𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖𝙝'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

I started to feel exhausted without him. Liam told me that he will come back within midnight. But it's 1 am now. What the hell is he doing?

I stayed in the guest room along with Cece today as I didn't want to be alone. Because every time I am alone, I keep on thinking about that demon. I keep on picturing his shrill scream as the knife hit his eye.

" Are you okay?", she asked me. Of course, I was not okay. I haven't seen him since morning. I wonder what he is doing. I need to at least check if he is in this mansion or not.

" I feel tired. I'm going to sleep." I lied to her and left the guest room. I can't take it anymore. Not being around him is very hard for me. I got down the stairs and looked around if anyone was still awake at this time.

There were no servants around the kitchen or anywhere else. Probably they all left. Maybe Liam is not even here. He must have gone out somewhere. I started to feel hurt that he left without saying at least a goodbye.

I was about to go back to my room but I heard some noises from the basement. One of them was Liam speaking something which wasn't audible.

But it was his voice. That sweet and sexy voice. I was happy that he is still in the mansion. I got down on the stairs that lead to the basement. But I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw what was happening there.

Liam was interrogating a guy. He was hanging upside down in the air and his legs were tied with a chain to the ceiling. His face was bruised and he was bleeding from his mouth. I hid behind the wall next to the staircase. If I went there now, Liam would be furious with me as he wasn't comfortable with me watching his dark side.

Well, he already looked furious. I felt intimidated and aroused by him at the same time. Beside him, Ricky was looking at a phone. He looked as if he was trying to find something in it. And there was another guy who I haven't seen before. He must a circle member whom I don't know.

" Mr. Eaton, he must be just a hitman like everyone else before. He probably doesn't know anything." said the unknown guy looking at Liam.

Liam gazed down looking frustrated. Probably something must have happened. " He can be a hitman. But he killed two of our outer circle distributors. He must have known about us deeply. Someone must have told him. Probably it was the Russians." he said.

That explains why Liam is angry right now. Distributors are the ones who put their life in line to sell the products to the clients. They mostly don't know the Drug Lord's identity so that even if they get caught by cops, the empire will be running smooth.

Liam always respects the distributors and he pays them more than the circle members. Now that man who is hanging upside down has killed two of the distributors. He made a grave mistake by doing that. Now he is almost dead.

Liam stared mercilessly at the hanging man. " I'll give you one last chance. If you don't tell me the truth, I'm going to shoot you."

"I already told you everything. Erickson Eaton hired me and my partner to do this. He paid me in Russian Ruble and send me three targets. I succeed in killing two and my partner got killed. I failed the mission. This is all I know." he said.

I almost felt sorry for that guy. He is just an innocent got in this mess. Liam should let him go. But it's impossible now. He knows Liam's identity and he can't just let him go.

Liam took out his gun and held it close to his forehead. " Any last words?" he asked.

" Mr. Eaton, wait." Ricky interrupted. "He is telling the truth. Look at the phone. His bank details say that one hundred thousand Rubles was credited to his account by 'Erickson Eaton'. "

Liam looked even more furious. " Don't you understand that some fool is using my Uncle's identity? He is an imposter and we need to catch him. "

" There is an unread voice mail here from Erickson Eaton. I'll play it to you." Ricky said. He started playing the recording.

As soon as the audio started playing, Liam's face turned white as a sheet. He looked more worried than anger. The voicemail just said ' I'll pay the rest after you complete the mission. '

It was just one line. But it had a deep impact on Liam. Maybe it was his Uncle Erickson after all. That's why he looks petrified. I can understand him. It sucks when your family member wants to kill you. I had a brother who wanted to kill me.

" There must be some kind of explanation to this, Ricky. My uncle will never go against me. He is my second father." he yelled.

Even though he tried to look normal, his eyes gave away the sadness. I wanted to go out there and hug him. But he won't like to know that I have been hiding here the whole time and spying on him.

The unknown guy moved a step closer to Liam. " We got some information from our men in Moscow. "

"What is it?" Liam asked looking grim.

" They spotted two people near Gorky Park and the description which they have sent exactly match Erickson Eaton and Hector," he said.

I felt blank for almost a minute. My eyes couldn't see anything except the darkness. Hector is alive????? I sat down on the floor trying to breathe normally.

" Stop the bullshit. They are just dressing up like dead people and trying to fuck with our minds. Hector cannot be alive. He died right in front of us. And the same goes for my uncle."

I could hear Liam shouting at the top of his voice. But I still couldn't breathe. Even the thought of seeing him alive gives me a panic attack. I slowly got up and tried to get on the stairs. I can't stay here anymore.

As I was about to leave, I accidentally hit my elbow over something which looked like paint cans. I tried to catch it, but the can fell on the floor with a loud thud. My heartbeat started to race as the red paint flowed out all over the floor. In the semi-darkness, it looked like blood spilling out.

" Who is there?", Liam yelled from behind. I could hear his footsteps as he came. What have I done? He going to be mad at me that I am spying on him.

" What on earth are you doing here?"

" I just wanted to see you. So I came down here. But you were interrogating that man over there and I felt that if I showed up, you will be mad at me." I answered feeling stupid.

" So you thought it's better to hide?"

I nodded feeling embarrassed. " I just feel like I want to be around you all the time. " I blurted out.

"Sweetheart, I thought you didn't like stuff like this. That's why I told you to be with Cece. If you want to be around me, then you can. You don't have to hide like this, okay? " he said and kissed me gently on my forehead. " And I'm done for tonight. Come on, let's go upstairs. "

He got on the stairs and turned over to Ricky. " Finish him off," he ordered. Ricky took out his gun and aimed it at his forehead.

I got on the stairs and went upstairs even before Liam could catch up. I didn't want to see a man die today.

I started walking fastly in the hallway. Liam came beside me soon. " Was that necessary?" I asked him.

" Yea, he killed my distributors and knows my identity. It has to be done," he replied.

Even though he was logical, I pitied the man. "What if he has a family?"

" Even if he has a family, he should have thought about them before deciding to become a hitman."

I could not argue with him on that. At the end of the day, we write our destiny. Just like I choose to surrender to Liam instead of working for my brother.

I got inside my room after Liam and locked the door. I thought he would make a move on me, but he just sat on the couch looking anxious.

I went and sat next to him. " How does it feel when your own family wants to kill you?" he asked.

" Is it about your uncle? You said that it's an imposter."

" Yea, but I'm starting to doubt myself now."

I wrapped my arms around him and laid down on his shoulder. Suddenly his phone started buzzing.

I took out his phone from his pocket and showed it to him. His expression changed seriously. "It's from my investigator in Moscow. Put the phone on speaker," he said.

I did as he instructed. " Mr. Eaton, I got some bad news for you. You can check your mail. I have sent you the pictures I took in a club. "

Liam grabbed the phone from my hand and went straight to the mail. He downloaded the images quickly. My pulse started to rise as he zoomed the picture.

There were two men in that photo. One was a little old man wearing sunglasses and drinking scotch. It must be his uncle. Next to him was a young man wearing an eye patch. It was Hector.

" How did he survive?" I cried out.

Liam threw away the phone on the floor in anger.

I realized that we both were in the same situation. Our own family members are plotting against us and trying to kill us.

I always thought people like Hector are rare. Looks like it's pretty common to have bad blood with your own family.