The Sharks vs The White Tigers

Kazunai lays on his bed lost in thought , staring at the sun rising through his room window "power amplification huh" he thinks running his hand through his jet black hair "well damn.....sounds dangerous" he whispers with a sly smile "what did mom get herself wrapped up into" he thinks ,there's a knock on kazunai's room door "it's Saturday you're not planning on spending it in bed are you ? and if you are can't you at least invite me to the party" says amy in a lustful tone ,the door knob turns and kaz uses a pillow to cover his groin , Amy steps through the door and stares at kazunai's pillow covered groin "morning wood aye" she chuckles "happy to see you too" he says in a annoyed tone "hehe ,am happy to see him" says Amy licking her lips and staring at the pillow in kazunai's lap he smiles and grabs her by the wrist and pulls her down on the bed "k-kazunai senpai" she says says her face tomato red "senpai huh...that's a new one" chuckles kazunai as he maneuvers himself on top of Amy ,he grasps her wrist ,leans in and inhales her scent "kazunai I was just playing around yah know" giggles Amy "playing is for babies" laughs kazunai "speaking of babies I hope you're not planning on making one anytime soon" says Seamus standing at the doorway "hey there Mr.yaizumei" says Amy "why are you cock blocking dad" sighs kazunai "cause babies aren't a joke ,and any girl you get pregnant am making you marry them" says Seamus with a jovial smile "I'd have no problem with that" giggles Amy "well thats settles it then kazunai you'll marry this girl" laughs Seamus "you don't have to authority to make that decision" shouts kaz "I have the authority to do whatever I want kiddo" says Seamus "yea whatever you say yah old fart" says kazunai "kazii that's no way to talk to your father now apologize" says Amy sitting upright and folding her arms "sorry yah damn old fart" says kaz folding his arms "kazunai!" Shouts Amy in an annoyed tone "am sorry father" sighs kaz ,Seamus giggles ands walks off "have a good day kiddos" he says heading down the hall "will do Mr.yazumei" giggles Amy "who thought huh....that our son would find a girl just as special as you were" thinks Seamus . Kazunai and Amy sit in a cafè inside of the yuhèmeï plaza "so what you wanna eat babe?" Kaz asks Amy "you" Amy says licking her lips lustfully "and then people say boys are perverts" kaz sighs "stop being such a stick in the mud ,you know you wanna ,or were you planning on backing out this morning" says Amy ,kazunai ignores what she said and waves for the waitress to come over "what shall you two have on this lovely day?" The waitress asks "I'll take BBQ steak with mash potatoes please" says kazunai with a smile "and for the young miss?" The waitress asks "I'll have the same" Amy says with a forced smile ,when the waitress amy folds her arms and says "wide smile yah gave her there bucko" "you're the one who told me to be nicer" chuckles kaz ,Amy sighs and rests her hands on the table kazunai reaches over and laces his fingers between hers "ouu what do I owe the pleasure of such affection" giggles amy "c'mon babe you act as if am a cold hearted bastard" says kaz ,before amy can answer there is a loud explosion in the parking lot of the plaza ,the young couple rushes out the cafè "kazunai isn't that your car" amy says pointing at a dark blue drop top Mercedes Benz "which son of bitch blew up my baby" kazunai shouts in anger rushing towards the burning vechile "well that got your attention" says a guy in a dark suit walking from behind the flaming car "are you the son of bitch that killed the love of my life" shouts kaz "I'm right here" says Amy walking towards "not you ,my baby girl Trish" says kaz pointing at his ruined ride "she said you weren't bringing enough heat" the guys says extending his sharp finger nails towards kaz ,kaz rushes up to him until their noses brush and kaz uppercuts the guy with his right hand and the guys falls flat on his back "I don't know who you think you are but you're barking up the wrong mother fucking tree" kazunai growls ,black flames engulfing his fists "kazunai calm down" shouts amy rushing to his side "I'm gonna rearrange this punks face" kazunai says "he's not worth it babe" amy says wrapping her hands around kazunai's torso "don't hurt me please ,am just following orders" the guys say holding up his hands in surrender "who's orders?" Kaz ask "it's grigorovich man ,he told me to do it" the guy says "get out of here before I lose my cool and chop your head off" kaz says walking away ,amy catches up to him and asks "who is this grigorovich person?" "He's the mob boss of the white tigers" kaz replies "and why would a mob boss be after you?" Amy says raising an eyebrow at kaz "well I sorta killed the nephew the other day" kaz whispers "your fucking killing people now!?" Amy shouts everyone stops and starts looking at the couple ,kaz grabs her by the wrist and sprints off into the crowd ,when they are finally out of sight kaz leads her into a dark ally and says "listen this isn't the first time I've killed somebody ,I've been killing from before I started puberty" "is that you always look so gloomy?" Amy softly ask kaz placing her hand on his cheek "no that's another thing" kaz sighs ,amy embraces him with a tight bear hug "just know that whatever it may be I'm always here for you" , he wraps his arms around her and says "I know love ,but I'd like it if you stayed out of this ,this a war between the sharks and the white tigers" "a war you say huh??" giggles Amy "I hope you know you're not fighting it by yourself" she adds "I hope you know you're not fighting it with me" he grins grasping her face with both hands