War Doctor asked.


"Even that one?" The War Doctor asked, looking at the Doctor.

"Yes!" The Doctor said, angry.

"You're my future selves?"

"Yes!" The 10th Doctor and 11th Doctor said, at the same time.

"Am I having a midlife crisis? Why are you pointing your screwdrivers like that? They're scientific instruments, not water pistols. Look like you've seen a ghost." The War Doctor said, while his future selves pointed their sonic screwdrivers at him.

"Still, loving the posh gravelly thing. It's very convincing." The 10th Doctor said.

"Brave words, Dick van Dyke." The Doctor said.

"Ugh. How slow is this adventure anyway?" Weiss asked.

A troop of soldiers run up, lead by a nobleman.

"By the looks of it. Pretty slow." Blake said, sadly.

"Encircle them. Which of you is the Doctor? The Queen of England is bewitched. I would have the Doctor's head." Bentham said.

"Well, this has all the makings of your lucky day." The War Doctor said.

Under Gallery...

"Kate. You're back." Jaune said, looking back at Kate.

Kate returns.

"I think there's three Doctors now." Clara said.

Woods, 1562...

"There's a precedent for that." Kate said, her voice coming out of the time fissure.

"What is that?" Bentham asked.

"Oh, the pointing again. They're screwdrivers! What are you going to do, assemble a cabinet at them?" The War Doctor asked, looking at the 10th Doctor and 11th Doctor.

"That thing, what witchcraft is it?"

"Yeah. This is witchcraft." I said, smiling. "Witchy witchcraft. Something to do with the occult. Whether it's magicians or sorcerers. Hey." I walked over to the time fissure. "Hey. Is anyone there?"

Under Gallery...

"Am I talking to the wicked witch of the well?" I asked, my voice coming out of the portal.

"Clara, he means you." Jaune said, frowning.

"Why am I the witch?" Clara asked, looking at Jaune. "Why can't it be one of Team RWBY?"

"It can't be them. Because they're in Elizabethan England."

"Clara?" I asked, my voice coming out of the time fissure.

"Hello?" Clara asked.

Woods, 1562 / Under Gallery...

"Hey, my Impossible Girl. We're in a bit of a pickle here. I can't believe I'm saying this but would you mind telling these prattling mortals to get themselves begone?" I asked, squeezing Ruby's hand.

"What he said." Clara said, annoyed.

"Clara. Be more into it, okay?"

"Right. Prattling mortals, off you pop, or I'll turn you all into frogs."

"Frogs. That's nice. You heard her." Yang said, laughing a lot. "Now don't eat any flies if you do become a frog."

"Doctor, Jared, what's going on?"

Woods, 1562...

"It's a wibbly wobbly timey wimey thing." I said, smiling.

"Timey what? Timey-wimey?" The War Doctor asked, looking at me.

"I've no idea where he picks that stuff up." The 10th Doctor said.

"I picked it up from you, Spaceman." I said, rolling my eyes. "Don't deny it."

Enter an Elizabeth.

The soldiers fall to their knees, "The Queen. The Queen."

"You don't seem to be kneeling. How tremendously brave of you." Elizabeth said.

"Which one are you? What happened to the other one?" The 10th Doctor asked, looking at Elizabeth.

"Indisposed. Long live the Queen."

"Long live the Queen." The soldiers said, at the same time.

"Arrest these men and women. Take them to the Tower." Elizabeth said.

"That is not the Queen of England, that's an alien duplicate." The 10th Doctor said.

"And you can take it from him, cos he's really checked." The Doctor said.

"So, we're going to the Tower of London then." Blake said.

"The Tower of London. Isn't this great?" Kirito asked.

"Doctor, they're taking us to the Tower of London." I said, squeezing Ruby's hand.

"No, hang on. The Tower." The Doctor said.

Under Gallery...

"Did you say the Tower? Ah, yes, brilliant. Love the Tower." The Doctor said, his voice coming out of the time fissure.

Woods, 1562...

"Breakfast at eight, please. Will there be Wi-Fi?" The Doctor asked, playing with his hands for emphasis.

"Are you capable of speaking without flapping your hands about?" The War Doctor asked, looking at the Doctor.

"Yes. No. I demand to be incarcerated in the Tower immediately with my co-conspirators Sandshoes, Granddad, Blacky, Fairytales, and fanboy."


"They're not sandshoes." The 10th Doctor said, annoyed.

"Yes, they are." The War Doctor said.

"Silence. The Tower is not to be taken lightly." Elizabeth said, angrily.

Under Gallery...

"Very few emerge again." Elizabeth said, her voice coming out of the time fissure.

"Dear God, these men are clever. Come on, Clara, Jaune." Kate said, walking away.

"Where are we going?" Clara asked.

"Are we going somewhere far away?" Jaune asked.

"No, we're not going somewhere far. We're going to my office, otherwise known as the Tower of London." Kate said.