Syrene's Pov

Year 2182 3:54 am

l am here right now at my office, I hid my coat into the drawer of my desk, also tried to get rid the blood in my hair, wasn't that easy though it get dried into my hair. I've done getting rid of the sign of blood on me also I changed my clothes and now I'm taking a bath of my cologne just because the smell of blood sticked in my skin that is kinda really bad.

Trying to forget about earlier from what I have witnessed from that department store. Come to think of it, it felt like I was on a ZOMBIE MOVIE. The guy was the zombie and I was the meal perfect fit word for a someone who just been treaten to be eaten. Then somebody cut of my deep thoughts when the nurse entered my office.

"Doc!" the nurse entered, catching her breath.

"What did I tell you?" I said without any emotion draw in my face. Not even let her finished what she about to say.

So she acted like she already knew what to do . she immediately went outside and close the door and knocked.

"Come in" I response," what brings you here?" I asked.

"Someone needed your immediate participation on a certain surgery Doctor filardi in the OR." She quickly said.

"What? Why didn't you tell me?!" I said surprisingly

The nurse sigh when I did yelled at her not because she felt relieve when I was panicking to gear up, but because I was stupid enough caused I unnoticed what she about to do.

As soon as possible I went to the OR. Even when almost everyday I went in this room, I can still feel the tense and pressure of everyone.

"How's the patient?" I asked, somebody putting surgical gloves on my hands. The patient was a guy I felt pity just looking at him in a poor condition.

"Heart Rate decreasing, lot of loss of blood needed a transfusion of blood type A, but on the other hand his nerves are in function keeping him alive at this moment." Doctor Mercado said.

"Incredible how can someone manage that!" I amazingly said.

"Doc, if you wanna keep your reputation here you should probably stop messing around and start doing your job BEFORE YOUR PATIENT DIE." Doctor Mercado said interfering me. But she got the point, he'll die if I still scanning this rare case of already dying patient of mine if anyone was like this it could be dead on the spot or else dead on arrival.

"situation?" I asked

" Bullet on his upper left side of his body, 3 inches deep. A nurse replied looking at the machine where the bullet image showed up in the screen where we can internally saw the body organ that is effected by the bullet shot cut trough his body. It looks like it is located in his below part of his ribs near on the upper left kidney. Good to know his one of a kind.lh

I get the bullet outside in his body and stitched it up afterwards. It was not really what it called success. However his heart rate stabilize . I was too confident that his going to be fine. I went out in the room and take off my suit and directly went to the comfort room.

"You always did a good job Dr. Filardi." a woman Doctor entered and watch me doing my thing.

She is Doctor Ezabelle Mercado the only one who sees me as enemy . It is because she haven't expect me to be more superior than her in short term. Isn't it obvious I meant to be a great doctor.

"Thank you but it is my job to save person's life." I replied politely.

I went outside from the comfort room and did left Dr. Ezabelle. She's not my prior for today and I have a lot of question in my mind that need to be answered.

I went upper floor which Dr. Mercado our Chief Director of our hospital. I'm not talking about Ezabelle I am talking about her father. I should be the one who are insecure because she has more connection than I do. I open on Chief's office when I got see through inside his office I saw him rampaging on his things.

"Here you are Dr. Filardi, want something from me?" He asked as soon as he saw me entered his office.

"May I have a few words Doc? What do you know about all of this and you know what I ment." I prankly asked him.

He stared at me, then look into something again in his pile of books. He picked out an old book went at my direction giving the book to me.

"I thought no one would ask, after I sent a few of my staff to went outside without knowledge about what I was about to tell you." He spoke up at that moment he sat on his chair behind his desk, taking deep breath. Little I did was I sat on a chair in front of him and putted the book on the top of the desk.

"Page 442, it was written there the darkness of the world the universe rather but didn't explain how it happend. The theory was the alignment of the planet causes the darkness of our world." He said and putted a little smile on his lips.

"Page 321." He began again

I open the book on the pages that he mentioned of the numbers of the pages. The book was kinda like an old journal that sticked together with another pages, he did really put up something like this.

" It's not only the environment effected by this what I call darkness but also within ourselves I dont know how to explain it but we were suppose to be killer or the victim it depends on the two options." He said and looked at me with no traced expression in his face. As if it seems very serious.

Okay! This is too much for me to take in. I didn't get it, its hard to believe in it, I can't pictured myself living in that hell.

"Do you think this is some kind of sicked joke? You ordered me to went on that hell and I almost died! Is this kind of magical story to you? You are a Doctor you weren't suppose to believe in this nonsense." I said and raised my voice at him when I remembered what happened to me earlier that still make my whole body shakin.

" Doctor means to save life not to prevent themselves to believe in something. And I choose you to go there and see it for yourself what might happend, so I can easily explain it to you when the time comes." He explained himself.

It was still hard for me to believe of something like that it wasn't proven by fact or even has an evidence but I actually experienced it myself. I wanna know more about it in a language I know in the way that everybody could be easily convince.

I hit the table with my both hands and stand up I leave the room, when I finally got out in the office I shut the door behind me. I knew I should figure it out myself. If I don't I won't let myself die in mindless way, I have to know.