(Open POV)
Stark Tower...
"So, if I were to wrap this up, tie it with a bow, or whatever... I guess I'd say my armor, it was never a distraction, or a hobby. It was a cocoon. And now, I'm a changed man. You can take away my house, all my tricks and toys. One thing you can't take away... I am Iron Man. You know, and thank you both, by the way. For listening. Plus, something about just getting it off my chest, and putting it out there in the atmosphere, instead of holding this in... I mean, this is what gets people sick, you know. Wow, I had no idea you were such good listeners. To be able to share all my intimate thoughts and my experiences with others, it just cuts the weight of it in half. You know, it's like a snake swallowing its own tail. Everything comes full circle." Tony said, while Bruce Banner and Jared Shay are asleep. "And the fact that you two have been able to...help me process..." He stops and looks over as Bruce and Jared rub their eyes. "Are either of you with me?"
"Sorry... I was, yeah. We were at, uh..." Bruce said, sadly.
"Um, we were at..." Jared said, frowning.
"Are you both actively napping?" Tony asked, looking between Bruce and Jared.
"I was... I... I drifted." Bruce said, stammering.
"Bruce, where did I lose you?" Tony asked.
"Elevator in Switzerland."
"And Jared, where did I lose you?"
"Everything. Iron Man 3 was super boring." Jared said, letting out a sigh.
"So, both of you heard none of it?" Tony asked.
"Pretty much. I'm sorry, Tony."
"Same. I'm sorry. I'm not that kind of doctor. I'm not a therapist. It's not my training." Bruce said, his hand on his head.
"So?" Tony asked.
"I don't have the..."
"What? The time?"
"Bruce doesn't have the temperament to hear people complain about their problems, Tony. He has the ability to turn into the Incredible Hulk at any moment." Jared said, drinking a Sea Isle Spiked Ice Tea.
"You know what? Now that I think about it... Oh! God, my original wound. 1983, all right?" Tony asked.
"Yes." Bruce said.
"I'm listening." Jared said, sipping on his spiked ice tea.
"I'm 14 years old, I still have a nanny. That was weird." Tony said, as Jared is typing in coordinates into his vortex manipulator. "And where do you think you're going?"
"Hill Valley." Jared said, pressing a button on his vortex manipulator to teleport away in a flash of blue light. "I really am sorry, Bruce. Look after Tony for Pepper."
(Jared's POV)
Doc's House...
Instead of living in his small workshop, Doc now lives in a very large house. I've been living with Doc Brown for a while, mostly to settle back into society after living at Litwak's Arcade in the world of Sugar Rush for five years.
Doc has grown to trust me and I have kept my mouth shut the past several months about the Delorean, time travel, the Flux Capacitor until Marty arrived. I know he will arrive soon.
Marty knocks on the door. As he turns his back, waiting for Doc to answer the door, the door opens a crack and Doc peaks out. When Marty turns Doc slams the door shut.
"Doc?" Marty asked, and Doc opened the door fully now.
Doc has got some strange contraption on his head. He pulls Marty into the living room.
Marty looked over to see me there listening to music off of my iPhone 15 Pro Max, "Jared. What are you doing here?"
"Hanging out with Doc." I said, AirPod Pros in my ears. "And listening to Johnny B. Goode."
"Don't say a word." Doc said, looking at Marty.
I pressed a button on the side of my AirPods to pause the music, and I held the side of the headphones to put it into transparency mode.
"Doc." Marty said.
"I don't wanna know your name. I don't wanna know anything, anything about you." Doc said.
"Listen, Doc."
"Doc, Doc, it's me, Marty."
"Don't tell me anything." Doc said, putting a suction cup on Marty's forehead.
"Doc, you gotta help..." Marty said, looking at Doc.
"Quiet, quiet. I'm gonna read your thoughts. Let's see now, you've come from a great distance?" Doc asked.
"Yeah, exactly."
"Don't tell me. Uh, you want me to buy a subscription to the Saturday Evening Post?"
"No." Marty said, angrily.
"Not a word, not a word, not a word now. Quiet, uh, donations, you want me to make a donation to the coast guard youth auxiliary?" Doc asked.
"Doc, I'm from the future." Marty said, pulling the suction cup off his forehead. "And Jared is also from the future. I came here in a time machine that you invented. Now, Jared and I need your help to get back to the year 1985."
"My god, do you know what this means?" Doc asked, grabbing Marty's shoulders and taking off the contraption. "It means that this damn thing doesn't work at all."
"Doc, you gotta help us. You were the only one who knows how your time machine works." Marty said, grabbing my hand.
"Time machine, I haven't invented any time machine."
"Yes, you have. Or you will. I kept quiet on it because I had to wait five months for Marty to arrive. Marty can prove it to you." I said, as I let go of Marty's hand. "Marty, show him your driver's license."
"Okay." Marty said, taking out his driver's license. "Look at my driver's license, expires 1987. Look at my birthday, for crying out load I haven't even been born yet." He took out a family photo of him, Dave, and Linda. "And, look at this picture, my brother, my sister, and me. Look at the sweatshirt, Doc, class of 1984."
Doc takes the picture with a pair of tongs and looks at it, "Pretty Mediocre photographic fakery, they cut off your brother's hair."
Doc tosses the photo back at Marty.
"Doc, Marty and I are telling the truth. We're from the future. You have to believe us." I said, grabbing Marty's hand.
"So tell me, future boys, who's President of the United States in 1985?" Doc asked, looking between Marty and I.
"It's Ronald Reagan."
"Ronald Reagan? The actor? Then who's Vice President? Jerry Lewis?" Doc asked, grabbing some papers and running outside towards his workshop. "I suppose Jane Wymann is the First Lady."
"Whoa, wait, Doc." Marty said, dragging me to Doc's workshop.
"And Jack Benny is Secretary of the Treasury."
"Look, you gotta listen to us."
"I got enough practical jokes for one evening. Good night, future boys." Doc said, slamming the workshop door in my face and Marty's face.
"Marty. The Flux Capacitor." I said, squeezing Marty's hand.
"Oh yeah." Marty said, his eyes widening. "Doc, the bruise, the bruise on your head, I know how that happened, you told me the whole story. Jared was watching The Honeymooners on your TV so he couldn't hear you. You were standing on your toilet and you were hanging a clock, and you fell, and you hit your head on the sink. Jared knocked on the bathroom door to check up on you, and that's when you came up with the idea for the Flux Capacitor, which makes time travel possible."
Doc swings the door open and looks at Marty and I with astonishment.
Outside Lyon Estates...
"Something's wrong with the starter, so I hid it." Marty said, revealing the Delorean to Doc and I.
"Makes sense. That car is known to break down." I said, drinking a Pepsi. "So, Doc, what happened after you fell off the toilet?"
"After I fell off my toilet, I drew this." Doc said, holding up a crude drawing of the Flux Capacitor.
