
Vivienne and Piers had sat for hours at the bar. They joked, they laughed, Vivienne shared stories that Piers appeared to find hilarious and intriguing. Thdere was something so pure and normal in their time together that had Vivienne forgetting just who she was in the company of. She felt comfortable, normal. By the end of the night her cheeks were a rosy red from the bourbon and from laughing. There was something so innocent and wonderful in their interaction that night that she couldn't explain it. Nor could she deny that it had her thinking about it every second since she had arrived back at her condo.

A few days later she had dressed up to go out on a blind date. One of her friends had convinced her that she needed to get herself back out into the world after all she had dealt with and she couldn't agree more. Life was short, which she more than anyone else, understood. She had put on a cream colored turtle neck sweater with a dark brown leather miniskirt and thigh high boots. The bar they decided to meet at wasn't too far from her condo so she had decided to walk.

Upon meeting up with her date, Nathan, the two stood at the bar, sipping their drinks. "So, Catherine said you're in marketing?" Vivienne asked, trying to strike up any conversation. Nathan had been typing away on his phone when he gave a forced smile. "Yeah, I am. Head of my firm." He continued to speak and Vivienne tried her best to pay attention. Since the time that she had arrived here, he had seemed solely focused on himself and she was already questioning why her friend had set them up in the first place. Nathan continued to droll on about himself when Vivienne took a sip of her drink and took a look around the bar.

There he was.

Vivienne's eyes settled on Piers sitting across the crowded bar at a table by himself. His eyes were fixated on her and when they locked eyes, he lifted his wine glass as a cheers to her.

Without a hesitation, "Oh! I... That's my friend, give me just a moment." Vivienne said with a large, bright smile on her face. Nathan looked at her, insulted, as she made her way through the crowd to the striking silver haired man towards the back. Vivienne gave him a small hug and smiled. "Piers... I... what are you doing here?" She asked with a smile on her face. When Vivienne had gone to hug him, Piers snaked his arm around her waist and fixated his eyes on Nathan from across the room.

Nathan locked eyes with Piers, confused as to who could've been more interesting. The two men met each other's stare. Piers watched him intently as he wrapped his arm around Vivienne's waist and whispered in her ear. "Good evening, love." When they locked eyes, Nathan appeared extremely uncomfortable and turned to leave the bar without notice.

"Oh just out for a drink." Piers smiled as he turned his full attention to Vivienne. "And you, my dear?" He asked sweetly. Vivienne smiled. "Oh, I.. Well I was set up on a blind date with.." Vivieenne turned to gesture towards Nathan but when she turned to where he had been, she couldn't find him. Her brows furrowed as she looked around and all she could see was his back as he exited the bar. She couldn't say she was disappointed, but she was surprised.

"Looks like you're here alone... I could use some company." Piers smirked at Vivienne as he leaned back in his chair, watching for her reaction. Vivienne scoffed and turned back to face him, shocked that her date had just up and left without saying a word. "I have a reservation next door... Perhaps you could join me?" Piers asked.

"Next door?" Vivienne asked in skepticism. "Apothecary? You mean the restaurant with however many michelin stars? Don't they have a six month wait list?" Vivienne asked incredulously. Piers only smirked at her as he took another sip, finishing his glass. "That would be the one." "How did you manage that?" Vivienne asked. "Well. I suppose it's easy to get a table when you own the place."