24. your husband green brother

1l: Add me! Today I am a thankful woman! ! !

2l: Yes! Today, let the indifferent and ruthless scum man a little green look at Brother Yu! Do you think I can't do a bad man without you? !

3l: Hahahahahahahaha xswl

4l: Do you think Brother Yu is afraid?

5l: Yu Ge: Bye bye, bye bye, the next one is better

6l: Hahaha, it's not right.

Brother Yu: Sister, are you thinking about fart?

7l.: hhhhhhhh hahahahahahahaha, why are you so talented


35l: Oh, thank God is really a face, school grass and learn God, my day, how can there be such a perfect man in this world as thanking God! unfair!

36l: Yes! unfair! So let me be his girlfriend. Make him fall in love with me once, so it's fair!

37l: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


59l: Really, when he said that when the future is like the sea and the day is long, I really feel that all the stars, moonlight, mountains, rivers and trees, all the good things in the world are in his eyes. The sound disappeared, the light dimmed, and the heart stopped for a second.

I climbed the wall, sorry brother Yu tut

60l: Sister 6 upstairs! This rainbow fart blows so well!


121l: The original poster, I will green him with you! ! ! !

122l: Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah I love to thank God.


251l: Tsk, Yu can change his name, and I will call your husband Lv from now on.

252l:? ? ? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha your husband green brother

Song Yu: "..."

He was outside the auditorium, waiting for Xie Sui, boringly flipped through the forums, and saw the hottest post on the top, then clicked in and found that he was forced to change his name.

Your husband Green...


You like Xie Sui, what is my business?

The green on top of my head?

Can you afford it, sister?

Fool around.

Song Yu, who was promoted as a national husband, didn't have the husband's consciousness at all. He pulled the corner of his lips and boarded the account. He was about to reply, but Song's father suddenly called. Squatting on the steps, Song Yu saw the caller and almost couldn't grasp the phone.

What good thing can be for Mr. Song, who manages everything every day, to call him!

Song Yudian's hands trembling with Jian Jian.

"Hey, Dad."

"School starts today?"

Across the phone, Mr. Song's voice was deep, deep and majestic.

Song Yu was scared when he heard about the school, and said softly while holding the phone.

"The school has started, the welcome ceremony is over, and the formal classes will begin tomorrow."

President Song was silent for a long time, sighed, and said sourly: "Forget it, anyway, you and your mother and your sister have colluded with me and kept me from the beginning, what can my father say."

Song Yu could only laugh: "...haha."

You took the script of the domineering president, don't fix the bitter old father, dad.

Song always thinks of his personal design very quickly, and snorted, "Don't think that I can't help you when the school starts! If you love studying so much, read me obediently in Jingcheng, don't cause trouble, don't worry your mother. ."

In fact, with the status of the Song family, Song Yu was the last one in his grade, and no one would put pressure on him. Mr. Song simply wanted to find something for him in Jingcheng.

The school is a relatively mild and simple environment. Song Yuan is at ease to study, and they will feel at ease in City A.

Song Yu glanced at the exercises he brought to the auditorium without any psychological burden. After pretending to be a schoolmaster, he really felt that he was also a schoolmaster. He calmly said, "Dad, you don't have to worry about it, I promise. There is no one in the school who loves to learn more than me."

Mr. Song sneered, "Three hundred and five?"

day. Song Yu stopped doing it: "Why do you guys catch the high school entrance examination results and tell the story, so you won't let the high school rise up? I don't know if the prodigal son will change his money!"

Song always didn't understand his temper, and sneered: "Do you know how much your sister scored in the college entrance examination this year? 735, a city and province second. The same parents, why the gap is so big."

Song Yu: "..."

Mr. Song sneered: "Nothing to say?"

Song Yu grinds his teeth, then adjusts his emotions, especially regretful: "Hey, sister with a perfect score of 750 is only 735 or second in province!"

Then she calmed down quickly: "Dad, please persuade her to repeat her studies. Life cannot be flawed. The 15 points she lost in the college entrance examination will be her lifelong regret, and she will always feel resentful when remembering. To fight for the first, the province is ashamed of the identity of the Song family-this is not a question of grades, it is a matter of face. I suggest repeating."

President Song: "..."

He has never seen anyone better than his son.

The unbearable President Song roared: "You enter Jingcheng No. 1 Middle School one hundred and then force your sister to save second!"

"If you don't have a full score, repeat? It's the son of my Song family. It's true. You give me a full score for any subject in your monthly exam. I won't care about your studies in the future."

President Song became more and more angry and continued to roar.

"If you still don't get half of the total score, you can get me back to City A!"


Song Yu: "..."

Mouth owed for a moment, crematorium afterwards.

Once again because of learning problems and Song Zong's unhappiness after leaving.

Song Yu was depressed, and had no idea of ​​arguing, and withdrew the forum.

Poke Xie Sui on qq.

[Song Yu: I'll wait for you on the doorstep, hurry up. ]

Xie Sui replied after a few seconds.