"Flux Capacitor." Marty said, his eyes widening, and opening the door to the Delorean and turning on the Flux Capacitor.
"It works..." Doc said, laughing. "...it works. I finally invent something that works."
"Bet your ass it works." Marty said, smirking.
"Well, now, Marty, Jared. We gotta sneak this back into my laboratory. We've gotta get the both of you home." Doc said, looking between Marty and I.
Marty is rewinding the video he shot of the time travel test with 1985 Doc, "Okay Doc, this is it."
1985 Doc pops up on the screen, "Never mind that, never mind that now, never mind that, never mind..."
"Why that's me, look at me, I'm an old man." Doc said, in awe.
"Good evening, I'm Doctor Emmet Brown, I'm standing here on the parking lot of..." 1985 Doc said, on screen.
"Thank god I still got my hair. What on Earth is that thing I'm wearing?" Doc asked.
"It's a radiation suit." I said, drinking a coffee.
"Radiation suit, of course, cause all of the fall out from the atomic wars." Doc said, holding up Marty's camcorder. "This is truly amazing, a portable television studio. No wonder your president has to be an actor, he's gotta look good on television."
"Whoa, this is it, this is the part coming up, Doc." Marty said.
"No no no this sucker's electrical, but I need a nuclear reaction to generate the one point twenty-one gigawatts of electricity..." 1985 Doc said, on screen.
"What did I just say?" Doc asked.
Marty rewinds the tape and plays it again.
"No no no this sucker's electrical, but I need a nuclear reaction to generate the one point twenty-one gigawatts of electricity that I need." 1985 Doc said, on screen.
"One point twenty-one gigawatts! One point twenty-one gigawatts! Great Scott." Doc said, running out of the workshop.
"What the hell is a gigawatt?" Marty asked, calling after Doc with me behind him.
Doc is now sitting in an armchair.
"How could I have been so careless. One point twenty-one gigawatts." Doc said, picking up a photo and starts talking to it. "Tom, how am I gonna generate that kind of power, it can't be done, it can't."
Marty and I came in.
"Doc, look, all we need is a little plutonium." Marty said, happily.
"I'm sure that in 1985, plutonium is available at every corner drug store, but in 1955, it's a little hard to come by. Marty, Jared, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you're stuck here." Doc said, sadly.
"Whoa, whoa Doc, stuck here, we can't be stuck here, we got lives in 1985. I got a girl."
"Is she pretty?" Doc asked.
"Doc, she's perfect for Marty." I said, smiling.
"Yeah. Doc, she's beautiful. She's crazy about me. Look at this, look at what she wrote to me, Doc." Marty said, showing Doc what Jennifer wrote on the back of the Clock Tower flier. "That says it all. Doc, you're our only hope."
"Marty, Jared, I'm sorry, but the only power source capable of generating one point twenty-one gigawatts of electricity is a bolt of lightning." Doc said.
"What did you say?" Marty asked.
"A bolt of lightning, unfortunately, you never know when or where it's ever gonna strike."
"We do now." I said, grabbing the flier from Marty and holding it out to Doc. "Thank you, Marty, for saving this."
"Well, you called me as soon as I got home." Marty said, looking at me.
"Yeah. I called you from this time period."
Doc takes the flier from me and reads it, "This is it. This is the answer. It says here that a bolt of lightning is gonna strike the clock tower precisely at 10:04 p.m. next Saturday night. If we could somehow harness this bolt of lightning, channel it into the flux capacitor, it just might work. Next Saturday night, we're sending both of you back to the future."
"Okay, alright, Saturday is good, Saturday's good, Jared and I could spend a week in 1955. We could hang out, you could show us around." Marty said, smiling.
"Marty, that's completely out of the question, you and Jared must not leave this house. You must not see anybody or talk to anybody. Anything you do could have serious repercussions on future events. Do you understand?" Doc asked.
"Yeah, sure, okay."
"Marty, you interacted with anybody else today, besides us?"
"Um, yeah well I might have sort of ran into my parents." Marty said, guiltily.
"He interacted with his mother in her own home. And her father at Lou's Cafe. He stopped his parents from ever meeting today, Doc." I said, sipping on my cup of coffee.
"Great Scott. Thank you for telling me, Jared. Marty, let me see that photograph again of your brother." Doc said, as Marty gave his family photo to him. "Just as I thought, this proves my theory, look at your brother."
"His head's gone, it's like it's been erased." Marty said, in awe.
"It's been erased from existence." I said, sipping on my cup of coffee.
Marty, Doc, and I walk up to the school.
"Whoa, they really cleaned this place up, looks brand new." Marty said, looking at the outside of the school.
"It does." I said, grabbing Marty's hand.
"Now remember, according to my theory, Marty, you interfered with your parent's first meeting. They don't meet, they don't fall in love, they won't get married and they won't have kids. That's why your older brother's disappeared from that photograph. Your sister will follow and unless you repair the damages, you will be next." Doc said.
"This sounds pretty heavy."
"Weight has nothing to do with it."
"Which one's your pop?" Doc asked.
"That's him." Marty said, pointing out George who's walking down the hall.
George has a 'kick me' sign on his back and guys keep going by and kicking him in the butt, "Okay, okay you guys, oh ha ha ha very funny. Hey you guys are being real mature."
"Maybe you were adopted." Doc said, sadly.
"Nah. Marty looks like his mom." I said, squeezing Marty's hand.
"Okay, real mature guys." George said, dropping his books. "Okay, Biff, will you pick up my books?"
"McFly." Strickland said, walking up to George.
"That's Strickland. Jesus, didn't that guy ever have hair?" Marty asked, at a loss for words.
"Shape up, man. You're a slacker. You wanna be a slacker for the rest of your life?" Strickland asked.
"No." George said, sadly.
Strickland walked away from George.
"What did your mother ever see in that kid?" Doc asked, looking at Marty.
"I don't know, Doc, I guess she felt sorry for him cause her father did hit him with the car..." Marty said, pausing for a moment to realize what happened. "...hit me with the car."
"That's a Florence Nightingale effect. It happens in hospitals when nurses fall in love with their patients. Go to it, kid." Doc said.
I let go of Marty's hand and I'm leaning against the wall, wearing my TARDIS key around my neck. My TARDIS key still has the perception filter on it.
Marty walks over to George, "Hey George, buddy, hey, I've been looking all over for you. You remember me, the guy who saved your life the other day."
"Yeah." George said, happily.
"Good, there's somebody I'd like you to meet." Marty said, taking George over to where Lorraine is at her locker. "Lorraine."
"Calvin." Lorraine said, surprised, and slamming her locker shut.
"I'd like you to meet my good friend George McFly." Marty said.
"Hi, it's really a pleasure to meet you." George said, trying to make a move on Lorriane.
"How's your head?" Lorraine asked, moving her hand towards Marty's head.
"Well uh, good, fine." Marty said.
