𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖𝙝'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

He looked at me as if he was seeing a ghost. What is wrong with him?

" Tell me, how the fuck did you get here?" he yelled.

" I just followed you," I answered. He still looked as white as sheet. Seriously, I think he needs a break from everything.

" What do you mean by that? How could you have possibly followed me?"

I smiled victoriously. " You reached here in your private plane, right? I dressed up as one of the flight attendants and entered the private plane. No one recognized me including you. "

He stared at me in disbelief. " You have got to be kidding me, Hannah. What if they had seen you?"

" Who would see me?" I asked. I had no idea why he is acting strangely. He sighed and sat on the divan.

" Why are you going crazy about this? I overheard that you are going to the farmhouse where we got married and I couldn't stop myself. I just got on the plane wearing a flight attendant uniform. "

His face now turned red. He looked at me furiously. " Despite I promised you that I'll take you to Belize after two days, you couldn't wait for me just for two days? You had to sneak up like this? Are you completely insane?"

" Why are you yelling at me?" I cried out. " You still don't understand, do you?. I can't be apart from you for two days. I always want to be around you. That's why I did this. I know that you would be mad at me, but I don't care."

He was speechless for a while. " Why do you love me this much? I don't deserve you. I am a player who is using you as a playing card. " he said.

" You are so silly. I knew that you were a player. You don't date girls. You hire escorts. But I don't care about your past. Now you married me, and I know that you want to change...."

" We are not married, Hannah. The whole thing was a setup," he said looking down.

" What?" I asked him feeling dazed.

" Yes, Hannah. The whole thing was a set up to lure my rivals. I made you believe that I needed a wife desperately. That's why I proposed to you on that beach. I purposely made you fall for me so that I could imprison you. And you just fell right in my trap and I feel guilty now."

I was more confused than ever in my life. " Why would you want to imprison me? What do you get by that? I'm just a normal girl."

" You are adopted, Hannah. Your biological father is Reynolds Patterson and he is a mobster in Alaska. I imprisoned you to bring your father down on his knees."

I started laughing out loud. Why is he making up crazy stories like this? " I'm pretty sure that you have got the wrong person. I'm not the daughter of any mobster. "

" Hannah, it's true," he said as he got up from the divan. He stepped closer to me. " Hector knew about it when he was very young. That's why he was working for gangs and he even killed your adopted parents."

The last line he said made me think. When I was 16, Hector told me that we were adopted. He justified his reason for killing them. I didn't believe him at that time. I thought he was going crazy and that's when I ran away from him and moved in with Cece.

My hands started to shiver as I realized the truth. I could still remember the way, Mr. Rey looked at me. He would offer me presents every birthday till I was 16 years old. I always wondered why Hector's boss was kind to me. Maybe I am his daughter.

I felt like someone was strangling my throat. I couldn't breathe now. I crouched down on the floor struggling to breathe. " Hannah, are you alright," he asked.

" Tell me it's not true. Tell me it's all a dream. " I blurted out.

" It's going to be okay, Hannah. I'll be there for you," he said and held my hand. " I'm sorry for manipulating you like this. I thought you were just a normal girl who is attracted to me. You were like easy prey to me. But when you stepped in front of the bullet for me, everything changed. I never meant to hurt you. "

" I don't know what is real anymore. " I replied and I felt like the whole world around me was spinning. Then everything went black.


When I woke up, there was a sharp pain in my head. I felt like I woke up from a nightmare. Then I realized that everything happened for real. I have been living a life of lies for these many years. If Rey is my father, why did he abandon me? Where was he when Hector was abusing me? What kind of father leaves a 10-year-old girl to a monster?

But that didn't even hurt me as much as what Liam did. He used my love for him as a trap to imprison me. I felt extremely stupid for even believing him. He is a Drug Lord. How can I expect a monster to have morality?

Hector might have ruined my life, but Liam is the devil who stole my soul. I can't take it anymore. I got up from my bed and started searching in the closet. He always keeps a spare gun here. But I couldn't find it. I shut the closet door in frustration. Where is his gun? Just then I felt a piercing pain as I stubbed my toe on the nightstand table.

I slammed my fist on the table in anger. My anger vanished as I saw his gun lying on the table. It felt heavy in my hand and I'm pretty sure that it's loaded.

I slowly walked outside the room. I heard some muffled noises from the front porch. He must be there. I was slightly disappointed to see that Danny was with him. They both were discussing something.

But I don't care. I'll get what I want. I went outside and pointed the gun directly at his chest. He didn't even flinch. He looked down at me without any expression.

"You son of a bitch, what do you think of yourself? Are you the almighty?" I snarled at him.

" Put the gun down, sweetie," he said.

" I am not one of your fucking escorts to take orders from you."

Suddenly, a pair of arms caught me and snatched away the gun from my hands. It was Danny. " Let me go, you asshole," I shrieked. Sometimes I wish that I was strong enough to tackle sturdy men.

" Lock her up in my bedroom. This wild kitten needs to be tamed," said Liam.

" I'm not a kitten, you bastard," I yelled as Danny dragged me to the bedroom. I felt extremely frustrated. I lost the one-shot I had.

He pushed me inside the room and made me sit on the chair. " Even rivals are scared to face Mr.Eaton directly so they send assassins to kill him. You must be a fool to even think that you could take him down by yourself," he said as he tied my hands together with a rope.

He left stormed out of the room slamming the door shut. There was no way to escape now. I am tied to this freaking chair. I wasn't even able to move. Fuck my life!

Time seemed to move very slowly. I didn't feel like crying now. I can't even move my hands to wipe my tears. After an hour or so, the door opened. Ricky entered the room and looked at me with pity in his eyes.

He was carrying a water bottle in his hand. " I don't need anything," I said vaguely.

" Hannah, I don't know why you are rebelling against Mr.Eaton. He likes you," he said.

" Do you call manipulating and imprisoning someone as love? " I asked.

He looked down and didn't even answer back. He placed the bottle next to my chair. " In case you need anything, call me out. I'm in the next room," he said and left.


It was more than two hours now. I'm still tied up in a chair. I was thirsty and my muscles were aching from being in the same position.

I know why Liam is doing this. He is trying to prove me a point like ' who is the boss here?'. The door opened again and my heart stopped as I saw Liam enter.

He came close to me. He took out a box cutter from his pocket. For a moment I thought he was going to hurt me with it.

But he was just cutting the ropes and releasing me. My arms were burning with pain. I immediately took the water bottle and gulped the water. The water tasted funny but I didn't care.

Then Liam placed something on my lap. I almost dropped the bottle in horror. It was the same fucking gun.

" Take it, sweetheart. Take it and finish me off. You have the opportunity which so many people outside are dying to get." he said.

I stared at him perplexed. I lifted the gun hoping it would be unloaded. But it was heavy!

I stood up from the chair and pointed the gun to his forehead. He was as usual expressionless. My hands started to tremble.

" What are you waiting for? Go ahead, sweetheart."

Shivers went down my core as the realization hit me like thunder. I dropped the gun down on the floor and started crying hysterically. He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me. My tears were dripping on his shirt as I rested my head on his chest.

" You are just a wild kitten," he whispered in my ear and gently pecked my forehead. That was the last thing I remember before I dozed off in his arms.