[it is good]

There were no stars in Jingcheng at night, and the wind was a bit cool in the middle of the night. The host in the auditorium began to express the concluding remarks excitedly. It was lively. Song Yu waited outside alone, waiting to be hungry.

Just then.

His sister sent him a message.

[Song Wanying::)]

[Song Wanying: I heard that you look down on me 735 and want to send me to repeat? ]

Song Yu: "...???"

His dad vented so quickly?

What a miraculous father-son relationship, sold him in a blink of an eye.

[Song Yu: No, who did you hear?]

[Song Yu: [輕头][轉头][question mark][question mark][迷满][迷失]]

[Song Wanying: Stop pretending, dad is calling, the whole family is listening]

[Song Wanying: You are finished, now we can't wait to look forward to your monthly exam results]

[Song Wanying: I made a bet with my mother. My brother will be the referee. I bet you will fall back. Don't let us down. ]

Song Yu: "..."


Did Xueba joking with you for so long?

Song Yu typed calmly.

[Song Yu: Don't look down on people]

[Song Yu: Sister and brother listened to my persuasion and made a fortune, and became rich]

[Song Wanying: Ha ha]

[Song Wanying: I'm afraid it's not bankruptcy. ]

[Song Wanying: Stop talking, I'm going to prepare to repeat it :)]

Song Yu couldn't hold back, he laughed, holding the phone, just smiling, the feeling that had been vague in his mind reappeared.

Song Yu was slightly stunned, as if... He came to this world and got along with the original owner's family, and he had never felt strange.

Everything is logical and natural.

This somewhat dazed thought was interrupted by Xie Sui's voice.

"Let's go."

Song Yu looked back and saw that the auditorium had already begun to dissolve. Xie Sui hurried out before the crowded crowd. The young man was tall and legged, carrying the moonlight, and was exquisite and cold like a painting. Fortunately, he left early, otherwise he would definitely be surrounded by people.

Go back on the road.

Song Yu said, "You gave a great speech today, and it doesn't look nervous at all."

Xie Sui was stunned and smiled: "Your method is easy to use."

Song Yu came out of Baidu temporarily. When he heard the praise, he was a little embarrassed: "No, I should praise you for being well prepared."

Xie Sui looked down and smiled without speaking.

If you haven't read a word, it's considered preparation.

Of course, he didn't think that a high school speech was worth his preparation.

The voice was calm and quiet.

"Just looking at you makes thinking very simple."

Song Yu was taken aback.

I didn't understand how to answer this.

On the way back to the teacher's apartment, there is a milk tea shop, which is still open. Seeing this shop, Song Yu, who was a little hungry, didn't bother to think about how to return. He turned his head and said, "Wait, I'll buy a cup of milk tea."

Xie Suiwei raised his eyebrows invisible.

Without saying anything, he followed.

"I want a cup of original milk tea, no pearls and no coconut..."

Xie Sui glanced at him and said to the clerk: "Normal temperature."

Song Yu swallowed the last two words "add ice" abruptly.

While Song Yu was waiting for the milk tea, his mobile phone rang and turned his head down. It was Ma Xiaoding's message bombing.

[Sadako does not forget the well digger: Yu brother, you and Xie Shen are leaving first? ]

[Sadako does not forget the well digger: You missed Wang Ci's expression! I feel he is going to be mad! When I passed him whistling, he kept calling home and yelled for a long time, but he didn't give any words to comfort him. Hahahahaha I am so cool! His little brother was also so angry that he didn't speak. His face was beaten and swollen by those silly critics. ]

[Sadako does not forget the man who digs the well: Oh, he also glared at me. Ah! Afraid of him! ]

[Zhengzi does not forget the man who digs the well: Brother Yu, I feel that this idiot will not give up. I heard him call, and he still thinks that you are a poor relative of the Meng family. This time the Education Bureau targeted him. Stupid and poisonous, but it doesn't matter, we people on the road of socialism are worthy of this! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha]

[Sadako does not forget the well digger: There is more! Brother Yu, have you seen the forum! Someone wants to green you! I'm so angry! They know a hammer! The words of thanks to God are clearly addressed to you! The brotherhood between you must not be separated because of these watery women]

[Sadako does not forget the well digger: I will continue to help you beat them]

Song Yu: "..."

He had a vague premonition. Turn over the phone page, go to the No. 1 forum, and re-click the hot post. When a group of people laughed and screamed to confess the green man, Zhenzi Zhenzhenzhen, such an id with Ma Xiaoding's personal characteristics, changed the style of the whole building.

1315 Sadako is really true: What green is green! Have you ever thought that Xie Sui and Brother Yu are good brothers? Instigate other people's feelings.

1316 Sadako is really real: I tell you! I am Brother Yu's younger brother! I was sitting next to Brother Yu just now! The last eight words of Xie Sui spoke to Brother Yu! understand?


1317l:? ! ! !

1318l: My day, I have a bold idea

1319l: I understand... I seem to understand...

1320l: Brother Sadako, you seem to have opened a new door for me