"Oh, I've been so worried about you ever since you ran off the other night. Are you okay?" Lorraine asked, when the bell rings. "I'm sorry I have to go." She looks at her friends as she passes by Doc and me. "Isn't he a dream boat?"
"Doc, Jared, she didn't even look at him." Marty said, walking over to Doc and I.
This is more serious than I thought. Apparently, your mother is amorously infatuated with you instead of your father." Doc said.
"Whoa, wait a minute, Doc, are you telling me that my mother has got the hots for me?"
"Yup. She does. And you look like her too." I said, happily.
"Whoa, this is heavy." Marty said, at a loss for words.
"There's that word again, heavy. Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the Earth's gravitational pull?" Doc asked.
"What?" Marty asked.
"Marty, the only way we're gonna get those two to successfully meet is if they're alone together. So you've got to get your father and mother to interact at some sort of social..." Doc said.
"What, well you mean like a date?" Marty asked.
"What kind of date? I don't know, what do kids do in the fifties?"
"Well, they're your parents, you must know them. What are their common interests? What do they like to do together?"
"Marty, the school dance is coming up." I said, walking over to the Enchantment Under the Sea dance poster.
"Of course, the Enchantment Under The Sea Dance they're supposed to go to this, that's where they kiss for the first time." Marty said, looking at the poster.
"Alright kid, you stick to your father like glue and make sure that he takes her to the dance." Doc said, walking away with me.
(Open POV)
Marty sits down across from George at a table. George is writing in a notebook.
"George, buddy. remember that girl I introduced you to, Loraine. What are you writing?" Marty asked.
"Uh, stories, science fiction stories, about visitors coming down to Earth from another planet." George said, happily.
"Get out of town, I didn't know you did anything creative. Ah, let me read some." Marty said, reaching for the notebook, but George jerks it back.
"Oh, no no no, I never uh, I never let anybody read my stories."
"Why not?"
"Well, what if they didn't like them, what if they told me I was no good. I guess that would be pretty hard for somebody to understand."
"Uh no, not hard at all." Marty said, thinking about his band audition. "So anyway, George, now Loraine, she really likes you. She told me to tell you that she wants you to ask her to the Enchantment Under The Sea Dance."
"Really." George said.
"Oh yeah, all you gotta do is go over there and ask her."
"What, right here right now in the cafeteria? What is she said no? I don't know if I could take that kind of rejection. Besides, I think she'd rather go with somebody else."
"Who?" Marty asked.
"Biff." George said, pointing over at Lorraine's table.
Biff is sitting at Lorraine's table, and he's trying to grope her, "C'mon, c'mon."
"Leave me alone." Lorraine said, annoyed.
"You want it, you know you want it, and you know you want me to give it to you." Biff said.
"Shut your filthy mouth, I'm not that kind of girl." Lorraine said, slapping Biff.
"Well maybe you are and you just don't know it yet." Biff said, smirking.
"Get your meat hooks off of me."
"You heard her. She said 'get your meat hooks off..." Marty said, while Biff stands up and he's at least a foot taller than him. "...uh please."
"So what's it to you, butthead. You know you've been looking for a..." Biff said, spotting Strickland over Marty's shoulder. "...since you're new here, I'm gonna cut you a break, today. So why don't you make like a tree, and get out of here."
George is walking home and Marty catches up to him.
"George." Marty said, happily.
"Why do you keep following me around?" George asked.
"Look, George, I'm telling you George, if you do not ask Lorraine to that dance, I'm gonna regret it for the rest of my life."
"But I can't go to the dance, I'll miss my favorite television program, Science Fiction Theater." George said, in front of his house.
"Yeah but George, Lorraine wants to go with you. Give her a break." Marty said.
"Look, I'm just not ready to ask Lorraine out to the dance, and not you, nor anybody else on this planet is gonna make me change my mind." George said, running inside his house and shuts the door behind him.
"Science Fiction Theater." Marty said, talking to himself.
(Jared's POV)
George's Room - Night...
Marty arrives in his radiation suit and helmet while I am wearing the orange space suit and yellow helmet I usually wear while I am in space with the Doctor.
I place headphones on George's head as he sleeps, and then Marty pops a Van Halen tape into the walkman and presses play. George wakes up with a jerk, holding his head.
"Who are the two of you?" George asked.
Marty presses play again and George falls silent.
"Silence Earthling. My name is Darth Vader. He is Star-Lord. We're extra-terrestrials from the planet Vulcan." Marty said.
George turns and looks at the cover of a book that's by his head, and the alien looks almost exactly like Marty does in his radiation suit.
Gas Station - Day...
Marty is trying to open up a bottle of Coke. I am drinking my bottle of Coke. George runs up. He's very disheveled.
"Marty. Jared. Marty. Jared. Marty. Jared." George said, running up to Marty and I.
"Hey, George, buddy, you weren't at school. What have you been doing all day?" Marty asked.
"I overslept. Look, I need help from both of you. I have to ask Loraine out, but I don't know how to do it. I have to ask Lorraine out but I don't know how to do it." George said, sadly.
"George, everything's okay. No need to worry. Just keep your pants on. She's over at Lou's Cafe." I said, drinking my bottle of Coke.
"God, how do you do this? What made you change your mind, George?" Marty asked, looking at George.
George takes the bottle of Coke and opens it for Marty. We begin walking over to the Café.
"Last night, Darth Vader and Star-Lord came down from planet Vulcan. And they told me that if I didn't take Lorraine, that they'd melt my brain." George said, frowning.
"Yeah, well uh, lets keep this brain melting stuff to ourselves, okay?" Marty asked.
"Oh, yeah, yeah."
"Alright, okay. Alright, there she is, George. Just go in there and invite her." Marty said, looking over at the cafe where Lorraine is.
"Okay, but I don't know what to say."
"Just say anything, George. Say whatever is natural to you. Say the first thing that comes to mind." I said, happily.
"Nothing's coming to my mind." George said, sadly.
"Jesus, George, it's a wonder I was ever born." Marty said.
"What? What?"
"Nothing, nothing, nothing, look tell her destiny has brought you together..." Marty said, as George takes out a pad of paper and begins to write this all down. "...tell her that she's the most beautiful you have ever seen. Girls like that stuff. What, what are you doing George?"
"I'm writing this down, this is good stuff." George said, smiling.
"Yeah. Okay."
"Let's go inside, George." I said, grabbing George's hand.
"Oh." George said, looking between Marty and I.
Coffee Shop...
We enter the coffee shop.
"Will you take care of that?" Marty asked.
"Right. Lou, gimme a milk, chocolate." George said, taking a drink and then goes over to Lorraine's table. "Lorraine, my density has popped me to you."
"What?" Lorraine asked.
"Oh, what I meant to say was..."
"Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?"
"Yes, yes, I'm George, George McFly, and you're my density. I mean, I'm your destiny."
"Oh." Lorraine said, smiling.
Biff and his friends walk in.
