𝙇𝙞𝙖𝙢'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

I am not able to sleep because I'm so pissed off right now. I set up my fake marriage with Hannah in the hopes that Patterson would show up and negotiate with me. But he didn't.

Maybe he doesn't care about her anymore. I should have realized that. He gave her up when she was just a toddler. Why would he care about her now?

Maybe Patterson sent these mindless assassins to stop the wedding and save Hannah. What if he is the one sending these assassins all this time? But drugs are not his area of expertise.

He is just a weapon manufacturer. He has no benefit in obtaining my drug empire. My rival is someone else who is rooting for my empire.

After today's incident, I think that Patterson must be the one operating these assassins. He manufacturers weapons on a large scale and he must supply them for their missions.

Trying to capture these brainless assassins is completely useless. I get no information from them.

They are contacted by numerous sources and given targets. The only person who has a chance of knowing something is this bastard Patterson. I still have a fair chance of tracking him down.

As long as Hannah is in my cage, he will try to retrieve her from me. And that is when I capture that son of a bitch.

It seems like a long route to capture my rival. But this is the only shot I have.

I noticed that Hannah fell asleep on the divan. I got up from my bed and went to her. She was in deep sleep now, but her appearance wasn't peaceful.

I almost felt sorry for her condition but I think she is just overacting the situation. Such a drama queen.

I gently picked her up and carried her to my bed. I placed her on the bed and gently pushed away from the stray hairs which were covering her face. I slept next to her.

It was raining heavily outside. The noise of a heavy thunderstorm woke me up. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at Hannah sleeping next to me. She was still sleeping but looked serious.

Suddenly Hannah said something." Mom, dad please wake up. Please talk to me . I'm getting scared and I can't find my brother. Please don't leave me ".

She was talking in her sleep now. Maybe she is having a nightmare about her past trauma. I know only very few details about her past and my investigators are trying to find out more details about her brother Hector Miller.

I don't if he was too adopted by Millers. But something about him is very strange. The record shows that he was involved in street gangs when he was just a teenager. It can't be a coincidence.

I'm struggling to connect the dots here.

Hannah started screaming again. I hugged her gently and whispered in her ear, " It's okay, you are fine. You are safe with me ".

She seemed to respond to it and she stopped talking. Cece told me she is a happy and positive person despite her past trauma. Maybe all these stressful events made her break out.

I felt guilty once again. I am the reason for her trauma. I caused it to her. She was just a peaceful young girl and I ruined her for my advantage.

I made her my play card. I held her hand and kissed her gently. But I'll make sure that she doesn't get hurt.

𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖𝙝'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

I woke up and found myself in bed. I was confused. I do remember sleeping on the couch. Did Liam put me in bed?

It was hard to believe. He always seemed cold towards me, but does he cares for me deep down? Maybe he is not bad deep down. He just puts on this intimidating mask and scares everyone around him.

I got up from the bed and went to take shower. I was amazed to see such a beautiful showering area. There were scented candles and crystal clear mirrors.

It was like I had entered another Rainbow world.

I noticed someone was knocking on the door of the bathroom. I opened the door and found Cece standing before me.

Why does she always disturbs me whenever I try to find my peace? Even before I could close the door, she entered with force. " You have got to listen to me, Hannah ".

"Get out of here Cece", I screamed at her. But she pushed me inside the showering area and locked the bathroom door.

" Listen to me carefully. This is the only place there are no bugs or hidden cameras. You are in grave danger now. Liam's territory is in danger. He may fall apart anytime now and you need protection. "

" I think you have protected me enough Cece. If you cared about me this much you would have not even involved me with this shit. " I yelled at her.

" I'm an assassin, Hannah. I don't work for Liam. He is my target. And you are involved in this with me. I took your name and you are one of the assassins now, just like me. If you don't cooperate with me, your life is in danger and you won't have protection from me. Even Liam won't trust you and he will kill you for being a double agent. My boss will get you eliminated for not performing your mission. "

I felt a shiver going through my veins. There is a limit for everything and Cece has crossed all the limits in destroying my life's sanity.

" So you are saying I'm dead in one way or another and no one in the fucking world can help me. Thank you for killing me, Cece. "

" You are not dead Hannah. You are under a mission. If you follow my orders, you and I can escape from here to somewhere far away. We will get fifteen million dollars and our lives will be settled. So don't lose hope. I'll protect you, okay. "

I still can't believe her. She is spinning a web of lies here. I lost trust in the people around me. So why would I have to follow the orders of a person who sold me?

" Cece, I'm sold to a gangster now. You can't control me or give me orders anymore. So please fuck off. " I screamed at her furiously.

" For the record, Liam is not a gangster who kills and blackmails people. He is the Drug Lord of LA. He is the direct supplier of drugs to Hollywood. Have you heard of Pablo Escobar? If you stay with him, you will end up like his family. And I'll not let that happen to you."

I could feel my head spinning. He is a Drug Lord??? I have seen enough documentaries and web series about Drug Lords to know how they function. And this Cece just involved me in a dangerous situation like this???

" Fine, you just made my decision easy. I'm going to surrender to Liam. I don't stand a chance if I go against him. " I answered back.

" Hannah, you are going to regret this. Liam will kill you too and he won't trust you. If you turn me in to Liam, you are too dead along with me."

" Cece, I am not going to turn you in or something. As I said before, I don't care." God, she is just annoying me now.

" Hannah, you are stupid. You don't understand the seriousness. If you don't follow my orders you are dead. "

" I don't trust you, Cece. Now get out of here." I yelled at the top of my voice.

"In case you change your mind before surrendering to Liam, text me, Hannah. But you are going to suffer the consequences very soon" she said and went outside.

She left the bathroom and I finally had my space. Maybe I should just listen to Cece. She protected me and supported me financially since I was 13. She was like my sister.

But I realized what my own brother did. He was involved in some street gangs when he was a teenager.

Everyone thinks my parents died in a car accident. But it was my brother who murdered my parents and made it look like a car accident. He didn't even hesitate to kill my parents.

That's the reason why I moved to LA when I was just 16. I wanted to get away from my brother and these gangs.

But even in LA, I end up with the same kind of people. What are the chances that you get married to a drug lord randomly?

But one thing I've learned from my brother is, I can't trust these people. They can anytime betray you. No one is loyal to anyone here and no one keeps up their promise.

So I need to run away from here. But how am I going to do it? I'm trapped in a Drug Lord's farmhouse.

There is only one way left. I should confess to Liam. I should somehow convince him that I was made a bait by Cece.

But definitely, he won't believe me. If I'm lucky enough, he will let me go away from here. Or the worst case, he will just kill me.

But I have a gut feeling that he will never kill or hurt me.

I should take my chances and just surrender to Liam.