Making an Entrance

Vivienne rode in the car all the way to another large looking estate. The car had pulled up to see a valet service operating in the front. There were many cars parked away from the gravel drive way that went in a circle around a large fountain in the front of the mansion. The name 'The Council' sounded like there were a lot fewer members than cars that she was seeing right now. Wasn't this supposed to be some secret, exclusive group?

She stepped out of the car and began to walk inside. Everyone appeared to be older, much older than her. She felt out of place and quickly found her way to the open bar that had been set up. Liquid courage for the nerves, she thought to herself. "What can I get for you tonight?" The bartender asked. "I'll take the cabernet..." Vivienne then had a better idea. "Actually can I also get a tequila shot please?" The bartender nodded and began pouring away. Everything behind the bar was top shelf. She knew the rest of The Council had to be wealthy just based off of the location and everything else. I mean what kind of a secret little club has a valet service? Just how many members were there? She looked around while she waited for her drinks. Many men in suits all congregated together, huddled in corners, laughing and conversing. "Here you are, ma'am." The bartender set a glass of the red wine on the counter in front of her along with the chilled shot of tequila. Vivienne immediately grabbed the shot and was bringing it to her lips when she heard a young woman's voice. "Wait!"

Vivienne stopped immediately and turned to look behind her. A woman rushed over with long blonde hair that was in a high pony. She had piercing blue eyes and the most porcelain white skin. She looked like a doll or a super model in some way. "I'll take one too. The shot, that is." She smiled warmly at the bartender and then turned to Vivienne as the bartender handed her the shot. "Bad luck to do it alone, right?" The woman smiled and clinked her shot glass to Vivienne's. Vivienne smiled as they both knocked back the tequila and set their shot glasses down.

"Claire." She said as she held out her hand to Vivienne. "You must be Vivienne Westing." Vivienne shook her hand firmly and smiled as she took her glass of red wine. "Yeah, I am. How did you know?" Claire smiled and took a glass of vodka that the bartender had set out for her. Clearly he already knew what she had wanted. "Well for one you're younger than 65." Vivienne nearly spat out her wine and laughed. "Also, they've kind of been talking about this for a while. You're kind of a big deal now."

Vivienne looked at her new friend, surprised. "A big deal? Why?" Claire smiled and crossed her arms over each other as she held onto her glass. "Well I mean after your uncle, which I'm super sorry by the way." Claire's expression changed to that of compassion and Vivienne waved her off. "Thanks." She said gently. "I mean your uncle, big time guy, you know? Everyone's super excited to meet you but I mean." She looked around at everyone who was more worried about their own conversations than even noticing that Vivienne was there. "As you can tell they're really, really friendly." Vivienne laughed with Claire. She had so much she wanted to ask Claire after what she had said. Her uncle was 'big time'? In what ways? She had no idea what any of this even was and to meet someone that knew her uncle and was willing to talk was rare.