"Hey, McFly, I thought I told you never to come in here. Well it's gonna cost you. How much money you got on you?" Biff asked, walking up to George.
"Well, Biff." George said, and I laid my leg on the floor for Biff to fall down onto the floor.
"Alright, punks, now..." Biff said, looking between Marty and I.
"Whoa, whoa, Biff, what's that?" Marty asked, punching Biff.
Marty and I ran out.
"That's Calvin Klein and his friend, oh my god, he's a dream." Lorraine said, happily.
Marty and I run over to kids who're on scooters.
"Whoa, whoa, kids, kids, stop, stop, stop, stop." Marty said.
"Wait up!" I said, angrily.
"Hey." Kid 1 said, annoyed.
"Give that back!" Kid 2 said, looking at me.
"We'll get them back to you, alright?" Marty asked, looking down at the kids.
"I will. I promise. This will be really quick." I said, looking down at the other kid.
Marty and I break off the top part of the scooters, leaving 1955 versions of a skateboard. Marty and I took off on them.
"They broke them. Wow, look at them go." Kid 1 said, in awe.
"Yeah. They're really good." Kid 2 said, at a loss for words.
"Let's get them." Biff said, running across the square with his gang.
Coffee Shop...
"What're those things they're on?" A girl asked.
"They're boards with wheels." A boy said.
"One of them is an absolute dream." Lorraine said.
Biff and his friends hop into Biff's car and take off after Marty and I.
"How did you get so good at skateboarding?" Marty asked.
"I lived through the entire twentieth century. Remember?" I asked, as Biff and his gang caught up to us. "When didn't I learn how to skateboard? Some of those tricks came from you, Marty."
Marty and I are on our boards right in front of their car.
"You know what to do, right?" Marty asked, and we held on to the hood since we couldn't get away. "Ah. Whoa."
Biff spots a manure truck and heads straight for it, "I'm gonna ram them."
Marty and I manage to get out of the way, and Biff heads straight for the manure truck.
"Shit." Biff and his friends said, at the same time.
They hit the truck and it dumps a load of manure into the car and onto them. Marty and I walked over to the kids we borrowed the 'skateboards' from and gave them back to them.
"Thanks a lot, kid." Marty said, happily.
"Yeah. Thanks." I said.
"I'm gonna get those sons-of-bitches." Biff said, looking at Marty and I.
Everyone is standing outside of the Coffee Shop talking about what just happened.
"Where do they come from?" Girlfriend 1 asked.
"Yeah, where do they live?" Girlfriend 2 asked.
"I don't know, but I'm gonna find out." Lorraine said, smirking.
Doc's Workshop...
Doc is watching the video of 1985 Doc. Marty and I walk in and see him.
"My god, they found me. I don't know how but they found me. Run for it, Marty. My god, they found me. I don't know how but they found me. Run for it, Marty." 1985 Doc said, on screen.
"Doc." Marty said, walking up to Doc.
"Oh, hi , Marty, Jared. I didn't hear both of you come in. Fascinating device, this video unit." Doc said, picking up the camcorder.
"Listen, Doc, you know there's something we haven't told you about the night we made that tape."
"Please, Marty, Jared, don't tell me, no man should know too much about their own destiny." Doc said.
"Doc, you don't understand what will happen in the future." I said, sadly.
"I do understand. If I know too much about my own future, I could endanger my own existence, just as the both of you endangered your respective futures." Doc said, looking between Marty and I.
"You're...you're right." Marty said, sadly.
"Right. I forgot Trenzalore is still close." I said, letting out a sigh. "I got past Lake Silencio and the Reichenbach Fall. But not Trenzalore."
"Let me show you my plan for sending both of you home." Doc said, walking over to a very nice model of the town of Hill Valley. "Please excuse the crudity of this model, I didn't have time to build it to scale or to paint it."
"Wow. Doc. This is incredible."
"Yeah. It's good." Marty said, looking down at the model.
"Oh, thank you, thank you. Okay now, we run some industrial strength electrical cable from the top of the Clock Tower down to spreading it over the street between two lamp posts. Meanwhile, we out-fitted the vehicle with this big pole and hook which runs directly into the flux-capacitor. At the calculated moment, the two of you start off from down the street driving toward the cable execrating to eighty-eight miles per hour. According to the flyer, at 10:04 PM lightning will strike the Clock Tower sending one point twenty-one gigawatts into the Flux Capacitor, sending the both of you back to 1985. Alright now, watch this. Marty, you wind up the car and release it, I'll simulate the lightning." Doc said, while Marty winds up the toy car. "Ready, set, release." Marty releases the car and races down the main street in the model. When the toy car hits the 'wire' Doc has hooked up, it accelerates. The toy car flies off the table in flames and lands in a pile of rags, setting them on fire. "Huhh."
Doc quickly races to put the fire out.
"You instill us with a lot of confidence, Doc." Marty said, frowning.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of the lightning, Marty, you take care of your Pop. By the way, what happened today, did he ask her out?" Doc asked, looking at Marty.
"Uh, I think so." Marty said.
"What did she say?" Doc asked.
There's a knock at the door before Marty can answer. I went to see who it was.
"Crap! It's your mom! She followed us, Marty. Quick! We need to cover the Delorean." I said, looking at Marty.
Doc, Marty, and I cover the Delorean with a sheet and I open the door. Lorraine walks in a little nervously until she spots Marty.
"Hi, Marty." Lorraine said, fixated on Marty.
"Uh, Loraine. How did you know we were here?" Marty asked.
"I followed you and Jared." Lorraine said, motioning her eyes towards me.
"Oh, uh, this is my Doc, Uncle, Brown."
"Hi." Lorraine said, looking at Doc.
"Hello." Doc said.
"Marty, this may seem a little forward, but I was wondering if you would ask me to the Enchantment Under The Sea Dance on Saturday." Lorraine said, looking at Marty.
"Uh, you mean nobody's asked you?" Marty asked.
"No, not yet." Lorraine said, sadly.
"What about George? Have you tried asking him?" I asked, leaning against the wall.
"George McFly? Oh, he's kinda cute and all, but, well, I think a man should be strong, so he could stand up for himself, and protect the woman he loves. Don't you?" Lorraine asked.
"Yeah. I do. I know couples like that. And they're my family, Lorraine."
(Open POV)
George's Backyard...
It is now Saturday morning, and it is the day of the dance.
George is hanging up laundry, "I still don't understand, how am I supposed to go to the dance with her, if she's already going to the dance with you, Marty."
"It's because Lorraine wants to go to the dance with you, George." Jared said, drinking a bottle of Coke. "She just doesn't know it yet."
"Jared's right. That's why we got to show her that you, George McFly, are a fighter. You're somebody who's gonna stand up for yourself, someone who's gonna protect her." Marty said, looking at George.
"Yeah, but I never picked a fight in my entire life." George said, sadly.
