(Winston Smith 1974)

Winston reloaded his rifle and aimed for the officer who had Jax pinned.

He fired and missed.

Jax kicked the officer and reached for his gun.

"Jax, look out!" Winston yelled.

Jax kicked the officer away from him.

Winston grabbed his radio. "We've breached the building, send back up."

"Roger that, we're on our way sir."

Winston fired another bullet at the guards who rushed around the corner.

One by one the guards toppled to the ground.

"Winston, I need you down here." Jax yelled.

Winston rushed down to help Jax. "I got you."

Jax kicked his attacker and rolled aside.

"Who is that?" Winston asked.

"He was my commanding officer back when I was an agent for the Nazis, his name is Kertz." Jax said.

Winston aimed his rifle at Kertz, "It's over."

"Not on my watch." Kertz grabbed Aria's throwing knife and threw it at Jax.

It struck Jax in the chest. He fell to the floor, blood flowed from the wound.

"Hey man listen, you'll live, it's ok." Winston said. "it's ok, just breathe."

Jax nodded and coughed out blood all over Winston's uniform.

"Stay alive, for your daughter, and for your wife."

"Hey, it was nice to see my granddaughter's boyfriend." Jax laughed.

"Hey, just stay with me." Winston said.

"It was an honor serving you sir." Jax said.

Winston knew that Jax was going to die. "You were the best soldier I've ever had."

"Aw how touching." Kertz laughed. He pointed the gun towards Winston's head. "Say your last words."

Winston looked up to see soldiers sliding down the side of the building. "Let him go!" a soldier yelled.

"Hayden, tell Karyn that I love her!" Winston yelled. He kicked Kertz's gun aside.

"This is for my family!"

Kertz scrambled to grab the gun.

Winston grabbed Jax's rifle and shot Kertz's leg.

Kertz shot Winston's right arm.

Winston screamed as he charged towards Kertz.

Kertz dodged and crawled to Jax's dead body.

Winston fired at Kertz. The bullet hit Kertz in his left arm.

Kertz threw Aria's throwing knife at Winston. He was struck in the head.

Winston Smith fell to the floor.

His killer ran for his life as Allies soldiers shot at him. It was over, Jax and Wiston were dead.

"Hayden," Winston groaned. "If you make it out of here alive, take my rifle back to Karyn."

Hayden nodded and took the rifle, "If I find your killer, I'll be sure to kill him with this."

Winston died in Hayden's arms.