"You're not gonna be picking a fight, Dad, dad dad daddy-o. You're coming to a rescue, right? Okay, let's go over the plan again. 8:55, where are you gonna be?" Marty asked.
"I'm gonna be at the dance."
"Right, and where am I gonna be?"
"You're gonna be in the car with her and Jared."
"Right, okay, so right around 9:00 she's gonna get very angry with me. Jared isn't going to intervene when Lorraine gets very angry at me."
"Why is she gonna get angry with you?"
"Well, because George, nice girls get angry when guys take advantage of them."
"Ho, you mean you're gonna touch her on her..."
"No, George. Marty isn't going to do that. It's just an act, remember?" Jared asked, sipping on his Coke.
"Okay, so 9:00 you're strolling through the parking lot, you see us struggling in the car, you walk up, you open the door and you say..." Marty said, pausing while he waits for George to say something. "...your line, George."
"Oh, uh, hey you, get your damn hands off her." George said, pausing for a moment to think. "Do either of you really think I oughta swear?"
"Yeah. Totally. For fuck's sake, swear, George McFly." I said, sipping on my Coke.
"Okay, so now, you come up, you punch me in the stomach, I'm out for the count, right?" Marty asked.
"After Marty's unconscious, you and Lorraine live happily after after."
"Oh, you two make it sound so easy. I just, I wish I wasn't so scared." George said, looking between Marty and I.
"George, there's nothing to be scared of. All it takes is a little self-confidence. You know, if you put your mind to it, you could accomplish anything." Marty said, putting his hand on George's shoulder.
Main Street...
It is now Saturday night while Doc, Marty, and Jared are setting up the Delorean for the trip back to 1985.
"This Saturday night, mostly clear, with some scattered clouds. Lows in the upper forties." Someone on the radio said, coming out of the car's speaker.
"Are you two sure about this storm?" Doc asked, looking between Marty and Jared.
"When could weathermen predict the weather? Let alone the future." Marty said, frowning.
"Yeah. There are weather apps on my phone. And most of the time, it isn't accurate due to it always changing." Jared said, letting out a sigh.
"You know Marty and Jared, I'm gonna be very sad to see the two of you go. You both have really made a difference in my life, you two have given me something to shoot for. Just knowing, that I'm gonna be around to see 1985, that I'm gonna succeed in this. That I'm gonna have a chance to travel through time. It's going to be really hard waiting 30 years before I could talk to the two of you about everything that's happened in the past few days. I'm really gonna miss you, Marty and Jared." Doc said, still looking at Marty and Jared.
"We're really gonna miss you. Doc, about the future..." Marty said.
"It is really important that we tell you..." Jared said, grabbing Marty's hand.
"No, Marty, Jared, we've already agreed that having information about the future could be extremely dangerous. Even if both of your intentions are good, they could backfire drastically. Whatever you two have got to tell me, I'll find out through the natural course of time." Doc said, looking between Marty and Jared.
Coffee Shop...
Marty is writing Doc a letter with Jared sitting next to him.
"Dear Doctor Brown, on the night that we go back in time, you will be shot by terrorists. Please take whatever precautions are necessary to prevent this terrible disaster. Your friends, Marty and Jared." Marty said, looking over at Jared. "Is this good?"
"Yeah. It is." Jared said, placing his hand on top of Marty's. "I just don't want to lose him. The Doc and I have become close in such a short period of time, Marty. Like I have with you."
"I know. Which is why him receiving and reading this letter is so important, Jared."
Main Street...
"Evening, Doctor Brown, what's with the wire?" A cop asked.
"Oh, just a little weather experiment." Doc said, messing with the electrical wire.
"What you got under here?" The cop asked, trying to look under the sheet where the time machine is.
"Oh no, don't touch that. That's some new specialized weather sensing equipment."
"You got a permit for that?"
"Of course I do. Just a second, let's see if I could find it."
While Doc isn't looking, Marty slips the letter into the pocket of his jacket, then he and Jared leave to pick up Lorraine.
School Parking Lot...
Marty, Lorraine, and I arrive at the dance.
Marty's very nervous, "Do you mind if we park for a while?"
"That's a great idea. I'd love to park." Lorraine said, happily.
"Huh?" Marty asked.
"Well, Marty, I'm almost eighteen-years-old, it's not like I've never parked before."
"What?" Marty asked, shocked.
"Marty, you seem so nervous, is something wrong?" Lorraine asked, taking her jacket off and her dress shows a bit of cleavage.
"No no." Marty said, looking at Jared who was in the back seat.
"Marty, good thing I'm wearing the TARDIS key. Lorraine can't see me. Only you can. Let's just hope Biff doesn't see me." Jared said, spotting Lorraine taking a drink of alcohol from a flask she had in her purse. "Your mom's drinking. Stop her."
"Lorraine, Lorraine, what are you doing?" Marty asked, grabbing the flask from Lorraine.
"I swiped it from the old lady's liquor cabinet." Lorraine said, smirking.
"Yeah well, you shouldn't drink." Marty said, sadly.
"Why not?"
"Because, you might regret it later in life."
"Marty, don't be such a square. Everybody who's anybody drinks." Lorraine said, happily.
Marty goes to take a drink but spits it out when Lorraine lights a cigarette.
"Jesus, you smoke too?" Marty asked.
"Marty, you're beginning to sound just like my mother." Lorraine said, annoyed.
The Dance...
George is off to the side dancing by himself.
"We're gonna take a little break but we'll be back in a while so, don't nobody go no where." Marvin Berry said.
The Parking Lot...
"Marty, why are you so nervous?" Lorraine asked.
"Loraine, have you ever, uh, been in a situation where you know you had to act a certain way but when you got there, you didn't know if you could go through with it?" Marty asked.
"Oh, you mean how you're supposed to act on a first date."
"Ah well, sort of."
"I think I know exactly what you mean."
"You do?"
"You know what I do in those situations?" Lorraine asked.
"What?" Marty asked.
"I don't worry." Lorraine said, leaning over and kissing Marty.
"That's incest..." Jared said, removing the TARDIS key out of his neck and placing it inside his pocket. "Lorraine! Get off of him!"
"I am. Jared. I didn't know you were here." Lorraine said, leaning back with a weird look on her face. "Marty, Jared, this is all wrong. I don't know what it is but when I kiss you, Marty, it's like kissing my brother. I guess that doesn't make any sense, does it?"
"Well, you mean, it makes perfect sense." Marty said, happily.
"Someone's coming." Lorraine said, sadly.
Marty and Jared think it's George, but are surprised when the car door is jerked open. Biff drags Marty, then Jared, out of the car.
"You two cost three-hundred buck damage to my car, you sons-of-bitches. And I'm gonna take it out of your asses. Hold them." Biff said, looking between Marty and Jared.
"Let them go, Biff, you're drunk." Lorraine said, when Biff's friends are holding Marty and Jared hostage.
"Well looky what we have here. No no no, you're staying right here with me." Biff said, entering the car where Lorraine is in the passenger's seat.
"Stop it."
"C'mon." Biff said, on top of Lorraine.
"Stop it." Lorraine said, trying to get away from Biff.
"Leave her alone, you bastard." Marty said, looking at Biff.
"Get off of her, you son of a bitch!" Jared yelled.
"You guys, take them in back and I'll be right there. Well c'mon, this ain't no peep show." Biff said, closing the car door.
The guys drag Marty and Jared off.
Back of the Auditorium...
Biff's guys run up and dump Marty and Jared in the trunk of a car.
"Let's put them in there." Guy 1 said.
"Yeah." Guy 2 said.
"That's for messing up my hair." Guy 1 said.
They slam the trunk shut and one of the band members gets out of the car.
"What the hell you doing to my car?" A Starlighter asked.
"Hey beat it, spook, this don't concern you." Guy 2 said.
"Who are you calling spook, pecker-wood." Marvin Berry said, exiting the car with his band.
"Hey, hey listen guys. Look, I don't wanna mess with no reefer addicts, okay?" Guy 1 asked, running away with his friends.
"C'mon, open up, let us out of here, Yo." Marty said, in the trunk.
"Lorenzo, where're your keys?" Marvin Berry asked.
"The keys are in the trunk." Jared said, in the trunk.
"Say that again."
"Jared said the keys are in here." Marty said, in the trunk.
Parking Lot...
George runs out to the car where Loraine is and jerks the car door open.
"Hey you, get your damn hands off..." Geoge said, seeing that it's Biff. "...oh."
"I think you got the wrong car, McFly." Biff said, looking up at George.
"George, help me, please." Lorraine said, terrified.
"Just turn around, McFly, and walk away. Are you deaf, McFly? Close the door and beat it."
"No, Biff, you leave her alone." George said, looking down at Biff.
"Alright, McFly, you're asking for it, and now you're gonna get it." Biff said, getting out of the car, grabbing George's arm, and twisting it.
"Biff, stop it. Biff, you're breaking his arm. Biff, stop." Lorraine said, sadly.
Back of the Auditorium...
"Give me a hand, Lorenzo." Marvin Berry said, popping the trunk open. "Ow, dammit, man, I sliced my hand."
Marty and Jared quickly climb out.
"Whose are these?" Marty asked, tossing the keys to one of the guys before running away with Jared.
"Thanks, thanks a lot." The Starlighter said.
Parking Lot...
"You're gonna break his arm. Biff, leave him alone. Let him go. Let him go." Lorraine said, trying to stop Biff, but he shoves her down, and George watches in horror.
George then doubles up his fist when Biff isn't looking and when Biff looks back George decks him. Marty and Jared enter and watch from a distance. Biff falls down and is out cold. George can't believe what he did.
George holds out a hand to Loraine, "Are you okay?"
Lorraine takes George's hand and he helps her up. They walk off into the dance. Marty looks at his family picture to see his sister slowly disappearing.
"Who is that guy?" A girlfriend asked.
"That's George McFly." A boyfriend said.
"That's George McFly?"
"Excuse me. Let's go, Jared." Marty said, pushing through the couple with Jared.
"Sorry." Jared said, frowning.
Main Street...
The wind picks up and thunder rolls.
"The storm." Doc said, looking up at the sky.
(Jared's POV)
Back of the Auditorium...
The guys from the band are still outside trying to figure out what to do since Marvin's hand is busted up.
"Hey guys, you gotta get back in there and finish the dance." Marty said, running up to the band members with me.
"Hey man, look at Marvin's hand. He can't play with his hands like that, and we can't play without him." The Starlighter said.
"Yeah well look, Marvin, Marvin, you gotta play. See that's where they kiss for the first time on the dance floor. And if there's no music, they can't dance, and if they can't dance, they can't kiss, and if they can't kiss, they can't fall in love and I'm history."
"Hey man, the dance is over. Unless one of you knows someone else who could play the guitar." Marvin Berry said, looking between Marty and I.
"Marty, you can play the guitar." I said, smiling. "Hey. Reginald. Can I play the drums?"
"Sure. I guess." Reginald said, at a loss for words.
The Dance...
Marty is up on stage with the band playing the guitar while I am playing the drums. We're playing 'Earth Angel'.
"This is for all you lovers out there." Marvin Berry said.
"George, aren't you gonna kiss me?" Lorraine asked, dancing with George.
"I, I don't know." George said, sadly.
This kid cuts in on George and Loraine. Marty begins to disappear.
"Scram, McFly." The kid said, pushing grabbing Lorraine to dance with her.
"Marty, are you okay?" I asked, lowering a drumstick to look at Marty.
"Jared, I can't play." Marty said, looking at me.
"George. George." Lorraine said, trying to get George's attention.
"George." Marty said, frowning.
"Excuse me." George said, walking up to the kid and shoves him out of the way and kisses Loraine.
Marty comes back and both his brother and sister show up in the picture again.
"Yeah man, that was good. Let's do another one." Marvin Berry said, happily.
"Uh, well, we gotta go." Marty said.
"C'mon man, let's do something that really cooks." Marvin Berry said.
"Something that really cooks." Marty said, looking at me. "What song do you want us to do?"
"I was thinking of rock and roll. Let's do Johnny B. Goode." I said, holding my drumsticks up in the air.
"That works." Marty said, looking at me, then he walks up to the microphone and looks at the audience. "Alright, alright this is an oldie, but uh, it's an oldie where we come from." He looks over to the band. "Alright guys, let's do some blues riff in b, watch us for the changes, and uh, try and keep up, okay."
We begin to play 'Johnny B. Goode'.
"Hey George, heard you laid out Biff, nice going." The boyfriend said, walking up to George.
"George, you ever think of running for class president?" The girlfriend asked.
Marvin goes backstage and makes a phone call.
"John, John, its' your cousin. Your cousin Marvin Barry, you know that new sound you're lookin for, well listen to this." Marvin Berry said, talking into the phone.
Marty finishes the song with a wild guitar solo. Everyone stops dancing and stares at him.
"I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it." Marty said, happily.
Side Door...
"Lorraine." Marty said.
"Hey Lorraine. What's up?" I asked, leaning against the wall.
"Marty, Jared, that was very interesting music." Lorraine said, looking at Marty and I.
"Uh, yeah." Marty said.
"It is." I said, smiling.
"I hope the both of you don't mind, but George asked if he could take me home." Lorraine said.
"Great good, good, Loraine, we had a feeling about you two." Marty said, doing a fake punch at Lorraine.
"I have a feeling too." Lorraine said.
"Listen, we gotta go but we wanted to tell you that it's been educational." Marty said.
"It really has. It has been the most educational experience in a while." I said, happily. "Not involving bat teachers or green aliens."
"Marty, Jared, will we ever see either of you again?" Lorraine asked, looking between Marty and I.
"We guarantee it." Marty said.
"Well, Marty, Jared, I want to thank the two of you for all your good advice, I'll never forget it." George said, shaking Marty's hand, then mine.
"You're welcome, George. I know Marty did most of the work. But I did help here and there." I said, looking at George and Lorraine.
"Right, George. Well, good luck you guys. Oh, one other thing, if you guys ever have kids..." Marty said, as Lorraine blushes. "...and one of them, when he's eight years old, accidentally sets fire to the living room rug, go easy on him."
"Okay." George said.
Marty and I leave.
"Marty, such a nice name." Lorraine said.
Main Street...
"Damn, where are those kids? Damn. Damn damn." Doc said, checking his watches when Marty and I show up in his car. "You two are late, do either of you have no concept of time?"
"Hey, come on, Doc. Marty and I had to change. You thought we were going back to 1985 in zoot suits? That's something the Doctor would wear!" I said, angrily.
"Doc, we have good news. The old man really came through, it worked." Marty said, looking at Doc.
"What?" Doc asked.
"He laid out Biff in one punch. I never knew he had it in him. He never stood up to Biff in his life."
"Never?" Doc asked.
"No, why, what's the matter?"
"Alright, let's set your destination time." Doc said, entering the Delorean and inputting the time code into the time circuits. "Marty, this is the exact time you left. I'm gonna send you both back at exactly the same time. Marty, it's like you never left. But you come back with Jared who's been missing for a while. Now, I painted a white line on the street way over there, that's where you two start from. I've calculated the distance and wind resistance, fresh to active from the moment the lightning strikes, at exactly 7 minutes and 22 seconds. When this alarm goes off, you two hit the gas."
"Right." Marty said.
"Got it." I said, wearing my hoodie and jeans.
"Well, I guess that's everything." Doc said, looking between Marty and I.
"Thanks." Marty said.
"Thanks Doc. We really appreciate it." I said, taking out a bottle of Coke.
"Thank you. Both of you. In about thirty years." Doc said, hugging Marty and I.
"We hope so." Marty said.
"Don't worry. As long as the two of you hit that wire with the connecting hook at precisely 88 miles per hour, the instant the lightning strikes the tower, everything will be fine." Doc said, letting go of Marty and I.
"That does make a lot of sense." I said, and Doc put his hands in his pockets.
Doc feels the letter and pulls it out.
Doc looks at the letter then holds it out to Marty and I, "What's the meaning of this?"
"You'll find out what is in the letter in thirty years." I said, happily.
"It's about the future, isn't it?" Doc asked.
"Wait a minute." Marty said.
"It's information about the future isn't it. I warned you about this, kids. The consequences could be disastrous."
"Now that's a risk you'll have to take, your life depends on it."
"No, I refuse to accept the responsibility." Doc said, ripping up the letter.
"In that case, we'll tell you straight out." Marty said.
"I'm okay with that." I said, sipping on a bottle of Coke.
But before Marty and I can tell Doc what's going to happen in the future, lightning strikes a tree and a limb falls down and unplugs the cable that runs from the clock tower to the cable in the middle of the street.
"Oh, great scott. One of you gets the cable, I'll throw the rope down to you." Doc said, looking between Marty and I.
"Right, I got it." Marty said.
Doc climbs up to the top of the Clock Tower so he and Marty can fix the cable, "C'mon, c'mon let's go."
"Alright, take it up, go. Doc." Marty said, tying the rope to the cable.
Doc lifts the cable up. Since Doc is at the top of the Clock Tower, he can't hear what Marty is saying.
"Huh?" Doc asked.
"I have to tell you about the future." Marty said.
"I have to tell you about the future."
Doc almost falls off the Clock Tower, "Ahh."
"On the night I go back in time, you get...Doc."
"Ohh, no." Doc said.
"No, Doc." Marty said.
"Look at the time, you and Jared have got less than 4 minutes. Please hurry."
(Open POV)
Down the Street...
Marty and Jared reach the white line, and the brown haired boy stops the car. Marty hops out and attaches the hook to the back of the car and then climbs back into the Delorean as Jared is in the other seat.
"Dammit, Doc, why did you have to tear up that letter? If only we had more time. Wait a minute, we got all the time we want. We got a time machine, we'll just go back and warn him. 10 minutes oughta do it. Time-circuits on, flux-capacitor fluxing, engine running, alright." Marty said, while the car dies. "No, no no no no, c'mon c'mon. C'mon c'mon, here we go, this time. Please, please, c'mon."
"Just smack your head onto the steering wheel." Jared said, as Marty smacks his head on the steering wheel and the car starts.
The alarm goes off and Marty floors it with Jared in the shotgun.
Main Street...
"Ahh." Doc said, and he manages to get the cables hooked up correctly as the Delorean comes rushing down the street.
Just as he gets the cables together, the lightning strikes and passes through the cable and Doc's thrown back.
In the Delorean...
"Doc." Marty and Jared said, at the same time.
Main Street...
Marty and Jared hit 88 MPH and disappeared into the future.
"Yeah!" Doc said, running down the street and looking up at the clock tower.
Main Street - 1985...
"Crazy drunk drivers." Red said.
"Wow." Marty said, exiting the Delorean with Jared before he spots a homeless man. Ah Red, you look great. Everything looks great."
"Marty, it's only 1:24. We still have time." Jared said, looking at the digital clock outside of the Bank of America.
"Oh my god. That's a relief." Marty said, entering the car with Jared, but it died again. "No, no not again, c'mon, c'mon." He looks out the window to see the Libyans in their car. "Hey. Jared, it's the Libyans."
Marty and Jared take off running.
Lone Pine Mall...
Marty and Jared reach the Mall just as Marty's other self sees Doc get shot.
"No, you bastards." Marty 1 said, jumping into the Delorean and taking off.
"Go." The Libyan said.
Marty and Jared watch as the Delorean hits 88 MPH and takes off into the past. They run over to Doc who is laying, unmoving, on the ground.
"Doc, Doc. Oh, no." Marty said, while the Doc sits up behind him and Jared for the two to see that the scientist is alive. "You're alive."
Doc pulls down a zipper on his jumpsuit to reveal a bulletproof vest.
"Wait. You're wearing a bulletproof vest. So things don't change with me being here. How did you know to wear one?" Jared asked, looking at Doc.
Doc pulls out the letter that has been taped back together.
"Wait. We never got a chance to tell you. What about all that talk about screwing up future events, the space time continuum?" Marty asked, at a loss for words.
"Well, I figured, what the hell. Especially after what you told me about what you did for Lake Silencio and the Reichenbach Fall, Jared." Doc said, smirking.
"Of course you'd take a page out of my page, Doc." Jared said, laughing a lot. "I only learned from the best. That being you, Sherlock Holmes, and the Doctor."
Marty's House...
Doc has dropped Marty and Jared off.
"About how far ahead are you going?" Marty asked, looking at Doc.
"About 30 years, it's a nice round number." Doc said, happily.
"30 years into the future. That's my time, Doc." Jared said, smiling.
"It is Jared's time, despite him wanting to stick around. Doc, look me up when you get there, guess I'll be about 47." Marty said.
"I will." Doc said.
"Take care."
"You too. "
"Alright, good-bye Einy." Marty said, petting Einstein. "Oh, watch that re-entry, it's a little bumpy."
"You bet."
"I'll see you soon, Doc." Jared said, happily.
Doc drives off and Marty heads inside his house with Jared.
It is now the Next Day and Marty wakes up in his bed.
Marty wakes up in his bed, "What a nightmare."
Marty gets up and walks into the living room and does a double take. Everything has completely changed. Everything is now upscale. Linda and David are both dressed for work. They're wearing suits. Jared is eating Lucky Charms for breakfast and he is drinking a cup of coffee.
"Oh, if Paul calls me, tell him I'm working at the boutique late tonight." Linda said.
"Linda, first of all, I'm not your answering service. Second of all, somebody named Greg or Craig called you just a little while ago." David said, annoyed.
"Now which one was it, Greg or Craig?"
"I don't know, I can't keep up with all of your boyfriends."
"What the hell is this?" Marty asked, looking between Linda, David, and Jared.
"We're having breakfast, Marty." Jared said, snacking on the Lucky Charms.
"What did you sleep in your clothes again last night?" David asked, looking at Marty.
"Yeah, yeah what are you wearing, Dave." Marty said, fixated on David's suit.
"Marty, I always wear a suit to the office. You alright?"
"Yeah." Marty said, sadly.
Lorraine and George walk in the back door. Lorraine is skinny and they both look great.
"I think we need a rematch." Lorraine said, annoyed.
"Oh, oh a rematch. Why? Were you cheating?" George asked.
"Good morning."
"Mom, Dad." Marty said, falling over.
"Marty, are you alright?" Lorraine asked.
"Did you hurt your head?" George asked.
Marty gets back up, "You guys look great. Mom, you look so thin."
"Why thank you, Marty." Lorraine said, while George walks around her and as he does he pats her on the bottom. "George. Good morning, sleepyhead. Good morning, Dave, Linda."
"Good morning, Mom." David said, happily.
"Good morning, Mom." Linda said, smiling.
"Mrs McFly, thank you for letting me crash here last night." Jared said, walking up to Lorraine.
"It is not a problem, Jared. You get along well with my kids." Lorraine said, passing me some eggs. "I made you some scrambled eggs. Do you want anything else for breakfast?"
"Oh, Marty, I almost forgot, Jennifer Parker called." Linda said.
"Oh, I sure like her, Marty, she is such a sweet girl. Isn't tonight the night of the big date?" Lorraine asked.
"What, what, ma?" Marty asked.
"Well, aren't you going up to the lake tonight? You've been planning it for two weeks with Jared choosing the date spot for you two."
"Well, mom, we talked about this, we're not gonna go to the lake, the car's wrecked." Marty said, frowning.
"Wrecked?" George asked.
"Wrecked? When did this happen?" David asked.
"Quiet down, I'm sure the car is fine."
"Why am I always the last one to know about these things?"
George goes over and opens the front door to reveal Biff waxing the undamaged car, "See, there's Biff out there waxing it right now. Now, Biff, I wanna make sure that we get two coats of wax this time, not just one."
"Just finishing up the second coat now." Biff said, looking up at George.
"Now Biff, don't con me like what Captain Jack Harkness tried to do with Jared and his friends." George said, looking at Biff.
"I'm, I'm sorry, Mr. McFly, I mean, I was just starting on the second coat."
"That Biff, what a character." George said, going back inside the house. "Always trying to get away with something. Been on top of Biff ever since high school. Although, if it wasn't for him..."
"We never would have fallen in love." Lorraine said, happily.
"That's right." George said, kissing Lorraine.
Suddenly, Biff runs in carrying a box.
"Mr. McFly, Mr. McFly, this just arrived. Oh hi, Marty and Jared. I think it's your new book." Biff said, holding the box.
"Ah, honey, your first novel." Lorraine said, opening up the box to show the book to George.
"Like I always told you, if you put your mind to it you could accomplish anything." George said, showing the book to Marty.
"Oh, oh Marty, here's your keys. You're all waxed up, ready for tonight. Let Jared help find you and Jennifer a nice spot by the lake." Biff said, handing the truck keys to Marty.
"Keys?" Marty asked.
Marty walks out to the garage with Jared standing behind him.
"Jared, you knew I would have this truck." Marty said, finding a brand new black four by four. "After I went back in time."
"Yeah. Your family didn't trust me in that other timeline." Jared said, as the truck is just like the one Marty was admiring a few days ago.
Jennifer walks up, "How about a ride with Jared, Mister?"
"Jennifer, oh are you a sight for sore eyes. Let me look at you." Marty said, walking up to Jennifer to touch her face.
"Marty, you're acting like you haven't seen me in a week." Jennifer said, looking at Marty.
"I haven't."
"You okay, is everything alright?"
"Aw yeah, everything is great."
"Not for long." Jared said, and there is a flash of light and Doc pulls into the driveway in the Delorean.
Doc hops out and runs over to Marty and Jared, "Marty, Jared, you gotta come back with me."
"Where?" Marty asked.
"Back to the future." Doc said, going over to the garbage can and starts digging through it.
"Wait a minute, what are you doing, Doc?" Marty asked.
Doc holds up some trash.
"I need fuel. Go ahead, Marty, quick, get in the car with Jennifer. Jared, hang onto the hood of the Delorean. You can do that easily with your ability." Doc said, beginning to dump the trash into Mr. Fusion.
"Electromagnetism. I'm not good at it yet." Jared said, sadly.
"Well, this is your chance to try it out. I know you can reach the level of the Railgun soon."
"No no no, Doc, we just got here, okay, Jennifer's here, we're gonna take the new truck for a spin. Jared is going to help me and Jennifer find a scenic view by the lake." Marty said, looking at Doc.
"Well, bring her along. This concerns her too." Doc said, frowning.
"Wait a minute, Doc. What are you talking about? What happens to us in the future? What? Do we become assholes or something?"
"No no no no no, Marty, you, Jennifer, and Jared turn out fine. It's your kids, Marty, something has got to be done about your kids."
Doc, Marty, and Jennifer all climb into the car with Jared holding onto the hood of the car with his electromagnetism. And Doc backs up into the street.
"Hey, Doc, we better back up, we don't have enough roads to get up to 88. And it isn't safe for Jared to be hanging onto the Delorean's hood for dear life." Marty said.
"Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads. And it is perfectly safe for Jared to be holding onto the Delorean like that." Doc said, pulling his sunglasses down and hits a button.
Suddenly the car is airborne. They take off into the future.